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Gibberellic acid (GA3) is widely used in agriculture and maybe transfer with groundwater flow, which is an endocrine disruptor, but few studies have focused on the transformation pathway and toxicity assessment of GA3 and its products. Here, GA3 and its transformation products in aqueous solution were identified and quantified by liquid chromatography mass spectrometry hybrid ion trap time-of-flight (LCMS?IT?TOF) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), respectively. The results showed that the half-life of GA3 transformation in ultrapure water was 16.1–24.6 days at pH=2.0–8.0, with the lowest half-life occurring at pH=8.0 and highest half-life occurring at pH=3.3. Isomerized gibberellic acid (Iso-GA3) and gibberellenic acid (GEA) were the main transformation products with a little hydroxy gibberellic acid (OH-GA3). In North China groundwater, the mass balance of GA3 and its products was 76.2%, including Iso-GA3 (58%), GEA (7.9%), GA3 (7.3%) and OH-GA3 (3%) after reaching transformation equilibrium. Using Gaussian 09 for chemical computation, it was found that the transformation mechanism of GA3 was dependent upon the bond energy and the stereochemical feature of its molecular structure. GA3 always isomerized from the γ-lactone ring due to the lowest bond energy between the oxygen terminus of the γ-lactone ring and A ring. While GA3 and its transformation products all had developmental toxicity, the predicated LC50 (96 hr) and LD50 of the main products of GA3 were much lower than those of GA3, indicating GA3 would be transformed into higher toxicity derivatives in water environments, posing a significant health risk to humans and the environment.  相似文献   

No clear answer concerning whether multivitamin/folate supplementation prevents neural tube defects (NTDs) is provided by three studies in the United States. All these studies are occurrence in nature, no recurrence studies having been conducted. The Atlanta Birth Defects Study is subject to pronounced memory and recall biases, the length between event and interview being as long as 16 years. In a second study (Boston University), objections can be raised to certain aspects of the experimental design, and the claim that 22 per cent of women started vitamins sufficiently early after pregnancy diagnosis to influence NTD formation is suspicious. Our NICHD case control study of 541 women in California and Illinois revealed no evidence for multivitamins or folic acid preventing NTDs. U.S. public policy-makers face difficulties in applying results of recurrence or occurrence studies in high-risk areas to low-risk areas in the U.S.  相似文献   

In this study, the temperature dependence of the heterogeneous uptake of acrylic acid on Arizona test dust(ATD) has been investigated within a temperature range of 255–315 K using a Knudsen cell reactor. Combined with diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy(DRIFTS) experiment, it was found that acrylic acid could adsorb on ATD via surface OH groups and convert to carboxylate on the particle surface. The kinetics study suggests that the initial true uptake coefficient(γt) of acrylic acid on ATD decreases from(4.02 ± 0.12) × 10~(-5) to(1.73 ± 0.05) × 10~/(-5)with a temperature increase from 255 to315 K. According to the temperature dependence of uptake coefficients, the enthalpy(ΔH obs)and entropy(ΔS obs) of uptake processes were determined to be-(9.60 ± 0.38) KJ/mol and-(121.55 ± 1.33) J·K/mol, respectively. The activation energy for desorption(E des) was calculated to be(14.57 ± 0.60) KJ/mol. These results indicated that the heterogeneous uptake of acrylic acid on ATD surface was sensitive to temperature. The heterogeneous uptake on ATD could affect the concentration of acrylic acid in the atmosphere, especially at low temperature.  相似文献   

通过使用不同浓度,不同类型的酸溶液,在不同条件下对堇青石载体进行预处理,考察了酸预处理前后载体本征性能的改变和对甲苯催化性能的影响,测试了其失重率,吸水率,上载率本征性能,并通过XRF,BET,SEM等手段进行表征测试分析.结果发现,通过使用20% HCl对堇青石载体进行加热处理3h,可获得最优性能的堇青石载体.吸水率较处理前可提升48.0%以上,活性组分上载率可达14.5%,皮尔逊检验表明吸水率与上载率存在中度正相关的相关性.通过对甲苯催化活性测试,其结果表明,通过酸预处理,堇青石载体比表面积提升10倍以上,由其制得的整体式催化剂催化降解甲苯的T10T90分别为142和200℃.  相似文献   

通过使用不同浓度,不同类型的酸溶液,在不同条件下对堇青石载体进行预处理,考察了酸预处理前后载体本征性能的改变和对甲苯催化性能的影响,测试了其失重率,吸水率,上载率本征性能,并通过XRF,BET,SEM等手段进行表征测试分析.结果发现,通过使用20% HCl对堇青石载体进行加热处理3h,可获得最优性能的堇青石载体.吸水率较处理前可提升48.0%以上,活性组分上载率可达14.5%,皮尔逊检验表明吸水率与上载率存在中度正相关的相关性.通过对甲苯催化活性测试,其结果表明,通过酸预处理,堇青石载体比表面积提升10倍以上,由其制得的整体式催化剂催化降解甲苯的T10T90分别为142和200℃.  相似文献   

pH值和离子对诺氟沙星在胡敏酸上吸附特征的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
根据OECD Guideline 106批平衡实验,研究了pH值、Ca2+浓度和离子类型对诺氟沙星在胡敏酸上吸附特征的影响.结果表明,吸附系数(Kd)随着pH值的增大有先增加后减小的趋势,在pH 4.0和pH 6.0时吸附系数较大.红外光谱表明,pH 3.0有利于诺氟沙星和胡敏酸形成氢键; pH6.0和7.0时胡敏酸的羧基可能与诺氟沙星的氨基形成了肽键.诺氟沙星在胡敏酸上的吸附量和Kd值随着溶液中Ca2+离子浓度的增加而逐渐减小,表明两者之间存在阳离子吸附和竞争吸附.不同类型的阳离子和阴离子的加入都能导致诺氟沙星在胡敏酸的吸附特性存在差异.阳离子的影响趋势主要为价态的影响,即价态越高,在胡敏酸表面吸附位点的吸附能力就越强,对诺氟沙星吸附阻碍作用越显著,表现在诺氟沙星的最大吸附量(Qm)为:M+ (Na+、K+、NH4+) >M2+ (Mg2+、Ca2+、Zn2+);其次受阳离子的离子半径和水解作用的影响.而只有能水解的阴离子才能对诺氟沙星在胡敏酸上的吸附产生明显的阻碍作用.  相似文献   

To evaluate the influence of lactic acid on the methanogenesis, anaerobic digestion of kitchen wastes was firstly conducted in a two-phase anaerobic digestion process, and performance of two digesters fed with lactic acid and glucose was subsequently compared. The results showed that the lactic acid was the main fermentation products of hydrolysis-acidification stage in the two-phase anaerobic digestion process for kitchen wastes. The lactic acid concentration constituted approximately 50% of the chemical oxygen demand (COD) concentration in the hydrolysis-acidification liquid. The maximum organic loading rate was lower in the digester fed with lactic acid than that fed with glucose. Volatile fatty acids (VFAs) and COD removal were deteriorated in the methanogenic reactor fed with lactic acid compared to that fed with glucose. The specific methanogenic activity (SMA) declined to 0.343 g COD/(gVSS-d) when the COD loading were designated as 18.8 g/(L-d) in the digester fed with lactic acid. The propionic acid accumulation occurred due to the high concentration of lactic acid fed. It could be concluded that avoiding the presence of the lactic acid is necessary in the hydrolysis-acidification process for the improvement of the two-phase anaerobic digestion process of kitchen wastes.  相似文献   

Site exposure tests both open and sheltered have been carried out in acid deposition area in Southwest China. Results from six sites show that acid deposition exerts a great influence on atmospheric corrosion of Zn, and it is more serious in wet condition. Basically, Zn corrosion is directly proportional to time of exposure. While SO2 is the main pollutant of the atmosphere environment, Zn corrosion has a linear relationship to SO2 depositing rate and a hyperbolic to rain pH value.Observations by SEM, EDAX and X-ray diffraction show that under sheltered exposure condition, the corrosion products of Zn in heavy acid deposition area principally are sulphates.Based on the corrosion rates measured, the working life of galvanized steel can be predicated.  相似文献   

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