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我国液化气钢瓶使用量大而广,液化气钢瓶事故时有发生。由于使用者安全意识不强,气瓶违法充装、超期不检、违规检验或修理改造报废气瓶等问题导致的气瓶事故仍居高不下,是造成我国液化气钢瓶事故的主要原因。另外,违法将二甲醚掺入液化石油气钢瓶,液化石油气钢瓶管理混乱也是事故发生的主要原因。该文在分析事故原因的基础上,提出调换液化石油气钢瓶,在使用时有人看管,液化石油气钢瓶必须直立使用,放置位置不要靠近热源等几条液化石油气安全使用要点分析与事故处置。以加大对液化石油气钢瓶事故灾害预防、隐患治理工作,加大对用户安全使用常识的宣传教育工作,杜绝事故的发生。  相似文献   

自从液化石油气进入千家万户以来,它以方便、干净、热值高、污染轻等优点,很快在城市居民中普及使用,这不仅给人们的生活带来了极大的方便,使家庭和周围环境清净了许多,也使城市的天空多了一些蓝色.作为盛装液化石油气的容器,液化石油气钢瓶在我们身边使用已有20多年了,人们都知道液化石油气易燃易爆,因此平时对液化气的使用十分小心和注意.可是,人们对液化石油气钢瓶的质量和安全性能却很少关心和重视,这一方面是由于对钢瓶本身不太了解,另一方面是人们对液化石油气钢瓶的安全性能和质量不够重视,只知道要安全使用液化石油气,而忽视了作为载体的液化石油气钢瓶的质量安全.  相似文献   

应用基于概率统计理论的可靠性设计方法,分析了在最苛刻的压力试验条件下,液化石油气钢瓶可接受的静强度最小初始可靠度范围。从控制液化石油气钢瓶在不同工况下最小初始可靠度的角度,对其试验压力进行了探索。  相似文献   

为了降低液化石油气钢瓶事故风险,通过研究某市液化石油气钢瓶的现状,针对性地进行了隐患分析,提出了加强气瓶安全监管的若干建议。  相似文献   

液化石油气作为生活能源的一种已广泛进入寻常百姓家.由于它的洁净卫生、引燃简单而受到普遍欢迎.为了保证使用瓶装液化石油气的安全,务必熟知以下常识,正确使用维护、确保安全. 一、液化石油气的安全使用 常识 1.液化石油气钢瓶必须经技术监督部门检验合格,未经检验的不能充装使用.充装站严禁充装不合格钢瓶和超期未检钢瓶.  相似文献   

近年来,甘肃省民用液化石油气 钢瓶日益增多,全省已有30多万只。 由于气瓶质量差和用户缺乏使用、维 护常识等原因,以致火灾、爆炸事故 不断发生。1981年1—10月,兰州市 就发生民用液化石油气火灾事故15 起,死亡6人,烧伤26人口 为了保 障人民生命财产的安全,甘肃省劳动 局已采取以下措施,加强对液化石油 气钢瓶的安全管理和监督检查工作。 1.禁止粗制滥造液化石油气钢 瓶。全省选择三家具备生产条件的工 厂定点生产民用液化石油气钢瓶。禁 止生产液化石油气玻璃钢瓶。 2.制定并试行《甘肃省液化石油 气钢瓶检验标准》。会同酒泉钢铁公 司钢…  相似文献   

刘国 《安全》2003,24(4)
近日,山东省莱州市万余用户的30233只超检验期钢瓶进行了集中检测,并就近就地与液化石油气充装站办理托管手续,完成了整体“改嫁”,使民用钢瓶事故隐患得到根治。 民用液化石油气钢瓶经过多年使用,钢材疲  相似文献   

液化石油气钢瓶在制造过程中须逐只做水压试验。通过对水压试验作用和不利影响的探讨和一系列的对比试验,提出耐压试验做抽样检验,更有利于液化气钢瓶的安全使用。  相似文献   

各省、自治区、直辖市劳动(劳动人事)厅、局: 国家标准GB5842—1996《液化石油气钢瓶》已于1996年10月1日正式实施,根据近半年贯彻执行情况及存在的问题,我局提出如下意见,请你们督促液化石油气钢瓶制造单位贯彻执行: 1.钢印标志是钢瓶的永久档案,国家标准GB5842—1996《液化石油气钢瓶》要求在不可拆卸附件上压印永久钢印标志,目前大多数厂家未很好执行此条规定,而仍沿用  相似文献   

YSP23.5液化石油气钢瓶爆破失效结果不符合要求这一实例入手,针对钢瓶材质、自身结构设计等主要因素,对钢瓶热处理工艺和机加工工艺中等几个值得注意的环节及异常破口的原因进行了综合解析,为立式单环焊缝液化石油气钢瓶设计思路及制造工艺提出改进建议。  相似文献   

分析钢瓶的长度和直径之比(长径比)对容积变形率的影响,在材料相同的条件下,长径比大的气瓶的容积变形率的要求也相应提高。笔者分别从钢瓶的边界效应、冲压工艺、制造经济性3个方面探讨了液化石油气钢瓶的合适长径比,并综合提出了液化石油气钢瓶的长径比的适宜范围为0.8~1.6。  相似文献   

The article focuses on analyzing risks associated with the gas transfer operation in a liquified petroleum gas (LPG) bottling plant in India. The transfer operations involve transferring liquified gas from the transport tanker to the underground storage tank. Due to the rapid expansion of the cities, many LPG bottling plants in India got surrounded by residential areas and business centers. Moreover, to maintain the supply chain, the frequency of the transfer operations at the bottling plant also increased. In this scenario, an accidental release of LPG during the transfer operation may lead to various consequences such as a pool fire, a fireball, and even a catastrophic rupture of the tank with a successive explosion of its contents. In the study, the operations involved in bottling plants are classified into different hazard zones and analyzed. The probability of occurrence of events leading to an accident is modeled using modeling tools such as ALOHA and PHAST. The consequences of an accident following various events, such as jet fire, fireball, etc., are modeled, and the simulation results are compared. The thermal radiation has been estimated as 4–40 kW/m2, which could adversely affect the nearby population and could result in damaging plant machinery and equipment.  相似文献   

为研究常用瓦斯解吸经验模型对解吸量预测准确性,基于容量法试验测定长时间的煤屑瓦斯累计解吸量,通过截取不同时段的瓦斯解吸量数据回归拟合得到常用解吸经验模型参数,并将其代入模型中计算出瓦斯解吸量与试验测定量进行对比。研究结果表明:各常用经验模型公式对不同时间段数据拟合都表现出较好的效果;巴雷尔式不适合用于煤屑的瓦斯解吸预测;指数型经验模型公式计算得到曲线受制于拟合数据时间段长短,在拟合时间段后很快趋于平直而低估累计瓦斯解吸量;乌斯季诺夫式适合用于短时间煤屑瓦斯解吸数据推算长期瓦斯解吸量;重庆-文特式适合用于预测短期瓦斯解吸量,而利用较长时间段瓦斯解吸量数据推算煤屑瓦斯解吸量宜采用艾黎式。该研究成果对于煤的瓦斯涌出及煤层气产能预测有着重要实际意义。  相似文献   

This paper highlights major steps in the procedure for evaluating the consequences of accidents involving dangerous substances, especially during the storage, and loading/unloading activities. The procedure relies on identifying accident scenarios that could be encountered at particular plants, followed by a modelling of these scenarios by means of available modelling systems. Finally, the resultant outcomes are identified, together with their effects on both people and property. The resources needed to perform this procedure are discussed, in order to clarify the roles of plant operators, external experts and other institutions when evaluating any accident consequences. Four examples, all relevant in industrial practice, are given in order to illustrate the procedure: the releasing of liquified petroleum gas, flammable organic solvents, toxic chlorine, and oil fuels. The results of these studies may be used for a quick order-of-magnitude estimation of accidents consequences.  相似文献   

以液氯储罐泄漏为研究对象,运用ALOHA软件进行模拟分析。结果表明,泄漏后相同地点室外浓度均远高于室内浓度,室内气体的浓度随距离的增加而减小,浓度峰值的出现在时间上较室外有延迟。研究了液氯室外泄漏情况下影响室内气体浓度的各种因素。随着换气次数的增加,室内气体的最高浓度不断增加,浓度下降的速率也增大。风速和地面粗糙度的增加均会降低室内气体的最高浓度。室内气体的最高浓度随温度的上升而有所增加,但影响并不显著。连续泄漏时,室内外浓度均低于瞬时泄漏时的浓度。连续泄漏时室内浓度上升到最高值时需要的时间较长。  相似文献   

为研究气瓶全生命周期腐蚀缺陷与剩余寿命的关系,基于ANSYS建立某型号车用压缩天然气钢瓶有限元模型,分析内腐蚀深度0.1~3.0 mm状态下,气瓶Mises应力分布与应力强度变化规律;根据应力分析,应用局部应力应变理论和修正的Manson Coffin公式进行寿命预测。结果表明:随着气瓶腐蚀缺陷的加深,气瓶额定载荷下的应力分布呈现向缺陷区域集中、应力强度增大的趋势,且腐蚀曲线存在明显拐点;使用应力分析与寿命预测相结合的方法,得出含腐蚀缺陷车用气瓶寿命—腐蚀深度关系曲线,可为气瓶安全使用管理提供参考。  相似文献   

Life extension reliability analysis process of decommissioned transportable seamless steel gas cylinders is proposed based on reliability index and applied to a case study in this paper. The index was calculated in terms of material stress, material strength and their probabilistic distributions. Stresses were determined by membrane equations for cylindrical shell and finite element analysis for neck, shoulder and bottom. Yield strength was measured and chosen as material strength. Probabilistic distributions were determined by distribution of material hardness. Decommissioned gas cylinders, which corrode relatively more seriously than others, could be used in the analysis for conservatively determining life extension reliability. In addition, service life of gas cylinders could be extended on condition that their reliability was more than 0.99999. Finally, the proposed analysis process was applied to determine whether some decommissioned transportable seamless steel oxygen cylinders which were manufactured in 1970s could be life extended and shown to be effective.  相似文献   

Damage caused by incidents with transport tanks with compressed liquified gas is amongst the most extreme that can be encountered with transport vessels. This is particularly the case with the Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion (BLEVE), which may occur if such a tank is exposed to fire for a prolonged period. Therefore, the local Dutch LPG transport sector adopted a thermally insulating tank coating as a ‘standard outfit’ for their tank trailers, with the aim to delay a BLEVE for a sufficiently long period for emergency services to take appropriate measures and for people near the accident location to be evacuated. On a European scale however, no consensus has been reached on the cost-benefit of such measures.With the current drive towards “greener” and renewable energy sources, this issue has regained attention with alternative fuels such as LNG, CNG and Hydrogen and a need was felt for (better) theoretical models and experimental data concerning the behavior of transport tanks carrying these substances.In this paper a new tank thermal (equilibrium) model is described to predict pressure and temperature behavior of a multi layered, thermally insulated tank containing a compressed liquified gas exposed to heat. Results are compared with data of three bonfire experiments, in which 3 m3 tanks, filled for ca. 50% with LPG were exposed to fire. A good match between modelled and experimental pressure and temperature evolution in time could be obtained using a constant value for the thermal conductivity of the insulation layer. The modelling showed that the thermal insulation value is crucial for an accurate prediction of these parameters as well as the opening time for a pressure safety valve. As relevant temperatures may cover a very wide range (from cryogenic in LNG-tanks to over 1000 °C in a fire) knowledge of the thermal (and physical) behavior of the insulating layer over a large temperature range is essential.The same holds for the behavior of the PRV when subjected to fire. Extreme temperatures may also lead to deviating behavior from what is expected based on the initial settings.  相似文献   

采用实验室压缩气体泡沫系统,通过缩尺油盘火试验,分别考察基于不同气源的压缩气体泡沫对于石油醚火灾的灭火性能,分析探讨适用于低沸点的石油醚类燃料火灾扑救的气源类型和供气方案。结果表明,在泡沫溶液供给强度为2.5 L/(min·m2)的条件下,压缩氮气泡沫和压缩空气泡沫均可扑灭石油醚火灾,具有良好的抗烧性能;二者相比,压缩氮气泡沫比压缩空气泡沫的控灭火性能和抗烧性能均有一定提升;对于石油醚类的低沸点易燃液体火灾,建议采用以氮气作为气源的压缩氮气泡沫系统;该研究可为压缩气体泡沫系统在石油化工行业工程应用提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

本文对低压液化气体钢瓶“满液”爆炸的特征及内部压力变化了进行了理论分析和举例计算,并就如何安全使用液化气体钢瓶提出了一些合理化建议,希望能对气瓶的安全使用起到一定的警示作用。  相似文献   

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