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《节能减排"十二五"规划》通过国务院总理温家宝7月11日主持召开国务院常务会议,讨论通过《节能减排"十二五"规划》(以下简称《规划》)。《规划》要求,形成加快转变经济发展方式的倒逼机制,建立健全有效的激励和约束机制,大幅度提高能源利用效率,显著减少污染物排放,确保到2015年实现单位国内生产总值能耗比2010年下降16%,化学需氧量、二氧化硫排放总量减少8%,氨氮、氮氧化物排放总量减少10%的约束性目标。《规划》提出了节能改造、节能产品惠民、能技术产业化示范、节能减排能力建设等十大重点工程和保障措施。  相似文献   

油田企业节能减排的实践与探索   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
实施节能减排是建设资源节约型和环境友好型社会的重要举措,具有重要的现实意义和深远的历史意义。油田企业采取一系列措施,建立和完善各项节能减排制度,通过总结油田节能减排工作实践,提出下步节能减排的工作目标和指导思想,建议要突出工作重点,尤其是要推进能源节约、推行污染减排、加强资源综合利用、促进节水等方面,实现全方位节能减排。同时,应制定中长期工作规划,采取示范工程、开展创建活动、加快体制机制建设、强化基础工作、加大监督检查力度等措施,为企业实现又好又快发展提供政策、体制、机制保障。  相似文献   

节能减排的可持续发展模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
能源与资源的过度消耗,导致全球能源与资源面临紧缺和枯竭。目前全世界都在关注资源和能源问题,而中国的节能减排问题更是成了全球瞩目的焦点。从节能减排、资源节约和资源环境保护的认识着手,从建立节能减排的法制环境建设、构建节能减排的可持续发展模式等方面进行了分析研究。  相似文献   

H作业区经过对节能减排中问题的总结,实施了哈得四联合站放空气回收轻烃外输、哈得一联合站二段气回收、污水闭路循环回收利用、淡化水流程优化等节能减排工程,促进了节能减排,减少了碳排放,实现了清洁生产,取得了较好的经济效益和环境效益。  相似文献   

叶榄 《绿叶》2018,(Z1)
党的十九大报告中提出"要建设美丽中国,推进绿色发展;要壮大节能环保产业、清洁生产产业、清洁能源产业;要推进资源全面节约和循环利用"。这充分体现出党和国家对环保与节能减排工作的高度重视。保护环境,减少能源消耗、三废和碳排放,科技在其中发挥着十分重要的作用。在节能减排、绿色科技扎堆的规划设计和建筑领域,北京绿十字协助环保公司进行了大量的科研和实践,取得了丰硕的成果,为建设美好城乡提供了成功经验和示范作用。  相似文献   

天然气集输系统节能减排措施研究与实施   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以丘东采油厂为例,从能源消耗结构、管理和技术三个方面,对天然气集输过程中能源消耗情况及清洁生产方案措施实施效果进行分析,确定影响节能减排的关键因素;通过节能减排技术的应用,采取节能管理措施,降低能源消耗,减少污染物排放,取得一定的效果。  相似文献   

2008年7月1日上午,国务院总理、国务院节能减排工作领导小组组长温家宝主持召开节能减排工作领导小组会议,听取2007年节能减排工作进展情况汇报,安排2008年节能减排工作。会议强调,今年是实现“十一五”节能减排约柬陛目标的关键一年,必须下更大决心,花更大力气,打好节能减排攻坚战,务求使节能减排工作取得突破性进展。  相似文献   

<正>"十三五"是安徽省决战决胜全面小康、建设"五大发展"美好安徽的关键时期。日前,安徽省人民政府对外发布《"十三五"节能减排实施方案》,明确了"十三五"期间节能减排工作时间表和路线图,从十一个方面明确了推进节能减排工作的具体措施。绿色低碳产业总产值突破4000亿元  相似文献   

陈然 《环境教育》2009,(1):52-54
21、用布袋取代塑料袋。尽管少生产1个塑料袋只能节能约0.04克标准煤,相应减排二氧化碳0.1克,但由于塑料袋日常用量极大,如果全国减少10%的塑料袋使用量,那么每年可以节能约1.2万吨标准煤,减排二氧化碳3.1万吨。  相似文献   

陕西延长石油(集团)管道运输公司是陕西延长石油(集团)有限责任公司的专业板块之一,主要负责延长石油集团的油品管输、原油采调和管道建设等工作,被誉为延长石油的运输"大动脉"。该公司以技术创新支撑管输生产,多管齐下抓好节能减排工作。强化领导职能和责任夯实,狠抓节能减排工作。公司主要领导把节能减排工作当成企业实现可  相似文献   

天然气分布式能源具有能效高、清洁环保、安全性好、削峰填谷等诸多优点。发展天然气分布式能源是扩大天然气应用和实现资源就地转化的重要方向和选择,是我国能源发展战略的一部分,同时也能够提升天然气优化利用水平,提高能源利用效率,促进节能减排和绿色低碳发展,深化能源行业及电力行业供给侧结构性改革。对我国天然气分布式能源产业政策进行详细分析,对江苏、上海、浙江等重点地区天然气分布式能源项目调研基础上,系统提出当前天然气分布式能源存在的问题,并在合理布局、天然气价格市场化、经济政策、核心技术研发等多方面提出相关政策建议。  相似文献   

环境保护税作为我国第一个体现"绿色税制"的综合税种,自2018年1月1日起开始征收,环境税的顺利开征不仅实现了"费改税"的平稳过渡,更促使企业不断朝着节能减排、绿色生产的方向发展,为经济发展增加了助推器、提供了新动力,税制改革初显成效.大气污染物作为环境税征税对象,对废气排放企业产生很大的影响.通过搜集废气排放企业环境...  相似文献   


Microgrids are the key for integrating renewable energy from different sources into smart grid, that is why power grid evolves into a combination of interconnected microgrids. In fact, future power grids are undergoing this groundbreaking change that will help meet the increasing demand of electric power and reduce carbon emission. In this sense we study in this paper, based on measured data, a real case of energy management in the area of Beja located in Tunisia. Indeed, we propose a model for the power exchange which proves the potential of applying game theory in the development of both real-time pricing and energy management mechanism for an open electricity market. We also introduce a hybrid genetic algorithm to compute the Nash Equilibrium. Results show that the proposed smart energy management can decrease the real cost of power up to 20%, to divide the energy transmission losses by a factor of two and to reduce the carbon emission in the area of Beja.  相似文献   

A novel deterministic multi-period mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model for the power generation planning of electric systems is described and evaluated in this paper. The model is developed with the objective of determining the optimal mix of energy supply sources and pollutant mitigation options that meet a specified electricity demand and CO2 emission targets at minimum cost. Several time-dependent parameters are included in the model formulation; they include forecasted energy demand, fuel price variability, construction lead time, conservation initiatives, and increase in fixed operational and maintenance costs over time. The developed model is applied to two case studies. The objective of the case studies is to examine the economical, structural, and environmental effects that would result if the electricity sector was required to reduce its CO2 emissions to a specified limit.  相似文献   

文章以探索提某站4台伴生气天然气压缩机组运行时效作为研究目的,针对压缩机组运行过程中出现的机组排量低、运行参数偏离设计值等问题开展研究,采取调整余隙和增大动力缸上止点时燃烧室容积等措施,实现机组提高处理量、降低单位能耗的目的,在为企业节省生产运行成本的同时,实现节能减排。  相似文献   

解析电除尘烟温与粉尘特性的最佳结合点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了电除尘烟温对粉尘特性的影响,以及烟温对电除尘器效率的影响,从中找出烟温调节与粉尘特性的最佳结合点。利用烟温调节的理念,应用余热利用节能电除尘技术对电除尘器进行提效改造,通过实例证明,这既可扩大电除尘器适应性和提高电除尘效率、满足低排放要求,又可节省电煤消耗和降低电耗,具有环保与经济的双重效益。  相似文献   

个人排放交易被认为可以促进居民参与碳减排,但是因其减排收益难以覆盖高昂的建立和运行成本,降低了公众接受度。本文提出除了考虑碳减排的收益外,更需要关注个人排放交易机制的教育价值、形成正确的激励以及鼓励创新的价值,并提出可以基于当前国内多地实行的阶梯电价制度,利用电力系统现有的用户网络和账户系统,建立居民生活用电碳排放交易机制,以降低成本并实现上述价值。在此基础上,就居民生活用电碳排放交易机制的配额设定与分配、配额交易以及清缴问题做了细致的分析,并提出绿色电力作为补充电力可以免费获得碳配额以促进绿色消费。同时,比较分析了在居民生活用电交易机制和阶梯电价制度下,不同居民家庭以及电力公司的用电成本(收益),指出了其在形成正确的激励方面的作用。最后指出在条件成熟的情况下,居民生活用电碳排放交易机制可以扩展到居民的其他能源消费领域,以实现更为全面的个人排放交易。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In addition to offsetting water supply shortages, water conservation is recognized as serving many purposes, ranging from reduced energy consumption to lower capital costs. Since the discussion of these benefits has been a recent development and has generally excluded local water supply managers, a question arises as to whether supply managers are implementing conservation programs to exploit these benefits. A survey of the managers at 35 Maryland water utilities provides insight into the prevailing attitude toward conservation in a water rich eastern state. The results indicate that most managers continue to view conservation only as a short term response to temporary supply shortages. Only 12 Maryland utilities have undertaken any form of water conservation activity and just two systems have ongoing, comprehensive conservation programs. Institutional, perceptual, economic, political, and time constraints all contribute to the managers’attitudes and general inaction. If water conservation is to be widely practiced, these issues must be addressed and the benefits attributed to conservation must be better documented and articulated to supply managers.  相似文献   

The reported research seeks to answer several questions regarding energy conservation within urbanizing areas. As a practical matter, to what extent can dependence upon exhaustible resources be reduced? Can these reductions be achieved without severely impairing social well-being and environmental quality? And, what seem to be the prevailing institutional constraints limiting energy conservation within urbanizing areas? The study area was the proposed “downtown” of The Woodlands, a new town north of Houston, Texas. Two plans were developed for this area. In one, no particular attempt was made to conserve energy (conventional plan), while in the other, energy conservation was a primary consideration (conservation plan). For both plans, estimates were made of energy consumption within buildings, in the transportation sector, and in the actual production of building materials themselves (embodied energy). In addition, economic and environmental analyses were performed, including investigation of other resource issues such as water supply, solid waste disposal, stormwater management, and atmospheric emissions. Alternative on-site power systems were also investigated. Within the bounds of economic feasibility and development practicality, it was found that application of energy-conserving methods could yield annual energy savings of as much as 23%, and reduce dependence on prime fuels by 30%. Adverse economic effects on consumers were found to be minimal and environmental quality could be sustained. The major institutional constraints appeared to be those associated with traditional property ownership and with the use of common property resources. The resistance to change of everyday practices in land development and building industries also seemed to constrain potential applications.  相似文献   

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