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结合文献调研以及江苏省试点区(县)工作开展情况,从区域环境风险源布局规划、地方环境应急管理、应急资源优化配置、区域突发环境事件应急预案编制等方面对行政区突发环境事件风险评估在环境管理中的应用进行探讨。指出了行政区突发环境事件风险评估工作面临的问题,提出,在统一评估标准的基础上,结合区域环境风险特征及试点地区工作经验,不断优化完善指标体系,补充各地先进做法,制定符合本行政区实际情况的区域突发环境事件风险评估技术指南。  相似文献   

分析了近年来江苏省几起典型的饮用水水源地突发环境事件及其特点,指出,结构性、布局性突发环境事件风险突出,交通运输带来的环境风险仍在凸显,企业非法排污产生的环境风险不小,饮用水水源地监测预警手段不足,联合治水模式尚未形成,流域性环境风险防控机制尚未建立。提出,应开展饮用水水源地突发环境事件风险评估,健全突发环境事件监控预警网络,健全饮用水水源地突发环境事件联防联控机制,加强饮用水水源地突发环境事件应急处置技术研究,加快产业机构调整和备用水源地建设。  相似文献   

完善突发环境事件应急管理体系的几点建议   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
分析了我国突发环境事件中以预案、法制、体制和机制为核心的应急管理体系现状,分析了在"一案三制"体系建设中存在的问题,并对"一案三制"的应急管理体系建设提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

以多年来中国各行业突发环境事故统计数据为基础,选取了对于企业突发环境事件有重大影响的7个因子以及17个指标,采用指标因子分析法对其进行定量,应用层次分析法确定各因子的权重,从而确定企业环境风险水平值。基于"危险物质水平—企业环境风险水平—周边环境受体状况"体系,构建了环境风险源分级矩阵,形成了包括"环境风险源初筛","环境风险源分级"的两步工业园区环境风险源识别与分级方法。该方法提出的工业园区环境风险源识别与分级体系具有科学性和可行性,能为工业园区环境风险管理提供依据。  相似文献   

通过对苏州市近几年开展的突发环境事件应急预案编制工作的分析,总结了企业突发环境事件应急预案编制中存在的问题,探索了“十二五”期间突发环境事件应急预案规范化管理中面临的挑战,并结合实际提出了针对企业突发环境事件应急预案编制管理工作的一些建议。  相似文献   

通过对苏州市近几年开展的突发环境事件应急预案编制工作的分析,总结了企业突发环境事件应急预案编制中存在的问题,探索了"十二五"期间突发环境事件应急预案规范化管理中面临的挑战,并结合实际提出了针对企业突发环境事件应急预案编制管理工作的一些建议。  相似文献   

突发环境事件应急处置中的监测支持   总被引:24,自引:5,他引:24  
阐述了突发环境事件与环境应急监测的定义与分类,详细介绍了环境应急监测中事前的技术贮备、事中的处理处置及事后的评估3个环节。指出环境监测在突发环境事件的应急处置中发挥着重要的决策支持和技术保障作用。  相似文献   

简述了近年来长江江面和沿岸区域发生的几起典型的突发环境事件,对长江(江苏段)沿江八市区域内尤其是长江沿岸化工园区和企业、危化品码头和仓储、危化品运输船舶和长江水源地存在的环境风险进行了分析,提出,应加强长江环境风险防控体系建设,开展流域环境风险隐患排查,健全监测预警体系,增强水源地保护,深化地区部门联动,建设长江一体化应急响应系统。  相似文献   

我国环境应急监测车的现状与发展趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据国家对突发环境事件应急处置的要求,结合我国环境应急监测车的发展现状和存在问题,对环境应急监测车在环境事件应急指挥系统、应急监测仪器和设备、污染物扩散模拟系统、危险化学品应急处置专家库、现场视频无线传输和通讯系统、气象系统、监测车辅助系统、个体防护器材等方面的配置和研发提出建议。  相似文献   

突发环境事件发生后,对污染物质、污染物浓度、污染范围及其动态变化情况进行监测是环境应急监测的基本工作要求。在不能利用管理手段有效获取污染来源等信息的情况下,开展溯源应急监测成为突发环境事件处理处置的重要需求。然而通过资料调研及应急监测案例分析发现,石油类水体突发环境事件应急监测大多存在采样代表性不够、溯源手段不健全、特征污染物监测不全面,以及现行石油类监测方法不能完整说清污染状况等问题或不足。因此,建议通过优化整合水中石油类指标监测标准,构建与石油类污染特征相适应的技术规范及配套监测分析方法,以达到精准、全面反映石油类水体污染状况的目的。  相似文献   

中国化工园区入驻企业日趋复杂,已有园区面临转型升级,新建园区不断涌现,园区之间竞争激烈,安全与环境隐患较大。为进一步提升化工园区的安全与环境管理水平,笔者研究工业园区安全与环境监测的技术需求、主要监测内容与信息化实现手段,提出了智慧管理的一体化解决方案。主要包括安全与环境监测、一园一档、安全生产及园区封闭化管理4个模块,概括为感知层、网络层、应用层3个层次。智慧管理方案充分利用物联网、云计算、大数据、三维倾斜GIS、数据孪生等先进信息化手段,建立智慧化的环境监督和安全生产监督体系及平台系统,可提高园区安全、环境监测预警及应对突发事件的能力。在园区新型工业化发展过程中,环安一体化、信息化建设有助于园区争夺高端产业,加快科技自主创新,促进产业转型升级,完善民生保障体系,推动园区产业高质量发展。  相似文献   

以安庆市粗苯泄漏事件为例,分析了事件特点及应急处置过程中存在的主要问题,阐述了环境应急救援资源储备体系在环境应急管理中的重要作用,从应急物资储备网络建设、应急救援装备储备网络建设和环境应急救援信息库建设3个方面探索了不同层级应急救援资源储备体系建设的重点内容,为环境应急救援资源储备体系建设提供参考。  相似文献   

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) has been seen as a preventive and participatory environmental management tool designed to integrate environmental protection into the decision-making process. However, the debate about SEA performance and effectiveness has increased in recent decades. Two main challenges exist in relation to this issue. The first is identifying the key influencing factors that affect SEA effectiveness, and the second is analyzing the relationship between SEA and these influencing factors. In this study, influencing factors were investigated through questionnaire surveys in the Chinese context, and then a Structural Equation Model (SEM) was developed and tested to identify potential links and causal relationships among factors. The associations between the independent factors were divided into direct and indirect causal associations. The results indicate that the decision-making process and policy context directly affect SEA implementation, while information and data sharing, public participation, expertise and SEA institutions are indirectly related with SEA. The results also suggest that a lack of cooperation between different sectors is an obstacle to the implementation of SEA. These findings could potentially contribute to the future management and implementation of SEA or enhance existing knowledge of SEA. The results show that the proposed model has a degree of feasibility and applicability.  相似文献   

突发环境事件应急监测管理体系的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从突发环境事件应急监测主要任务、预案管理、管理体制、运行机制和法制建设等方面阐述环境应急监测管理“一案三制”建设中存在的问题和改进建议.  相似文献   

In recent years, climate change has caused a significant impact on the human living environment, and the greenhouse effect caused by gases such as carbon dioxide cannot be ignored. From the viewpoint of environmental management, Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) has the functions of value judgment, prediction, and behavioral orientation on the possible impact of strategic planning. Integrating climate change factors into the SEA process can help planners and decision-makers better highlight the importance of climate change in policy and planning stages. Therefore, by combining the development of the SEA of China with relevant international experience, we explore the integration of climate change factors into the SEA framework and construct a technical procedure for such an assessment. A suggestive assessment indicator system for the SEA based on low-carbon targets was established for evaluating the impact of the implementation of strategic planning on low-carbon development goals. The objective is to mitigate the impact of climate change via the SEA and to ensure that the assessment plays an important role in tackling climate change and promoting sustainable development.  相似文献   

针对"双源"地下水(地下水污染源和集中式地下水型饮用水源)环境监管需求,研发了一套集地下水污染在线监测预警、评价溯源、预测应急于一体的可视化技术集成与应用平台。该平台将物联网、地下水数值模拟、大数据、云计算等技术集成应用于环境监管,实现了工业园区地下水环境实时动态监测评价及预警、地下水污染路径溯源计算、地下水事故污染预测及应急支撑等网络服务与计算功能,并通过地下空间三维数字化处理,构建了"所见即所得"的三维虚拟现实界面,实现了对地下水环境的便捷、高效监管与决策。该平台兼容手机、平板电脑、台式计算机等固定和移动设备,可为"双源"地下水污染监控、管理和应急提供实时、高效的科技支撑。  相似文献   

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), a newly-developed decision-making support tool, has been used in many developed and developing countries for predicting and evaluating potential environmental impact of policies, plans, and programs (PPPs), as well as for providing alternatives to avoid, mitigate, or compensate for these impacts. Unfortunately, due to the complexity and flexibility of SEA, to date there has been no consensus on a system which could be suitable for the contexts of different regions or countries. Different requirements and practices are observed in the different typical stages of SEA. Controversial areas include the appropriate indicators to apply in the early baseline setting stage, suitable methodologies for the impact assessment, and appropriate procedures for the SEA process. Given this, it is important to review and refine the SEA system specific to the context but informed by internationally agreed norms. As an illustration, this study reviews and proposes steps to refine the SEA system in Shandong Province, an economically powerful province of China, aiming to achieve sustainable development. Supported by the Environmental Impact Assessment Law of the People's Republic of China, Shandong Province employed SEA to reform the traditionally economy-oriented decision-making and incorporate consideration of environmental consequences into government deliberation on proposed PPPs. This paper illustrates the developmental process, procedures, and legal support for SEA in Shandong Province. By analyzing five SEA cases carried out by Shandong Province Environment Protection Bureau (SEPB) and Shandong University, problems in the SEA system were identified, and recommendations were made for improving the SEA system not only in Shandong Province but also other similar regions or countries.  相似文献   

Strategic environmental assessment (SEA) is emerging as an important tool for sustainability transitions, yet there has been limited research conceptualizing transitions-based SEA. If SEA's primary goal is to facilitate strategic change and guide decision-processes toward sustainability, an assessment framework that accounts for the multi-dimensional factors and relationships influencing transition processes seems highly relevant. This paper advances the transitions-based SEA design – an approach to SEA that is focused on the institutional environment and policy context for the development of strategic initiatives including institutional commitments, supporting policies, and opportunities. We do so within the context of energy transitions, bridging strategic planning theories, decision making, and transition management. Building on existing SEA frameworks that advance strategic thinking, the paper presents the foundational principles and strategic questions to be asked in a transitions-based SEA design. The framework was developed based on a review of sustainability transitions and SEA literature supplemented by expert input. The SEA design focuses on the guiding vision for transitions, the institutional context and governance arrangements, opportunities and risks of proposed sustainability pathways, progress indicators for on-going transition management, and impacts of the exogenous landscape. The framework defines a new functionality for SEA, pushing the boundaries of what SEA can achieve, and should accomplish, as a strategic assessment tool while also challenging conventional thinking and practice beyond its application to policies, plans and programs.  相似文献   

针对工业园区污水排放监管问题,以北京某园区为例,提出了水污染源精细化管控方案。按照多级防控的思路,在企业级、管网级、园区级建成在线监测系统和精细化管控平台,实现园区水环境监管的全覆盖,有效监控企业排污动态,实时掌握园区污水排放状况,为企业、园区管理部门和环保管理部门提供决策支持。  相似文献   

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