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刘家玲 《安防科技》2006,(1):103-106
在人类社会的历史发展中,男尊女卑是非常普遍的社会现象.男尊女卑不仅反映在社会的分工、权力的占有和财富的分配等方面,也体现在语言的使用中,即形成了语言的性别歧视.同其它许多语言一样,英语中也广泛存在着性别歧视现象.作为语言家庭中的一员,在英语中,性别歧视的原因也是多方面的,显得很复杂,既有社会方面的,也有文化方面的.而性别歧视表现在语言内部,既包括语义方面,搭配方面,也包括词法方面的.我们对此要一一加以省视.  相似文献   

这两年打的,很奇怪,我总是招到黑的,于是有了许多坐黑的的经历和经验。而每个城市的黑的营运情况都不大相同。在北京和四川,我遭遇了两次被黑的欺负和挨宰的事,一想起便唏嘘不已。先说北京的黑的故事吧。由于北京  相似文献   

叶林 《安全》2004,25(5):12-13
提起图书馆安全,人们往往认为是传统的图书文献的"防水""防火""防盗"等"三防"为主的安全工作.但是随着信息知识的增多,图书馆职能的转变,图书馆被越来越多的人们利用,人们进出图书馆的次数也越来越多,图书馆已从藏书楼的形式转变为一个人员来往密集的公共场所.因此,图书馆如何面对新的环境,更好的做好图书馆的安全工作,已不只是单纯的图书馆"三防"问题,它关系到图书馆如何起到它应有的作用,确保图书馆文献资源安全、馆舍及设备的安全、读者和工作人员人身安全等方方面面.为读者提供安全、方便利用信息资源场所,是图书馆工作的主题.  相似文献   

神奇的经历甲对乙说:"我时常睡醒时发现身边竟然有一个陌生的年轻女子,最近遇到的还大多是漂亮的呢!"乙露出极其羡慕的神情道:"你怎么会有这么神奇的经历啊,教教我如何?"甲笑着说:"在公共汽车上找个没人的椅子坐着睡觉,这种机会多的是。"  相似文献   

<正>粗粮有什么营养?一粒谷物的籽粒,也就是我们吃的白米、白面的原形——麦粒、稻谷,它是由谷皮、糊粉层、谷胚、胚乳构成的。我们来把籽粒一层一层剥开分析一下它的营养价值。谷皮:含有丰富的膳食纤维和矿物质,但是由于它的外型不太美观,口感太粗糙,所以在粮食的精细加工过程中被去掉了。糊粉层:营养价值比较丰富,含有我们需要的蛋白质、矿物质、维生素和膳食纤维。但是糊粉层的细胞壁较  相似文献   

坚持讲政治.安全工作是事关国家财产和人民生命安全,涉及社会稳定和经济发展的政治工作.安全员要从讲政治的高度来认识所从事的工作,看重自己的事业,以"位卑未敢忘国忧"的责任意识和大局意识,自觉增强工作的主动性,以实实在在的工作成绩,回报组织和职工的期望与信任.  相似文献   

今年1月1日起实施的"<工伤保险条例>扩展了工伤保险制度的适用范围.凡是中华人民共和国境内各类企业的职工和个体工商户的雇工,均享有工伤保险待遇的权利."中国人民大学商学院教授郭国庆表示,新条例的一大亮点就是首次将有雇工的个体工商户以及乡镇企业纳入工伤保险范畴.  相似文献   

近年来国内外大型商场、超市的火灾事故呈现迅猛抬头之势,群死群伤恶性火灾事故屡见报端,如:唐山市的林西百货大楼、北京的隆福商业大厦、河南的洛阳东都商厦,吉林的中百商厦等火灾都造成了严重的人员伤亡和巨大的经济损失.因此,在严峻的火灾形势下,加强对大型商场、超市火灾危险性及防治对策的研讨是一个重要而紧迫的课题.  相似文献   

春光明媚,草长莺飞,走进大自然,近距离的欣赏花儿开放、杨柳吐絮、鸟儿报春,如此诱人的情景,怎能不让人心动.然而,学生们渴望亲近大自然的激情却被安全等诸多因素禁锢,使春游已逐步退出了学生的视野,春游的脚步似乎完全淡出了我们的教育,也让多数孩子的学生时代留下了永久的遗憾.  相似文献   

世界气象组织2002年8月29日向新闻界发布一份报告说,肆虐全球的洪灾和干旱等自然灾害正在加剧,人类生存环境面临严峻挑战.世界气象组织的报告说,从2002年年初以来,世界80多个国家超过800万平方公里的土地遭受洪灾,造成3000多人死亡,1700多万人的生活陷入困境,财产损失高达300亿美元,其中中欧和中国的洪灾最为严重.同期世界一些地区的持续干旱也令人担扰.世界气象组织说,持续干旱使非洲中部和南部许多国家的饥荒形势更加严峻;在北美,干旱已经袭击了美国37%的国土;印度等一些国家还遭受洪灾和旱灾的双重威胁.  相似文献   

电磁辐射对环境的污染及防护措施   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
电磁辐射对环境的污染已引起人们的重视 ,早在 196 9就被联合国人类环境会议列为必须严格控制的现代公害之一。论述了电磁辐射的来源、危害及减少电磁辐射是对环境污染的防护措施。对全面了解电磁辐射对环境造成的污染及危害 ,提高自我防护意识具有参考价值  相似文献   

Glycerine supply currently exceeds its demand by a significant margin as it is formed as by-product in biodiesel production. Different routes for its utilisation are currently being looked into, especially ones that would allow its use as a fuel addition. However these routes are not as energy efficient as its direct combustion.Previously glycerine and other very low cetane number calorific liquids were thought impossible to be used as fuels in compression ignition engines. We have developed a combustion cycle that permits the utilisation of glycerine as a fuel in a compression ignition engine without the need for pilot fuels or cetane improving additives. The paper discusses the results of glycerine combustion in standard unmodified Lister-Petter and Deutz compression ignition engines.  相似文献   

生物质液化燃油代用燃料的应用及展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
主要介绍了生物质液化燃油代用燃料的概念、特点及优势,分析了其它几种代用燃料优势与不足,并阐明了生物质液化燃油代用燃料发展的必然趋势.  相似文献   

论述了安全管理改革的几个带普遍性的和需要从理论上解决的问题。提出了“九五”期和2010 年期间的安全管理体制、运行机制、实行方法改革和企业安全管理改革等方面必须向深层次过渡,以尽快结束新旧体制交替中的磨和冲突所带来的矛盾  相似文献   

Jatropha curcas is a multipurpose non-edible oil yielding perennial shrub and it is a drought tolerant plant. Its seeds are used to produce bio-diesel. Jatropha husk, an agricultural solid waste, generated from bio-diesel industries, was used as a starting material to produce activated carbon. Using jatropha husk activated carbon (JHC), the feasibility of removal of toxic anions, dyes, heavy metals and organic compounds from water was investigated. Sorption of inorganic anions such as nitrate, selenite, chromate, vanadate and phosphate and heavy metal such as nickel(II) has been studied. Removal of organics such as bisphenol, 2-chlorophenol also have been investigated. Adsorption of acid dyes such as acid brilliant blue, acid violet, basic dyes such as methylene blue, direct dyes such as direct red-12B, congo red, reactive dye like procion red were investigated to assess the possible use of the adsorbent. Results show that jatropha husk activated carbon can be used as an adsorbent for the removal of toxic pollutants from water.  相似文献   

烷烃类燃料/空气预混气着火过程数值预测   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
蒋勇  吴志新  朱宁  范维澄 《火灾科学》2001,10(3):135-139
理论分析烷烃类燃料,空气混合物热着火过程,并对IPIC-CFDII软件进行修改,使之适全合资料零维着火计算,程序采用了美国SANDIA国家实验室,NASA和BERKELEY大学热力学数据库中的相关参数以及大型化学反应动力学软件包CHEMKIN中相关的模型和子程序,运用开发的源码,以庚烷/空气预混气为例,采用庚烷氧化的最新化学反应动力学机理(包含290个基元反应,涉及57种组分),计算了其在不同点火温度,不同当量比和不同压力下的着火延迟时间,同时预测了火焰中反应物,主产物,自由基沈庆以及温度变化的时间进程,以具体说明该软件的应用效果。  相似文献   

Failure of steam-side oxide scales in high temperature components of boilers such as superheater and reheater tubes has significant effect on the safety of thermal power plants. Taking into account the influence that temperature has on physical properties of metal substrate and oxide scale, transient heat transfer model as well as multi-layered hollow cylinder stress model is successively developed in this work. Employing the Advanced Oxide Scale Failure Diagram (AOSFD) as failure criterion, a systematic analysis model for the failure behavior of steam-side oxide scales in T92 superheater tubes during unsteady thermal processes is established. Focusing on different steam temperature variation processes, the effects of steam-side oxide scale thickness as well as different steam temperature variation modes and variation durations on oxide scale failure issues have been analyzed. Besides, critical steam temperature drops leading to failure of oxide scales when steam temperature decreases linearly have also been investigated. Based on the analysis results, feasible measures such as selecting reasonable steam temperature variation mode and appropriately lengthening variation duration are subsequently proposed. The analysis results as well as the suggested measures in this work can provide valuable guidance for the solution of steam-side oxide scale failure issues in thermal power plants.  相似文献   

Behavior of dust/air mixtures is very complex and difficult to predict since it depends on material properties as well as boundary conditions. Without other influences airborne particles deposit due to gravity but the time it takes for total deposition as well as easiness of resurrection depends very much on the specific dust sample and the boundary conditions. It still lacks a complete understanding of all interacting reasons and one approach is using experimentally determined characteristics, one is named dustiness.Dustiness is the tendency of dust to form clouds and to stay airborne. Dustiness is determined with two basic principles, which are light attenuation and ratio of filled-in and measured mass. Assessment of dustiness of industrial powders has been done for a long time regarding work place safety. Dustiness is used there to determine inhalable fraction and to evaluate health risks. Lately it became interesting in dust explosion protection as well. Dustiness could be used to optimize determination of zones, adaption of venting area and/or for positioning of suppression systems.Dustiness can be useful in many ways but is not a physical property of dusts, therefore it depends on material properties such as density, particle size distribution, shape and water content as well as boundary conditions or determination method. This makes it very difficult to compare dustiness for different techniques and apparatuses and determination method as well as results should be considered carefully. This work gives an overview of existing standards, recent research and suggests improvements to the new dustiness as proposed for dust explosion protection.  相似文献   

本文对不同隔热层材料组成的消防服的热防护性能进行了实验测试与分析验证,评价了新型组合式消防服和传统组合式消防服的隔热性能优劣。结果表明以SiO2气凝胶材料为隔热层的新型组合式消防服的导热系数约为传统型的1/4,具有更显著的热防护效果。  相似文献   

采用世界卫生组织“神经行为核心测试组合”(WHO.NCTB),对125名汽车驾驶员进行了神经行为功能测试,并对测试结果及方法作了进一步的一元和多元回归分析。结果表明:事故组与无事故组驾驶员在神经行为功能方面存在显著差异。神经行为功能测试总分与年龄和事故次数是显著负相关,与学龄呈显著正相关。在NCTB各分测验中,简单反应时、目标追踪和提转捷度三项测验得分对总分贡献率较大,为最敏感指标。揭示在驾驶员行车事故的预防及职业选择和培训中,应考虑年龄因素和文化水平,并选择敏感指标进行神经行为功能测试,以预防和减少交通事故的发生。  相似文献   

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