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我国城市生活垃圾产业市场化探讨   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
本文通过对我国城市生活垃圾处理现状、原则等进行分析,提出只有大力发展垃圾产业,才能根本解决我国城市垃圾问题。并提出了我国垃圾产业市场的形成条件、构成和所应采取的策略。  相似文献   

本文以山东省莱芜市房干村为试点,通过对20个典型居民户进行问卷调查和垃圾分类实验,分析了居民生活垃圾组成特征和处理现状,提出了一种农村生活垃圾四分类法,实验检验了其可能效果,并调查分析了居民对这一生活垃圾分类收集方法的接受和支付意愿。  相似文献   

城市生活垃圾问题是21世纪最重要的环境问题之一,甚至已成为人们生活的公害。城市生活垃圾处理是21世纪最有前景的产业之一,城市生活垃圾管理水平也已成为衡量一个国家、一个城市文明和现代化程度的重要标志。历经20多年的发展,中国城市生活垃圾管理水平不断提高,但相比日趋严重的生活垃圾问题和数量庞大的生活垃圾产量,仅凭政府的力量无法保障城市生活垃圾减量化、资源化和无害化管理目标的实现,因而有必要借助公民、企业和社会组织等力量的加入。该文基于中国城市生活垃圾公众参与管理与政府管制互动关系的现实基础分析,剖析中国城市生活垃圾公众参与管理与政府管制的演变及特征,分析了中国城市生活垃圾各个阶段公众参与管理与政府管制互动模型,并衍生到分析城市生活垃圾管理的收集、运营及处理的三大环节。同时,根据公众参与城市生活垃圾管理的不同程度以及政府管制程度的强弱,构建公众参与城市生活垃圾管理的三种模型,即公众诱导式参与模型、公众合作式参与模型和公众自主式参与模型,分析了三种模型的特点、优缺点及各利益主体的职责,以梳理解决城市生活垃圾管理问题中政府和公众的职责,推动政府和公众的互动合作,改善城市生活垃圾管理,促进中国城市生活垃圾管理减量化、资源化、无害化目标的实现。  相似文献   

城市垃圾资源利用前景的分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
总结了垃圾资源利用技术的发展现状;分析了我国城市垃圾的组成状况和变化趋势。以此为基础对其利用潜力进行了估计,并以流程为依据作了下世纪初城市垃圾资源利用系统的经济分析。认为资源利用是节约城市垃圾处理、处置费用和节省自然资源的有效途径;以生物和热化学转化利用城市垃圾中的能量是我国城市垃圾资源利用的主要方向。  相似文献   

生活垃圾分类回收过程中合理界定各主体的利益责任,对实现垃圾减量化与资源化至关重要。关于生活垃圾分类的研究多为定性的政策性建议研究,本文对回收体系中各主体的利润责任进行了定量研究。根据污染者付费原则与受益者原则,生活垃圾处理的责任方为居民,但依据我国国情现状与垃圾处理的公共物品属性,政府成为公共环境的主要维护者。依据Stackelberg博弈理论,分析不同分类比例下,居民、收运企业、处理企业效益情况,构建利益经济模型;依据权责利对等原则,确定各主体应承担责任比例。结果表明:居民垃圾分类比例的变化会影响各主体的利益责任比例。结论研究可为建立规范生活垃圾回收体系,促进循环经济发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

城市生活垃圾的卫生填埋   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
随着经济的迅速发展及工业化与城市化进程的加快,城市生活垃圾急剧增多。垃圾污染环境,对城市居民的健康和生存构成了严重威胁,已成为社会一大公害,因此,对垃圾的处理刻不容缓。传统的垃圾填埋技术已远远满足不了社会对保护环境的要求。卫生填埋是在传统垃圾填埋技术基础上发展起来的处理城市生活垃圾的较为理想的方法。现代卫生填埋场是一项相当复杂的系统工程,涉及许多方面内容。根据收集到的资料,对城市生活垃圾特性、垃圾填埋场的功能和构造、垃圾填埋场的规划、选址及勘察、垃圾渗沥液、防渗工程、垃圾力学等诸多方面分别进行了阐述。  相似文献   

城市生活垃圾这个与城市“相伴生”的长期污染源,必须得到及时、科学、妥善的处理。福州市目前对城市生活垃圾的治理存在“重末端处理、轻源头控制”,在垃圾末端无害化上陷于被动,却缺少“清洁生产”的理念,“减量化、资源化”未得到应有的重视。本文针对福州市垃圾管理体制与政策上的弊端,强调垃圾的产生、收集、运输、处理等全过程实现全面的、综合的、封闭式管理,探讨法律、经济、管理三位一体的城市生活垃圾管理政策,保障城市可持续发展。  相似文献   

当今中国正处于城市化调速提质、经济结构深度调整的特殊历史时期,随之而来的是深刻的社会转型。在人口流动频繁、城市空间重构与户籍制度造成的二元分割客观存在的社会大背景下,研究居民生活垃圾分类行为将有助于从新的视角增进对这一现象的理解和把握。在新的历史时期,社区已成为城市居民生活的主要场域,也成为其表达价值观、态度和采取相应行为的重要载体。在全球化、市场化和城市化的共同作用下,中国城市社区面临快速的转型和重构。传统的街坊和单位社区开始瓦解,商品房、保障房等新型社区大量涌现,城市居住空间分异加剧,同时也带来了社区同质化、基层社会管理缺位、邻里关系淡薄、社区感丧失等问题。北京市的生活垃圾分类活动多以社区为单位,触及每位居民的私人生活方式,因此,社区融合程度将不可避免地对其产生影响。本文采用计划行为理论(TBP)作为分析框架,从心理学、社会学和组织行为学的视角探讨了社区融合如何影响社区居民的生活垃圾分类行为。研究发现:社区融合程度可以从社区认同、社区参与和社区支持三个维度来考察,而社区融合的程度则通过信任态度、环境责任感、垃圾分类效能感为完全中介对居民的生活垃圾分类行为产生影响。同时,这三个中介变量与垃圾分类行为之间的关系受到该社区垃圾分类设施与服务体系完善程度的影响。本研究整合了多个学科领域对垃圾分类行为的研究成果,丰富了垃圾分类行为的前因研究,有助于推动对垃圾分类行为产生机制的整体认知。  相似文献   

伴随着我国城镇化进程的不断加快,城市环境污染问题备受关注。本文以城镇居民生活垃圾污染行为为起点,通过比较居民与政府目标函数,首先从理论上做出判断,城镇人口数量增加以及居民生活质量提高均会导致城市生活垃圾数量增长,从而对城市环境产生影响。随后,进一步采取Panel data的分析方法,以我国2004-2008年省级面板数据为样本,从城市生活垃圾污染的角度对我国城镇人口增长、居民收入水平与城市环境间的关系进行计量检验。结果显示:我国城市生活垃圾产生数量分别与城镇人口增长、居民收入水平间存在着长期正向协整关系,即在我国城镇化水平和居民生活质量不断提升的背景下,城市生活垃圾数量的增长以及对城市环境的污染存在着内在必然性;另外,我国城市生活垃圾数量的自发增长对平均增长的偏离逐年下降,可见,存在政策、制度、行为等外生因素抑制我国城市生活垃圾数量的增长。最后,文章从生活垃圾控制和处理的角度,就改善我国城市环境和促进城市环境可持续发展提出了简要的政策建议。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代开始,我国启动了公用事业市场化改革,民营资本特别是外资流向自来水供给、污水处理、城市生活垃圾收集与处理、燃气供应等行业。私人部门的介入激活了公共产品供给市场,有利于社会福利的增进,但也招致了诸多问题。公共产品供给民营化,并不意味着政府的完全退出,政府始终负有向社会公众提供公共产品或服务的原始责任,民营化只是在提供的形式上完成了向私人部门的转移,政府应完成从公共产品直接提供者向规制者的角色转换。本文以城市生活垃圾产业为例,进行了系统的分析。认为有效的规制应建立在真实的规制环境上,在城市生活垃圾产业民营化的规制中,面临着现有规制者与合约方一体、规制机构与企业信息不对称、政府部门承诺有限等规制约束。基于目前的规制环境,我国城市生活垃圾产业在推进民营化的同时,应建立起独立的规制机构,加强监管,逐步纵向一体民营化以降低交易成本,在合约中采用指数化价格分享企业租金。  相似文献   

Many Indian cities are facing serious problems in managing solid wastes with rise in population and urbanization. This article assesses the existing state of municipal solid waste management (MSWM) in northern India with the aim of identifying the major obstacles to its efficiency and the prospects for improvisation of the solid waste management system in the region. The existing solid waste management system in the region is found to be highly inefficient. Primary and secondary collection, transportation and open dumping are the only activities practiced that too in a non-technical manner. Many cities in region face serious problems in managing solid wastes. The annual waste generation increases in proportion to the rises in population and urbanization. This paper systematically assesses the obstacles in the existing solid waste management system in the urban areas of region and also tries to assess the potentials for its improvisation.  相似文献   

可持续的城市生活垃圾管理模式及其建设   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国城市垃圾管理正处于转型时期 ,本文结合我国城市垃圾管理存在的问题 ,讨论了可持续的城市垃圾管理的内涵及特点、系统构成和优先建设内容 ,提出了建立可持续的城市垃圾管理系统的对策措施  相似文献   

As the main organic pollutant in municipal living waste , kitchen waste causes secondary pollution in the course of its being gathered and transported to the landfill by mixing with other refuse and by decomposition. This makes pollution prevention more difficult and raises the cost of landfill engineering. However, the amount of solid waste to be treated can be decreased and such pollution burden lessened by disposing of the solid waste in local municipal areas. The program in Beijing also shows that this works well with our situation in China and can accelerate marketization and public participation.  相似文献   


As the main organic pollutant in municipal living waste, kitchen waste causes secondary pollution in the course of its being gathered and transported to the landfill by mixing with other refuse and by decomposition. This makes pollution prevention more difficult and raises the cost of landfill engineering. However, the amount of solid waste to be treated can be decreased and such pollution burden lessened by disposing of the solid waste in local municipal areas. The program in Beijing also shows that this works well with our situation in China and can accelerate marketization and public participation.  相似文献   

在介绍国内外环境教育发展概况的基础上,探讨我国将垃圾分类收集融入环境教育的必要性与可行性。基于垃圾分类收集的特点和难点,提出应结合生活垃圾分类收集工作,将多层次的学校环境教育和全方位的社会环境教育融合实施的措施。  相似文献   

This paper attempts to analyze the environmental problems of Jodhpur city in terms of air quality, water supply, wastewater disposal, and solid waste management. Maps have been prepared to show the boundaries of municipal circles responsible for the disposal of solid wastes. Areas of comparatively higher degrees of air pollution have also been demarcated on the maps. The daily output of urban refuse and the intensity of urban refuse for wards within Jophpur's walled city versus for wards outside the walled city have been cartographically depicted.  相似文献   

A study was made of the composition of wastes collected from the pipes of the stormwater drainage system of Sorocaba, SP, Brazil (600 thousand inhabitants). A total of 10 samples weighing at least 100 kg each were sorted into 19 items to determine the fraction that can be considered natural (earth/sand, stones, organic matter, and water, the latter determined after oven-drying the samples) and the anthropogenic fraction (the remaining 15 items, especially construction and demolition wastes and packaging). Soil/sand was found to be the main item collected (52.5 % dry weight), followed by the water soaked into the waste (24.3 %), which meant that all the other wastes were saturated in mud, whose contents varied from 6.4 % (glass) to 87.2 % (metalized plastics packaging). In general, 83 % of the collected wastes can be classified as “natural,” but the remaining 17 % represent 2,000 kg of the most varied types of wastes discarded improperly every day on the streets of the city. This is an alarming amount of wastes that may clog parts of the drainage systems, causing troubles for all the population (like flooding) and must be strongly considered in municipal solid wastes management and in environmental education programs.  相似文献   

Industry has become an essential part of modern society, and waste production is an inevitable outcome of the developmental activities. A material becomes waste when it is discarded without expecting to be compensated for its inherent value. These wastes may pose a potential hazard to the human health or the environment (soil, air, water) when improperly treated, stored, transported or disposed off or managed. Currently in India even though hazardous wastes, emanations and effluents are regulated, solid wastes often are disposed off indiscriminately posing health and environmental risk. In view of this, management of hazardous wastes including their disposal in environment friendly and economically viable way is very important and therefore suggestions are made for developing better strategies. Out of the various categories of the wastes, solid waste contributes a major share towards environmental degradation. The present paper outlines the nature of the wastes, waste generating industries, waste characterization, health and environmental implications of wastes management practices, steps towards planning, design and development of models for effective hazardous waste management, treatment, approaches and regulations for disposal of hazardous waste. Appraisal of the whole situation with reference to Indian scenario is attempted so that a better cost-effective strategies for waste management be evolved in future.  相似文献   

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