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刘剑彤  丘昌强 《环境化学》1998,17(2):131-135
本文较全面地研究了城市污水中的铅在模拟预处理稳定塘中的归宿。不论在哪种预处理稳定塘中,悬浮颗粒态锅的沉降作用是去除污水中铅的主要作用。进入城市污水中的铅,大部分和污水中的悬浮物结合转变成悬浮颗粒态铅,它们输入到模拟预处理预处理稳定塘,这些悬浮颗粒态铅即可在很短的时间内(1d)通过沉降作用得以有效地去除。停留时间分别为1,2,3,5和10d的实验表明,模拟预处理稳定塘对城市污水中铅的去除率可达52-  相似文献   

稳定塘处理污水的机理研究及应用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
稳定塘污水处理系统具有基建投资和运转费用低、维护和维修简单、便于操作、能有效去除污水中的有机物、无需污泥处理等优点,近年来越来越受到人们的重视,其净化过程与自然水体的自净过程相似。本文总结了稳定塘中有机物、氮和磷的去除机理,有机物的去除一般包括沉淀和絮凝、厌氧微生物的作用、好氧微生物的作用、浮游生物的作用和水生植物的作用,氮在稳定塘内的去除,主要是通过生物同化吸收转化为自身有机氮、氨氮的吹脱作用、形成生物沉淀以及硝化/反硝化等几种途径,磷元素去除涉及有机磷在微生物作用下分解氧化,菌藻及其他生物吸收无机磷合成新细胞,以及可溶性磷与不可溶性磷之间的转化等多种机制的共同作用。针对传统稳定塘中存在的缺陷,人们不断地对稳定塘进行改良,出现了许多新型塘,其中包括高效藻类塘、水生植物塘和养殖塘、高效复合厌氧塘、超深厌氧塘、生物滤塘等塘型。为了提高污水的处理效率,研究人员还开发了许多组合塘的工艺,与传统生物法组合的UNITANK工艺+生物稳定塘、水解酸化+稳定塘工艺和折流式曝气生物滤池+稳定塘工艺等,各类塘型组合的多级串联塘系统、生态综合塘系统、高级综合塘系统(AIPS)等。目前稳定塘处污水理系统还依然存在占地面积大、水力停留时间较长、效率低下、散发臭味、处理效果受气候条件影响大等缺陷。今后应该在稳定塘系统的研究中,以菌、藻的活动为主体,以主要营养元素C、N、P的迁移为线索,建立系统内各种生物、化学反应之间的联系,通过减小塘深、机械搅拌、跌水坡等方法改善供氧条件,对天然塘型进行精确修整、分隔组合,使之更加符合高效反应器的构造,从而提高稳定塘设计的合理性。加入人造载体提高塘内微生物浓度,从而大大提高有机负荷,有效减少占地面积,组合沉淀池、间歇砂滤、砾石滤墙、微滤、气浮、土地处理、人工湿地系统、加入化学药剂等处理工艺或方法,以去除出水中的藻类,改善环境卫生条件,满足不同出水水质的要求,从而为国内稳定塘技术的进一步改进提供科学依据。  相似文献   

富营养化水体生态修复技术中凤眼莲与磷素的互作机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为进一步完善富营养水体生态修复技术体系,提升除磷效能,从磷素对水体富营养化进程的贡献展开分析,指出磷素是制约浮游藻类生长的关键因素,并分析了凤眼莲Eichhornia crassipes与磷素的互相作用机制,即磷素对凤眼莲植株生理性状具有影响,而凤眼莲对磷的吸收同化作用又促成了除磷目标。研究显示:随着水中可获取磷浓度的升高,凤眼莲吸收的磷素更多地分配在茎叶部分。水体磷浓度过高,将激发凤眼莲对磷素的超累积性;水环境中磷素缺乏,凸显出凤眼莲的根部形态可塑性。水体氮磷浓度比(N/P)为2.5~5时凤眼莲可获得最大生物产量。凤眼莲对可溶性反应磷具有极优的净化效果;在藻华爆发期间,凤眼莲能通过密集根系捕获飘移的蓝藻,并吸收利用藻细胞衰亡所释放的磷素。在工程实践中,需统筹考量磷去除效果与去除速率,在高污染负荷的情况下,应优先考虑去除速率;当水再生作为饮用水源时,应优先考虑去除效果。凤眼莲生态修复工程设计须遵循先后次序:(1)最终水质目标;(2)生物产量;(3)植株品质。最终水质目标及营养去除与营养负荷水平密切相关。在大型湖泊和水库实践应用中,须先控制外源磷负荷,再逐步削减内源磷负荷。利用凤眼莲深度净化污水处理厂尾水,或在高负荷的入河、湖口处种养凤眼莲,可减轻外源磷负荷;在蓝藻积累和衰亡的背风区域种养凤眼莲,以吸收蓝藻释放的营养,从而减轻内源磷负荷。  相似文献   

污染水体生态治理工程中凤眼莲对水质变化的生长响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在三级串联凤眼莲(Eichhornia crassipes)净化塘深度处理生活污水处理厂尾水的生态工程中,通过监测各级净化塘内凤眼莲的生物量、株高、根长、植株氮磷含量等指标变化,分析各指标与水体总氮(TN)和总磷(TP)质量浓度的相关性,探讨凤眼莲对水质变化的生长响应,以期为表观判断水质改善效果和明确凤眼莲在污染水体生态修复工程的适宜规模配置提供理论依据。结果表明:净化塘水体氮磷浓度显著影响凤眼莲生长,且与植株相关生长指标具有显著相关性(P0.05);一级、二级和三级净化塘内水体TN和TP质量浓度依次降低,凤眼莲生物量及茎叶生物量、生长速率、株高、叶片SPAD值、凤眼莲茎叶和根系的氮磷含量均逐级减小,而根系生物量、根冠比和根长均逐级增加;凤眼莲茎叶生物量及其所含氮磷量均高于根系,故茎叶富集水体氮磷能力强于根系;当水体TN平均质量浓度分别为7.94、4.03和2.79 mg·L~(-1),TP平均质量浓度分别为0.22、0.15和0.12 mg·L~(-1)时,凤眼莲单位面积平均生物量分别为23.09、16.73和12.87 kg·m~(-2),累积富集氮量分别为27.44、17.59和11.04 g·m~(-2),磷量分别为2.57、1.53和0.93 g·m~(-2)。综合分析,凤眼莲生物量及其分布格局、株高、根长等生长特征表现出的差异显示了其在不同水质条件下的响应策略,水体中较高的氮磷浓度更有利于促进凤眼莲生长发育及增强其富集氮磷能力。在该研究的条件下生活污水尾水的深度净化工程,仍可承载更高的尾水处理量和污染负荷量,同时通过减少生态工程的规模配置也可确保出水水质。  相似文献   

河道滞留塘系统对污染河水中氮磷的去除特性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
河道滞留塘系统是一项适用于中小型污染河流净化的生态技术,目前我国部分中小型河流污染严重,研究河道滞留塘系统对河流污染物的去除特性具有现实意义,但目前尚缺乏系统深入的研究。该研究对实际污染河水进行了一年现场试验研究,通过改变水力停留时间,考察了不同季节、不同河水水质条件下河道滞留塘系统对河水中氨氮(NH3-N)和总磷(TP)的净化效果。结果表明,河道滞留塘系统主要通过颗粒物的重力沉降作用净化河水中的总磷(TP)。在该研究条件下,TP去除率接近30%,去除速率为0.01~0.02 g.h-1.m-2。TP去除速率约为0.003倍的SS去除速率,两者间有较好的相关关系,因此可通过测定滞留塘SS去除速率来预测TP去除速率。但滞留塘系统对NH3-N无显著去除能力。  相似文献   

生态塘——简易高效的污水处理技术设计应用   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
传统的塘系统由于占地面积大,处理效率低、产生藻类等缺点,限制了塘处理工艺的推广应用,生态塘系统在克服传统塘系统的缺点的基础上引入了生态的概念,通过在塘系统中人为地建立起稳定的食物链网,使塘本身既是污水处理单元又是利用单元,在污水处理的同时实现了污水资源化。  相似文献   

不同水生植物对滇池入湖河道污水净化效能的比较   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
有关水生植物净化污水的研究已有广泛报道,但现有成果多来源于静态的室内研究,所用植物多为生活型接近的物种.为了比较不同生活型植物对河道污水的原位净化效果差异,构建了由水芹菜(Oenanthe javavdnica)、马尾草(Equisetum flu-viatile)、伊乐藻(Elodea Canadensis Michx.)和狐尾藻(Myriophyllum verticillatum L.)等4种不同生活型水生植物组成的水生植物塘系统,研究塘中不同植物对滇池入湖河道污水中氮、磷等指标去除效能的差异.结果表明:4种植物都具有一定的抗水力冲击负荷能力,能适应河道污水水质和水量均不稳定的动态变化特征,并对污水中CODCr、NH3-N、NO3-N、TN和TP等指标均有去除作用;但各种植物对不同指标的去除能力有较大差异,其中浮水植物水芹菜和沉水植物狐尾藻综合净化效能较强.整个植物塘系统对CODCr的去除率最高,达到41.4%;而对NO3-N的去除率最低,只有5.7%.研究成果对滇池人湖河流及其它类似污染水体的生态治理具有示范作用.  相似文献   

根据从卫星遥感影像或全球定位系统获得的凤眼莲面积变化数据,对在开放水域中大面积放养凤眼莲面积变化的研究,建立了放养凤眼莲生长的Logistic动力学模型来估算凤眼莲面积。在太湖竺山湾凤眼莲放养试验表明:从2009年8月4日到10月15日,凤眼莲面积从54 250.34 m2增加到135 525.66 m2,建立的估计凤眼莲面积的Logistic模型的环境容量k s为2 697 210.03,面积增长率rs为0.012 4,对试验数据的拟合优度检验R 2为0.975 3,F检验为78.93,均方根误差RMSE为2 705.55,表明该模型准确模拟了凤眼莲生长的动力学特征。  相似文献   

污水中氮在氧化塘、土地处理的生态工程中变迁和归宿相当复杂,易于混淆与误解。本文参照国外近年来的研究成果就此专题作了综述,分别阐明了氧化塘、水葫芦塘和土地系统的除氮机理,澄清了是非,以期使读者正确地理解和掌握生态工程的除氮规律。  相似文献   

滇池不同水域凤眼莲生长特性及氮磷富集能力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在滇池草海和外海水域共选择6个试验点,采用围栏设施有控制地种养凤眼莲(Eichhornia crassipes),初始放养量为3 kg·m-2,每2周监测1次各试验点水质状况、凤眼莲生长特性指标和植株氮磷含量,对比研究滇池不同水域凤眼莲生长特性及氮磷富集能力差异.结果显示,外草海水域水体氮磷浓度较高,凤眼莲生物量增长速率最高,平均为542 g·m12·d-1,全年累积生物量最大,可达85.37 kg·m-2,植株TN、TP含量(以干质量计,下同)最高,分别为32.9和8.2 g· kg-1.外海白山湾水域水体氮磷浓度相对较低,凤眼莲生物量增长速率较低,平均为150 g·m-2·d-1,全年累积生物量较低,为27.00 kg·m-2,植株TN、TP含量较低,分别为15.0和6.4g· kg-1.水体pH值、氮磷含量和风浪是影响风眼莲生长的主要因素.  相似文献   

汉沽生物稳定塘建于1993年.它由10级池塘组成,AT75hm2,用于处理城市污水(主要是化工废水).根据2年试运行期间化学和生物学资料,分析了稳定塘的净化效果.结果表明,该稳定塘净化效能较好.主要污染物BOD5、CODCr、NH3N和PO4P的平均去除率分别为86.2%、70.1%、60.3%和67.5%;平均年去除BOD54297.8t、CODCr6179.8t、NH3N154.6t和PO4P81.9t.但由于有机物负荷量过高,使出水水质较差.文中提出若干改善出水水质的措施和建议  相似文献   

• Separate reduction and sintering cannot be effective for Cr stabilization. • Combined treatment of reduction and sintering is effective for Cr stabilization. • Almost all the Cr in the reduced soil is residual form after sintering at 1000°C. This study explored the effectiveness and mechanisms of high temperature sintering following pre-reduction with ferric sulfate (FeSO4), sodium sulfide (Na2S), or citric acid (C6H8O7) in stabilizing hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) in highly contaminated soil. The soil samples had an initial total Cr leaching of 1768.83 mg/L, and Cr(VI) leaching of 1745.13 mg/L. When FeSO4 or C6H8O7 reduction was followed by sintering at 1000°C, the Cr leaching was reduced enough to meet the Safety Landfill Standards regarding general industrial solid waste. This combined treatment greatly improved the stabilization efficiency of chromium because the reduction of Cr(VI) into Cr(III) decreased the mobility of chromium and made it more easily encapsulated in minerals during sintering. SEM, XRD, TG-DSC, and speciation analysis indicated that when the sintering temperature reached 1000°C, almost all the chromium in soils that had the pre-reduction treatment was transformed into the residual form. At 1000°C, the soil melted and promoted the mineralization of Cr and the formation of new Cr-containing compounds, which significantly decreased subsequent leaching of chromium from the soil. However, without reduction treatment, chromium continued to leach from the soil even after being sintered at 1000°C, possibly because the soil did not fully fuse and because Cr(VI) does not bind with soil as easily as Cr(III).  相似文献   

Heavy metal pollution in soil and wastewater is a worldwide environmental issue in which microorganisms play a significant role for its removal. In the present study, biosorption of Cr(VI) by the live and dead cells of Kocuria sp. ASB107, a radio-resistant bacterium, was investigated. The effect of contact time, solution pH, initial hexavalent chromium concentration and adsorbent dose on biosorption efficiency was studied. Also, live cells were further immobilised on various matrices by different techniques and then were examined for tolerance to chromium biosorption. Experimental results indicated that the removal efficiency of chromium increased with decrease in pH, initial Cr(VI) concentration, and also increase in adsorbent dose and the contact time. The maximum removal efficiency of live and dead cells at acidic pH of 4–4.5, contact time of 24 hours, adsorbent dose 1.6?g/100?mL and initial chromium concentration 25?mg/L were 82.4% and 69.2%, respectively. The adsorption data was described well by Langmuir isotherm model. Among all immobilisation techniques tested, cross-linking showed the highest biosorption of Cr(VI). Results indicated that live cells of Kocuria sp. ASB107 were better than dead ones.  相似文献   

比较了4种固定化球形红假单胞菌(Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides)处理含Cd、Cr重金属废水的效果,对固定化菌吸附Cd和Cr的工艺条件进行了优化,并通过生物反应器连续处理实际电镀废水,分析了处理后的效果。通过比较,确定了20g.kg-1沸石和20g.L-1海藻酸钠组合作为共固定材料,固定化菌对Cd和Cr的去除效果明显优于游离菌。采用正交试验优化废水处理工艺条件,结果表明,废水pH值、菌体投加量对固定化菌体的处理效果影响较大,当处理废水的pH值为6.0、菌体投加量为10.00g.L-1时,对40.00mg.L-1含Cd废水的去除率可达96.68%。4轮吸附-解吸循环试验结果显示,固定化菌体可重复利用3次,固定化菌体在使用第3次时,Cd去除率仍可达51.20%。在生物反应器中,用固定化菌体处理质量浓度为92.61mg.L-1的含Cd电镀废水,3h时对Cd的去除率达到98.80%,对含Cu、Au、Ni废水中重金属的去除率也高于90.00%。  相似文献   

雷国元  范唯  李媛  邓慧敏  李俊叶 《生态环境》2007,16(4):1166-1170
针对富营养化水体生物修复和污水深度处理氮磷的去除,将细颤藻、水绵、水网藻、栅裂藻固定在纤维填料上,形成固定化藻膜。用固定化藻膜处理模拟富营养化湖水、实际富营养化湖水、城市污水二级出水、低质量浓度生活污水,考察固定化藻膜去除氮磷的效果。实验结果表明,固定化藻膜具有良好的去除磷、氨氮能力,对水中有机物去除也有一定的促进作用。对TP质量浓度小于5.0mg·L-1,NH4 -N质量浓度小于34.0mg·L-1的污染水体,四种藻膜都有良好的去除氮磷能力,其中栅裂藻去除TP、NH4 -N的能力最强。综合除污能力和藻细胞的可固定性,水绵应是最佳的备选藻种。研究结果显示,固定化藻膜具有良好的除污性能,预示了悬浮载体将在水体生物修复、氧化塘污水处理方面具有重要的潜在应用价值。  相似文献   

Poly(hydroxamic acid)-poly(amidoxime) chelating ligands were synthesized from poly(methyl acrylate-co-acrylonitrile) grafted acacia cellulose for removing toxic metal ions from industrial wastewaters. These ligands showed higher adsorption capacity to copper (2.80 mmol?g−1) at pH 6. In addition, sorption capacities to other metal ions such as iron, zinc, chromium, and nickel were also found high at pH 6. The metal ions sorption rate (t1/2) was very fast. The rate of adsorption of copper, iron, zinc, chromium, nickel, cobalt, cadmium and lead were 4, 5, 7, 5, 5, 8, 9 and 11 min, respectively. Therefore, these ligands have an advantage to the metal ions removal using the column technique. We have successfully investigated the known concentration of metal ions using various parameters, which is essential for designing a fixed bed column with ligands. The wastewater from electroplating plants used in this study, having chromium, zinc, nickel, copper and iron, etc. For chromium wastewater, ICP analysis showed that the Cr removal was 99.8% and other metal ions such as Cu, Ni, Fe, Zn, Cd, Pb, Co and Mn removal were 94.7%, 99.2%, 99.9%, 99.9%, 99.5%, 99.9%, 95.6% and 97.6%, respectively. In case of cyanide wastewater, the metal removal, especially Ni and Zn removal were 96.5 and 95.2% at higher initial concentration. For acid/alkali wastewater, metal ions removing for Cd, Cr and Fe were 99.2%, 99.5% and 99.9%, respectively. Overall, these ligands are useful for metal removal by column method from industrial wastewater especially plating wastewater.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2005,181(1):39-57
A dynamic mathematical model was developed to predict the effluent quality of facultative wastewater stabilization ponds. For a sound representation of sediment–water column, water column–atmosphere interactions and stratification due to variations in dissolved oxygen concentrations, a two-dimensional hydraulic model was employed considering dispersed flow and diffusion in horizontal and vertical directions, respectively. Resulting partial differential equation system was solved using finite difference methods and matrix manipulation techniques. The model has been calibrated and evaluated on the basis of collected data from a full-scale facultative stabilization pond in Selçuk, Izmir. Variations of COD, NH4-N, PO4-P, dissolved oxygen, bacteria and algae concentrations with time and the dimensions of the pond were estimated by using the dynamic model. The model can be used for design of new stabilization ponds and also, for improving the effluent quality of existing ponds.  相似文献   

This article aims to determine the significant differences of the seasonal changes of pH, chemical oxygen demand (COD), biological oxygen demand (BOD), and total suspended solids (TSS) parameters in a wastewater stabilization pond. The variation of these parameters followed the seasonal pattern of temperature. The mean seasonal pH of the influent wastewater ranged between 7.8 (in spring) and 7.9 (in summer), while in the final effluents it was between 7.9 (in winter) and 8.3 (in summer). The mean seasonal COD of the influent wastewater ranged between 650?mg?L?1 in spring and 600?mg?L?1 in autumn, whereas in the effluents it was between 150?mg?L?1 in autumn and 270?mg?L?1 in spring. The mean seasonal BOD5 of the influent wastewater ranged between 360?mg?L?1 in autumn and 390?mg?L?1 in winter, whereas in the effluents it was between 66?mg?L?1 in summer and 130?mg?L?1 in winter. The results showed that the percent removals of COD, BOD5 and TSS from final effluents were maximum in summer for COD and BOD5 (76%), summer (83%) and for TSS in winter (78%), respectively. Data analysis showed that there were significant differences between parameters of pH, COD, BOD5 and TSS at four different seasons (p?相似文献   

● Improved Cr phytoextration efficiency was achieved by B. cereus inoculation. B. cereus could produce plant-beneficial PGPR factors at diverse Cr stresses. ● Enhanced resistance of inoculated L. hexandra towards elevated Cr stress. ● The majority of Cr existed in the stable forms in the tissues of L. hexandra. Phytoextraction is a promising option for purifying hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI))-laden wastewater, but the long remediation period incurred by poor growth rate of Cr hyperaccumulators remains a primary hindrance to its large-scale application. In this study, we performed a hydroponic experiment to evaluate the feasibility of promoting the growth and phytoextraction efficiency of Cr hyperaccumulator Leersia hexandra Swartz (L. hexandra) by inoculating plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) Bacillus cereus (B. cereus). In batch tests, the Cr(VI) removal rates of L. hexandra and B. cereus co-culture were greater than the sum of their respective monocultures. This was likely due to the microbial reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III), which is amiable to plant uptake. Besides, the PGPR factors of B. cereus, including indoleacetic acid (IAA) production, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid deamination (ACCd) activity, phosphate solubilization capacity, and siderophore production, were quantified. These PGPR factors helped explain the biomass augmentation, root elongation and enhanced Cr enrichment of the inoculated L. hexandra in pot experiments. Despite the increased Cr uptake, no aggravated oxidative damage to the cell membrane was observed in the inoculated L. hexandra. This was attributed to its capacity to confront the increased intracellular Cr stress by upregulating both the activities of antioxidative enzymes and expression of metal-binding proteins/peptides. Moreover, L. hexandra could always conserve the majority of Cr in the residual and oxalic integrated forms with low mobility and phytotoxicity, irrespective of the B. cereus inoculation. These results highlight the constructed Cr hyperaccumulator-rhizobacteria consortia as an effective candidate for decontaminating Cr(VI)-laden wastewater.  相似文献   

As a new technology used for the cleaning of chromium-contaminated soil, worldwide interest in eletrokinetic (EK) remediation has grown considerably in recent times. However, owing to the fact that chromium exists as both cationic and anionic species in the soil, it is not an efficient method. This paper reports upon a study in which a process using approaching anodes (AAs) was used to enhance the removal efficiency of chromium by eletrokinetics. Two bench-scale experiments to remove chromium from contaminated soil were performed, one using a fixed anode (FA) and the other using AAs. In the AAs experiment, the anode moved toward the cathode by 7 cm every three days. After remediation, soil pH, total chromium, and fractionation of chromium in the soil were determined. The average removal efficiency of total chromium was 11.32% and 18.96% in the FA and AAs experiments, respectively. After remediation, acidic soil conditions throughout the soil were generated through the use of AAs, while 80% of the soil remained neutral or alkalic when using the FA approach. The acidic soil environment and high field intensity in the AAs experiment might have favored chromium desorption, dissolution and dissociation from the soil, plus the mobility of chromium in the soil was also enhanced. The results demonstrate that AAs used in the process of EK remediation can enhance the efficiency of chromium removal from soil.  相似文献   

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