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A procedure is described for conducting floristic examinations of prospective sites of development in order to determine the presence of threatened and/or endangered plant species. The timed meander search procedure provides information to document the level of effort expended in the examination as well as to describe the floristic resources of the site. Tests of the procedure during the 1979 and 1980 field seasons have demonstrated its value both as a means of discovering threatened and endangered species on a site and as a means of documenting a low probability of occurrence of such species if not found during application of the procedure.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Comparisons were made between rates of movement of orthophosphate in a canal and a meandering stream. The meander system had greater algal and macrophyte phosphate uptake rates, and lower plankton and sediment release rates compared to the canal. Chemical precipitation and direct rainfall influences on orthophosphate movement were insignificant relative to other terms. The major source of phosphorus to both systems was from upland runoff. The impact of this source was greater on the meandering system due to the smaller channel volume. When secondary effects of meandering were considered such as marsh inundation, the net orthophosphate movement within the meandering channel was less than that for the canal; due to the lower concentrations of phosphorus in marsh effluent waters. Field experiments were conducted to compare the longitudinal dispersion coefficient between a canal and meandering river system; the meandering stream had a dispersion coefficient over 17 times that measured for the canal. Rates of orthophosphate movement were combined into a single mass transport equation, and a numerical solution was obtained. Internal river and canal channel processes were overshadowed by external point source loadings.  相似文献   

Although there have been numerous publications which might be classified under the general subject of meanders, they have, for the most part, been preoccupied with the origin of meanders, helicoidal flow or the search for a characteristic or standard meander. There seems to be little published information on the analysis of actual velocity patterns, the nature and role of bank caving or anomalies and differences in the geometry of bends. The purpose of this paper is to present a qualitative summary of current knowledge on the meandering of streams in alluvial materials, based upon a review of pertinent literature, data supplied by the Vicksburg and Little Rock Districts, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, and the observation of small-scale meanders on a tilting sand table. It is intended that this paper provide some coverage of the aspects of meandering that have hitherto been neglected.  相似文献   

Abstract: The effect of stream restoration on hyporheic functions has been neglected, although channel rehabilitation projects have a potential to alter stream‐ground‐water interactions. The present study examined the effect of an artificially constructed gravel bar and re‐meandered stream channel on lateral hyporheic exchange flow and chemistry in two lowland N‐rich streams in southern Ontario, Canada. Nitrate concentrations were relatively high, ranging from 0.5 to 1.3 mg N/l in both streams during spring through fall months. However, nitrate concentrations showed a steep decline as stream water entered the gravel bar and the meander bends. Differences between observed and predicted nitrate concentrations based on conservative ion concentration patterns indicated that 40‐100 and 68‐98% of the nitrate entering the hyporheic zone was removed in the gravel bar and meanders, respectively. Rapid depletion of dissolved oxygen concentrations along lateral hyporheic flow paths and denitrifying potentials assayed by the acetylene block technique in hyporheic sediments suggests that denitrification was an important mechanism of nitrate depletion. Despite the high rate of nitrate removal, the flux of stream water laterally entering the constructed gravel bar and meander bends was very small, and hyporheic nitrate removal was <0.015% of the daily stream load during base‐flow periods in summer and fall. The effects of restoration projects on hyporheic zone dynamics are often limited in lowland streams by low channel gradients and fine floodplain sediments with low interstitial flows that restrict the magnitude of the stream‐hyporheic connection.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Flow regulation impacts the ecology of major rivers in various ways, including altering river channel migration patterns. Many current meander migration models employ a constant annual flow or dominant discharge value. To assess how flow regulation alters river function, variable annual flows ‐ based on an empirical relationship between bank erosion rates and cumulative effective stream power ‐ were added into an existing migration model. This enhanced model was used to evaluate the potential geomorphic and ecological consequences of four regulated flow scenarios (i.e., different hydrographs) currently being proposed on the Sacramento River in California. The observed rate of land reworked correlated significantly with observed cumulative effective stream power during seven time increments from 1956 to 1975 (r2= 0.74, p = 0.02). The river was observed to rework 3.0 ha/yr of land (a mean channel migration rate of 7.7 m/yr) with rates ranging from 0.8 ha/yr to 5.1 ha/yr (2.0 to 13.3 m/yr), during the analyzed time periods. Modeled rates of land reworked correlated significantly with observed rates of land reworked for the variable flow model (r2= 0.78, p = 0.009). The meander migration scenario modeling predicted a difference of 1 to 8 percent between the four flow management scenarios and the base scenario.  相似文献   

At the Sulm River, an Austrian lowland river, an ecologically orientated flood protection project was carried out from 1998-2000. Habitat modeling over a subsequent 3-year monitoring program (2001-2003) helped assess the effects of river bed embankment and of initiating a new meander by constructing a side channel and allowing self-developing side erosion. Hydrodynamic and physical habitat models were combined with fish-ecological methods. The results show a strong influence of riverbed dynamics on the habitat quality and quantity for the juvenile age classes (0+, 1+, 2+) of nase (Chondrostoma nasus), a key fish species of the Sulm River. The morphological conditions modified by floods changed significantly and decreased the amount of weighted usable areas. The primary factor was river bed aggradation, especially along the inner bend of the meander. This was a consequence of the reduced sediment transport capacity due to channel widening in the modeling area. The higher flow velocities and shallower depths, combined with the steeper bank angle, reduced the Weighted Useable Areas (WUAs) of habitats for juvenile nase. The modeling results were evaluated by combining results of mesohabitat-fishing surveys and habitat quality assessments. Both, the modeling and the fishing results demonstrated a reduced suitability of the habitats after the morphological modifications, but the situation was still improved compared to the pre-restoration conditions at the Sulm River.  相似文献   

Kline, Michael and Barry Cahoon, 2010. Protecting River Corridors in Vermont. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 46(2):227-236. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2010.00417.x Abstract: The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources’ current strategy for restoring aquatic habitat, water quality, and riparian ecosystem services is the protection of fluvial geomorphic-based river corridors and associated wetland and floodplain attributes and functions. Vermont has assessed over 1,350 miles of stream channels to determine how natural processes have been modified by channel management activities, corridor encroachments, and land use/land cover changes. Nearly three quarters of Vermont field-assessed reaches are incised limiting access to floodplains and thus reducing important ecosystem services such as flood and erosion hazard mitigation, sediment storage, and nutrient uptake. River corridor planning is conducted with geomorphic data to identify opportunities and constraints to mitigating the effects of physical stressors. Corridors are sized based on the meander belt width and assigned a sensitivity rating based on the likelihood of channel adjustment due to stressors. The approach adopted by Vermont is fundamentally based on restoring fluvial processes associated with dynamic equilibrium, and associated habitat features. Managing toward fluvial equilibrium is taking hold across Vermont through adoption of municipal fluvial erosion hazard zoning and purchase of river corridor easements, or local channel and floodplain management rights. These tools signify a shift away from primarily active management approaches of varying success that largely worked against natural river form and process, to a current community-based, primarily passive approach to accommodate floodplain reestablishment through fluvial processes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Approximately 400 million cubic feet of channel sediments have been delivered to the Mississippi River from the Obion-Forked Deer River system in the last 20 years. The discharge of sediment from these channelized networks in West Tennessee varies systematically with the stage of channel evolution. Variations in yields over time reflect the shifting dominance of fluvial and mass-wasting processes as the networks adjust to lower energy conditions. Maximum bed-material discharges occur during the initial phases of degradation (Stage III). In contrast, yields of suspended-sediment peak during the threshold stage (Stage 1V: large-scale mass wasting) as sediments are delivered from main-channel banks and tributary beds. Suspended-sediment yields then decrease as aggradation (Stage V) becomes the dominant trend in the main channels, but remains relatively high through restabiliza-tion (Stage VI) because of continued degradation and widening in the tributaries. Bed-material discharges decrease from the degradation stage (III) to Stage V, and increase again during restabiliza-tion (Stage VI) because secondary aggradation increases gradients and incipient meandering serves to rework bed sediments. This secondary maxima in bed-material discharge is analogous to those described previously as complex, or oscillatory, response. The trends of sediment production and transport described from these rejuvenated networks are in agreement with experimental and theoretical results of earlier investigations.  相似文献   

A fluvial geomorphological methodology for designing natural stable channels is being widely applied for river restoration. It is an analogue procedure, as the W/d ratio and sinuosity from a reference reach are scaled to determine the restoration design. The choice of reference reach is crucial and published criteria specify that it should be stable, correspond to the stream type at the restoration site, have the same valley type, and be from the same hydrophysiographic region. For stable, meandering gravel cobble bed rivers flowing through alluvial flood plains (C3 and C4 stream types), UK regime equations are used to evaluate the procedure. Successful design requires particular combinations of the ratios of bankfull discharge, bed material size and load, valley slope, and bank vegetation category between the reference and restoration sites. These critical ratios, which are confirmed by U.S. field data, provide guidelines for selecting a suitable reference reach for C3‐C4 stream types. They also indicate that the reference reach can be in any valley type or hydrophysiographic region. The geomorphological procedure will apply to all stable stream types, provided the reference reach is correctly identified. Specific guidelines for each stream type await the development of additional regime equations.  相似文献   

River channel migration and cutoff events within large river riparian corridors create heterogeneous and biologically diverse landscapes. However, channel stabilization (riprap and levees) impede the formation and maintenance of riparian areas. These impacts can be mitigated by setting channel constraints away from the channel. Using a meander migration model to measure land affected, we examined the relationship between setback distance and riparian and off-channel aquatic habitat formation on a 28-km reach of the Sacramento River, California, USA. We simulated 100 years of channel migration and cutoff events using 11 setback scenarios: 1 with existing riprap and 10 assuming setback constraints from about 0.5 to 4 bankfull channel widths (bankfull width: 235 m) from the channel. The percentage of land reworked by the river in 100 years relative to current (riprap) conditions ranged from 172% for the 100-m constraint setback scenario to 790% for the 800-m scenario. Three basic patterns occur as the setback distance increases due to different migration and cutoff dynamics: complete restriction of cutoffs, partial restriction of cutoffs, and no restriction of cutoffs. Complete cutoff restriction occurred at distances less than about one bankfull channel width (235 m), and no cutoff restriction occurred at distances greater than about three bankfull widths (∼700 m). Managing for point bars alone allows the setbacks to be narrower than managing for cutoffs and aquatic habitat. Results suggest that site-specific “restriction of cutoff” thresholds can be identified to optimize habitat benefits versus cost of acquired land along rivers affected by migration processes.  相似文献   

Extraction of Crotalaria juncea (Sunn hemp) oil from its seeds is important to study because of its proven promising clean fuel characteristics. Soxhlet-based solvent extraction with some modification has been tried to extract the oil. In a fluid-solid mass transfer system, where, solids are present as packed bed, dynamic behavior of bed can be described in terms of concentration of solute in solids/solvent-time profile. Some of the well-known semi-empirical models of adsorption dynamics are modified and applied since leaching of oil is just the reverse of the phenomenon of adsorption in porous media. Modified Bohart-Adams model (non-linear), modified Bed Depth Service Time (BDST) (linear), and modified Thomas model (non-linear forms) are applied. It is found that these models fit to the experimental result reasonably well. Results suggest that higher bed height, with proper shape (annular) of the bed, having a higher solvent velocity will work best. Comparing the error values (SSE, SAE, and ARE) in the four cases, it is very clear that the modified BDST model is the most suitable. In the light of transient study it is established that the modified Soxhlet apparatus with cylindrical and annular beds, performs best while leaching Crotalaria juncea oil from their seeds.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: To fully take advantage of regional climate forecast information for agricultural applications, the relationship between divisional and station scale precipitation characteristics must be quantified. The spatial variability of monthly precipitation is assumed to consist of two components: a systematic and a random component. The systematic component is defined by differences in long-term mean precipitation between stations within a climate division, and the random component by differences between station and divisional standardized values. For the Central Climate Division of Oklahoma, the systematic component has a positive precipitation gradient from west to east with a slope ranging between 3 to 16 mm of precipitation per 100 km depending on the month of the year. On the other hand, the random component ranges between 27 to 48 percent of the mean temporal variation of the monthly precipitation. This significant random spatial variability leads to large localized departures from divisional values, and clearly demonstrates the critical influence of the random component in the utilization of divisional climate forecasts for local agricultural applications. The results of this study also provide an uncertainty range for local monthly precipitation projections that are derived from divisional climate information.  相似文献   

The Veteran's Fishing section of the Blackledge River in central Connecticut was relocated in the late 1950s. The relocation resulted in an unstable channel despite extensive efforts to prevent erosion. Overbank erosion and meander cutoffs were investigated using detailed survey data, characterizations of sediment deposits, flow modeling, and a moment-stability analysis. Limited reworking of revetment boulders indicate that riprap bank material was immobile during a 1979 flood event responsible for the formation of the cutoff channel. A moment-stability analysis factor-of-safety value of 1.1 supports the conclusion that riprap was not directly eroded from the banks. Alluvial particles with d95 values ranging up to 120 mm were deposited along a bar downstream from the cutoff channel at flows estimated to be below a 1.5-year recurrence interval flow. Development of the bar deposit resulted in locally elevated water surfaces at high flow. The resulting overbank flow across the meander neck to the adjacent downstream bend led to the creation of an upstream migrating knickpoint, the erosion of approximately 16,000-year-old sediments, and the subsequent meander cutoff. The results of the study indicate that traditional erosion-control measures cannot prevent extreme channel adjustments if the geomorphic processes that control sediment continuity also are not considered.  相似文献   

Geomorphic change from extreme events in large managed rivers has implications for river management. A steady‐state, quasi‐three‐dimensional hydrodynamic model was applied to a 29‐km reach of the Missouri River using 2011 flood data. Model results for an extreme flow (500‐year recurrence interval [RI]) and an elevated managed flow (75‐year RI) were used to assess sediment mobility through examination of the spatial distribution of boundary or bed shear stress (τb) and longitudinal patterns of average τb, velocity, and kurtosis of τb. Kurtosis of τb was used as an indicator of planform channel complexity and can be applied to other river systems. From differences in longitudinal patterns of sediment mobility for the two flows we can infer: (1) under extreme flow, the channel behaves as a single‐thread channel controlled primarily by flow, which enhances the meander pattern; (2) under elevated managed flows, the channel behaves as multithread channel controlled by the interaction of flow with bed and channel topography, resulting in a more complex channel; and (3) for both flows, the model reach lacks a consistent pattern of deposition or erosion, which indicates migration of areas of erosion and deposition within the reach. Despite caveats and limitations, the analysis provides useful information about geomorphic change under extreme flow and potential implications for river management. Although a 500‐year RI is rare, extreme hydrologic events such as this are predicted to increase in frequency.  相似文献   

Russian olive (Elaeagnus angustifolia L.) was introduced in 1950 onto one site on the Milk River floodplain, northern Montana, 10 km downstream from the Canada/United States border. To analyze dispersal of Russian olive from the point source between 1950 and 1999, we compared distribution, numbers, size structure, and mortality of Russian olive and plains cottonwood (Populus deltoides Marsh:) on an unregulated reach of the Milk River floodplain in southeastern Alberta and north-central Montana. Within 50 years, Russian olive in this reach has moved upriver into Alberta and downriver to the Fresno Reservoir. It is now present on 69 of the 74 meander lobes sampled, comprising 34%, 62%, and 61% of all Russian olive and plains cottonwood seedlings, saplings, and trees, respectively. On some meander lobes, Russian olive has colonized similar elevations on the floodplain as plains cottonwood and is oriented in rows paralleling the river channel, suggesting that recruitment may be related to river processes. Breakup ice had killed 400 Russian olive saplings and trees and damaged >1000 others on 30 of the meander lobes in 1996. Nevertheless, Russian olive now outnumbers cottonwood on many sites on the Milk River floodplain because its seeds can be dispersed by wildlife (particularly birds) and probably by flood water and ice rafts; seeds are viable for up to 3 years and germination can take place on bare and well-vegetated soils; and saplings and trees are less palatable to livestock and beaver than plains cottonwood. Without control, Russian olive could be locally dominant on the Milk River floodplain in all age classes within 10 years and replace plains cottonwood within this century.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Stream meander restoration designs currently used by many state and local government agencies are often based on empirical equations, such as those developed by Leopold and Wolman (1957; 1960). In order to assess the suitability of these equations and propose alternative strategies, 18 sites in Central Maryland were selected and data on channel planform, cross-sections, sediments, and spacing and sizing of the pools and riffles were collected and analyzed to characterize the channel type in the study area. A large bias was found comparing the meander parameters measured to those computed using the Leopold and Wolman equations for the streams in central Maryland. Based on these results, appropriate empirical equations for the study area that can assist in stream restoration designs were investigated. An additional approach that can assist in stream restoration consists of the application of a detailed stream reconnaissance to verify that the restoration project is consistent with the natural form and processes of the river.  相似文献   

Tamarisk removal is a widespread restoration practice on rivers in the southwestern USA, but impacts of removal on fish habitat have rarely been investigated. We examined whether tamarisk removal, in combination with a large spring flood, had the potential to improve fish habitat on the San Rafael River in southeastern Utah. We quantified habitat complexity and the distribution of wood accumulation in a tamarisk removal site (treated) and a non-removal site (untreated) in 2010, 1 year prior to a large magnitude and long-duration spring flood. We used aerial imagery to analyze river changes in the treated and untreated sites. Areas of channel movement were significantly larger in the treated site compared to the untreated site, primarily because of geomorphic characteristics of the channel, including higher sinuosity and the presence of an ephemeral tributary. However, results suggest that tamarisk removal on the outside of meander bends, where it grows directly on the channel margins, can promote increased channel movement. Prior to the flood, wood accumulations were concentrated in sections of channel where tamarisk had been removed. Pools, riffles, and backwaters occurred more frequently within 30 m upstream and downstream of wood accumulations compared to areas within 30 m of random points. Pools associated with wood accumulations were also significantly larger and deeper than those associated with random points. These results suggest that the combination of tamarisk removal and wood input can increase the potential for channel movement during spring floods thereby diversifying river habitat and improving conditions for native fish.  相似文献   

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