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Zusammenfassung  Der WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature), Initiator und Tr?ger des Donau-Karpaten-Programms, besch?ftigt sich seit Beginn des Kosovo-Konfliktes mit den Auswirkungen der kriegerischen Auseinandersetzungen auf Natur und Mensch und versucht, die Welt?ffentiichkeit entsprechend zu informieren. Ende Juli 1999 hat der WWF International eine Mission, bestehend aus unabh?ngigen Toxikologinnen und ?lexperten, an die Donau entsandt. Unter der Leitung von Philip Weller, dem Direktor des WWF Donau-Karpaten-Programms, wurden drei Tag lang Industriekomplexe besichtigt und Gespr?che mit Betroffenen geführt. Die Reise führte das Team nach Panćevo und Novi Sad, und damit zu den Schwerpunkten der zerst?rten Chemie- und Petrochemischen Komplexe. In den betroffenen Werken, HIP AZOTARA, Panćevo und NIS ?lraffinerie, Novi Sad wurde das Team von den jeweiligen Werkleitern geführt. Gespr?che fanden statt mit dem Bürgermeister von Panćevo und Vertretern des Gesundheitsamtes in Belgrad. Es war dem Team m?glich, Boden- und Wasserproben zu nehmen und zu analysieren. Damit liegen den Autoren unabh?ngige Analysenergebnisse vor, die es gestatten, eine erste, orientierende Einsch?tzung der Kontaminationen vorzunehmen.   相似文献   

In this overview two definitions of climate are presented, from the meteorological point of view and from the climate system’s point of view. The origin of climate change is discussed, i.e., externally forced variability and free, or internal variability that is caused without external trigger by internal instabilities of the system. Both, forced and free variability can appear as periodic, randomly quasi-periodic, and abrupt climate change. Finally, various possibilities of climate forecast are considered.
Klima?nderungen: M?gliche Ursachen in Vergangenheit und Zukunft
Zusammenfassung  In diesem übersichtsartikel werden zwei Klimadefinitionen, die meteorologische und die systemanalytische, vorgestellt. Verschiedene Ursachen für Klima?nderungen werden vergleichend diskutiert: die extern angetriebene Klimavariabilit?t und die ohne ?u?eren Ansto?, aufgrund von internen Instabilit?ten im System ausgel?ste, freie oder interne Klimavariabilit?t. Sowohl die angetriebene als auch die freie Klimavariabilit?t kann sich durch periodische, zuf?llig periodische und abrupte Klima?nderungen bemerkbar machen. Abschlie?end werden die verschiedenen M?glichkeiten der Klimavorhersage betrachtet.
Professor Dr. Martin Claussen ist amtierender Direktor des Potsdam-Instituts für Klimafolgenforschung und Vorsitzender der Deutschen Meteorologischen Gesellschaft (Amtsperiode 2003–2005). Sein aktuelles Forschungsgebiet umfasst die Klimasystemmodellierung einschlie?lich der Pal?oklimamodellierung, wobei die Wechselwirkung zwischen dem physikalischen Klimasystem und der Biosph?re im Vordergrund der Forschung steht. Professor Claussen ist ausgebildeter Meteorologe und lehrt zurzeit Klimaphysik an der Universit?t Potsdam.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The direct/indirect responsibility of the gut microbiome in disease induction in and outside the digestive tract is well studied. These results are...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Although some regulatory agencies have claimed that consumer exposures to tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) are not likely to cause adverse health effects...  相似文献   

低碳经济是以低能耗、低排放、低污染为基础的经济模式,是人类社会继原始文明、农业文明、工业文明之后的又一大进步.其实质是提高能源利用效率和创建清洁能源结构,核心是技术创新、制度创新和发展观的转变.  相似文献   

Over the next decade, use of chlorinated solvents, a widely employed class of chemicals, will decline significantly because of increasingly stringent environmental regulations. These solvents pose certain health and environmental problems and they have been heavily scrutinized. The alternatives to the solvents are being adopted without controls. In some cases, these substances will pose other health and environmental problems that are likely to be as serious; in other cases, the alternatives have not been examined for their health and environmental effects at all. This case study demonstrates that regulations on chlorinated solvents and their potential alternatives are inconsistent with one another and conflicting.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  Die Entwicklung, der Aufbau und die Evaluierung eines biologischen Indikatorsystems für die Pflanzenschutzmittel-Belastung in kleinen Flie?gew?ssern wird vorgestellt. In Flie?gew?ssern mit landwirtschaftlichem Einzugsgebiet stuft das Expertensystem LIMPACT die Belastung in vier Klassen ‘unbelastet/nicht nachgewiesen’, ‘gering’, ‘mittel’ und ‘hoch’ belastet ein. Eingangsdaten sind dabei die Abundanzdaten der benthischen Makroinvertebraten-Fauna zu vier Terminen im Jahresverlauf (M?rz/April; Mai/Juni; Juli/August; September/Oktober) und neun physikalisch-chemische bzw. morphologische Flie?gew?sserparameter. Die Wissenbasis wurde mit dem Shellbaukasten D3 aufgebaut und enth?lt 921 Regeln zum etablieren oder de-etablieren einer Bewertungsklasse. Es wurden 39 Arten und Taxa analysiert und dabei 13 positive und 24 negative Indikatorspezies definiert. Positive Indikatorarten zeigen eine hohe Belastung durch hohe Abundanzen an, w?hrend negative Indikatorarten durch eine hohe Abundanz eine Belastung ausschlie?en und unbelastete B?che anzeigen. Die Datenbasis enthielt 157 j?hrliche Untersuchungen und wurde auch zur Evaluierung eingesetzt. Die korrekte Klassifikationsrate liegt bei 66,7–85,5% der F?lle. Die meisten verbleibenden F?llen werden nicht falsch eingestuft, sondern infolge der konservativen Bewertung bei geringer Datengrundlage nicht klassifiziert. Online First: 31.05.2002  相似文献   

We present herein our perspective of a novel Small Habitats Matrix (SHM) concept showing how small habitats on private lands are untapped but can be valuable for mitigating ecological degradation. Grounded by the realities in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo, we model a discontinuous “stepping stones” linkage that includes both terrestrial and aquatic habitats to illustrate exactly how the SHM can be deployed. Taken together, the SHM is expected to optimize the meta-population vitality in monoculture landscapes for aerial, arboreal, terrestrial and aquatic wildlife communities. We also provide the tangible cost estimates and discuss how such a concept is both economically affordable and plausible to complement global conservation initiatives. By proposing a practical approach to conservation in the rapidly developing tropics, we present a perspective from “ground zero” that reaches out to fellow scientists, funders, activists and pro-environmental land owners who often ask, “What more can we do?”  相似文献   

Bound residues: environmental solution or future problem?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The paper examines the issue of bound residues from the viewpoint of the risk assessment procedures employed for environmental protection. It considers, on one hand, the evidence that such residues are so tightly bound to soil organic matter as to be essentially unavailable; and on the other, the perspective that we should not be loading up the environment with compounds whose future behaviour and release we cannot predict. Existing knowledge of the mechanisms by which residues bind to soil organic matter suggests that release will be closely dependent on soil organic matter breakdown. Simple models of organic matter turnover suggest that the release following single applications of individual compounds will be very slow; but the significance of releases following repeated application over many years of a number of compounds needs to be investigated further. Applying environmental risk assessment techniques is complicated by the difficulty in identifying parent molecules and potential metabolites in the bound residue fraction. The paper concludes that for single additions of individual compounds, bound residues probably do represent an environmental solution. But the long-term significance of bound residues formed from multiple additions of a number of compounds is less clear. The paper recommends that future work should emphasise the biological significance of such residues and their release.  相似文献   

Gold (Au) accounts for only 0.004 g/ton of the earth's crust and is the most desired element. With an average annual world production of approximately 2,500 tons, the current methods of Au mining in developing countries cause major environmental issues. These issues vary from deforestation to cyanide and mercury (Hg) contamination. This article presents several cases of environmental catastrophes caused by Au mining in different regions of the world (Africa, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and South America). It discusses the currently available processes for the large-scale extraction of metallic Au grains and supports the need for an alternative sustainable process.  相似文献   

Exposure efficiency: an idea whose time has come?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Evans JS  Wolff SK  Phonboon K  Levy JI  Smith KR 《Chemosphere》2002,49(9):1075-1091

Changes in research emphasis from pollution towards the effects of climate change have resulted from shifts in political and public interests. Information gained from research on the effects of pollutants as a perturbation on mycorrhizae and mycorrhizae-mediated processes may be an appropriate starting point from which to launch into climate change studies. However, the effects of pollution on mycorrhizae are not clear cut as there are many conflicting results. The methods used in experiments, levels of pollutants used and relationships between studies on seedling trees to the mature forest do not suggest unifying models of pollution effects. Some areas of work still lacking in the pollution field are highlighted. These include well replicated experiments at currently ambient pollutant levels, and areas for potential development in the global climate change arena, e.g. the interaction between C supply and nutrient uptake.  相似文献   

The fuel shortage has encouraged the utilization of high sulfur fuels in those facilities where they can be used in an environmentally safe manner. A study was undertaken by the State of Iowa to correlate sulfur content of coals, stack heights, and maximum ground level concentrations from power plants. This study revealed that the primary National Ambient Air Quality Standards for SO2 are more restrictive than the secondary standard in almost all cases. This conclusion is contrary to the position that the attainment of the secondary standard could beata later date than the attainment of the primary standards.  相似文献   

Kummu M  Penny D  Sarkkula J  Koponen J 《Ambio》2008,37(3):158-163
It has been claimed that Tonle Sap Lake is rapidly filling with sediment as a result of increasing sediment yields from the catchment. Infilling of the lake basin would have serious implications for the magnitude of flooding in central Cambodia and the Mekong Delta region and threaten the lake's unique ecosystem. In this article, we synthesize the results of radiocarbon dating of sediment cores and hydrodynamic modeling results to provide an empirically based assessment of this issue. We find that current sedimentation rates within the lake basin proper are low and have been for several millennia. However, sedimentation at the lake margin and in its floodplain is relatively high, which presents a range of issues for riparian communities.  相似文献   

National Park Development in China: Conservation or Commercialization?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wang G  Innes JL  Wu SW  Krzyzanowski J  Yin Y  Dai S  Zhang X  Liu S 《Ambio》2012,41(3):247-261
The rapid development of parks and ecotourism in China has attracted worldwide attention, not only for the beauty of the landscape that the parks are protecting but also for their abundant and often unique biodiversity. However, in some areas, the development of ecotourism has actually led to the degradation of local ecological, economic, and social systems. Using National Forest Parks for demonstration, this article analyzes the current political, institutional, legal, environmental, and economic issues concerning National Parks in China, and examines their potential future development. Although the intention of National Park systems in China is to raise environmental quality, and to protect biodiversity and social livelihoods, their success has varied. Future success will be measured by their capacity to reduce poverty, to promote long-term rehabilitation of wildlife habitats, and to simultaneously protect Chinese culture and biodiversity.  相似文献   

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