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上海港船舶大气污染物排放对城市空气质量的影响不容小觑。基于船舶AIS数据,高精度船舶大气污染物排放清单得以建立并应用。2018年11月5—10日召开的第一届中国国际进口博览会期间,在气象条件不利的情况下,通过提前实施船舶排放控制区政策等措施,使船舶单日SOx排放量下降28.5%,一次PM2.5排放量下降25.5%,全市空气质量达到了保障要求。  相似文献   

Urban Air Quality Assessment Model: UAQAM   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Urban Air Quality Assessment Model (UAQAM) calculates urban concentrations caused by city emissions themselves, the so-called city background concentration. Three versions of the model for describing the dispersion were studied: Box, Gifford Hanna (GH) and a combined form of these two (Box–GH model). Regional background emissions contributing to the urban background concentration were accounted for by using measurements and calculations from a dispersion model on the continental scale. The results of the three UAQAM versions for a number of European cities were compared to measurements of SO2 and NO X . The Box–GH model shows better results when compared to the Box model and slightly better results in comparison to the GH model. The Box–GH model has been taken as a starting point for the assessment of urban air quality with UAQAM.  相似文献   

关于环境空气质量评价的一些思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
不断变化的大气污染形势和不断发展的监测技术对中国的环境空气质量评价工作提出了新的要求。总结中国环境空气质量评价的发展历程和国外环境空气质量评价的主流做法,分析存在的主要问题,提出在学习国外先进经验的基础上,结合实际情况,建立符合科学规律和中国国情的环境空气质量评价方法,以达到如实反映环境空气质量状况,客观评价环境管理成效及为改善环境空气质量服务的目标。  相似文献   

空气质量预测在国内的关注度日益提高,传统的空气质量预测系统通常运用数值化学传输模型,利用物理方程来计算污染物的扩散、沉降和化学反应。而化学传输模型的预测准确性很大程度上需要依赖详细的污染源排放信息和气象模型的输出结果。基于统计模型的OPAQ空气质量预报业务系统,采用人工神经网络算法,可预测各污染物的日均值或日最大值。并对北京空气质量预报的结果进行了评价,OPAQ空气质量预报业务系统对空气质量预测的准确性较高,能够利用较低的计算资源得到较为准确的预测结果。与数值预报相比,OPAQ空气质量预报业务系统不需要大量的基础数据作为输入,可弥补数值预报的不足,并成为数值预报的有力补充。  相似文献   

A method is proposed to build integrated models (also called Metamodels) aimed at quantifying the economic efficiency of air quality policies. This Metamodeling approach is based on the coupling of two complementary models, that operate at different scales in space and time, and which represent the economic and the physical and chemical processes, respectively. The joint consideration of the physico-chemical and techno-economic structure of the pollution control problems permits a comprehensive evaluation of air pollution abatement strategies. The motivating pollution control problems include urban-regional air quality management through efficient energy and traffic control policies. A pilot study, exploiting data collected in the Geneva canton (Switzerland), is used to demonstrate the potential of the approach.  相似文献   

基于环境空气的信息不确定性特点,运用未确知数学理论,建立了城市环境空气质量评价的未确知测度模型。根据未确知测度的大小,确定样本所属的质量级别及样本间的优劣排序。以唐山市为例,运用所建模型对其环境空气质量状况进行了评价。研究表明,未确知测度模型对于多指标的城市空气质量评价,理论上是可行的,结果是可信的。  相似文献   

Measurement of nitrogen dioxide using passivediffusion tube over 22 months in Cambridge, U.K. areanalysed as a function of sampler exposure time, andcompared with NO2 concentrations obtained from aco-located chemiluminescence analyser. The averageratios of passive sampler to analyser NO2 at acity centre site (mean NO2 concentration 22 ppb)are 1.27 (n = 22), 1.16 (n = 34) and 1.11 (n = 7) forexposures of 1, 2 and 4-weeks, respectively. Modellingthe generation of extra NO2 arising from chemicalreaction between co-diffusing NO and O3 in thetube gave a ratio (modelled/measured) of 1.31 for1-week exposures. Such overestimation is greatest whenNO2 constitutes, on average, about half of totalNOx (= NO + NO2) at the monitoring locality.Although 4-week exposures gave concentrations whichwere not significantly different from analyserNO2, there was no correlation between thedatasets. At both the city-centre site and anothersemi-rural site (mean NO2 concentration 11 ppb)the average of the aggregate of four consecutive1-week sampler exposures or of two consecutive 2-weeksampler exposures was systematically greater than fora single 4-week exposure.The results indicate two independent and opposingsystematic biases in measurement of NO2 bypassive diffusion sampler: an exposure-timeindependent chemical overestimation with magnitudedetermined by local relative concentrations of NO andO3 to NO2, and an exposure-time dependentreduction in sampling efficiency. The impact of theseand other potential sources of systematic bias on theapplication of passive diffusion tubes for assessingambient concentrations of NO2 in short (1-week)or long (4-week) exposures are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

对被动采样器与空气自动站监测环境空气质量进行了全年的对比实验,并对大量的监测数据进行了规范的处理分析。结果表明,被动采样器在环境条件持续稳定满足采样条件时,被动采样器与自动站监测结果无显著性差异;在环境条件不能持续稳定满足采样条件时,二者监测结果有显著性差异,但仍有较大的相关性。  相似文献   

Air emission data from offshore oil platforms, gas and oil processing installations and contribution of marine activities at the Sonda de Campeche, located at the Gulf of Mexico, were compiled and integrated to facilitate the study of long range transport of pollutants into the region. From this important region, roughly 76% of the total Mexican oil and gas production is obtained. It was estimated that the total air emissions of all contaminants are approximately 821,000 tons per year. Hydrocarbons are the largest pollutant emissions with 277,590 tons per year, generated during flaring activities, and SOx in second place with 185,907 tons per year. Marine and aviation activities contribute with less than 2% of total emissions. Mass of pollutants emitted per barrel of petroleum produced calculated in this work, are in the range reported by similar oil companies.  相似文献   

以重庆市铜梁县为例,分析了西部小城镇空气质量的历时演变规律,并对小城镇空气质量进行了评价。结果表明,小城镇空气质量夏季优于冬季,NO2和O3年均浓度(分别为29~33、18~34μg/m3)有所增加,但均在《环境空气质量标准》(GB 3095—2012)标准值内,PM10和SO2的年均浓度则逐年下降,2012年年均浓度比2010年分别下降了34%和19%;PM10、SO2、NO2浓度与温度、风速呈显著负相关关系,与大气压、相对湿度呈显著正相关关系,O3浓度与温度、风速、气压、相对湿度的相关性则刚好与此相反。对铜梁县近3年空气质量状况的评价结果表明,铜梁县空气质量稳步提升,相对于2010年的空气质量状况来说,2012年空气质量等级为优和良的天数分别提高了5%和9%,空气质量等级为轻微污染的天数则降低了9%。研究结果可为小城镇空气质量的宏观调控提供参考。  相似文献   

A new all season passive sampling system for monitoring O3 in the atmosphere has been developed in the laboratory and validated in the field. The unique features for this system include a newly designed passive sampler and a rain shelter, which allow the passive sampler to be installed in the field facing downwards. An equation associated with meteorological parameters is used to calculate the passive sampling rates. This system has been extensively tested in the lab (temperature from –18 to 20°C, relative humidity from 13 to 81%, and wind speed from 0.5 to 150 cm/s) and validated in the field in climates of all seasons. The accuracy of the ozone concentrations in the atmosphere obtained with the use of the new passive sampling system was higher than 85% compared to those obtained with continuous ozone analyzers. The new ozone passive sampling system can be used to measure ambient O3 concentrations ranging from 3 ppb to 1000 ppb based on one-day exposure and 0.1 ppb to 140 ppb for a monthly exposure period. It is also reasonable to conclude that the new passive sampling system can be used for eight-hour exposure study because of the low field blanks and high sampling rates.  相似文献   

集对分析用于大气环境质量评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
简述了集对分析用于大气环境质量综合评价的基本思路,介绍了多项污染物联系度表达式中合成同一度、差异度及对立度的计算公式。通过实例说明了计算的方法和步骤。该法应用于大气环境质量评价的结果是合理的,并针对结果进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Air pollution in Athens basin and health risk assessment   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
An inventory of air pollution sources within the Athens basin is carried out for the years 1989, 1992 and 1998 and the results areinputted in a climatological model for predicting ambient concentrations. Despite of the significant growth in the numberof road vehicles and the deteriorating traffic, the emissions andambient concentrations of fine particulates, CO, NOx and VOCappear to remain reasonably constant over for the period 1989 to 1998, while these of SO2 and Pb are reduced, mainly due to the renewal of vehicle fleet, the use of catalytic technologies and the improved quality of the used fuel. The results further indicate that for CO, NOx and VOC the major source is road traffic, while for PM2.5 and SO2 both space heating andtraffic share responsibility. The air pollutant concentrations monitored by the network of 11 stations are reviewed and statistics related to air quality guidelines are presented. As fine particulate levels are not monitored, approximate PM2.5and PM10 concentrations are derived from black smoke ones on basis of experimentally determined conversion factors. The computed and monitored air pollution levels are compared and found in reasonable agreement. The results of the above analysisshow that the levels of all `classical' pollutants, with the exception of SO2 and Pb, exceed significantly the WHO guidelines and are thus expected to exert a significant healthimpact. The latter could be quantified in relation to the PM2.5 or PM10 levels on the basis of risk assessment information developed by the World Health Organization (WHO). The results show that the existing levels of fine particle concentrations in Athens increase significantly the mortality and morbidity, and reduce the average longevity of the entirepopulation from 1.3 to 1.7 years.  相似文献   

在分析货车实施错时限行后内环车流量时段分布变化基础上,通过对PM_(2.5)、NO_2等指标的ADMS模型模拟和实际监测数据对比分析,探讨了内环货车错时限行对环境空气质量的影响。结果表明,货车错时限行后主城区环境空气中PM_(2.5)、NO_2小时平均质量浓度分别降低了9.4%和6.0%,峰值浓度明显降低,晚上出现峰值时间往后推移了2~3 h。经ADMS模型模拟计算,内环高峰时段机动车排放对主城区NO_2、PM、VOCs的浓度贡献分别降低了54.1%、56.3%、17.5%,CO浓度贡献不大。内环货车错时限行措施对重庆市主城区空气质量的改善有一定的积极作用。  相似文献   

国控网城市环境空气自动监测点位的监测事权上收后,对监测数据精密度和准确度的定量化评价已成为考核运维公司工作成果、评估国控网数据质量、编制数据质量报告的迫切需求。为加强中国环境空气数据质量核查体系的建设,总结了美国环境空气监测数据质量核查体系及其相关的技术规范,简要介绍其包含的各类核查项目和主要特点,提出了建设中国环境空气数据质量核查体系的建议。  相似文献   

杭州市大气污染物排放清单及特征   总被引:6,自引:9,他引:6  
以杭州市区为研究区域,通过调查整合多套污染源数据库及其他统计资料,研究文献报道及模型计算的各种污染源排放因子,获得杭州市区各行业PM10、PM2.5、SO2、NOx、CO、VOCs、NH3等污染物的排放量,建立了杭州市区2010年1 km×1 km大气污染物排放清单。结果表明,2010年杭州市区PM10、PM2.5、SO2、NOx、CO、VOCs和NH3的排放总量分别为7.96×104、4.02×104、7.23×104、8.98×104、73.90×104、39.56×104、3.32×104t。从排放源的行业分布来看,机动车尾气排放是杭州市区大气污染物最重要排放源之一,对PM10、PM2.5、NOx、CO和VOCs的贡献分别达到14.4%、27.1%、40.3%、21.4%、31.1%。道路扬尘、电厂锅炉、工业炉窑、植被、畜禽养殖对不同污染物分别有着重要贡献,道路扬尘对PM10和PM2.5的贡献分别为44.6%和20.0%、电厂锅炉对SO2和NOx的贡献分别为37.0%和25.7%、工业炉窑对CO的贡献为41.5%、植被排放对VOCs的贡献为27.1%、畜禽养殖对NH3的贡献为76.5%。从空间分布来看,萧山区和余杭区对SO2、NH3和植被排放BVOC的贡献要显著高于主城区;而主城区机动车对PM2.5、NOx和VOCs的贡献分别达到36.3%、56.0%和47.4%,较市区范围内显著增加,表明机动车尾气排放已成为杭州主城区大气污染最重要的来源之一。  相似文献   

This paper describes one example of how the UK National Air Quality Strategy (NAQS) is implemented in a local urban environment. The paper reviews the beginning of this process, by examining the review and assessment procedures of the NAQS in the London Borough of Barnet. By the application of available UK tools of local air quality management (LAQM), the process began through analysis of the levels of local emissions and progressed onto modelling of current and future air quality. A map showing combined emission hotspot areas for the Borough indicated and higher emission rates occur in the south of the Borough and along the major transport corridors, as road sources dominate emissions. Dispersion modelling studies were also conducted for this purpose, using the screening models GRAM, PGRAM and ADMS Urban for an in-depth assessment. These analyses found that some local point sources and the majority of Borough roads with over 20,000 vehicles per day produced exceedances of the future objectives for air quality for some pollutants.Recommendations for the progression of LAQM in the Borough are made and include the update and expansion of the emissions information held for use in future modelling studies. The paper demonstrates the experience of implementing the Strategy, using the tools and procedures available for this purpose, in a local urban environment that is similar to many in the UK.  相似文献   

借鉴美国加州南岸空气质量预报经验,特别是其运行管理模式对于现阶段中国城市环境空气质量预测预报具有极高的参考价值。简要介绍了加州南岸空气质量管理局(SCAQMD)空气质量预报业务流程、技术方法、信息发布方式和预报效果评估策略。建议从4个方面借鉴SCAQMD经验:(1)建立相对完善的空气质量预报体系,分层级自上而下指导预报工作;(2)选择合适的空气质量预报方法,综合统筹成本-效益评估工作;(3)评估预报效果进而提高预报准确率;(4)在优化空气质量预报能力的基础上,有序开展预警协同控制工作。  相似文献   

利用河南省环境空气质量新标准实施一期城市(郑州、开封)2013年的环境空气自动监测数据,分析了实施《环境空气质量标准》(GB 3095—2012)对这2个城市空气质量评价的影响。研究发现,若采用新标准,郑州、开封污染物年均浓度超标情况加重;城市空气质量达标率从51%、71%下降到35%和31%,下降了16和40个百分点;PM2.5的纳入是空气质量达标率下降的最主要原因,大于NO2标准的收严和CO、O3纳入评价指标的影响,其超标率分别为58%(郑州)和63%(开封);且PM2.5取代PM10成为郑州、开封的首要污染物,其作为首要污染物的比例均大于70%。  相似文献   

借鉴加州南岸空气质量监测管理经验(特别是运行管理模式)对于现阶段我国城市环境空气质量监测管理具有极高的参考价值。简要介绍了加州南岸空气质量管理局( SCAQMD)的空气质量监测现状、监测网络布局、颗粒物采样方法和相关质量管理体系。对现行的环境空气质量指数、管理架构和PM2?5考核方法进行了综合比较,建议从4个方面借鉴SCAQMD经验:试行“空气质量管理区”模式;开展专项研究网络建设;逐步开展手工监测采样和颗粒物化学组分分析;提升数据挖掘水平,服务管理决策。  相似文献   

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