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Leaching of acidic herbicides (2,4-D, flumetsulam, and sulfentrazone) in soils was estimated by comparing the original and modified AF (Attenuation Factor) models for multi-layered soils (AFi). The original AFi model was modified to include the concept of pH-dependence for Kd (sorption coefficient) based on pesticide dissociation and changes in the accessibility of soil organic functional groups able to interact with the pesticide. The original and modified models, considering soil and herbicide properties, were applied to assess the leaching potential of selected herbicides in three Brazilian soils. The pH-dependent Kd values estimated for all three herbicides were observed to be always higher than pH-independent Kd values calculated using average Koc data, and therefore the original AFi model overestimated the overall leaching potential for the soils studied.  相似文献   

The heterotrophic microbial communities of the Rouge River were tracked using Biolog Ecoplates to understand the metabolic diversity at different temporal and spatial scales, and potential link to river pollution. Site less impacted by anthrophogenic sources (site 1), showed markedly lower metabolic diversity. The only substrates that were utilized in the water samples were carbohydrates. Sites more impacted by anthrophogenic sources (sites 8 and 9) showed higher metabolic diversity. Higher functional diversity was linked to the physico-chemical and biological properties of the water samples (i.e. higher concentrations of DO, DOC, chlorophyll, and bacterial density). Biolog analysis was found to be useful in differentiating metabolic diversity between microbial communities; in determining factors that most influence the separation of communities; and in identifying which substrates were most utilized by the communities. It can also be used as an effective ecological indicator of changes in river function attributable to urbanization and pollution.  相似文献   

采用包埋法制备出一种复合生物填料,测其各项理化性质,并以NOx模拟废气验证其脱硝性能。填料主要由碳酸钙、牛粪堆肥腐殖质、菌剂载体、水泥、轻质珍珠岩、立体网状纤维及脱硝功能微生物等复合而成,粒径12 mm×20 mm,自然堆积密度(471±0.8)kg/m3,持水量(49±1.3)%,比表面积3.91 m2/g,平均机械强度(427.3±0.2)N,pH为10.5±0.2。填料能长期在潮湿环境中保持良好的粘结强度,并具有营养缓释及pH缓冲能力。包埋脱硝功能微生物复合填料中初期微生物数量5.3 ×105 CFU/g,运行60 d后微生物数量达到8.6×108 CFU/g,闲置停运30 d微生物有所减少,但重启后净化效率基本不变。当进气负荷低于1 878 mg/(m3·h),气体停留时间为14.47 s时,BF1的去除率高达93.15%。  相似文献   

采用包埋法制备出一种复合生物填料,测其各项理化性质,并以NO。模拟废气验证其脱硝性能。填料主要由碳酸钙、牛粪堆肥腐殖质、菌剂载体、水泥、轻质珍珠岩、立体网状纤维及脱硝功能微生物等复合而成,粒径书12mm×20mm,自然堆积密度(471±0.8)kg/m2,持水量(49±1.3)%,比表面积3.91m2/g,平均机械强度(427.3±0.2)N,pH为10.5-0.2。填料能长期在潮湿环境中保持良好的粘结强度,并具有营养缓释及pH缓冲能力。包埋脱硝功能微生物复合填料中初期微生物数量5.3×10^5 CFU/g,运行60d后微生物数量达到8.6×10 8 CFU/g,闲置停运30d微生物有所减少,但重启后净化效率基本不变。当进气负荷低于I878mg/(13m3·h),气体停留时间为14.47s时,BF,的去除率高达93.15%。  相似文献   

The effect of annual variations in the daily average soil temperatures, at different depths, on the calculation of pesticide leaching potential indices is presented. This index can be applied to assess the risk of groundwater contamination by a pesticide. It considers the effects of water table depth, daily recharge net rate, pesticide sorption coefficient, and degradation rate of the pesticide in the soil. The leaching potential index is frequently used as a screening indicator in pesticide groundwater contamination studies, and the temperature effect involved in its calculation is usually not considered. It is well known that soil temperature affects pesticide degradation rates, air-water partition coefficient, and water-soil partition coefficient. These three parameters are components of the attenuation and retardation factors, as well as the leaching potential index, and contribute to determine pesticide behavior in the environment. The Arrhenius, van't Hoff, and Clausius-Clapeyron equations were used in this work to estimate the soil temperature effect on pesticide degradation rate, air-water partition coefficient, and water-soil partition coefficient, respectively. The relationship between leaching potential index and soil temperature at different depths is presented and aids in the understanding of how potential pesticide groundwater contamination varies on different climatic conditions. Numerical results will be presented for 31 herbicides known to be used in corn and soybean crops grown on the municipality of S?o Gabriel do Oeste, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil.  相似文献   

The effects of monoterpenes on the degradation of 14C-2,4-dichlorophenol (DCP) were investigated in soils collected from areas surrounding monoterpene and non-monoterpene-emitting vegetation. Indigenous microorganisms degraded 14C-2,4-DCP to 14CO2, after 1 d contact time. Degradation was enhanced by prior exposure of the soils to 2,4-DCP for 32 d, increasing extents of mineralisation up to 60%. Monoterpene amendments further enhanced 2,4-DCP degradation, but only following pre-exposure to both 2,4-DCP and monoterpene, with total 2,4-DCP mineralisation extents of up to 71%. Degradation was greatest at the higher monoterpene concentrations (≥1 μg kg−1). Total mineralisation extents were similar between concentrations, but higher than the control and the 0.1 μg kg−1 amendment, indicating that increases in monoterpene concentration has a diminishing enhancing effect. We suggest that monoterpenes can stimulate the biodegradation of 2,4-DCP by indigenous soil microorganisms and that monoterpene amendment in soils is an effective strategy for removing organic contaminants.  相似文献   

Evaluation of the remediation ability of zinc/cadmium in hyper- and non-hyperaccumulator plant species through greenhouse studies is limited. To bridge the gap between greenhouse studies and field applications for phytoextraction, we used published data to examine the partitioning of heavy metals between plants and soil (defined as the bioconcentration factor). We compared the remediation ability of the Zn/Cd hyperaccumulators Thlaspi caerulescens and Arabidopsis halleri and the non-hyperaccumulators Nicotiana tabacum and Brassica juncea using a hierarchical linear model (HLM). A recursive algorithm was then used to evaluate how many harvest cycles were required to clean a contaminated site to meet Taiwan Environmental Protection Agency regulations. Despite the high bioconcentration factor of both hyperaccumulators, metal removal was still limited because of the plants' small biomass. Simulation with N. tabacum and the Cadmium model suggests further study and development of plants with high biomass and improved phytoextraction potential for use in environmental cleanup.  相似文献   

高效纤维素降解菌的筛选   总被引:32,自引:1,他引:32  
比较研究了刚果红脱色、滤纸崩解等几种纤维素分解菌筛选方法,并从腐木、腐竹、腐叶等样品中筛选获得4株高效纤维意降解菌,其中细菌1株(嗜纤维菌属),真菌3株(木霉菌属)。该细菌可在4d内将滤纸平板完全降解为枯质。通过改变酶解条件,确定Z—2为进一步优化对象,并进行了相应的单因子优化实验,初步确定其量佳产酶条件为:培养温度30℃,初始pH4.5,不含尿素,GLC和纤维意含量分别为0.4%和0.6%。  相似文献   

模糊综合评价法在矿区塌陷土地复垦潜力评估中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为了合理利用土地、提高土地生产率、改善矿区及其周围的生态环境,对矿区塌陷土地复垦潜力进行了研究。阐述了模糊综合评价法的基本原理,并以南票矿区为例,选择了塌陷土地复垦潜力评价的二层树状结构因子,确定了隶属度函数、评价指标权重和评价集,得出了塌陷土地复垦潜力的评价结果。为其他矿区塌陷土地复垦潜力评价提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Transformation of teflubenzuron, the active component in the insecticide commercialized as Nomolt, by soil microorganisms was studied. It was shown that microorganisms, belonging to Bacillus, Alcaligenes, Pseudomonas and Acinetobacter genera are capable to perform the hydrolytic cleavage of the phenylurea bridge of teflubenzuron in different positions, especially active was Bacillus brevis 625. The structure of the intermediates formed was established using TLC, HPLC, mass-spectrometry and 19F NMR techniques. It was shown that for a dose range of 53-132 microM and upon 12 days of fermentation about 30% of the teflubenzuron was modified. About 10-15% was transformed into 2,6-difluorobenzamide, 3-5% into 2,6-difluorobenzoic acid, 10-12% into 2,4-difluoro-3,5-dichloro-aniline. The late compound gave rise to formation of a condensed compound, identified as 1,2-bis(2,4-difluoro-3,5-dichlorophenyl)urea with molecular mass of 420. The results obtained indicate degradation of teflubenzuron by soil microorganisms to be a process to be mediated by microbial consortia, and starting with hydrolysis of the phenylurea bridge by several bacterial species. Subsequent further degradation of the aromatic degradation products has to be mediated by other strains known to be capable of degradation of halogenated aromatics.  相似文献   

The use of pesticides to increase agricultural production can result in the contamination of the environment, causing changes in the genetic structure of organisms and in the loss of biodiversity. This practice is also inducing changes in the rainforest ecosystem. In this work, a Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from a preservation soil area of the Brazilian Amazon Forest, without usage of any pesticide, was evaluated for its potential to degrade atrazine. This isolate presented all responsible genes (atzA, atzB, atzC, atzD, atzE, and atzF) for atrazine mineralization and demonstrated capacity to use atrazine as a nitrogen source, having achieved a reduction of 44 % of the initial concentration of atrazine after 24 h. These results confirm gene dispersion and/or a possible contamination of the area with the herbicide, which reinforces global concern of the increase and intensive use of pesticides worldwide.  相似文献   


Maize consists of a cereal widely used in the preparation of different food products. Brazil is one of the world's largest maize producers. Several types of pesticides have been applied in maize crop, which can lead to the contamination of the derived products. The present work aims at the validation of multiresidue method to analyze the matrix effect and level of pesticides in maize flour. Twenty residues were investigated in samples commercialized in the state of Ceará, Brazil. The method was satisfactorily validated, according to parameters recommended by European Union. About 55% of the pesticides had an intense negative matrix effect. Multiresidue analyzes showed the presence of traces of fenitrotion in 20% of maize flour samples. Detected levels were below maximum residue limits recommended for maize. The results indicate that maize products need continuous monitoring to ensure food security.  相似文献   

The genotoxic effects of different size fractions of airborne particulate (Total, PM10 and PM2.5), extracted with acetone or toluene, were evaluated by: the Ames plate test (TA98 and TA100 strains, w/o S9), gene conversion and reversion (w/o endogenous metabolic activation) in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae D7 strain, and the comet assay on human leukocytes. The data on human leukocytes confirm the sensitivity of the comet assay and its applicability to assess genotoxicity in environmental samples. The PM2.5 fraction of airborne particulate generally shows the highest concentration of DNA-damaging compounds. Genotoxic response, in all the test systems applied, is highly dependent on extraction solvent used. Acetone seems to extract compounds with more similar genotoxic responses in the three test systems used than toluene extracts. Toluene appears to extract air pollutants genotoxic on yeast and leukocytes but is mainly cytotoxic on Salmonella.  相似文献   

Intensive beef production has increased during recent decades in Brazil and may substantially increase both methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from manure management. However, the quantification of these gases and methods for extrapolating them are scarce in Brazil. A case study examines CH4 and N2O emissions from one typical beef cattle feedlot manure management continuum in Brazil and the applicability of Manure-DNDC model in predicting these emissions for better understand fluxes and mitigation options. Measurements track CH4 and N2O emissions from manure excreted in one housing floor holding 21 animals for 78 days, stockpiled for 73 days and field spread (360 kg N ha?1). We found total emissions (CH4 + N2O) of 0.19 ± 0.10 kg CO2eq per kg of animal live weight gain; mostly coming from field application (73%), followed housing (25%) and storage (2%). The Manure-DNDC simulations were generally within the statistical deviation ranges of the field data, differing in ?28% in total emission. Large uncertainties in measurements showed the model was more accurate estimating the magnitude of gases emissions than replicate results at daily basis. Modeled results suggested increasing the frequency of manure removal from housing, splitting the field application and adopting no-tillage system is the most efficient management for reducing emissions from manure (up to about 75%). Since this work consists in the first assessment under Brazilian conditions, more and continuous field measurements are required for decreasing uncertainties and improving model validations. However, this paper reports promising results and scientific perceptions for the design of further integrated work on farm-scale measurements and Manure-DNDC model development for Brazilian conditions.  相似文献   

The goal of this work was to study the ability of 18 pesticides to inhibit selective model activities for all major xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes, namely CYP1A1/2, 2A6, 2B6, 2C8, 2C9, 2C19, 2D6, 2E1 and 3A4. Generally organophosphorus insecticides were the most potent and extensive inhibitors, especially towards CYP1A1/2 (IC50 values of chlorpyrifos, fenitrothion and profenofos ~3 μ M), CYP2B6 (IC50 values of chlorpyrifos and fenitrothion 2.5 μ M), CYP2C8 (fenitrothion 4.3 μ M), CYP2C9 (fenitrothion and malathion 4.8 and 2.5 μ M, respectively), CYP2D6 (chlorpyrifos and phenthoate ~ 3 μ M) and CYP3A4 (chlorpyrifos, fenitrothion and phenthoate 3–4 μ M). Otherwise there were quite considerable differences in potency and extent of inhibition between different organophosphates. Pyrethroids were in general very weak or inactive. Deltamethrin and fenvalerate were potent inhibitors of CYP2D6 (IC50 values of ~ 3 μ M) while lambda-cyhalothrin potently inhibited both CYP2D6 and CYP3A4-mediated activities (IC50's about 3–4 μ M). Some pesticides caused relatively potent inhibitions sporadically (carbendazim, CYP2D6, IC50 = 12 μ M; atrazine, CYP3A4, IC50 = 2.8 μ M; glyphosate, CYP2C9, IC50 = 3.7 μ M; hexaflumuron, IC50 = 6.0 μ M). With the exceptions of alpha-cypermethrin, cypermethrin, isoproturon, carbaryl and abamectin, most pesticides inhibited relatively potently at least one CYP-selective activity, which may have relevance for potential interactions in occupational exposures and for further studies on the CYP-associated metabolism of respective pesticides.  相似文献   

We used a series of toxicity tests to monitor oil degradation in the Kuwaiti oil lakes. Three soils from different locations with a history of hydrocarbon contamination were treated in bench-scale microcosms with controlled nutrient amendments, moisture content, and temperature that had promoted mineralization of total hydrocarbon and oil and grease in a preliminary study. Two hundred days of bioremediation treatment lowered hydrocarbon concentration to below 2 and 5 mg g(-1) for soils A and B, respectively, while in soil C hydrocarbon concentration remained at 12 mg g(-1). Although 85% of the total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHs) in soil A were reduced 50d after treatment, results of the seed germination and Microtox tests suggested an initial increase in toxicity, indicating that toxic intermediary metabolites may have formed during biodegradation. Also, the significant decrease of TPHs and corresponding high toxicity levels were noted in soil B 200d after bioremediation. Clearly, toxicity values, and not just hydrocarbon concentration, are a key factor in assessing the effectiveness of bioremediation techniques. Field chemistry data showed a significant reduction in hydrocarbon levels after the biological treatment. We concluded that the toxicity assessment of the contaminated soil with a battery of toxicity bioassays could provide meaningful information regarding a characterization procedure in ecological risk assessment.  相似文献   

Field trials were undertaken to investigate the effect of the application of metal mobilizing agents, different sowing strategies and length of growing season on the extraction of Cd and Zn from soils by Thlaspi caerulescens and Arabidopsis halleri. None of the mobilizing agents used enhanced metal accumulation by T. caerulescens. Between 1998 and 2000, on average across plots where Cd or Zn exceeded allowable limits, T. caerulescens removed 1.3 and 0.3% of the total soil Cd and Zn. In one season when T. caerulescens was grown for 14 months, 21.7 and 4.4% of the total soil Cd and Zn was removed. This was larger than values found when T. caerulescens was grown for 4 months. A. halleri accumulated similar concentrations of Zn, but lower Cd concentrations than T. caerulescens. The results indicate that metal phytoextraction using T. caerulescens can be used to clean up soils moderately contaminated by Cd.  相似文献   

流域生态恢复潜力评估研究经常面临赋权方法选择问题,不同数据完整度情景选择合适的权重方法可以使评估结果更为准确。以小南海湖为研究对象,按照生态恢复潜力评估方法要求,分别选取层次分析法、熵权法、Critic法、因子分析法这4种赋权方法开展适用情景分析研究。结果表明,层次分析法适用于各评估指标客观数据不足需要专家主观经验判断的情景,熵权法适用于各评估指标间独立性较强且数据较多的情景,Critic法适用于各评估指标间联系清晰且数据较少的情景,因子分析法适用于数据同质化严重且评估指标选取过多的情景。该研究结果对于流域生态恢复潜力评估研究赋权方法的选择具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

To allow testing of microbial destruction in medical waste incinerators, methods were developed to determine indicator microorganisms (Bacillus Stearothermophilus spores) in incinerator air emissions and residue. The emission trapping train consisted of a water cooled glass probe and impingers containing a neutral phosphate buffer. In field tests, spores were injected directly into the probe, and results showed that approximately 60 percent of the spores were recovered. Spores were analyzed with adequate precision using a microbial membrane filter unit. Lab experiments indicated that spores were stable in neutral pH phosphate buffer for up to 20 days, and heat shocking samples (heating to 80 degrees C for 20 minutes) reduced spore numbers in acidic or basic buffer. Laboratory tests also showed that 60 to 70 percent of spores initially added to ash were recovered up to 22 days after addition of the spores. In addition, lab tests showed that spores can be effectively recovered from residue test pipes spiked with indicator spores.  相似文献   

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