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宁夏沙坡头自然保护区气候变化脆弱性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着西部地区的人口增长、产业结构的改变,在全球气候变化背景下,结合其特殊的地理位置,宁夏沙坡头地区的生态脆弱性问题愈发受到重视。本研究从风险度和敏感度方面着手,选取干燥度、热量、道路分布、建筑用地分布、植被覆盖度、物种多样性、生态系统类型以及生态系统多样性八个空间属性较强的生态脆弱性指标,对沙坡头地区进行脆弱性评价研究,拟得出沙坡头地区脆弱性空间分布特点并解释差异产生的原因。研究结果表明,气候变化对宁夏沙坡头地区生态系统的影响评价模型,能够客观、准确、科学的评价气候变化对沙坡头自然保护区影响的范围和程度,同时为应对全球气候变化,缓解、适应气候变暖对沙漠生态系统的影响,以及为西部地区自然保护区建立和维护提供科学依据、技术支撑和示范作用。从而为因地制宜,更有效率的保护地区的自然生态环境与生物多样性。  相似文献   

通过梳理现有文献表明,全球气候变化对社会经济和自然生态系统造成了重大影响,气候变化将显著地改变森林生态服务的供给水平和质量,对森林和以林为生的人口都会造成重要的生态、经济和社会影响,甚至威胁到人类的生存.我国是受气候变化影响较大而适应能力较弱的发展中国家,森林适应气候变化的科学、社会经济及对策研究相对滞后,因此,笔者从气候变化对历史上森林生态系统的影响着手,阐述了气候变化对森林分布、森林演替、森林生产力、生物多样性、森林火灾、森林水文调节和水质、森林生态系统的未来、森林生态服务的水平和质量等方面产生的影响,分析了现有气候变化对森林影响的研究存在的不足:忽略了其它环境因子的作用;忽略了不同物种之间的竞争机制;缺乏对极端气候事件的考虑;缺乏森林自身变化对气候变化的反馈;缺乏森林生态系统对全球气候变化相应机制更深入的认识;研究模型及数据的不完善性.文章最后提出了可将气候变化对森林造成的危害降到最低限度的政策建议.  相似文献   

农业领域应对气候变化的适应措施与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业是对气候变化反应最为敏感和脆弱的领域之一,任何程度的气候变化都会给农业生产及其相关过程带来潜在的或显著的影响,而提高适应能力是农业领域应对气候变化的主要对策。气候变化对农业领域的主要影响包括:气候变暖使我国年平均气温上升,农业生产所需的热量资源都有不同程度的增加,延长了气候生长季,气候变化对农业气候资源产生影响;气候变化使我国的种植制度和农业布局发生改变,导致种植区和种植制度分界线北移;气候变化对农作物产量和品质产生影响;气候变化还对农业旱涝及病虫害等气候灾害及粮食安全和农产品贸易产生影响。中国幅员辽阔,受气候变化影响的农业领域区域差异特征显著,开展适应措施与对策研究已成为农业领域科学应对气候变化的重要内容。当前主要适应技术措施包括:调整农业种植制度和布局;选育优良农作物品种;加强农业气候灾害防控;加强农业基础设施建设等。在此基础上,本文分析了农业领域在适应气候变化中存在适应技术薄弱分散,尚未建立完善的适应技术清单;评估方法中缺少对适应技术的成本效益分析以及资金和政策障碍等问题。提出将来应对气候变化中农业领域适应技术措施的发展趋势和方向,主要包括通过对气候变化影响的科学系统研究,减少不确定性,提升农业在全球气候谈判中地位;建立适应技术清单和技术集成体系以及建立科学选择和评估适应技术的方法步骤,在一定程度上通过增强适应能力来减轻气候变化的不利影响,以促进我国农业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

本文基于气候变化影响与适应领域的研究,重点聚焦国家第三次气候变化评估报告发布以来的最新成果,从全国尺度评估气候变化对我国社会经济可持续发展重点领域的影响,揭示气候变化对各重点领域影响的时空格局及区域差异,预估未来气候变化风险,为国家应对气候变化宏观政策制定和促进社会经济可持续发展提供科技支撑。本文评估了重点领域的影响和风险、重大工程和脆弱区的影响和风险、综合风险与适应三个方面,分析了气候变化对农业、水资源、海洋与海岸带、自然生态系统、人体健康和环境、重大工程、脆弱区的影响与风险及区域综合风险和适应的最新研究进展。气候变暖在改变区域水热资源分配的同时,对农业、水资源、海洋与海岸带、人体健康等相关敏感领域和区域产生了十分明显影响,并且将在未来进一步加剧这些领域和区域的风险,特别是农牧交错带和黄土高原风险较为突出,同时气候变化将对青藏铁路、南水北调等重大工程产生不利影响。我国在适应气候变化领域战略研究和实践上有了长足的进步,提出了有序适应气候变化的理念并设计了实施路线图,但是在综合风险和适应领域的研究整体上还比较薄弱,综合风险和适应研究仍无法有效支撑气候变化应对工作。气候变化在某种程度上带来气候资源,对自然系统和社会经济的负面影响明显。研究再次表明,气候变化利弊共存,总体上弊大于利。  相似文献   

秦岭自然保护区群生态效益计量研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
秦岭自然保护区群在我国生物多样性保护方面发挥了重要作用.本研究在界定秦岭自然保护区群的概念及分析其内涵的基础上,综合运用专家咨询法及文献参考方法,建立了秦岭自然保护区群生态效益计量指标体系,利用市场价值法、等效替代法以及机会成本法等方法,对秦岭自然保护区群保护生物多样性产生的生态效益进行了经济计量及分析.结果表明:秦岭自然保护区群在保护生物多样性方面产生了巨大的生态效益,总生态效益约88.16亿元/a,其中涵养水源效益为31.77亿元;水土保持效益为17.85亿元;固碳制氧效益为3.41亿元;净化环境效益为7.56亿元;调节区域气候效益为5.32亿元;生物多样性保护效益为22.25亿元.本研究计量指标及计量方法为秦岭自然保护区群基层工作人员及类似保护区群生态效益计量及评价提供参考.  相似文献   

中国农业发展过程中的生物多样性影响及一体化途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放以来,我国农业得到了迅速的发展,但是以稳步提高农产品供给的农业发展模式在迅速促进农业发展的同时却忽视了对农业生态环境的保护,带来了严重的生态环境问题,给生物多样性造成了巨大的负面影响;生物多样性的减少和生态环境的恶化又危及可持续农业发展,因此,农业需要寻求新的发展模式。本文对农业发展对生物多样性的影响进行了理论与实证分析,论证了生物多样性对实现可持续农业发展的支持作用,提出了用生态农业改造传统农业,从而实现农业发展与保护生物多样性的双赢。  相似文献   

生物多样性是人类社会赖以生存和发展的基础,生物多样性保护已是当今人们最为关注的热点问题。越来越多的人认识到,生物资源是有限度的。实践表明,为保护物种栖息地而划定和管理的各种区域,对保护生物多样性有着重要的意义。在我国自然保护区被视为最典型和最有代表性的区域,也是生物多样性保护的重要基地。自然保护区保护着国家珍贵的动植物资源,拯救了濒危物种,保护了典型的生态环境,建设自然保护区是自然保护行之有效的手段。  相似文献   

地处西部荒漠和戈壁中的敦煌阳关国家级自然保护区作为重要的候鸟迁徙驿站和栖息地,是一个天然的动植物博物馆和基因库。保护区特殊的地理环境下的多样的生物对我国西部极干旱地区生物多样性方面的科学研究具有一定价值。然而,随着生态环境逐渐恶化,该地区生物多样性受到了如栖息地逐渐缩小和破碎、掠夺式过度利用等人为因素及自然因素的威胁和限制。本文分析了该保护区内生物多样性现状及多样性保护面临的问题,并提出了相应的保护对策,以期对今后保护区的物种多样性保护工作具有一定的作用。  相似文献   

湿地是地球三大生态系统之一,也是与人类生产生活联系最密切的生态系统,长江自西向东流经我国三级地貌台阶和多个气候带,湿地类型及生物多样性丰富,但经济社会快速发展也给长江湿地保护带来巨大挑战。针对长江高原沼泽、高原湖泊、通江湖泊、中下游干流河滩和河口海岸等典型自然湿地,分别探讨这些湿地水循环特点及与生物栖息地的关系,为保护长江湿地提供参考。分析表明:长江高原的垂直水循环、中下游湖泊和河流的水平水循环、长江口的潮汐分别是维护湿地生态功能的关键水文因素。气候变化和人类活动是影响湿地水循环及生态功能主要因素,所有的湿地都受到人类活动的影响,其中长江源和长江口受气候变化影响更显著。湿地保护基本原则应该是尽量维护其自然的水循环节律,采取适应性的保护和管理措施才是最佳的方案。  相似文献   

神农架国家公园植物多样性监测与评估研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物多样性监测与评估是生物多样性保护和规划管理的基础.神农架作为我国生物多样性保护的关键地区之一,研究该区域植物多样性的监测手段与评估方法,对我国各类自然保护地具有一定的借鉴意义.通过简要综述神农架地区植物多样性监测与评估研究现状,在分析现有研究存在的问题与不足基础上,提出了具系统性、持续性的监测方案,并尝试构建了该地区植物多样性综合评价体系,以期为神农架国家公园植物多样性的有效保护提供科学支撑与合理建议.  相似文献   

Climate change adaptation is an important part of addressing climate warming. Inner Mongolia grassland is a sensitive and vulnerable area of climate and an important region for adaptation to climate change. New climate change adaptation approaches with nomadic culture characteristics should be exploded in the context of climate warming. In this paper, the different utilization pattern of grassland in different regions, the different modes of production and management and historical culture were analyzed first in Nenjiang–West Liaohe plain and Ke’erqin region, Inner Mongolia Plateau and Ordos Plateau. Then, nomadic culture on the grassland was discussed from the productivity to biodiversity, from local livestock variety to resource-used system. Finally, new approaches of climate change adaptation with inheriting the essence of nomadic culture were proposed, including protecting biodiversity and using resources reasonably, performing a practice of grazing suspension–rotational grazing system, fencing degenerated grassland to facilitate its growth, founding new farming and husbandry system on the grassland, and establishing an incentive mechanism favorable to grassland and ethical cultural protection.  相似文献   

基于气候变化下部分珍稀濒危物种脆弱性分析,初步提出了适应对策,探讨了部分物种适应措施。气候变化下,珍稀濒危物种脆弱性表现在物种分布范围减少、破碎化和失去原分布范围、丰富度下降、种群数量减少、物种灭绝、栖息地退化或消失等。珍稀濒危物种适应气候变化需要分析物种自然适应机制,加强就地保护,增加种群数量,开展迁地和遗传保护,减少其它干扰,保护和恢复栖息地,建立自然保护区适应对策等。每个物种需要分析目前濒危程度和气候变化下的脆弱性来提出适应对策。  相似文献   

This paper presents an assessment scheme that should help local conservation management in their adaptation to potential effects of climate change. It can be used for the identification of robust adaptation options at site level. The assessment scheme was applied to the management of Europe’s largest population of wild mountain reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) living in the arctic-alpine plateau of Hardangervidda in south-western Norway. At first, the last four decades (1964–2004) were analysed to identify climate- and non-climate-related driving forces affecting the population. In addition, regional projections of climate change were used to build scenarios for the potential effects on these driving forces until 2050. In the second step, the potential effects of climate change were classified according to the risk they pose to the conservation of reindeer in Hardangervidda. Based on this assessment, no-regret strategies for biodiversity management under changing climate conditions could be identified.  相似文献   


For the adverse impacts of climate change, China government should place the problem of adaptation to climate change on the agenda. It is time to institute and implement a state adaptive strategy to reduce the adverse impacts on economy, community and people's health and life by international cooperation and our own endeavor. A state strategy of adaptation to climate change should be closely linked with other current interrelated national strategies, and they should be supplemented and improved by each other. This paper discusses the roles of the state strategy of adaptation to climate change in the state climate change integrative strategy, the environmental protection strategy, and the sustainable development strategy in China. Furthermore, it proposes the main aims of the state adaptive strategy of China.  相似文献   

For the adverse impacts of climate change, China government should place the problem of adaptation to climate change on the agenda. It is time to institute and implement a state adaptive strategy to reduce the adverse impacts on economy, community and people's health and life by international cooperation and our own endeavor. A state strategy of adaptation to climate change should be closely linked with other current interrelated national strategies, and they should be supplemented and improved by each other. This paper discusses the roles of the state strategy of adaptation to climate change in the state climate change integrative strategy, the environmental protection strategy, and the sustainable development strategy in China. Furthermore, it proposes the main aims of the state adaptive strategy of China.  相似文献   

The idea that integration and synthesis are critical for designing climate change adaptation and mitigation is well entrenched conceptually. Here, we review the concepts of adaptation, synthesis and integration and apply them to the case study of coastal wetlands in South East Queensland, Australia. The distribution and condition of coastal wetlands will change as climate changes. This will create conservation challenges and economic costs, but these can be minimised by drawing from a broad sectoral perspective in undertaking adaptation planning and by ensuring integration into policy. Our review indicates that adaptations to sea level rise that are focussed on wetland and biodiversity conservation are likely to have impacts for urbanisation patterns. Planning regulations that provide spatial buffering around wetlands may give rise to more compact urban forms that may lead to reductions in the cost of defence against sea level rise, reduce energy usage per person and provide more green space. However, more compact urban forms could exacerbate heat island effects and place greater burden on the economically disadvantaged as, for example, single-family homes become more expensive. Planning for climate change needs to balance these equity and cross-sectoral issues in order to reduce the likelihood of unforeseen negative consequences.  相似文献   

Climate change will affect all sectors of society and the environment at all scales, ranging from the continental to the national and local. Decision-makers and other interested citizens need to be able to access reliable science-based information to help them respond to the risks of climate change impacts and assess opportunities for adaptation. Participatory integrated assessment (IA) tools combine knowledge from diverse scientific disciplines, take account of the value and importance of stakeholder ‘lay insight’ and facilitate a two-way iterative process of exploration of ‘what if’s’ to enable decision-makers to test ideas and improve their understanding of the complex issues surrounding adaptation to climate change. This paper describes the conceptual design of a participatory IA tool, the CLIMSAVE IA Platform, based on a professionally facilitated stakeholder engagement process. The CLIMSAVE (climate change integrated methodology for cross-sectoral adaptation and vulnerability in Europe) Platform is a user-friendly, interactive web-based tool that allows stakeholders to assess climate change impacts and vulnerabilities for a range of sectors, including agriculture, forests, biodiversity, coasts, water resources and urban development. The linking of models for the different sectors enables stakeholders to see how their interactions could affect European landscape change. The relationship between choice, uncertainty and constraints is a key cross-cutting theme in the conduct of past participatory IA. Integrating scenario development processes with an interactive modelling platform is shown to allow the exploration of future uncertainty as a structural feature of such complex problems, encouraging stakeholders to explore adaptation choices within real-world constraints of future resource availability and environmental and institutional capacities, rather than seeking the ‘right’ answers.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the progress in climate change adaptation (CCA) policies both under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and in major regions and countries, including the EU and its major member countries, the influential developed countries in the Asia-Pacific region, the emerging economies and the least developed countries (LDCs). The progress made in China in CCA policies is also reviewed and compared with that in other countries. Finally, good international practices are proposed for China’s policy development. It is found that adaptation has been given the same priority as mitigation since the twenty-first century with regard to climate change-related actions. The topics related to adaptation in the international climate change negotiations under the UNFCCC have evolved from mechanisms for finance and technology development and transfer exclusively in the early stages to implementation of practical adaptation programs and actions. Since 2006, major developed and developing countries have frequently set forward specific CCA policies or general climate change policies involving adaptation in the form of laws, frameworks, strategies, and plans. The LDCs have also been working on National Adaptation Programmes of Action and subsequent National Adaptation Plans with the support from the financial mechanisms under the UNFCCC. Therefore, globally, it has become a common practice to develop national or regional policies to plan and guide CCA actions. China has established climate change policies involving adaptation at the national, regional, and sectorial levels since 2007. However, these policies have strong limitations in their knowledge base, strategic positioning, contents, and implementation mechanisms, e.g. lack of a sound knowledge base, an international perspective, clear responsibilities for policy implementation, and appropriate monitoring and evaluation mechanisms. It is recommended that China should further strengthen its technical capabilities in climate change projections as well as impact, vulnerability, and risk assessment, and develop methodologies and techniques for the preparation, impact assessment and implementation of CCA policies. Furthermore, future CCA strategies or plans should be developed with an emphasis on China’s vision and strategic position on the world stage.  相似文献   

Climate change strongly affected the structure and functions of natural ecosystems, e.g. the vegetation productivity decreased in the Northeast permafrost region due to the higher temperature and less precipitation, whereas in the Tibetan Plateau, the vegetation productivity increased, owing to the improved thermal resource. Climate change led to reduced precipitation in North and Northeast China and thus the reduced surface runoff. The public needs for energy were changed because of climate change, e.g. the shorter heating period in winter. Climate change profoundly influenced human health, pathophoresis and major projects by increasing extreme events, including frequency and magnitude, and causing more serious water shortage. Under the background of climate change, although the improved thermal resources can be helpful for extending the crop growth period, more extreme events may resulted in more instability in agricultural productivity. Not only did climate change indirectly affect the secondary and tertiary industries through the impacts on agriculture and natural resources, but also climate change mitigation measures, such as carbon tax, tariff and trading, had extensive and profound influences on the socioeconomic system. Further analysis indicated that the impact of climate change presented significant regional differences. The impact had its pros and cons, while the advantages outweighed the disadvantages. Based on the above analysis on the impacts of climate change, we put forward suggestions on coping with climate change. First, scientifically dealing with climate change will need to seek advantages while avoiding the disadvantages of climate change in order to achieve the orderly adaptation to climate change, which is characterized with “Overall best, long-term benefit.” Second, quantitative adaptation should be given more attention, e.g. proposing operational schemes and predictable goals and using uncertainty analysis on adaptation measures. Third, more active coping strategy should be adopted to enhance China’s future comprehensive competitiveness. The strategies include but are not limited to gradually adjusting the industrial structure, intensifying the research and development (R&D) of emission reduction technology and actively responding to the influence of carbon tax, tariff and trading on socioeconomic development in China.  相似文献   

气候变化知识的不断深化和积累是全球气候治理的基础。政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)邀请全球有代表性的科学家,通过分析评估国际上正式发表的文献,提供关于全球气候变化科学进展的最新认识结论。本文基于文献计量学,通过统计中国在气候变化十大重要领域的科技成果产出量和影响力、中国政府和科学家对IPCC评估报告的参与以及中国大陆引文在IPCC第五次评估报告中的贡献,分析了中国对全球气候变化知识的贡献与局限。结果表明:近十年来,中国在气候变化大多数领域的科技成果产出量已居全球第二或第三位,但在海洋与气候变化、适应气候变化和全球气候治理领域的国际论文量明显落后;与美国和英国相比,中国气候变化科技成果的各类影响力指标明显偏低;中国对IPCC评估报告的参与度和影响力在不断提升,中国积极组织相关机构和专家参与IPCC评估工作,对全球气候治理起到了重要的科学支撑作用;但从IPCC第五次评估报告中国大陆引文的角度看,中国贡献仍整体偏弱,中国大陆引文的贡献呈领域分布不均衡,优势领域少,成果影响面窄的特点。与科学基础领域相比,中国在影响和适应、减缓和国际合作领域的科学贡献更弱,对全球视角关注不够,但中国大陆引文总体的国际科学合作活跃度较高。后巴黎时代,中国需要更加面向国家需求、气候公约和《巴黎协定》目标以及国际气候变化科技前沿,加强全球视野和原始创新,突出中国优势和特色,使气候变化的中国研究成果更多支撑全球气候治理进程的推进。  相似文献   

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