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The performance of various algal indices to document improvements in water quality across a low nutrient concentration gradient was assessed during 2 years in the St Lawrence River (Quebec, Canada). Water-quality variables and periphyton samples were collected on navigational buoys near Montreal during the spring, summer and fall of 1994 and 1995. Exposure to urban wastewater varied widely within the sector surrounding the island of Montreal, with some areas upstream receiving no direct effluents and areas further downstream receiving treated and untreated wastewater. Faecal coliform concentrations provided a good tracer of effluents and were significantly correlated to nutrient concentrations (r = 0.33-0.72, p < 0.001) and water transparency (r = 0.70, p < 0.001). Despite a strong gradient in faecal coliform concentration (< 2 to > 20 000 UFC/100 ml), algal biomass and diversity did not reflect differences between sites with varying levels of urban wastewater. Taxonomic composition of periphyton communities, particularly the presence of the cyanophyte Plectonema notatum Schmidle, was related (r = 0.48, p = 0.004) to exposure to urban effluents. Variables describing seasonal changes (temperature, Julian day, river discharge, conductivity, NO2-NO3) explained a large fraction of total variance (38-52% of total variance) and thus exerted the predominant influence on algal biomass and species composition in the St Lawrence River. Variables describing the presence of effluents explained 1-22% of the variance in compositional data. Subtle changes in periphyton species composition were the only response to different levels of exposure to urban wastewater in the Montreal area, which represented relatively small differences in comparison to natural seasonal variability.  相似文献   


Sicyos polyacanthus is one of the most important weed in sugarcane crops of Tucumán (Argentina). The objective of this work was to establish strategies that would decrease the weed incidence in the crop to a minimum level. The study was carried out during 1998–2003 at five localities of sugarcane production of Tucumán (Argentina). The plots were 20 m long (192 m2) with 6 furrows and each plot was replicated five times. Treatments were: (i) Mechanical–chemical cultivation without fire; (ii) Mechanical–chemical culltivation with fire; (iii) Mechanical cultivation with handle pulled and with fire; (iv) Mechanical cultivation with handle pulled without fire; (v) Mechanical and chemical variants with fertilization and without fertilization; (vi) Mechanical and chemical variants with watering and without watering; (vii) Fallow and rotation, at the sugarcane crop renovation; (viii) Mechanical and chemical variants for plant cane and ratoon cane; and (ix) Mulching of harvest rests. The results suggest that besides the use of preemergent herbicides, fire marks the entry point of control, influencing fluxes and seed viability. It appears that fallow, mulching, and rotation of crops is fundamental for eliminating seeds that live short time in the soil and increase the mortality rate of species.  相似文献   

Sicyos polyacanthus is one of the most important weed in sugarcane crops of Tucumán (Argentina). The objective of this work was to establish strategies that would decrease the weed incidence in the crop to a minimum level. The study was carried out during 1998--2003 at five localities of sugarcane production of Tucumán (Argentina). The plots were 20 m long (192 m2) with 6 furrows and each plot was replicated five times. Treatments were: (i) Mechanical-chemical cultivation without fire; (ii) Mechanical-chemical culltivation with fire; (iii) Mechanical cultivation with handle pulled and with fire; (iv) Mechanical cultivation with handle pulled without fire; (v) Mechanical and chemical variants with fertilization and without fertilization; (vi) Mechanical and chemical variants with watering and without watering; (vii) Fallow and rotation, at the sugarcane crop renovation; (viii) Mechanical and chemical variants for plant cane and ratoon cane; and (ix) Mulching of harvest rests. The results suggest that besides the use of preemergent herbicides, fire marks the entry point of control, influencing fluxes and seed viability. It appears that fallow, mulching, and rotation of crops is fundamental for eliminating seeds that live short time in the soil and increase the mortality rate of species.  相似文献   

The Tubarão River rises in Santa Catarina, Brazil, and has been historically affected by coal mining activities around its springhead. To evaluate its water conditions, an investigation regarding a possible decontamination gradient associated with the increased river flow toward the estuary, as well as the influence of seasonality over this gradient was performed through a series of biomarkers (vitellogenin, comet assay, lipid peroxidation, protein carbonylation, gluthatione, gluthatione S-transferase, acetylcholinesterase, light microscopy in liver, and scanning electron microscopy in gills) and chemical analysis (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in bile and metal analysis in sediment) in the cichlid Geophagus brasiliensis. Two collections (summer and winter) were made in four distinct sites along the river, while sediments were sampled between those seasons. As expected, the contamination linked exclusively to mining activities was not observed, possibly due to punctual inputs of contaminants. The decontamination gradient was not observed, although seasonality seemed to have a critical role in the responses of biomarkers and availability of contaminants. In the summer, the fish presented higher histopathological damages and lower concentrations of PAHs, while in the winter they showed both higher genetic damage and accumulation of PAHs. The Tubarão suffers impacts from diverse activities, representing health risks for wild and human populations.  相似文献   

Arsenic concentrations of 73 soil samples collected in the semi-arid Zimapán Valley range from 4 to 14 700 mg As kg(-1). Soil arsenic concentrations decrease with distance from mines and tailings and slag heaps and exceed 400 mg kg(-1) only within 500 m of these arsenic sources. Soil arsenic concentrations correlate positively with Cu, Pb, and Zn concentrations, suggesting a strong association with ore minerals known to exist in the region. Some As was associated with Fe and Mn oxyhydroxides, this association is less for contaminated than for uncontaminated samples. Very little As was found in the mobile water-soluble or exchangeable fractions. The soils are not arsenic contaminated at depths greater than 100 cm below the surface. Although much of the arsenic in the soils is associated with relatively immobile solid phases, this represents a long-term source of arsenic to the environment.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Plastic pollution and the numerous consequences it has on aquatic life have become a huge concern in recent years. While many studies have been...  相似文献   

To seasonally evaluate littoral contamination, toxicity and quality values of sediments from the Gulf of Cádiz, we measured chemical concentrations and conducted toxicity tests in winter and summer and linked these results by means of multivariate analysis. Sediment samples were subjected to two separate, replicated sediment toxicity tests (Microdeutopus gryllotalpa amphipod survival, and Ruditapes philippinarum clam reburial), and to comprehensive sediment chemistry analyses (grain size, organic carbon, 14 heavy metals, and the surfactant linear alkylbenzenesulfonate (LAS)). Only sediments associated with an untreated urban discharge were toxic and related to high levels of surfactant LAS, Ag, and Pb. Multivariate analysis indicated that variables and chemicals associated with geochemical matrix and background levels (specific surface, Fe, Zn, Cu, V, Ni, and Co), chemicals associated with untreated urban discharge sources, and toxicity effects showed no seasonal variability. Only copper concentrations showed seasonal differences, being toxic during the winter and not toxic during summer. Multivariate analysis permits us to derive sediment quality values (SQVs); in terms of concentrations at or below which biological effects were not measured (mg kg(-1) dry sediment), are: LAS, 2.6; lead, 66.8; silver, 0.78; copper, 69.6.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Water stored in open-pit lakes can be a water resource when the mine is closed. This study aimed to develop a reliable model to evaluate the water...  相似文献   

A long-term study was conducted to evaluate Piracicaba River water (São Paulo state, Brazil) using different methodologies and organisms. During 1 year (February 2011 to January 2012), water samples were collected monthly at six different locations and exposed under laboratory conditions to the microcrustaceans Ceriodaphnia dubia and Ceriodaphnia silvestrii for 7 days and to the fish Danio rerio for 4 days to evaluate effects on reproduction and on gill morphology, respectively. Physical–chemical parameters of the water were also measured. Physical–chemical characteristics demonstrated decreasing water quality from upstream to downstream of the river. Effects on the reproduction of C. dubia and C. silvestrii were observed in 3 months (February and March 2011 and January 2012) and occurred in samples collected close to industrialized cities like Americana and Piracicaba. Evaluation of the gills showed normal function of the organ during all months, except in February, September, and October for some locations.  相似文献   

Increasing eutrophication and algal bloom events in the Yangtze River Three Gorges Reservoir, China, are widely discussed with regard to changed hydrodynamics and nutrient transport and distribution processes. Insights into water exchange and interaction processes between water masses related to large-scale water level fluctuations in the reservoir are crucial to understand water quality and eutrophication dynamics. Therefore, confluence zones of tributaries with the Yangtze River main stream are dedicated key interfaces. In this study, water quality data were recorded in situ and on-line in varying depths with the MINIBAT towed underwater multi-sensor system in the confluence zone of the Daning River and the Yangtze River close to Wushan City during 1 week in August 2011. Geostatistical evaluation of the water quality data was performed, and results were compared to phosphorus contents of selective water samples. The strongly rising water level throughout the measurement period caused Yangtze River water masses to flow upstream into the tributary and supply their higher nutrient and particulate loads into the tributary water body. Rapid algal growth and sedimentation occurred immediately when hydrodynamic conditions in the confluence zone became more serene again. Consequently, water from the Yangtze River main stream can play a key role in providing nutrients to the algal bloom stricken water bodies of its tributaries.  相似文献   

Water and sediment samples were collected in the lower Paraná delta at four sites with different levels of exposure to pollution to evaluate the anthropogenic impact through chemical analyses and mortality bioassays. Individual polychlorinated biphenyls, chlorinated pesticides, aliphatic hydrocarbons, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and heavy metals were measured in waters, porewaters and sediments. The same three phases were also subjected to toxicity assays with straight-hinged juveniles of Corbicula fluminea. Concentrations of several pollutants were above levels recommended for the protection of aquatic life: in waters, Zn, Cu and Cr were 1.6-4.9 times higher, whereas in the sediments Cr was 1.8-3.6, and benzo(a)pyrene was 2.8-5.6 times higher. Pollutant concentrations followed a clear geographic pattern with highest values in the densely populated area of the Reconquista and Luján rivers, lower levels in the San Antonio, and lowest loadings in the remote Paraná de las Palmas. This gradient was adequately matched by the pattern of mortality rates of C. fluminea early juveniles, which were highest in the Reconquista-Luján (40-93%) and lowest (and not significantly different from the control) in the Paraná (3.3-23%). Mortality rates also increased from surface waters (3.3-53%), to porewaters (12-73%), to sediments (23-93%). Although toxicity was probably mainly due to dissolved contaminants, agreement between chemical and biological evidence of pollution was best for the sediment compartment, whereas porewater and surface water showed a higher degree of variability.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Offshore fish farms have been active inside the Monastir Bay, Hammemet Gulf for over 10&nbsp;years, but their environmental impact is still...  相似文献   


In addition to direct photolysis studies, in this work the second-order reaction rate constants of pesticides imidacloprid (IMD) and ametryn (AMT) with hydroxyl radicals (HO), singlet oxygen (1O2), and triplet excited states of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (3CDOM*) were determined by kinetic competition under sunlight. IMD and AMT exhibited low photolysis quantum yields: (1.23?±?0.07)?×?10–2 and (7.99?±?1.61)?×?10–3 mol Einstein?1, respectively. In contrast, reactions with HO radicals and 3CDOM* dominate their degradation, with 1O2 exhibiting rates three to five orders of magnitude lower. The values of kIMD,HO● and kAMT,HO● were (3.51?±?0.06)?×?109 and (4.97?±?0.37)?×?109 L mol?1 s?1, respectively, while different rate constants were obtained using anthraquinone-2-sulfonate (AQ2S) or 4-carboxybenzophenone (CBBP) as CDOM proxies. For IMD this difference was significant, with kIMD,3AQ2S*?=?(1.02?±?0.08)?×?109 L mol?1 s?1 and kIMD,3CBBP*?=?(3.17?±?0.14)?×?108 L mol?1 s?1; on the contrary, the values found for AMT are close, kAMT,3AQ2S*?=?(8.13?±?0.35)?×?108 L mol?1 s?1 and kAMT,3CBBP*?=?(7.75?±?0.80)?×?108 L mol?1 s?1. Based on these results, mathematical simulations performed with the APEX model for typical levels of water constituents (NO3?, NO2?, CO32?, TOC, pH) indicate that the half-lives of these pesticides should vary between 24.1 and 18.8 days in the waters of the Paranapanema River (São Paulo, Brazil), which can therefore be impacted by intensive agricultural activity in the region.


Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Rivers are dynamic systems in complex interactions with their surrounding environments. Reliable and fast interpretation of water quality is therefore...  相似文献   

Olías M  Cerón JC  Moral F  Ruiz F 《Chemosphere》2006,62(2):213-225
In April 1998, a spill of 6 hm3 of pyritic mud and acidic water was released into the Guadiamar River due to the rupture of the Aznalcóllar tailings dam. Before the spill, the river was already strongly affected by acid mine drainage (AMD). In this study, the water quality of the Guadiamar River is analysed from a periodic sampling started after the spill. Previous data of the water quality have also been obtained. A recovery of the water quality is observed from 2002 on. The distribution of arsenic is opposed to that of the rest of metals, with the lowest concentrations to the north, due to the adsorption and/or coprecipitation on ferric oxyhydroxides. In the southern area, when pH values are close to 8, arsenic desorption occurs. There is a seasonal pattern of the trace metal content evolution, different in the northern and southern zones of the river. In the northern area the highest polluting levels occur in summer, due to a lower dilution of the mining leachates. In the southern area, the highest metal levels occur during the winter, since during the summer metals remain held by surface sorption processes in the hyporheic zone of the river.  相似文献   

This study reports a combined method using solid phase extraction (SPE), followed by solid phase microextraction (SPME) to concentrate different pesticides, including chlorinated, organophosphorus, triazines, pyretroids and chloroacetamides, present at trace levels in water samples. Identification and quantification was carried out by gas chromatography coupled to Mass Spectrometry (GC–MS). The optimized methodology showed LOQs at ng L?1 levels (ranging 0.2–3.5 ng L?1) in addition to acceptable precision and robustness (recoveries ranged 63–104%, RSD from 4% to 23%), presenting a novel method to reach trace levels, similar to that obtainable using EC detector, with structural confirmation by MS during the analysis of a wide range of environmental pollutants.This method was applied to the study of temporal and spatial distribution of pesticides in the Suquía River basin (Córdoba-Argentina). As expected, highest levels of agrochemicals were observed in areas with intensive agricultural practices, being atrazine (max. = 433.9 ng L?1), alpha-cypermetrine (max. = 121.7 ng L?1) and endosulfan sulfate (max. = 106.7 ng L?1) predominant. In urban areas, the prevalent pesticide was alpha-cypermethrine. These results draw attention to the need of pesticide monitoring programs in rivers, considering both urban and rural sections.  相似文献   

The Jacarepaguá lagoon receives the waste from 239 industries and domestic sewage. Bottom sediment analysis revealed that metal pollution is not spread over the lagoons but restricted to the discharge areas of the main metal-carrier rivers. Metal concentrations in superficial water showed the following concentrations values in ng/ml: Zn, 9.63+/-3.59; Pb, 0.61+/-0.43; Cu, 0.94+/-0.45; Mn, 12.7+/-8.0. Metal concentration in fish (average of seven different species) presented the following results, in mg/kg wet weight: Cr, 0.08+/-0.01; Cu, 0.4+/-0.15; Zn, 4.6+/-3.4; Fe, 2.4+/-1.3; Mn, 0.4+/-0.3. These results imply, considering fish consumption rate and the RfD (USEPA Reference Dose), that the local population is not exposed to undue health risks. Metal concentrations in the water may, however, increase due to their dissolution induced by pH and redox changes in the sediments.  相似文献   

The landfill of Morelia, the capital city of the state of Michoacán in central-western Mexico, is located 12 km west of the city and has operated since 1997 without a structure engineered and designed to control the generation in situ of biogas and leachates. A geological evaluation of the landfill site is presented in this paper. The results indicate that the site lacks ideal impermeable subsurface strata. The subsurface strata consist of highly fractured basaltic lava flows (east-west fault and fracture system trend) and sand-size cineritic material with high permeability and porosity. Geochemical analysis of groundwater from Morelia's municipal aquifer shows a high concentration of heavy metals (Cd, Pb, As) exceeding the Mexican environmental regulations, along with the presence of some organic pollutants (phenols). Analyses of samples of the landfill's permanent leachate ponds show very high concentrations of the same contaminants. Samples were taken from the leachate pond and from nearby water-wells during the rainy season (summer 1997) and the dry season (spring 1997, 1998, and 1999). In all cases, the concentration of contaminants registered exceeded the standards for drinking water of the World Health Organization (American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association, and Water Pollution Control Federation, 2000). Some metal contaminants could be leaching directly from the landfill.  相似文献   


The landfill of Morelia, the capital city of the state of Michoacán in central-western Mexico, is located 12 km west of the city and has operated since 1997 without a structure engineered and designed to control the generation in situ of biogas and leachates. A geological evaluation of the landfill site is presented in this paper. The results indicate that the site lacks ideal impermeable sub-surface strata. The subsurface strata consist of highly fractured basaltic lava flows (east-west fault and fracture system trend) and sand-size cineritic material with high permeability and porosity. Geochemical analysis of groundwater from Morelia’s municipal aquifer shows a high concentration of heavy metals (Cd, Pb, As) exceeding the Mexican environmental regulations, along with the presence of some organic pollutants (phenols). Analyses of samples of the landfill’s permanent leachate ponds show very high concentrations of the same contaminants. Samples were taken from the leachate pond and from nearby water-wells during the rainy season (summer 1997) and the dry season (spring 1997, 1998, and 1999). In all cases, the concentration of contaminants registered exceeded the standards for drinking water of the World Health Organization (American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association, and Water Pollution Control Federation, 2000). Some metal contaminants could be leaching directly from the landfill.  相似文献   

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