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采用在线监测和实验室分析方法,分别在热光透射法(TOT)NIOSH 5040、870升温协议和热光反射法(TOR)IMPROVE-A升温协议下测定PM2.5中有机碳(OC)、元素碳(EC),并将各测定结果做比对分析。结果表明,在线监测(NIOSH 5040)与实验室分析(IMPROVE-A)结果的相关系数R>0.8,总体相关性较好,EC值差异略大;在线监测与实验室分析在NIOSH 870协议下TC测定值总体相近,OC与EC测定值略有差异;在线监测中NIOSH 5040协议下的OC测定值略低于870协议,EC测定值略高于870协议,日常监测中两种温度协议均可选择。  相似文献   

应用偏重于优化因变量拟合效果的最小二乘回归分析法对环境监测随机数据样本进行数值评估原则上是不可取的。文章以降水无机阴阳离子电荷平衡分析为例,对最小二乘法、压轴回归法和最小正交平方和法的回归分析结果进行了比较。结果表明,压轴回归分析法适合于处理随机数据样本,得到的回归系数b值较大,变量之间的数值变化关系较为密切。  相似文献   

采用离线分析法和在线分析法同步监测了武汉市PM_(2.5)中有机碳(OC)、元素碳(EC)和总碳(TC)的浓度,分析了2种方法的差别。结果表明,离线分析法与在线分析法对TC的测定结果具有很好的可比性,2种方法对TC的测定结果显著相关(r=0.970 9)。离线分析法得到的OC浓度普遍高于在线分析法,前者为后者的1.12倍,造成OC结果差异的主要原因可能是采样系统的差异。2种方法对EC测定的相关性较低(r=0.763 0),且2种方法对EC测定的精密度(相对偏差为13.14%)也不如其对TC和OC测定的精密度(相对偏差分别为3.42%和5.95%),造成EC结果差异的原因较复杂。离线分析法测得的OC/EC值明显高于在线分析法,鉴于OC/EC值在颗粒物源解析研究中具有重要意义,需要规范OC/EC分析方法。  相似文献   

The success of the Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions requires that there are scientifically sound and usable measurement methods for the emission baseline. Three different methods are investigated in the context of China’s electrical sector: simulation with dispatch analysis, decomposition analysis, and operating and build margin analysis. It is found that dispatch analysis is the best method available as it is able to consider important regional and temporal dimensions, while decomposition analysis can help quantify the potential effects of different energy and environment policy choices.  相似文献   

For the purpose of short-term forecasting of high ozone concentration episodes stochastic models have been suggested and developed in the literature. The present paper compares the quality of forecasts produced by a grey box and a component time-series model. The summer ozone patterns for three European urban areas (two continental and one mediterranean) are processed. By means of forecast performance indices according to EC and WHO guidelines, the following features of the models could be found: The grey box model is highly adaptive and produces forecasts with low error variance that increases with the time horizon of forecast. The component model is more 'stiff' that results in a higher forecast-error variance and poorer adaption in detail. The forecast horizon, however, could be enlarged with this model. The accuracy of predicting threshold exceedance is similar for both models. This can be understood from the assumption of a cyclical time development of ozone that was made for both models.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll-a (chl-a) concentrations are often used as a proxy for water quality problems as well as phytoplankton blooms. Available chl-a models range from simple phosphorus loading models to complex regression and dynamic models. A comparison of multiple regression models was made with genetic programming (GP) techniques to predict chl-a concentrations over a large range of 104 Swedish lakes. Independent variables used were lake area, mean depth, iron, latitude, ammonium, nitrogen + nitrate, pH, phosphate, secchi depth, silicon, temperature, total phosphorus, total nitrogen and total organic carbon. GP is a method based on the Darwinian evolution theory. This implies that a program will be able to test different mathematical equations, iterating and improving each equation using fundamental ideas from evolution theory to increase the predictive power. A good correspondence was found between the multiple regression and the GP modelling approach. No significant improvement of the predictive power was found using GP, and it is therefore recommended that multiple regression methods should be preferred when predicting chl-a concentrations as these models tend to be less complex and the modelling approach is easier to use. Results from GP were in some cases more accurate compared to multiple regressions; however, the best model was created by multiple regressions which used concentrations of total phosphorus, total nitrogen and latitude as independent variables. These findings will be an important note for limnologists and modelling managers when developing future models of chl-a concentrations in lakes.  相似文献   

基于绿色建筑评价指标体系,采用eFootprint软件对天津市中新生态城低碳体验中心全生命周期碳排放量和运营阶段采用的主要绿色技术减碳潜力进行计算与分析,结果表明:该建筑运营阶段碳排放量占比最大,为89.74%,其次是物化阶段,为10.08%,废弃阶段仅占比0.18%.同时,太阳能热水技术措施的利用对建筑的减碳效果最好...  相似文献   

通过分析新疆准东经济技术开发区各行业的二氧化碳排放量及排放特征,研究新疆准东经济技术开发区碳达峰碳中和的实现路径。分析结果显示,准东经济技术开发区最主要的二氧化碳排放源是化石燃料燃烧,其对二氧化碳排放量的贡献比例在95.2%以上。能源活动二氧化碳排放量占总排放量的98.5%以上;工业生产过程排放的二氧化碳较少,占比在1.5%以下。新疆准东经济技术开发区主要二氧化碳排放行业是煤电、电解铝、煤化工、硅基新材料。在此基础上,结合各行业特点,提出发展园区循环经济、制定低碳行业标准和培育低碳产业等详细对策。  相似文献   

化石燃料燃烧产生的温室气体与大气污染物具有同根同源性,但具体治理中减污降碳的协同效果尚不明确。以浙江省11个设区市为研究样本,对环境空气质量和二氧化碳(CO2)排放数据进行分析研究,结果显示:2016—2020年浙江省环境空气质量持续改善,但CO2排放总量仍处于增长阶段。11个设区城市PM2.5年均浓度降幅在26%~41%之间,二氧化氮(NO2)年均浓度下降趋势不明显,大部分城市呈现碳排放增加、NO2浓度下降的特征,只有杭州和温州两市呈现碳排放总量和NO2、PM2.5浓度协同下降的趋势。因子相关性分析结果表明,各设区市呈现NO2浓度与碳排放相关性较大、协同性强,PM2.5浓度与碳排放相关性较小的特点。进一步通过减污降碳协同定量评价分析表明,浙江地区在环境空气质量改善和温室气体减排已表现出一定成效,但各设区市因产业结构、环境基础条件、协同程度等不同导致减污降碳综合绩效有明显差异。从源头减排实现...  相似文献   

Previous studies have combined random-site hierarchical sampling designs with analysis of variance techniques, and grid sampling with spatial autocorrelation analysis. We illustrate that analysis techniques and sampling designs are interchangeable using densities of an infaunal bivalve from a study in Poverty Bay, New Zealand. Hierarchical designs allow the estimation of variances associated with each level, but high-level factors are imprecisely estimated, and they are inefficient for describing spatial pattern. Grid designs are efficient for describing spatial pattern, and are amenable to conventional analysis. Our example deals with a continuous spatial habitat, but our conclusions also apply in disjunct or patchy habitats. The influence of errors in positioning is also assessed. The advantages of systematic sampling are reviewed, and more efficient hierarchical approaches are identified. The distinction between biological and statisticalsignificance in all analyses is emphasised.  相似文献   

从资料核查、在线监测设备核查、集控系统核查及现场核查4个环节详细介绍了火电厂总量减排现场核查的要点。对核查中出现的问题进行总结及分析,为同类环境管理工作提供参考。  相似文献   

In this paper, interactions or co-movement between the CER and EUA futures prices are examined in order to shed light on the dependency between the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) and the clean development mechanism (MDP). Our analysis uses the wavelet method to model the correlation between CER and EUA in the time-frequency domain. It highlights the impact of different investors (according to their investment horizons) on the co-movement between the CER and EUA prices, and therefore, the behavior of individual investors as speculators, arbitrageurs, and hedgers on European allowance and CDM credits cumulatively. In this vein, we analyze according to the frequency intervals, price convergence, identification of potential factors that could explain a difference in futures prices, and structural changes in the EUA and CER prices. The application is made using daily EUA’s and CER’s prices data.  相似文献   

In this research, the improved Terrestrial Ecosystem Regional (TECO-R) model was adapted to steppe ecosystems and then utilized to simulate the soil organic carbon pool in the period from 1989 to 2011 (excluding 1994, 2002, 2009, and 2010) for a typical steppe in Xilingol League of Inner Mongolia in China. The improved TECO-R model is an ecological model in combination of remote sensing data, which allows the spatial scale for the analysis of soil organic carbon which is not limited to vegetation or soil type. The spatial and temporal resolution advantages of remote sensing image can be well utilized in this model. The results indicate that in addition to an accurate simulation of the soil carbon pool of a steppe ecosystem, the vegetation aboveground carbon pool, grazing intensity of herbivores, mowing coefficient, litter carbon pool, root carbon pools of different vegetation layers, root-shoot ratio, actual residence time of different carbon pools, and allocation coefficients of different carbon pools in corresponding years are also available from the TECO-R model. Some of the above data are difficult to obtain through macro-observation but can be simulated with the TECO-R model by combining the model with input data; this is very important for a correct understanding of the feedback relationships between the steppe ecosystem’s carbon cycle and climate change (e.g., global warming) and human activities such as grazing.  相似文献   

探讨准确测量烟气含湿量的方法,采用干湿球法、重量法、阻容法、激光法同步比对测量典型温湿度污染源烟气的含湿量,通过监测结果分析,提出了不同测量方法在实际烟气测量中的准确性和适用性,为准确、规范测定烟气含湿量提供技术依据。  相似文献   

Long-term limnological monitoring data (from 1971 to 2001) were compared with sediment core record in Lake Viitna Linajärv (hereafter L. Viitna), a small lake in northern Estonia. The monitoring data show that L. Viitna changed from mesotrophic in the 1970s to eutrophic in the 1990s. The trends of paleodata thatintegrate the changes in the biogeochemical matter cycling in the lake over 2–3 years have clear signals about changes in the state ofthe ecosystem in L. Viitna during the last decades. A gradual increase in organic productivity should reflect a greater oxygen demand in the hypolimnion. As a result the hypolimnion becameseasonally anoxic earlier and its pH level remained low for a longer time. These fundamental changes near the sediment-water interface were recorded in the sediment core. The greatest changes occurred at the beginning of the 1980s (layers at a depthof ca. 20 cm), when the meso(eu?)trophic conditions in L. Viitnastarted to become increasingly more eutrophic. The variations ofpaleorecords in the upper part of the sediment core coincide temporally with changes in the water level of the lake.  相似文献   

不同水质评价方法在丹江口流域水质评价中应用比较   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用合理的水质评价方法,准确地描述河流水质状况,才能为水质管理提供治理方案。以丹江口水源地为例,选用单因子指数评价方法、综合污染指数评价方法、模糊综合评判法、主成分分析法、水污染指数法对丹江口水源地7个河流断面进行水质评价并对比评价效果。结果表明,水污染指数法操作简便、评价结果直观明了,具有广泛的应用范围。  相似文献   

分光光度分析加标回收率直接计算的数学模型研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据分光光度分析试液的吸光度与测定过程中的有关参数,推导出直接计算加标回收率的数学模型。经应用验证,该模型推导正确,应用结果可靠,而且计算简单、快速  相似文献   

Numerical dispersion models developed and validated in different European countries were applied to data sets from wind tunnel and field measurements. The comparison includes the Danish Operational Street Pollution Model (OSPM) and the microscale flow and dispersion model MISKAM. The latter is recommended for application in built-up areas in the draft of the new German guideline VDI 3782/8. In a first step the models were applied to simplified street configurations. Different parameters as length and height of adjacent buildings and the angle of the incoming flow were varied. The results were compared to recent wind tunnel measurements. In a second step the models were applied to two extensively investigated field data sets from Jagtvej, Copenhagen and G ttinger Straße, Hannover. Intensified and more transparent and accessible validation procedures would be helpful for the thorough user.  相似文献   

红枫湖水体中碳的时空分布特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于2013年8月、10月、11月及2014年3月在红枫湖5个表层水样采集点、3个分层水样采集点测定的总碳、无机碳、总有机碳及二氧化碳数据,结合当时的气象数据对碳的时空分布特征讨论分析。结果表明,虽然调查期间同时间相同水层各个水样采集点的上述4个指标差异并不明显,但同一时间不同分层水体及各水样采集点不同季节在碳分布上存在一定差异。温度越高,光照越长,生物活性越强,湖体碳被生物利用的比例越大,总碳、无机碳、总有机碳含量就越低,较强的生物活性也伴随更多的二氧化碳产生。上、下层水体因光与温度差异所导致的碳分布差异会因季节性翻湖而消失。  相似文献   

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