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The restricted definition of “climate change” used by the Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC) has profoundly affected the science, politics, and policy processes associated with the international response to the climate issue. Specifically, the FCCC definition has contributed to the gridlock and ineffectiveness of the global response to the challenge of climate change. This paper argues that the consequences of misdefining “climate change” create a bias against adaptation policies and set the stage for the politicization of climate science. The paper discusses options for bringing science, policy and politics in line with a more appropriate definition of climate change such as the more comprehensive perspective used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present results from a survey on the perceived roles of organisations on the production and transfer of knowledge in Dutch soil policy. The results are interpreted by applying three theoretical perspectives to this relation: technical communities, epistemic communities and Mode 2 knowledge production. The main research results show that, since the perceived roles of organisations in some cases do not match the intended roles, or are inconsistent, communication of roles by organisations in the policy field is not effective. A second conclusion is that the respondents advocated an increase in interaction among policy levels and between knowledge production and policymaking. From the results, it seems that the Dutch soil policy field is on its way to a mode of socially robust knowledge production, where knowledge production, knowledge transfer and policymaking are integrated. In order to further this development, the paper provides recommendations on the further integration of science and policy concerning soil policy in the Netherlands.With respect to the methodology of survey research on the interaction between science and policy, the paper illustrates the importance of the professional identities of the respondents. The professional identities of the respondents are an important explanatory variable for the perceived roles of organisations.  相似文献   

据报道,“红旗河”方案确定的基本目标是由雅鲁藏布江、怒江、澜沧江、金沙江、雅砻江、大渡河调水600亿m3至新疆等干旱区,发展2亿亩农田(1亩=1/15 hm2),建15万~20万km2绿带,以此彻底改善西北干旱区的生态与环境。“红旗河”通过上述河流的各调水点以上的年均径流量总和为1 444亿m3,占被调水河流总径流量的35%;“红旗河”计划年调水量约占可调水量1 444亿m3的42%。如果不考虑国际河流、调水口以下的水电站及工程的正常运行等因素,单纯就水资源而论,600亿m3总调水量是可行的。“红旗河”是跨流域调水的宏大设想,已经引起国内外的广泛关注,但这个宏大的设想也面临地质、技术、经济、社会、生态等领域的多重严峻挑战,存在极大的不确定性。特别是600亿m3的水能解决什么问题?在实施工程之前应该充分论证,采取有效措施防范和减轻这些风险带来的危害。从自然地理、资源环境和区域发展角度看,以下问题值得商榷:从主要受水区域新疆看,依据现有农田的净灌溉定额(大约600 m3/亩),即使完全不考虑渠道(干渠及农田灌溉支渠)中途渗漏与水面蒸发,理论上最多发展1亿亩农田。同样,根据新疆为了维持塔里木河下游大海子水库以下的511 km2湿地所调用的水量估算,15万km2生态绿带建设每年至少需水1 100多亿 m3。600亿m3引水量既无法实现建造2亿亩农田的需要,也无法满足15万km2生态绿带的需要,二者同时实现更无可能。何况这600亿m3的水要经过6 000多km的长途跋涉,渗漏和蒸发非常大,最终能有多少水达到受水区?该项目计划建设期10 a、投资4万亿元,每亩农田(以2亿亩计算)2万元,每m3水费近66元。工程建成运行时,谁来为昂贵的水费买单?调水可能引起的环境影响和生态后果具有极大的不确定性,需要给予高度关注。如调入区是内流区,降水量小,蒸发量大,地形封闭,缺乏排水出路,环境条件特殊。大量引水,在灌溉不当的情况下,极易导致土壤次生盐渍化。跨流域调水工程不仅仅是一个复杂的水利工程,还是一个十分复杂的生态系统工程,更是一个十分复杂的社会经济工程。环境效应、生态后果和社会经济影响涉及复杂的地球物理、化学和生物过程,也涉及复杂的人地关系和谐平衡过程。“红旗河”同时涉及国际河流,潜在的地缘政治关系需要引起重视。在现有认识水平下,需要对这些问题进行深入系统研究,分析各系统之间的相互关系及影响规律,提出理性的评价系统和论证方案。此外,在“红旗河”的舆论造势中,还存在几个有悖科学认知的观点,如“改变中国气候格局”、“森林致水作用”、打破千百年来的“胡焕庸线”等。文章均进行了分析和澄清。  相似文献   

我国东南地区台风降水显著,但对这种强降水事件中的稳定同位素研究较少,限制了对短时间极端降水稳定同位素变化过程和影响因素的认识。论文根据2015年9月28日至29日第21号台风“杜鹃”两次登陆(台湾宜兰、福建莆田)前后台北、福州两地气象数据和降水稳定同位素数据,分析了此次台风的降水稳定同位素变化特征及影响因素。台风期间,两地降水δ18O波动范围为-3.4‰~-15.0‰,变化幅度达11.6‰。台风前端和尾端两地降水同位素值相对偏正,平均值为-4‰~-6‰而台风中端两地降水同位素值极其偏负,平均值分别为-12.4‰和 -13.2‰。台风前端与尾端降水同位素值偏正,水汽受蒸发效应影响明显;而台风中端降水δ18O值极端偏负主要受“云雨区效应”的影响,即云雨区气流急剧上升,水汽在过饱和环境中快速凝结降落,受动力分馏作用小,降水δ18O极端偏负。结合降水δ18O变化特征、过量氘及模拟水汽轨迹,得到台风“杜鹃”降水主要的水汽来源为西太平洋海域。  相似文献   

论文基于1951—2008年逐日降水资料和1969—2000年逐小时降水资料,应用统计诊断分析方法,研究了青藏高原东侧雅安降水量、降水频率的多时间尺度变化特征。结果表明:与整个四川省的降水变化一致,近58 a“雅安天漏”的年降水总量和年雨日是减少的,并且后者比前者减少得更加显著;降水量在20世纪90年代的显著减少是雨日和雨强变化共同影响的结果;除冬季外,春、夏、秋三季的降水量和雨日均呈减小趋势,其中秋季减少最明显;汛期降水量减少占年降水量减少量的92.7%,汛期雨日的减少比降水量显著,占年雨日减少的62.9%;21世纪初期后,“雅安天漏”强降水月份减少,雨日集中时段缩短;“雅安天漏”夜雨特征突出,夜间降水量和频次远远大于白天,呈单峰单谷结构,降水谷值到峰值增加速率是峰值到谷值衰减速率的2倍,易夜间形成强降水,具有明显持续性。进一步分析发现,雅安不仅夜雨量和发生频次减小,而且降水表现为峰值出现时间提前、向前半夜移动的变化特征。  相似文献   

Water management and particularly flood defence have a long history of collective action in low-lying countries like the Netherlands. The uncertain but potentially severe impacts of the recent climate change issue (e.g. sea level rise, extreme river discharges, salinisation) amplify the wicked and controversial character of flood safety policy issues. Policy proposals in this area generally involve drastic infrastructural works and long-term investments. They face the difficult challenge of framing problems and solutions in a publicly acceptable manner in ever changing circumstances. In this paper, we analyse and compare (1) how three key policy proposals publicly frame the flood safety issue, (2) the knowledge referred to in the framing and (3) how these frames are rhetorically connected or disconnected as statements in a long-term conversation. We find that (1) framings of policy proposals differ in the way they depict the importance of climate change, the relevant timeframe and the appropriate governance mode; (2) knowledge is selectively mobilised to underpin the different frames and (3) the frames about these proposals position themselves against the background of the previous proposals through rhetorical connections and disconnections. Finally, we discuss how this analysis hints at the importance of processes of powering and puzzling that lead to particular framings towards the public at different historical junctures.  相似文献   

<正>生态安全是我国"总体国家安全观"框架下非传统安全问题的重要内容之一。在我国当前生态环境形势日趋严峻的状况下,生态安全越来越成为国际关系和国际问题的重要方面。以生态安全为视角,全面审视并梳理我国环境保护对外援助工作,既是对创新我国对外援助工作的重要贡献,也是新时期我国生态环境保护管理体制的改革与完善,对于推动环保对外援助工作更好地发展,维护我国良好的国际形象,加强相关国家和区域的环境与可持  相似文献   

在“总量-相关指标-结构”分析框架下,采用中国大陆30省区(除西藏)42经济部门多区域投入产出及伪基尼系数差异成因分解方法,估算、比较各省区水足迹并分析差异成因,衡量省区降低水足迹(即水足迹总量)的紧迫性并识别调整重点,对具体调整提出建议,为构建中国特色水安全保障体系提供依据。研究表明:1)30省区水足迹均方差系数为51.79%,其中新疆、黑龙江水足迹最高,天津、北京对应最低。2)结合相关指标地区间比较,30省区中宁夏、黑龙江、上海降低水足迹紧迫性最强;天津、山西等提高居民生活直接用水效率紧迫性最强。3)根据部门结构地区间比较,列出各省区降低水足迹中须重点关注的部门,可以看到各省区均须重点调整农林牧渔业、食品制造及烟草加工业用水。4)来源结构地区间比较中,青海、宁夏和新疆的水足迹主要靠当地来供给,其余各地区水足迹均主要源于国内其他地区;可得到各省区上述降低水足迹中应重点关注部门的水足迹主要来源地,如黑龙江、天津、海南等地农林牧渔业水足迹主要源自当地。因此,各地区应结合上述紧迫性、重点关注部门及主要来源分析结果,加强节水工作的针对性。  相似文献   

大气降水的氢氧同位素不仅在长时间尺度和短时间尺度上对气候环境有一定的响应,而且在极端天气事件中也响应强烈。论文基于2014年7月23—24日10号台风麦德姆登陆前后福州降水的氢氧稳定同位素分析,发现台风麦德姆降水的δ18O变化范围为-7.2‰~-15.4‰,整个降雨过程分为3个阶段:阶段1(23日3:00至23日12:00),雨水δ18O相对偏正(加权平均值为-7.8‰),降水开始增加,主要受台风外围环流的影响;阶段2(23日12:00至24日8:00),雨水δ18O显著偏负(加权平均值为-13.9‰),采样点降水量达134.8 mm,约占观测时段降水量的78%,降雨量效应明显,主要受台风云雨区影响;阶段3(24日8:00至24日17:00),雨水δ18O偏正(加权平均值为-9.2‰),降水减少,台风远离福州。通过降水δ18O的阶段性特征以及过量氘,结合水汽输送通量与HYSPLIT-4模拟水汽轨迹分析,确定此次降水的水汽源主要来自西北太平洋水汽通道与孟加拉湾和南海水汽通道。  相似文献   

The paper investigates the scientific knowledge divide in the environmental sciences between developed and developing countries and explores the implications and impacts on both science and policymaking. Quantitative data analysis of more than 6400 scientific papers published in 1993–2003 yield evidence for a growing divide in authorship, publication rates, and location of scientific research in nine environmental journals with high impact factor ratings. In addition to this severe imbalance in publication rates between developed and developing countries, we also find a research bias toward certain eco-climatic zones. More than 80% of papers are published in and about temperate and cold eco-climatic zones. Only 13% of the papers in our study are based on research in the dry sub-tropical and tropical zones, although these eco-climatic zones account for more than 52% of the world's land area. Based on these results, we discuss how the limited empirical source and focus of environmental research undermine the claims of universality of environmental science and what consequences this may have on policymaking processes at different levels. Finally, we briefly explore some short- and long-term strategies to address the knowledge divide.  相似文献   

生物量碳密度是生态系统表征碳截存能力的重要功能特征之一。为明晰三江源区高寒草地生物量碳密度特征,选取源区内3个县(玛沁县、甘德县、达日县)的退化天然草地(黑土滩)、退化人工草地、未退化天然草地为研究对象,通过野外调查取样和室内分析相结合的方法,对样区地上生物量、根系生物量及其碳密度进行测定与分析。结果表明:“黑土滩”地上生物量高于退化人工草地和天然草地;“黑土滩”活根和死根生物量都低于天然草地和退化人工草地。退化人工草地、“黑土滩”和天然草地的总生物量碳密度分别为719.47、706.57和2 233.09 g/m2。草地退化不仅改变了生态系统的生物量分配,而且改变了地上部分、活根和死根中的碳密度分配比例。退化人工草地和天然草地的活根和死根碳密度占总生物量碳密度的90%以上,“黑土滩”活根和死根碳密度占79.41%。活根碳密度与总生物量碳密度的比值在3种不同草地群落间的变化较地上植被和死根的大,因此,活根碳密度比例可以作为草地退化的敏感指标。  相似文献   

水资源与城镇化的关系问题是水科学研究的热点,二者之间存在着复杂的交织关系。论文选取典型干旱区城市张掖市为研究对象,以最严格水资源管理制度为约束条件,基于水资源约束下的城镇化水平阈值计算思路,引入节水量和灰水足迹测算方法改进了传统水量水质双要素水资源承载力计算模型,并在此基础上统筹可供水量、可节水量及水功能区纳污能力构建了水资源管理“三条红线”约束下的城镇化水平阈值计算模型;通过分析张掖市城镇化水平与水资源开发利用的历史数据并进行情景模拟,对2020年和2030年张掖市城镇化水平阈值做出了预测。结果表明:1)在水资源开发利用红线约束下,到2030年张掖市可利用水资源量为23.02×108 m3,与现状基本一致,且以当前的水资源开发利用水平,水量承载能力难以支撑政府未来规划中的城镇化进程与经济增长的用水需求;2)严格遵照用水效率控制红线中所规定的用水定额标准时,张掖市将有望改善水量承载能力不足问题,且到2030年时,水量承载城镇人口能力可达331.91×104人,其中水量承载能力提升主要得益于农业部门节水;3)在水功能区限制纳污红线的约束下,2030年张掖市水质可承载能力上限为62.47×104人,仅为规划城镇人口数量的78%,水质可承载能力对城镇化进程形成了强烈的约束作用,约束力主要来自于城镇区域氨氮排放;4)在水资源管理“三条红线”约束下,到2030年时张掖市城镇化水平阈值上限为48.05%。  相似文献   

以太行山前平原大沙河流域的典型区域浅层地下水为研究对象,沿岸布点采集样本94组,采用基于16S rRNA基因的高通量测序技术,以硝酸盐、溶解氧、化学需氧量为环境因子,分析指示环境因子演化的微生物群落结构特征及功能性指示菌属.结果显示:采用累积概率分布法将样品分为背景(B)、硝酸盐污染(N)、有机污染(O)、有机硝酸盐复合污染(O_N)4组,该分类与地下水质量标准的I类、Ⅱ类水分类相近;污染使种群结构趋于一致,且有机污染可使微生物群落丰富度降低;不同污染类型导致环境演化的功能性指示菌属分别为:Micromonospora和unclassified_f_Micromonosporaceae指示有机污染,ChryseobacteriumStreptomyces指示硝酸盐污染,PseudomonasMicrovirgula指示硝酸盐和有机复合污染.以上构建的分子生物学方法可为区域环境调查及微生物修复提供理论依据.  相似文献   

论文基于1970—2013年西北干旱区高空和地面气象资料,采用多种统计学方法,分析了西北干旱区空中水汽含量的时空变化特征及其与降水量的关系。结果表明:1)1970—2002年,西北干旱区空中水汽含量呈显著的增加趋势,速率为0.835 mm/10 a(P<0.01),其中以夏季增速最高(1.709 mm/10 a,P<0.01);而降水效率基本稳定,仅春、冬季节略增。在空间上,1970—2002年水汽含量变化速率大小依次为北疆>南疆>河西走廊,其中冬、春季节以北疆水汽增速最大,夏、秋季节以南疆水汽增速最高。2)2003—2013年,西北干旱区水汽含量呈不显著下降趋势(-2.061 mm/10 a);而降水效率明显增加,速率为0.136%/10 a,这说明近年来空中水汽转化为降水的效率明显提升。同时,北疆降水效率增加幅度明显高于其他地区。3)西北干旱区各季节的降水效率与降水量均呈显著正相关性,而水汽含量与降水量的相关性则表现出明显的季节性差异:春季>夏季>秋季>冬季。另外,新疆降水变化与水汽含量和降水效率均呈显著正相关性,而河西走廊降水量与降水效率的关系更为密切。  相似文献   

The rangelands of the Mongolian Plateau are dynamic socio-environmental systems that are influenced by a complex network of drivers, including climate, social institutions, market forces, and national-scale policies affecting land access and management. The sustainability and resilience of rangelands in this region depend on the ability of residents and policy makers to quickly respond by adapting livelihoods and land uses to changes in environmental and socio-economic conditions, but the responses of the system to these changes are often non-linear and difficult to predict. We developed a system dynamics model to understand how the human, natural, and land-use processes in the Mongolian rangeland ecosystem interact to produce dynamic outcomes in both grassland productivity and livestock populations. We developed two separate models based on a common integrative framework for two case study areas: Suhkbaatar Aimag in Mongolia and Xilingol League in Inner Mongolia. We used future scenarios for each region generated with stakeholder input to forecast trends in grassland area, livestock numbers, and biomass under alternative climate, socioeconomic, and land-use futures. By incorporating stakeholder-developed scenarios, we were able to explore future scenarios tailored to the particular questions and concerns relevant to the individual study areas. We find that while there are many similarities in the factors driving system dynamics in the two countries, the trajectories of key grassland resources are quite different, both between the two study regions and across the individual scenarios. Environmental policies play a key role in Xilingol, while economic development is a key driver in Sukhbaatar. Urbanization dynamics will be a major influence on the availability of grassland resources in the future.  相似文献   

陈廷贵  刘芳  杨杨 《自然资源学报》2021,36(12):3144-3155
渔民作为我国长江流域禁捕生态补偿政策的对象,渔民的满意程度是衡量禁捕生态补偿政策的重要指标。选取的研究地区是首批推行并完成禁捕生态补偿政策的贵州省赤水河流域和湖北省洪湖市,基于退捕渔民调研结果,先使用TOPSIS法的数学模型求出最优解,再进行障碍度计算,并对禁捕政策实施效果和相关影响因素进行了实证分析。结果表明:(1)关于禁捕生态补偿政策渔民评价的最优解,贵州省赤水河流域为0.45,绩效一般,湖北省洪湖市为0.27,对应的绩效水平为较差;(2)影响两个地区绩效评价的前三位主要因素是实施禁捕后,政府部门工作跟踪力度满意度(B4)、生活水平满意度(D2)、社会活动与社会地位满意度(E2)。研究结论为评价禁捕生态补偿政策绩效提供一个可选分析框架,为其他地区提高禁捕生态补偿政策绩效提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Employing global multi-regional input–output models, this paper revisits the carbon dioxide (CO2) emission trade (including exports and imports) and assesses their positions in the national emissions of 14 major countries with large national emissions or large emission trades during 1995–2009. It especially explores the evolution of the emission trades of these countries from both continuous time series and comparative perspectives, in order to provide an explanation for CO2 emission spillovers across countries. The main findings obtained were as follows: (1) China was the largest CO2 exporter to other countries, accounting for over 20 % of global exports since 2005; the CO2 exports of the United States of America (USA), Germany, and Japan varied slightly over this time period, but overall, their proportions had decreased. (2) The CO2 imports of the USA were the largest, occupying around 20 % of the global CO2 imports; meanwhile, China’s CO2 imports increased rapidly and ranked the second largest. (3) For Chinese Taiwan, its proportion of CO2 exports in production-based emissions ranked the highest while that of the USA ranked the lowest; highly CO2 import-dependent countries with an over 40 % proportion of CO2 imports in its consumption-based emissions included France, Germany, Italy, and Spain, while China, India, and Russia remained the lowest, distinguished from their physical energy imports. These results suggested that the global policy makers should take the CO2 emissions in trade into consideration when carefully accounting for national emissions inventories.  相似文献   

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