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Summary Social behavior of yellow-bellied marmots was observed for three years in colonies where kinship was known and for one year in a high elevation colony where harems were contiguous. Social dynamics of yellow-bellied marmots is dependent on kinship, group composition, and age-sex classes. This pattern is a consequence of the reproductive strategies of males and females. Females behave cohesively toward sisters or daughters, but not with sons and agonistically toward other females. Males generally behave amicably toward females and agonistically toward males, including their sons. Thus, reproductive strategies limit nepotism. This behavior is consistent with a population process in which sons typically disperse as yearlings. At least some of the variation in the expected patterns of social behaviors is attributable to individual differences. Because male and female reproductive strategies differ, a marmot population consists of two social subsystems. The female unit is the closely-related kin group which may also be a burrow group. The male unit is a harem which usually consists of two or more competing female kin groups.  相似文献   

Summary Yellow-bellied marmots express considerable individuality as measured by behavior in a maze, mirror-image stimulation (MIS), and social behavior in the field. Maze behavior discriminated between residents and dispersers; residents explored the maze more widely than did dispersers. Males could not be distinguished from females nor survivors from non-survivors by their maze behavior. A group of six yearling females was established to examine the relationship between individual behavioral phenotypes (as determined by MIS) and social behavior in the field. This experiment provided a situation in which social behavior was not influenced by age, sex, or reproduction (female yearlings are non-reproductive). The number of social interactions per individual ranged from 25 to 69. The number of observed interactions per individual differend significantly from the expected for greeting, allogrooming, total amicable, play, and total social interactions. Rankings of greeting, total amicable, and total interactions were directly correlated with rankings on the avoidance axis; play was inversely correlated with the approach axis. These results suggest that marmots have individual behavioral phenotypes that are expressed in their social interactions with their conspecifics.  相似文献   

Armitage KB  Van Vuren DH  Ozgul A  Oli MK 《Ecology》2011,92(1):218-227
We investigated factors influencing natal dispersal in 231 female yearling yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris) using comprehensive analysis of 10 years (1983-1993) of radiotelemetry and 37 years (1963-1999) of capture-mark-recapture data. Only individuals whose dispersal status was verified, primarily by radiotelemetry, were considered. Univariate analyses revealed that six of the 24 variables we studied significantly influenced dispersal: dispersal was less likely when the mother was present, amicable behavior with the mother and play behavior were more frequent, and spatial overlap was greater with the mother, with matriline females, and with other yearling females. Using both univariate and multivariate analyses, we tested several hypotheses proposed as proximate causes of dispersal. We rejected inbreeding avoidance, population density, body size, social intolerance, and kin competition as factors influencing dispersal. Instead, our results indicate that kin cooperation, expressed via cohesive behaviors and with a focus on the mother, influenced dispersal by promoting philopatry. Kin cooperation may be an underappreciated factor influencing dispersal in both social and nonsocial species.  相似文献   

In this article, I present a two-patch metapopulation model with locally explicit dynamics to study the effect of spatial heterogeneity and dispersal upon population interactions with variable or conditional outcomes. These are interactions that may be either detrimental or beneficial for each species depending on the balance of the density-dependent costs and benefits involved. The local dynamics respond to density-dependent α-interaction functions that may change sign, thus yielding a diversity of possible local outcomes for the association in terms of type of interaction and in the number of stable solutions. The spatiotemporal model predicts that the fragmentation of space and dispersal between patches may cause further variation in these outcomes. First, the demographic performance of a species in the association is enhanced if migrations cause a proportional increase of individuals of its own species; being so, a victim may become a mutualist or an exploiter, an excluded species may invade, and a good competitor may overcome its own carrying capacity: the ‘enhancement effect of dispersal’; a sort of rescue effect in source-sink dynamics. The underlying mechanisms involve an interplay between density-dependent effects of dispersal per se and the relative local and global average α-interaction functions, which involve costs and benefits at both the local and regional level that may either counteract or reinforce each other; thus, localities and/or populations may change dynamically their sink or source role in the spatial dynamics. A significant insight arises herewith: in the context of variable or conditional interactions the concept of the role of a species does not make strict sense; it becomes a spatiotemporal dynamic quality. Second, regardless of which species disperses, bifurcation of equilibria may occur in those patches that receive the migrating individuals, and annihilation of equilibria in those from where migration leaves; thus, the number of equilibria increases or decreases accordingly.  相似文献   

An accurate estimate for orangutan nest decay time is a crucial factor in commonly used methods for estimating orangutan population size. Decay rates are known to vary, but the decay process and, thus, the temporal and spatial variation in decay time are poorly understood. We used established line-transect methodology to survey orangutan nests in a lowland forest in East Kalimantan, Indonesia, and monitored the decay of 663 nests over 20 months. Using Markov chain analysis we calculated a decay time of 602 days, which is significantly longer than times found in other studies. Based on this, we recalculated the orangutan density estimate for a site in East Kalimantan; the resulting density is much lower than previous estimates (previous estimates were 3-8 times higher than our recalculated density). Our data suggest that short-term studies where decay times are determined using matrix mathematics may produce unreliable decay times. Our findings have implications for other parts of the orangutan range where population estimates are based on potentially unreliable nest decay rate estimates, and we recommend that for various parts of the orangutan range census estimates be reexamined. Considering the high variation in decay rates there is a need to move away from using single-number decay time estimates and, preferably, to test methods that do not rely on nest decay times as alternatives for rapid assessments of orangutan habitat for conservation in Borneo.  相似文献   

Summary A population of eight juvenile female yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris) was introduced into a marmot locality from which all other marmots were removed. Social interactions were monitored in the field and the individual behavioral profile of each animal was determined by mirror image stimulation. Social interactions were unequally distributed among the eight juveniles. Neither body size nor kinship were significantly related to frequencies of social interactions. Social interactions were significantly related to individual differences.  相似文献   

M. Viitasalo 《Marine Biology》1992,114(3):397-405
Resting eggs of Acartia spp. (presumably A. bifilosa Giesbr.) at densities between 65 and 125 eggs cm-2 were found in sediment off the southern coast of Finland and represent the first observations of dormant calanoid eggs in the Baltic Sea. The highest egg densities were found at sediment depths between 4 and 8 cm. The hatching percentage varied between 0 and 90% in the different sediment layers and at different experimental temperatures (13, 16 and 19°C). Some nauplii emerged from the eggs extracted from sediment layers 9 to 10 cm beneath the surface layer and other nauplii emerged from eggs after 82 d of dark storage at 3°C. Light was not needed to trigger hatching; the nauplii were able to hatch in darkness when the eggs were resuspended in filtered seawater. Indirect evidence suggests that the marked spring peak of Acartia spp. nauplii seen in a monitoring data from the years 1973 to 1984 was derived from benthic eggs and not from spawning. The possible mechanisms for induction of hatching and the adaptive benefits of resting egg production for A. bifilosa are discussed.  相似文献   

P. O. Yund  A. Stires 《Marine Biology》2002,141(5):955-963
Recent interest in the dynamics of marine invertebrate populations has focused largely on taxa with an open population structure. However, in many colonial taxa with limited larval dispersal, settlers may be locally derived. Consequently, dynamics may vary among sites that are separated by relatively short distances. This study explored spatial variation in temporal dynamics of colonial ascidians (Botryllus schlosseri Pallas) inhabiting five sites distributed along a ≈ 17-km temperature and phytoplankton gradient in the Damariscotta River estuary, Maine, USA. Settlement and population densities and sexual reproductive status were assayed throughout the summer seasons of 1996 and 1997. Sexual reproduction and larval settlement commenced earlier in the summer in up-river populations, which subsequently underwent a seasonal population explosion that was much smalier in down-river populations. Two peaks in settlement density up-river (in early July and early September) suggest that colonies there may have completed two sexual generations, in contrast to a single generation at down-river sites. Similar spatial variation is expected among populations of other taxa with limited larval dispersal when they are distributed across environmental gradients. Published online: 18 September 2002  相似文献   

Baltic sprat (Sprattus sprattus balticus S.) is a key species in the pelagic ecosystem of the Baltic Sea. Most stocks of small pelagic species are characterized by natural, fishery-independent fluctuations, which make it difficult to predict stock development. Baltic sprat recruitment is highly variable, which can partly be related to climate-driven variability in hydrographic conditions. Results from experimental studies and field observations demonstrate that a number of important life history traits of sprat are affected by temperature, especially the survival and growth of early life stages. Projected climate-driven warming may impact important processes affecting various life stages of sprat, from survival and development during the egg and larval phases to the reproductive output of adults. This study presents a stage-based matrix model approach to simulate sprat population dynamics in relation to different climate change scenarios. Data obtained from experimental studies and field observations were used to estimate and incorporate stage-specific growth and survival rates into the model. Model-based estimates of population growth rate were affected most by changes in the transition probability of the feeding larval stage at all temperatures (+0, +2, +4, +6?°C). The maximum increase in population growth rate was expected when ambient temperature was elevated by 4?°C. Coupling our stage-based model and more complex, biophysical individual-based models may reveal the processes driving these expected climate-driven changes in Baltic Sea sprat population dynamics.  相似文献   

Animal movement patterns and use of space depend upon food and nonfood resources, as well as conspecific and heterospecific interactions, but models of habitat use often neglect to examine multiple factors and rarely include marsupials. We studied habitat use in an Australian population of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) over a 6-year period in order to determine how koalas navigate their environment and partition limited patchy food and nonfood resources. Tree selection among koalas appears to be mediated by folar chemistry, but nonfood tree selection exerts a major impact on home range use due to thermoregulatory constraints. Koalas moved on a daily basis, during both day and night, but daytime resting site was not necessarily in the same location as nighttime feeding site. Koalas had substantial home range overlap in the near absence of resource sharing with less than 1% of trees located in areas of overlap used by multiple koalas. We suggest that koala spatiotemporal distribution and habitat use are probably based upon a community structure of individuals, with a checkerboard model best describing overlap in home range area but not in resource use. Nonfood refugia and social networks should be incorporated into models of animal range and habitat use.  相似文献   

Perlut NG  Strong AM  Donovan TM  Buckley NJ 《Ecology》2008,89(7):1941-1952
Population growth and decline are particularly sensitive to changes in three key life-history parameters: annual productivity, juvenile survival, and adult survival. However, for many species these parameters remain unknown. For example, although grassland songbirds are imperiled throughout North America, for this guild, only a small number of studies have assessed these parameters. From 2002 to 2006, in the agricultural landscape of the Champlain Valley of Vermont and New York, USA, we studied Savannah Sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis) and Bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus) demography on four grassland treatments: (1) early-hayed fields cut before 11 June and again in early- to mid-July; (2) middle-hayed fields cut once between 21 June and 10 July; (3) late-hayed fields cut after 1 August; and (4) rotationally grazed pastures. We assessed whether these treatments affected adult apparent survival (phi) and recruitment (f), how sensitive these parameters were to the presence of nonbreeders and local dispersal, and the populations' ability to persist in these four habitats. On average, birds using late-hayed fields had > 25% higher apparent survival than those on the more intensively managed early-hayed, middle-hayed, and grazed fields. Overall male phi was 35% higher than female phi, and Savannah Sparrow phi was 44% higher than Bobolink phi. Across all analyses and treatments, apparent survival estimates were 0.58-0.85 for male and 0.48-0.71 for female Savannah Sparrows, and 0.52-0.70 for male and 0.19-0.55 for female Bobolinks. For males of both species, potential nonbreeders decreased the precision of and lowered apparent survival estimates by 25%; female estimates showed little variation with the inclusion of nonbreeders. Inclusion of local dispersal observations increased apparent survival estimates and, in many cases, increased precision, though the effect was stronger for Savannah Sparrows than for Bobolinks, and also stronger for males than for females. High Savannah Sparrow apparent survival rates resulted in stable or near stable populations (lambda approximately 1), particularly in late-hayed and grazed fields, while low Bobolink apparent survival rates resulted in strongly declining populations (lambda < 1) in all treatments.  相似文献   

Incubation temperature in ectothermic vertebrates affects incubation periods, and in some reptiles it affects sex ratios and behavior. I present evidence that incubation temperature affects emergence and post-hatching behavior of pine snakes (Pituophis melanoleucus) that could influence survival in the weeks before hibernation. Hatchlings incubated at low temperatures remained in the nest longer, had fewer alternate nest openings, and fewer underground tunnels to hide in than did hatchlings from warmer temperatures. These conditions could render hatchlings from low-temperature nests more vulnerable to predation because, if a nest is opened, they are not inside tunnels where they would be protected. Hatchlings from nests incubated at low temperatures took longer to find shade during a thermoregulation test, and were less likely to move about in search of other cover than were those from higher-incubation-temperature artificial nests. Similarly, hatchlings from nests with low incubation temperatures were less responsive to a predatory stimulus and had a longer latency to strike than other hatchlings. Taken together, hatchlings from nests with low incubation temperatures might be less able to avoid predators and find shade than those from nests incubated at higher temperatures, and thus could be expected to have lower survival in nature. Received: 21 July 1997 / Accepted after revision: 15 February 1998  相似文献   

Very little is known about the ecology of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) living in oceanic waters. This study investigated the ranging and residence patterns of bottlenose dolphins occurring in the Azores (Portugal), the most isolated archipelago in the North Atlantic. Data were collected during standardized boat-based surveys conducted over a 6-year period in an area of approximately 5,400 km2 (main study area). To investigate the extent of movements of individual animals, non-systematic surveys were also conducted outside this area. Only 44 individuals out of 966 identified were frequently sighted within and between years. The remaining individuals were either temporary migrants from within or outside the archipelago, or transients. Resident dolphins showed strong geographic fidelity to the area. Long-distance movements (of almost 300 km), consistent with foraging or exploratory trips, were observed among non-resident dolphins. Home range size was estimated for 31 individuals sighted ≥10 times. Range areas of these dolphins varied in size and location, but considerable overlap was observed in the areas used, suggesting the absence of habitat partitioning between resident and non-resident dolphins. Estimates of home range size of bottlenose dolphins in the Azores were found to be considerably larger than those previously reported for this species. It is hypothesized that dolphins living in the Azores carry out extensive movements and have large home ranges in response to the lower density and patchy distribution of prey compared to other areas. The extensive ranging behaviour and the lack of territoriality provide an opportunity for interbreeding between dolphins associated with different islands, thus preventing genetic differentiation within the population of the Azores.  相似文献   

Very little is known about the ecology of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) living in oceanic waters. This study investigated the ranging and residence patterns of bottlenose dolphins occurring in the Azores (Portugal), the most isolated archipelago in the North Atlantic. Data were collected during standardized boat-based surveys conducted over a 6-year period in an area of approximately 5,400 km2 (main study area). To investigate the extent of movements of individual animals, non-systematic surveys were also conducted outside this area. Only 44 individuals out of 966 identified were frequently sighted within and between years. The remaining individuals were either temporary migrants from within or outside the archipelago, or transients. Resident dolphins showed strong geographic fidelity to the area. Long-distance movements (of almost 300 km), consistent with foraging or exploratory trips, were observed among non-resident dolphins. Home range size was estimated for 31 individuals sighted ≥10 times. Range areas of these dolphins varied in size and location, but considerable overlap was observed in the areas used, suggesting the absence of habitat partitioning between resident and non-resident dolphins. Estimates of home range size of bottlenose dolphins in the Azores were found to be considerably larger than those previously reported for this species. It is hypothesized that dolphins living in the Azores carry out extensive movements and have large home ranges in response to the lower density and patchy distribution of prey compared to other areas. The extensive ranging behaviour and the lack of territoriality provide an opportunity for interbreeding between dolphins associated with different islands, thus preventing genetic differentiation within the population of the Azores.  相似文献   

Effective population size (N(e)) determines the strength of genetic drift and can influence the level of genetic diversity a population can maintain. Assessing how changes in demographic rates associated with environmental variables and management actions affect N(e) thus can be crucial to the conservation of endangered species. Calculation of N(e) through demographic models makes it possible to use elasticity analyses to study this issue. The elasticity of N(e) to a given vital rate is the proportional change in N(e) associated with a proportional increase in that vital rate. In addition, demographic models can be used to study N(e) and population growth rate (λ) simultaneously. Simultaneous examination is important because some vital rates differ diametrically in their associations with λ and N(e). For example, in some cases increasing these vital rates increases λ and decreases N(e). We used elasticity analysis to study the effect of stage-specific survival and flowering rates on N(e), annual effective population size (N(a)), and λ in seven populations of the endangered plant Austrian dragonhead (Dracocephalum austriacum). In populations with λ ≥ 1, the elasticities of N(e) and N(a) were similar to those of λ. Survival rates of adults were associated with greater elasticities than survival rates of juveniles, flowering rates, or fecundity. In populations with λ < 1, N(e) and N(a) exhibited greater elasticities to juvenile than to adult vital rates. These patterns are similar to those observed in other species with similar life histories. We did not observe contrasting effects of any vital rate on λ and N(e); thus, management actions that increase the λ of populations of Austrian dragonhead will not increase genetic drift. Our results show that elasticity analyses of N(e) and N(a) can complement elasticity analysis of λ. Moreover, such analyses do not require more data than standard matrix models of population dynamics.  相似文献   

Spatiotemporal recruitment patterns of scleractinian corals were investigated around Iriomote Island, Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan, in relation to adult coral cover in 2005 and 2006. Although almost all corals were broadcasting spawners, the relationship between recruitment and adult coral cover differed among coral families (Acroporidae, Poritidae, and Pocilloporidae), likely due to differences in embryonic development time. For spawning pocilloporid corals, whose larvae develop relatively more rapidly, recruitment was higher at sites where adult coral cover was higher. In contrast, recruitment was not related to adult coral cover in acroporid and poritid corals, whose embryonic development times were relatively slow. Moreover, recruitment of acroporid corals varied between years, and recruitment was greater at leeward compared to windward reefs for a few days after spawning. These results suggest that embryonic development time and wind-driven surface currents affect larval dispersal and subsequent recruitment patterns at a local scale. Based on embryonic development time, some spawning corals are more likely to have higher rates of self-seeding than others. Our results predict that among spawning corals, local populations of acroporid and poritid corals, whose larvae potentially disperse over long distances and recruit in neighboring reefs, are more resilient to local disturbances than those of pocilloporid corals, whose recruitment relies upon local stock.  相似文献   

Hidden process models are a conceptually useful and practical way to simultaneously account for process variation in animal population dynamics and measurement errors in observations and estimates made on the population. Process variation, which can be both demographic and environmental, is modeled by linking a series of stochastic and deterministic subprocesses that characterize processes such as birth, survival, maturation, and movement. Observations of the population can be modeled as functions of true abundance with realistic probability distributions to describe observation or estimation error. Computer-intensive procedures, such as sequential Monte Carlo methods or Markov chain Monte Carlo, condition on the observed data to yield estimates of both the underlying true population abundances and the unknown population dynamics parameters. Formulation and fitting of a hidden process model are demonstrated for Sacramento River winter-run chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytsha).  相似文献   

Environmental and Ecological Statistics - Tracking individual animals through time using mark-recapture methods is the gold standard for understanding how environmental conditions influence...  相似文献   

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