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The evaluation of area-specific risks for large fires is of great policy relevance to fire management and prevention. When analyzing data for the burned areas of large fires in Canada, we found that there are dramatic patterns that cannot be adequately modelled by traditional hierarchical modelling assuming spatial autocorrelation. In this paper, we use the robust locally weighted scatterplot smoothing (LOESS) technique to remove spatial and temporal trends; and we account for periodical cycles by employing the relevant periodic functions as covariates in a hierarchical Gamma mixed effects model. Based on the results of this generalized multilevel analysis of large fire size, we provide an area-specific relative risks ranking system for Canada and confirm that lightning tends to cause more severe damage in terms of fire size than human factor. A diagnostic check on the modelling shows that large fires data are reasonably modelled using this combination of semiparametric and mixed effects modelling approaches.  相似文献   

This paper tests an equilibrium condition from a model that incorporates: (1) altruism of parents toward their young children, and (2) household production of latent health risks. The model demonstrates that an altruistic parent's marginal rate of substitution between an environmental health risk to herself and to her child is equal to the ratio of marginal risk reduction costs. Econometric estimates support this prediction based on data from a stated preference survey involving 488 parents of children aged 3–12 years. This outcome implies that parents reallocate family resources to at least partly offset the effectiveness of public programs that aim to reduce their children's environmental risks.  相似文献   

典型野生食用菌重金属含量及其人体健康风险评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤重金属污染是影响生态环境、食品安全和人体健康的重要因素.云南省土壤重金属背景值较高,且矿产资源丰富、采矿活动频繁,导致土壤重金属含量较高.野生食用菌是高效重金属储积器,云南是中国野生食用菌最大产区.因此,本文以云南省8种典型野生食用菌为研究对象,探究其重金属含量(汞、镉、铅、锌、铜、砷)与分配特征,采用单因子污染指...  相似文献   

Understanding the extent to which people are being exposed to environmental contaminants helps to identify those populations which may be disproportionately exposed to the contaminants of potential public health concern. This study represents the first report of a comparison of heavy metal arsenic (As), mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), cobalt (Co), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), platinum (Pt), zinc (Zn), and manganese (Mn) concentrations in the blood of residents of mining and non-mining communities in Ghana. Blood sampling, health records, and interviews were used in this study to establish the links between the levels of contaminants and health effects in humans within a mining and non-mining community in Ghana. Results of this study show that mean concentration of As in blood in Tarkwa Nsuaem Municipality/Prestea-Huni Valley District (TNMA/PHVD) (mining communities) and Cape Coast Metropolis (CCMA) (non-mining community) was 18- and 2-fold higher, respectively, than the WHO guideline value of 0.002?mg?L?1. The mean concentrations of As, Cd, Pb, Hg, and Mn were elevated up to 20-fold higher in the blood of resident adults and children in TNMA/PHVD than in CCMA. The risk of acute respiratory infections in the exposed populations of TNMA and PHVD were approximately 41- and 12-fold greater than the unexposed group. The risk of diabetes mellitus in the exposed populations of TNMA and PHVD were also approximately 20- and 4-fold higher than the unexposed group. In TNMA and PHVD, 40 blood donors were suffering from hyperkeratosis or pigmentation unlike their CCMA counterparts. Data suggest a potential association between mining activities and the levels of these heavy metals. However, the proportion of anthropogenic contribution to the levels of these metals in the blood remains uncertain. This uncertainty seems to be the umbrella under which both government and mining companies continue to hide, leading to inaction.  相似文献   

Atrazine is one of the most widely applied and persistent herbicides in the world. In view of limited information on the regional contamination of atrazine in soils in China, this study investigated the spatial distribution and environmental impacts of atrazine in agricultural soils collected from the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) as an illustrative analysis of rapidly developing regions in the country. The results showed that the concentrations of atrazine in the YRD agricultural soils ranged from <1.0 to 113 ng/g dry weight, with a mean of 5.7 ng/g, and a detection rate of 57.7 % in soils. Pesticide factory might be a major source for the elevated levels of atrazine in Zhejiang Province. The contamination of atrazine was closely associated with land use types. The concentrations and detection rates of atrazine were higher in corn fields and mulberry fields than in rice paddy fields. There was no significant difference in compositions of soil microbial phospholipids fatty acids among the areas with different atrazine levels. Positive relationship (R = 0.417, p < 0.05, n = 30) was observed between atrazine and total microbial biomass. However, other factors, such as soil type and land management practice, might have stronger influences on soil microbial communities. Human health risks via exposure to atrazine in soils were estimated according to the methods recommended by the US EPA. Atrazine by itself in all the soil samples imposed very low carcinogenic risks (<10?6) and minimal non-cancer risks (hazard index <1) to adults and children.  相似文献   

Lead, zinc and cadmium were analysed in a range of subsistence crops cultivated in and around Nairobi city centre. Lead was found to be the only contaminant of concern, being widely dispersed with elevated levels found in crops and soils from both suburban and city centre areas. Extremely high concentrations were recorded in the edible portions of a variety of crops, and high soil Pb levels were recorded within 30m of busy roads. Based on these data, it is estimated that subsistence on a diet of crops cultivated in and around Nairobi could increase Pb intake by 10–100 times the FAO/WHO maximum tolerable levels, potentially contributing substantially to existing health problems.  相似文献   

研究了辽河流域高氟地区土壤、作物、饮用水中氟含量,并应用目前美国环保局推荐的健康风险评价模型对辽河流域高氟地区饮用水中氟所引起的健康风险进行初步评价。研究表明:研究区饮用水中氟质量浓度为0.70—4.51mg·L^-1;白菜根土中氟质量分数为182—484mg·kg^-1,萝卜根土质量分数为182~352mg·kg^-1,玉米根土中氟质量分数为209~1254mg·kg^-1;白菜可食部分氟质量分数为0.51~2.96mg·kg^-1,萝卜可食部分氟质量分数为0.34~0.50mg·kg^-1,玉米果实部分氟质量分数为0.88~1.04mg·kg^-1。通过饮用水、食物途径所致健康风险中,食人途径、饮用水途径非致癌物年健康风险分别为1.920×10^-9·a^-1,1.960×10^-8·a^-1,均低于国际辐射防护委员会(ICRP)推荐的通过饮水途径最大可接受风险水平(5×10^-5·a^-1)。  相似文献   

Kinmen is located in the southwest of Mainland China. Groundwater supplies 50% of the domestic water use on the island. Residents of Kinmen drink groundwater over the long term because surface water resources are limited. Nitrate–N pollution is found and distributed primarily in the western part of groundwater aquifer whereas saline groundwater is distributed to the northeastern Kinmen. This work applied the DRASTIC model to construct the vulnerability map of Kinmen groundwater. MT3D was then used to evaluate the contamination potential of nitrate–N. The health risk associated with the ingestion of nitrate–N contaminated groundwater is also assessed. The results from DRASTIC model showed that the upland crop and grass land have high contamination potential, whereas the forest, reservoir and housing land have low contamination potential. The calibrated MT3D model inversely determined the high strength sources (0.09–2.74 kg/m2/year) of nitrate contaminant located in the west to the north west area and required 2–5 years travel time to reach the monitoring wells. Simulated results of MT3D also showed that both the continuous and instantaneous contaminant sources of nitrate–N release may cause serious to moderate nitrate contamination in the western Kinmen and jeopardize the domestic use of groundwater. The chronic health hazard quotient (HQ) associated with the potential non-carcinogenic risk of drinking nitrate–N contaminated groundwater showed that the assessed 95th percentile of HQ is 2.74, indicating that exposure to waterborne nitrate poses a potential non-cancer risk to the residents of the island. Corrective measures, including protecting groundwater recharge zones and reducing the number of agricultural and non-agricultural nitrogen sources that enters the aquifer, should be implemented especially in the western part of Kinmen to assure a sustainable use of groundwater resources.  相似文献   

Based on the available toxicity data and the concentrations of DDTs and HCHs in surface water from the upper reaches of the Huaihe River, overlapping areas of probability density and margin of safety (MOS10) were used to estimate the risk levels of DDTs and HCHs to aquatic organisms. The overlapping areas of α-HCH, γ-HCH, p,p′-DDE, p,p′-DDD, and p,p′-DDT were found to be 9.3 × 10?5, 4.6 × 10?3, 4.3 × 10?2, 2.2 × 10?2, and 4.2 × 10?2, respectively. The risks from DDTs were higher than those from HCHs, the risk from α-HCH being the smallest. The MOS10 values of α-HCH, γ-HCH, p,p′-DDE, p,p′-DDD, and p,p′-DDT were 2.6 × 103, 97, 5.9, 15, and 8.6, respectively, i.e. greater than 1.0, indicating limited overlaps between the distributions of exposure concentrations and of toxicity data, and thus minimal ecological risk. Health risk calculations based on incremental lifetime risks for HCHs and DDTs were conducted to evaluate human cancer risk and non-carcinogenic hazard. The total cancer risks from organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in the studied area were in the range of 10?8–10?7, lower than the baseline value of acceptable risk (10?6). Non-carcinogenic hazard indices of OCPs ranging from 10?6 to 10?5 were much lower than the threshold values (1.0). These results suggest that the water from the upper reaches of the Huaihe River does not pose any health risk for local residents using river water as a source for drinking water.  相似文献   

为了解重庆汞矿区耕地土壤-农作物重金属污染状况,在研究区采集水稻45件、玉米32件、红薯18件及其种植土壤样品90件,分析测定As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Hg、 Ni、Pb、Zn等8种重金属含量,采用地累积指数法、潜在生态危害指数法和健康风险评估模型,对该区土壤重金属污染程度、生态风险和食用农作物的健康风险进行评估.结果 ...  相似文献   

There is a lack of information concerning human health risks due to exposure to mercury contained in shark fins, through dietary intake. Health risk assessment of shark fins, collected from 5 cities in China: Hong Kong (HK), Beijing, Shanghai (SH), Haikou (HN) and Wenzhou (WZ), was conducted, based on total mercury and methylmercury, and analyzed by a cold vapor atomic fluorescence spectrometry equipped with high-performance liquid chromatography, respectively. The results showed that 16.8 % samples from HK, 8.3 % from SH, 33.3 % from HN, and 16.8 % from WZ were regarded as unsafe for human consumption. Extremely high consumption rates of shark fins for an adult and a child (0.150 and 0.0807 kg/day, respectively), at 95th centile, samples from WZ demonstrated high non-cancer risks (adverse health effects) (Hazard Quotient = 16.0) on adults (aged 25–65), and samples from SH, HN and WZ also showed high non-cancer risks (Hazard Quotient = 12.9, 21.0, and 34.4, respectively) on children (aged 1–7). Consumption of shark fins may be detrimental to human health.  相似文献   

Massive cyanobacterial water blooms and production of toxins (cyanotoxins) have become a worldwide problem. In this report, we present results of cyanotoxins analyses (peptide microcystins, alkaloid cylindrospermopsin) in the Czech Republic reservoirs using HPLC-PDA and ELISA. Our study suggests the occurrence of cylindrospermopsin in the Czech Republic for the first time (particularly, in water blooms containing Aphanizomenon klebahnii). We also discuss human health risks associated with microcystins in relation to the drinking water guideline value of 1.0 μg/l as recommended by the World Health Organization.  相似文献   

• Bioaerosols are produced in the process of wastewater biological treatment. • The concentration of bioaerosol indoor is higher than outdoor. • Bioaerosols contain large amounts of potentially pathogenic biomass and chemicals. • Inhalation is the main route of exposure of bioaerosol. • Both the workers and the surrounding residents will be affected by the bioaerosol. Bioaerosols are defined as airborne particles (0.05–100 mm in size) of biological origin. They are considered potentially harmful to human health as they can contain pathogens such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses. This review summarizes the most recent research on the health risks of bioaerosols emitted from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in order to improve the control of such bioaerosols. The concentration and size distribution of WWTP bioaerosols; their major emission sources, composition, and health risks; and considerations for future research are discussed. The major themes and findings in the literature are as follows: the major emission sources of WWTP bioaerosols include screen rooms, sludge-dewatering rooms, and aeration tanks; the bioaerosol concentrations in screen and sludge-dewatering rooms are higher than those outdoors. WWTP bioaerosols contain a variety of potentially pathogenic bacteria, fungi, antibiotic resistance genes, viruses, endotoxins, and toxic metal(loid)s. These potentially pathogenic substances spread with the bioaerosols, thereby posing health risks to workers and residents in and around the WWTP. Inhalation has been identified as the main exposure route, and children are at a higher risk of this than adults. Future studies should identify emerging contaminants, establish health risk assessments, and develop prevention and control systems.  相似文献   

Environmental Geochemistry and Health - The concentrations of particulates and metallic elements that were bound to total suspended particulates in ambient air at Long Cyuan Elementary School...  相似文献   


Intense mining, smelting, and tailing activities of polymetallic ore deposits have affected the environment in Nandan County, Guangxi, China. Samples of particulates with aerodynamic diameters low or equal 10 μm (PM10) were collected in Nandan County to investigate the concentrations of and health risks posed by 17 metals and metalloids in the PM10. The metal and metalloid concentrations were lower than those found in other industrial cities. The mean Cr concentration was 7.48 ng/m3. Significant higher metal and metalloid concentrations were found in PM10 from mining areas (Dachang and Chehe) than from the control area (Liuzhai) (p < 0.05). Principal component analysis indicated that the main sources of Ba, Co, Cr, Fe, K, Mg, Mo, Na, and Sr were resuspension of the soil produced through mineral erosion, the main sources of As, Cd, Cu, Pb, Sb, and Zn were smelting and mining activities, and the main source of Ni was fossil fuel combustion. Higher non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic risks were posed in Dachang and Chehe than in Liuzhai. The non-carcinogenic risks posed to adults and children by individual metals and metalloids in PM10 at all the sites were low, but the non-carcinogenic risks posed to children by all the metals and metalloids together exceeded the safe level (i.e., risk value > 1). The carcinogenic risks posed by Cd, Ni, and Pb were negligible at all sites, while As, Co, and Cr posed potential carcinogenic risks to the residents.


Jharia (India) a coal mining town has been affected by the consequences of mining and associated activities. Samples of outdoor fallen dust were collected at different locations of Jharia covering four different zones: commercial, petrol pump, high traffic, and residential areas. The dust samples were analysed for different trace elements (As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Se, and Zn). The highest concentration of the elements in the dust samples are Mn (658 mg/kg), Zn (163.6 mg/kg), Cr (75.4 mg/kg), Pb (67.8 mg/kg), Ni (66 mg/kg), Cu (56.8 mg/kg), Co (16.9 mg/kg), As (4.1 mg/kg), and Cd (0.78 mg/kg). The concentration of selenium was below detection limit. Except Cd, contents of all the other elements in the dust samples were significantly lower in the residential area. High amount of Ni (145 mg/kg) and Pb (102 mg/kg) was observed in the high traffic and petrol pump areas, respectively. The exposure risk assessment strategies are helpful in predicting the potential health risk of the trace elements in the street dust. Selected receptors for risk assessment were infants, toddlers, children, teens, and adults. The calculated hazard quotient (HQ) for lifetime exposure was <1.0 for all the elements studied, indicating no risks from these elements for adults Among the receptors, toddlers were found to be more vulnerable, with HQ for Co, Cr, and Pb > 0.1. The finding predicts potential health risk to toddlers and children.  相似文献   

Xu  Zhixiang  Jia  Yue  Huang  Bin  Zhao  Dimeng  Long  Xin  Hu  Siyuan  Li  Caiqing  Dao  Guohua  Chen  Bo  Pan  Xuejun 《Environmental Chemistry Letters》2023,21(4):2285-2309
Environmental Chemistry Letters - With the extensive production and use of antibiotics for medicinal and veterinary purposes, antibiotics and genes that code for antibiotic resistance are now...  相似文献   

In order to investigate the ecological and human health risks of metal(loid)s (Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, Cd, Mn, Cr, and As) in peri-urban soils, 43 surface soil samples were collected from the peri-urban area around Nanjing, a megacity in China. The average contents were 1.19, 67.8, 37.6, 105, 167, 44.6, 722, and 50.8 mg kg?1 for Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb, Zn, Cu, Mn, and As, respectively. A significant positive correlation was found between Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, Mn, and As (p < 0.01), and Cr had a significant positive correlation with Ni (p < 0.01). Geoaccumulation indices indicate the presence of Cd and As contamination in all of the peri-urban soil samples. Potential ecological risk indices show that the metal(loid)s in the soil could result in higher ecological risks. Cd is the main contributor to the risk, followed by As. The levels of Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, Mn, and As in stomach and intestinal phases show a positive linear correlation with their total contents. Mn, Zn, Ni, Cd, and Pb in stomach phase showed higher bioaccessibility, while in intestinal phase, Cu, Cr, and As had the higher bioaccessibility. The carcinogenic risk in children and adults posed by As, Pb, and Cr via ingestion was deemed acceptable. The non-carcinogenic risks posed by these metal(loid)s via ingestion to children are higher than to adults and mainly result from As.  相似文献   

This study elicits individual risk preferences in the context of an infectious disease using choice experiments. A main objective is to examine scope sensitivity using a novel approach. Our results suggest that the value of a mortality risk reduction (VSL) is highly sensitive to the survey design. Our results cast doubt on the standard scope sensitivity tests in choice experiments, but also on the validity and reliability of VSL estimates based on stated-preference studies in general. This is important due to the large empirical literature on non-market evaluation and the elicited values’ central role in policy making.  相似文献   

王巍 《环境生态学》2022,4(4):28-32
为了解兰州市不同地区、不同季节居民室内外空气可吸入颗粒物(PM10)中重金属的污染水平及其对人体的健康风险,本研究分别于采暖季和非采暖季在兰州市城关区和榆中县设置多个采样点,采集室内外大气PM10样品,利用ICP/MS分析其中Cd、As、Ni、Pb、Zn、Cu和V的含量,采用健康风险评价模型计算了居民对几种重金属经呼吸...  相似文献   

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