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ABSTRACT: The Ontario Ministry of the Environment has based its water quality management approach on a set of guidelines published in 1970. In light of the changing societal and economic background, advancement in technology and scientific knowledge, and philosophical attitudes towards water management, the water management program was recently revised. Factors influencing the revised approach, including federal-provincial interrelationships and international commitments under the Canada-U.S. Agreement, are summarized. The revised program consists of a goal statement, policies to implement this goal, revised water quality objectives, and detailed implementation procedures for field staff use. Rather than promulgating regulations to impose arbitrary effluent or receiving water standards on a province-wide basis, the revised approach involves the imposition of legally enforceable effluent requirements on a case-by-case basis. Although the paper emphasizes the surface water quality program, it also outlines the Ministry's goals, policies, and procedures for the management of surface-water quantity, as well as ground water quality and quantity.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Arizona's water pollution control program is based on authorties of Arizona Revised Statutes and Public Law 92–500, the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972. The primary areas of this program are monitoring, facility inspections, plan review, planning, discharge permits and grants for the construction of publicly-owned waste water treatment facilities. The discharge permit program deals with control of point-source discharges and is administered by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. The planning and construction grants programs are administered by the State Water Quality Control Council and are implemented by the Bureau of Water Quality Control, which serves as staff to the Council. There are several challenges that face the State in this program. First is the adaptation of the “eastern law” to deal with Arizona's water quality problems. Second is to address problems caused by a long history of “laissez-faire” environmental quality management. Third is a mutual cooperation and coordination among the many entities involved in water resources management. Areas of particular interest in the State's program is the process setting water quality standards and the involvement of people of diversified backgrounds in the field of areawide planning under Section 208 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, which is primarily concerned with non-point sources of water pollution.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The Nation has entered a new era of water quality management in which land use policy and regulation must assume an increasingly important role. The benefits of tertiary and advanced waste treatment may be offset by contradictory land use and pollution from land runoff. Unless land use planning and controls are included in water quality management, land-imposed constraints on water quality can be anticipated. Pollution from major types of land runoff are reviewed with respect to sources, effects, and control procedures. Emphasis is given to land use practices and controls. The crucial issue with regard to the latter is lack of land use policies at federal, state, and local levels. State legislation establishing guidelines and minimum standards for land use regulation by local government is required. The dependency of water quality on land use points to the fallacy of attempting to provide for comprehensive water pollution control outside the context of comprehensive land-water resource planning and management.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: While significant nonpoint source (NIPS) pollution control progress has been made since passage of Section 319 in the 1987 Water Quality Act, existing federal legislation does not provide for the most timely and cost-effective NIPS pollution reduction. In this paper, we use findings from the Rural Clean Water Program and other nationwide agricultural NIPS pollution control programs, building on legislative history to recommend a coordinated and efficient direction for agricultural water quality legislation. A collaborative framework should be established to accomplish the goals of the Clean Water Act (CWA), Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA), and the Conservation Title of the Farm Bill. Valuable elements of the 1990 CZMA amendments that created a coastal NIPS program should be subsumed into the CWA. The CWA should reemphasize use of receiving water quality criteria and standards and should allow states flexibility to tailor basin-scale NPS program implementation to local needs. Implementation should involve targeting of NIPS pollution control efforts to critical land treatment areas and use of systems of best management practices to address these targeted water quality problems. The 1995 Farm Bill should reorient production incentives toward water quality to support the collaborative framework, implementing ecologically sound source reduction principles. The Farm Bill and the CWA should contain interrelated provisions for voluntary, incentive-assisted producer participation and fallback regulatory measures. Such coordinated national water quality and Farm Bill legislation that recognizes the need for flexibility in state implementation is supported as the most rational and cost-effective means of attaining water quality goals.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Adequate water supplies are critical to the maintenance of a community's health and economic well-being. Across the nation communities are struggling to meet an expanding demand for water from municipal, industrial, agricultural, recreation, water quality, and power generation users. As the demand grows and communities actively compete with one another for a limited water supply, states are being called upon to help solve the problem. One possible solution that is being used in many areas is the development and implementation of a water conservation program to stretch the limited supply as far as possible. using a mailed survey, state water conservation programs and some of the characteristics of the different programs were documented. Responses to the nationwide survey were obtained from all 50 states. The specific water conservation program elements on which information was received from the survey included laws and restricted use, community assistance, education, research, and other services. Recommendations for states developing or considering the development of a water conservation program are outlined.  相似文献   

A system study was conducted on the use of a large number of small reservoirs dispersed throughout an urban community as a means of storm water pollution control. The study was based on an area within the “new city” of Columbia, Maryland. Water collected and stored in the reservoirs is treated for release or use in meeting sub-potable and potable water demands in the community. Design and performance criteria were developed for such a system. A simulation model and a computerized evaluation technique were used to select the optimal locations and system configurations. The results of this study indicated that such a system would be less expensive than a conventional engineering approach to storm water pollution control. Further, the benefits derived from use of the storm water as a water supply can offset a portion of the cost of pollution control. Several secondary benefits also result from this concept including erosion and sediment control, storm flow dampening, and recreational facilities. A program is now underway to demonstrate this concept in Columbia, Maryland.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Chowan River system consists of three rivers in southeast Virginia that form two confluences before flowing into Albermarle Sound in North Carolina. A computer program was written to simulate flows through the river system to determine flow rates, velocities, and depths. The output of the flow program was input into a second program that calculated the concentrations of BOD5, COD, DO, and four nitrogen parameters (organic, ammonia, nitrite-nitrate and algal-N). Measured field data were used to calibrate the model. The effect of reducing the concentration of nutrients from overland runoff on algal concentrations at the mouth of the river was studied. The program was also run to simulate the water quality of the watershed in a primitive condition, in which the watershed was assumed to consist only of forests. The results of the computer program indicate that the major changes in the water quality of the river are simulated satisfactorily. The program can be used to assess the impact of any management scheme to improve water quality.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Urban runoff as well as industrial and agricultural discharges have seriously affected the water quality of the Skudai River, Malaysia. A water quality model is developed for simulating BOD and oxygen relationship. The simulated values agree relatively well with survey data taken during low flow conditions. Survey and simulated values show that a pollution abatement program is needed to prevent further deterioration of the river from organic discharges. A systems approach, involving complete analysis of water quality models and environmental control procedures, considering various water use patterns, water quality criteria, and waste input, is essential for solution.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper examines the relationship between best-management practices, institutional needs, and improved water quality within the watersheds of Wisconsin's program for controlling rural nonpoint source pollution. The first section describes the federal requirements for state nonpoint source programs and the legislative and management methods the state of Wisconsin uses to put those requirements into practice. The emphasis of the paper, described in the second section, is the institutional difficulty in evaluating the success of a large, integrated water quality program. Measurements which are investigated include (1) watershed water quality before and after implementation of BMPs; (2) program participation as measured by eligible vs. participating landowners, BMPs considered necessary vs. BMPs implemented, or dollars allocated to the NPS program vs. dollars expended; and (3) institutional goal coordination and management effectiveness. It is found that, despite the size and sophistication of Wisconsin's NPS program, there is little if any improvement in ambient water quality in these watersheds, probably because of a general lack of adequate participation in this voluntary program.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Irrigated agriculture is a major nonpoint source of surface water quality degradation. Nonpoint source discharges can be controlled by either output taxes or restrictions, or input taxes or restrictions. The economic theory of externality control with taxes or restrictions on input use is developed. The effectiveness of alternative input control policies in improving surface water quality is demonstrated with a mathematical model of the agriculture and water quality in Washington State's Yakima River Basin. Water quality parameters considered were river nitrogen concentration, water temperature, and cropland soil losses. Producer and social abatement costs were the most important measures of policy effectiveness.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The City of Portland's stormwater management program, winner of EPA's Environmental Excellence Award for 1996, is committed to partnership-based, cost-effective, “green” approaches to healthy neighborhoods and water quality. The stormwater program encourages innovative, non-structural pollution reduction techniques like native landscaping, stormwater pollution reduction bioswales and ponds, and public involvement and education. Effectiveness of stormwater best management practices (BMPs) has been difficult to determine on a citywide basis. Recognizing this problem, the City of Portland launched the Parkrose Pilot Project in 1994 to test the effectiveness of a wide range of BMPs in a small watershed in north Portland, the Parkrose catchment, and monitor the results prior to citywide implementation. This catchment was selected because of its small size (144 acres), its representative mix of land uses, and an extensive record of water quality monitoring data. This paper examines the City's strategy in selecting the Parkrose study area as a pilot watershed, the BMPs chosen for use in the watershed, and the results of the program to date. Final success of the Parkrose project will be gauged by the attainment of measurable pollution reduction within the catchment while providing opportunities for meaningful participation by the local community in achieving water quality. Involvement by private citizens in the community is crucial to the success of the project and to ensure compliance with the federal mandate to reduce pollutants to the maximum extent practicable.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Recent federal legislation strengthened nonpoint source pollution regulations and helped to support and standardize pollution control efforts. A comprehensive review of current state and federal programs for forest areas reveals a substantial increase in agency water quality protection activities. These new efforts emphasize monitoring to assess the use and effectiveness of best management practices (BMPs). Recent monitoring reveals that BMP use is increasing and that such use typically maintains water quality within standards. However, information is generally lacking about the cost effectiveness of BMP programs. Carefully designed and executed monitoring is the key to better specification of BMPs and more cost effective water quality protection. (KEY TERMS: water quality; nonpoint source pollution; water law; watershed management; forestry; best management practices.)  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A series of studies and experiments were conducted to identify rural water supply quality problems and to develop and demonstrate solutions. We found that rural people had severe and widespread problems, while state agencies held potential answers. Communications between experts and town officials were weak or absent. To bridge this gap, an information system was devised and tested. A computer program was developed to provide a printout map of the state, showing town boundaries and the quality of water supplies for each public water system monitored by the State Health Department. The map and data were published in local newspapers with an explanation of the map and its symbols. Town health officers were interviewed to determine the results of the public disclosure. We found that the news releases led to increased awareness, interest, and understanding of water quality and demands for ameliorative action. This program was supplemented by two publications: “A Layman's Guide to Eutrophication” and “A Handbook for Rural Water Uses.” The handbook explains the nature of drinking water standards, the reasons for these standards, the dangers and results of not meeting the standards, and cost-effective alternatives for improving water quality.  相似文献   

The best available figures indicate that on a global basis only about 10 per cent of the rural populations have a safe source of water, with the Region of the Americas having the highest coverage at 19 per cent. The program of the Second U.N. Decade proposed to supply coverage to about 200 million persons at an estimated cost of 1.6 billion dollars by 1980. The elements of a rural water supply program are presented, then the difference between rural and urban supplies in such areas as community participation, financing, technical assistance, etc., are discussed. The use of revolving funds to help finance this effort, and the use of the mass approach to help the governments increase their program coverage, are also presented. This paper concludes that while much has been done in the 60's, much remains to be done, but that the basic tools for this effort are available.  相似文献   

Our immense national water quality control program has been launched on a wholly empirical basis, much as our ancestors initiated early navigation improvements and flood control. Not only has there been no effort to determine the benefits of water quality control; the theoretical groundwork for optimization has not been developed. Three main national objectives for consideration are national economic efficiency, preserving and improving the national environment for man's use and development (conservation), and regional development. Although popular at present, the regional development objective is not particularly useful from an economic viewpoint. Efficiency objectives other than environmental can be evaluated but are apt to be minor. Other water quality benefits can be broken down appropriately into four main categories: (a) man's recreational environment; (b) man's home environment; (c) man's working environment; (d) intangibles related to scientific, historic, health and cultural values. In management of water quality, various technical relationships must be considered, particularly as to quantity of water needed for waste disposal, and relationship of this use to water supply withdrawals. Advanced waste treatment must be compared with other alternatives, not only of flow augmentation, but also technological process changes, distribution of effluents, and artificial river aeration.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Ground water quality is an environmental issue of national concern. Agricultural activities, because they involve large land areas, often are cited as a major contributor of ground water contaminants. It appears that some degree of ground water contamination from agricultural land use is inevitable, especially where precipitation exceeds evapotranspiration. For this reason, and because agriculture differs significantly from point sources of pollution, farmers, policymakers, and scientists need alternative management strategies by which to protect ground water. Mathematical models coupled to geographic information systems to form expert systems can be important management tools for both policymakers and agricultural producers. An expert system can provide farmers, researchers, and environmental managers with information by which to better manage agricultural production systems to minimize ground water contamination. Significant research is necessary to perfect such a system, necessitating interim ground water management strategies that include not only a strong research program, but educational and public policy components as well.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Small systematic changes in loads or concentrations of water quality constituents are difficult to detect against the background of short term fluctuations (“noise”) that result from weather and climate effects. Minimum Detectable Change Analysis (MDCA) uses prior knowledge of a water quality constituent to determine how much change must occur (e.g., from implementation of conservation practices) for the change to be statistically significant. In this paper we use MDCA to determine whether the goal of the Ohio Lake Erie Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP), to reduce sediment loads by an average of 6 percent over 10 years, represents a large enough change to be detected. We conclude that this amount of change is unlikely to be detected as statistically significant, even with the high frequency sampling program planned for evaluating it. The minimum detectable change ranges from about 7 to 9 percent for three different rivers.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This study examines water consumption characteristics in Casablanca and analyzes approaches for sustainable water demand management. Research procedures involve the development and estimation of water demand models for the residential/commercial, industrial, and institutional sectors; forecasts of water demand to 2010; and simulation of the effects of a complex of water conservation methods on the forecasted demands. The results indicate that residential/commercial water demand is weakly responsive to price changes (elasticity =?0.448) while institutional water demand is slightly more responsive (elasticity =?0.648). The conservation approaches used in the simulations included public education, plumbing code revisions to require use of water conservation devices, leak detection and repair, pricing policy, metering, and pressure reduction. The results indicate that considerable saving in water use can be attained through a comprehensive water demand management program.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The elimination of groundwater overdraft was a key feature of the 1980 Arizona Groundwater Management Act. To achieve this goal, the Arizona Department of Water Resources identified several Active Management Areas and developed urban, industrial, and agricultural water conservation plans. This study examines the reductions in groundwater use through agricultural water conservation in the Phoenix Active Management Area (AMA). Linear programming models are developed to analyze changes in groundwater use and net returns to agriculture over a 38-year period, 1990 to 2025, for farming areas in the Phoenix AMA. Results indicate that the agricultural conservation program provides only modest groundwater savings under a wide range of scenarios. The low level of savings is partly due to the current economically efficient use of water. Other policy measures such as retiring agricultural land may be necessary if the Phoenix AMA is to meet its overdraft reduction goals; even if urban water conservation goals are met.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In 1996, the Big Thompson Watershed Forum (BTWF) was formed “to assess and protect the quality of water” in the Big Thompson Watershed in northern Colorado. However, until 1999, water quality monitoring in the watershed was performed by many state, local, and federal agencies with no coordination among programs and with few efforts toward efficiency, data comparability, or information exchange. To better meet the needs of its stakeholders, the BTWF since 1999 has been actively pursuing the design and implementation of a cooperative water quality monitoring program. The program design involved consensus building among the funding participants, primarily drinking water providers. The final design included 38 parameters to be sampled 15 times per year at 24 stream and canal locations plus two reservoirs. Although the collaborative consensus based approach has been successful for the BTWF, this approach has its drawbacks; most notable among these are the time and labor this approach requires. Also, the BTWF struggled with achieving equal representation of all interests, since those agencies that provided funding had the greatest voice in the final product. While a collaborative approach may not always be best for monitoring program design, it should be appropriate for many watershed organizations that face the common problem of severe financial constraints.  相似文献   

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