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Tile drainage water from agricultural fields commonly exceeds environmental guidelines for phosphorus (P) in rivers and streams. The loss of P through artificial drainage is spatially and temporally variable, and is related to local factors. This study characterizes variability in total P (TP) and soluble reactive P (SRP) concentrations in weekly drainage samples from 39 agricultural fields in Nova Scotia, Canada, from April 2002 through December 2003. We examined connections between P concentrations and the factors: (i) soil texture; (ii) discharge flow rate; (iii) soil test P (STP); (iv) manure type; and (v) crop cover. Generally, variability between fields and samples was great, and fields with standard deviations exceeding the mean for TP, SRP, and flow rate were 71, 54, and 79%, respectively. It was evident that poultry and swine manure contributed to high STPs, and to constantly high TP concentrations with high proportions of SRP. Concentrations varied from week to week, and particularly in April, May, October, and November when the greatest TP, SRP, and flow rate averages were measured. Mean TP concentrations exceed the USEPA (1994) TP guideline of 0.10 mg L(-1) at 82% of the fields, and periodically concentrations more than 10 times, and occasionally more than 50 times higher than the guideline were found. The proportion of SRP in TP had a tendency to be higher when TP levels were high in coarse textured soils. In Nova Scotia, dairy manure is most often applied on permanent cover crops, which did not show as much P concentration variability as crop rotations. Daily or hourly observation of short-term increases in P concentrations related to the described factors would help to characterize the changes in P concentrations observed during frequent heavy drainage flow events.  相似文献   

The typical method of cool-season grass-seed production in Mediterranean climates briefly exposes surface waters to potentially high concentrations of the herbicide diuron [3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethyl urea] during the initial season of growth. To better understand the process, and the degree, of diuron transport from agricultural fields, two grass-seed fields in the Willamette Valley of Oregon were monitored for diuron loss in surface runoff and tile drainage during the first wet season after planting. Initial diuron concentrations in surface runoff were high (>1000 microg L(-1) in one field and >100 microg L(-1) in the other), though they decreased by two orders of magnitude by the end of the season. Concentrations in the tile drains were as much as 1000 times lower than in the surface runoff during the first few weeks of runoff events, and they remained lower than surface water concentrations throughout the season. Total losses in surface runoff were between 1.3 and 3% of the amount applied-much higher than losses via the tile drains. It is also shown by means of a simple first-order decay model that, when little information is available, it may be best to describe diuron depletion in runoff water as a function of cumulative rainfall during the wet season.  相似文献   

Nitrate contamination of surface waters has been linked to irrigated agriculture across the world. We determined the NO3-N loads in the drainage waters of two sprinkler-irrigated watersheds located in the Ebro River basin (Spain) and their relationship to irrigation and N management. Crop water requirements, irrigation, N fertilization, and the volume and NO3-N concentration of drainage waters were measured or estimated during two-year (Watershed A; 494 irrigated ha) and one-year (Watershed B; 470 irrigated ha) study periods. Maize (Zea mays L.) and alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) were grown in 40 to 60% and 15 to 33% of the irrigated areas, respectively. The seasonal irrigation performance index (IPI) ranged from 92 to 100%, indicating high-quality management of irrigation. However, the IPI varied among fields and overirrigation occurred in 17 to 44% of the area. Soil and maize stalk nitrate contents measured at harvest indicated that N fertilizer rates could be decreased. Drainage flows were 68 mm yr(-1) in Watershed A and 194 mm yr(-1) in Watershed B. Drainage NO3-N concentrations were independent of drainage flows and similar in the irrigated and nonirrigated periods (average: 23-29 mg L(-1)). Drainage flows determined the exported mass of NO3-N, which varied from 18 (Watershed A) to 49 (Watershed B) kg ha(-1) yr(-1), representing 8 (Watershed A) and 22% (Watershed B) of the applied fertilizer plus manure N. High-quality irrigation management coupled to the split application of N through the sprinkler systems allowed a reasonable compromise between profitability and reduced N pollution in irrigation return flows.  相似文献   

Artificially draining soils using subsurface tiles is a common practice on many agricultural fields. High levels of nitrate-nitrogen (NO-N) are often released from these systems; therefore, knowledge on the sources and processes controlling NO-N in drainage systems is needed. A dual isotope study (δN and δO) was used to investigate three subsurface drainage systems (shallow, conventional, and controlled) in Onslow, Nova Scotia, Canada. The objectives of this study were (i) to identify which drainage system more effectively reduced the NO-N loading, (ii) to examine differences in isotopic signatures under identical nutrient and cropping regimes for a fixed soil type, and (iii) to identify the utility of different drainage systems in controlling nutrient flows. Nitrate concentrations measured ranged from 0.92 to 11.8, from 2.3 to 17.3, and from 2.1 to 19.8 mg L for the shallow, conventional, and controlled drains, respectively. Total NO-N loading from shallow and controlled drains were 20 and 5.6 kg ha, respectively, lower than conventional (39.1 kg ha). The isotopic composition of NO-N for all drainage types appeared to be a mixture of two organic sources (manure and soil organic matter) via the process of nitrification. There was no evidence that denitrification played a significant role in removing NO-N during transport. Overall, shallow drainage reduced NO-N loading but offered no water conservation benefits. Combining the benefits of decreased NO-N loading from shallow systems with water control capability may offer the best solution to reducing nutrient loadings into water systems, achieving optimal crop yield, and decreasing drainage installation costs.  相似文献   

Nitrate loss in subsurface drainage as affected by nitrogen fertilizer rate   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The relationships between N fertilizer rate, yield, and NO3 leaching need to be quantified to develop soil and crop management practices that are economically and environmentally sustainable. From 1996 through 1999, we measured yield and NO3 loss from a subsurface drained field in central Iowa at three N fertilizer rates: a low (L) rate of 67 kg ha(-1) in 1996 and 57 kg ha(-1) in 1998, a medium (M) rate of 135 kg ha(-1) in 1996 and 114 kg ha(-1) in 1998, and a high (H) rate of 202 kg ha(-1) in 1996 and 172 kg ha(-1) in 1998. Corn (Zea mays L.) and soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] were grown in rotation with N fertilizer applied in the spring to corn only. For the L treatment, NO3 concentrations in the drainage water exceeded the 10 mg N L(-1) maximum contaminant level (MCL) established by the USEPA for drinking water only during the years that corn was grown. For the M and H treatments, NO3 concentrations exceeded the MCL in all years, regardless of crop grown. For all years, the NO3 mass loss in tile drainage water from the H treatment (48 kg N ha(-1)) was significantly greater than the mass losses from the M (35 kg N ha(-1)) and L (29 kg N ha(-1)) treatments, which were not significantly different. The economically optimum N fertilizer rate for corn was between 67 and 135 kg ha(-1) in 1996 and 114 and 172 kg ha(-1) in 1998, but the net N mass balance indicated that N was being mined from the soil at these N fertilizer levels and that the system would not be sustainable.  相似文献   

A significant portion of the NO3 from agricultural fields that contaminates surface waters in the Midwest Corn Belt is transported to streams or rivers by subsurface drainage systems or "tiles." Previous research has shown that N fertilizer management alone is not sufficient for reducing NO3 concentrations in subsurface drainage to acceptable levels; therefore, additional approaches need to be devised. We compared two cropping system modifications for NO3 concentration and load in subsurface drainage water for a no-till corn (Zea mays L.)-soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) management system. In one treatment, eastern gamagrass (Tripsacum dactyloides L.) was grown in permanent 3.05-m-wide strips above the tiles. For the second treatment, a rye (Secale cereale L.) winter cover crop was seeded over the entire plot area each year near harvest and chemically killed before planting the following spring. Twelve 30.5x42.7-m subsurface-drained field plots were established in 1999 with an automated system for measuring tile flow and collecting flow-weighted samples. Both treatments and a control were initiated in 2000 and replicated four times. Full establishment of both treatments did not occur until fall 2001 because of dry conditions. Treatment comparisons were conducted from 2002 through 2005. The rye cover crop treatment significantly reduced subsurface drainage water flow-weighted NO3 concentrations and NO3 loads in all 4 yr. The rye cover crop treatment did not significantly reduce cumulative annual drainage. Averaged over 4 yr, the rye cover crop reduced flow-weighted NO3 concentrations by 59% and loads by 61%. The gamagrass strips did not significantly reduce cumulative drainage, the average annual flow-weighted NO3 concentrations, or cumulative NO3 loads averaged over the 4 yr. Rye winter cover crops grown after corn and soybean have the potential to reduce the NO3 concentrations and loads delivered to surface waters by subsurface drainage systems.  相似文献   

Subsurface drainage, a water management practice used to remove excess water from poorly drained soils, can transport substantial amounts of NO3 from agricultural crop production systems to surface waters. A field study was conducted from the fall of 1986 through 1994 on a tile-drained Canisteo clay loam soil (fine-loamy, mixed, superactive, calcareous, mesic Typic Endoaquoll) to determine the influence of time of N application and use of nitrapyrin [NP; 2-chloro-6-(trichloromethyl) pyridine] on NO3 losses from a corn (Zea mays L.)-soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] rotation. Four anhydrous ammonia treatments [fall N, fall N + NP, spring preplant N, and split N (40% preplant and 60% sidedress)] were replicated four times and applied at 150 kg N ha(-1) for corn on individual drainage plots. Sixty-two percent of the annual drainage and 69% of the annual NO3 loss occurred in April, May, and June. Flow-weighted NO3-N concentrations in the drainage water were two to three times greater in the two years following the three-year dry period compared with preceding and succeeding years. Nitrate N concentrations and losses in the drainage from corn were greatest for fall N with little difference among the other three N treatments. Nitrate losses from soybean were affected more by residual soil NO3 following corn than by the N treatments per se. Averaged across the four rotation cycles, flow-normalized NO3-N losses ranked in the order: fall N > split N > spring N = fall N + NP. Under these conditions NO3 losses from a corn-soybean rotation into subsurface drainage can be reduced by 13 to 18% by either applying N in the spring or using NP with late fall-applied ammonia.  相似文献   

The use of regression tree analysis is examined as a tool to evaluate hydrologic and land use factors that affect nitrate and chloride stream concentrations during low-flow conditions. Although this data mining technique has been used to assess a range of ecological parameters, it has not previously been used for stream water quality analysis. Regression tree analysis was conducted on nitrate and chloride data from 71 watersheds in the Willamette River Basin to determine whether this method provides a greater predictive ability compared to standard multiple linear regression, and to elucidate the potential roles of controlling mechanisms. Metrics used in the models included a variety of watershed-scale landscape indices and land use classifications. Regression tree analysis significantly enhanced model accuracy over multiple linear regression, increasing nitrate R 2 values from 0.38 to 0.75 and chloride R 2 values from 0.64 to 0.85 and as indicated by the ΔAIC value. These improvements are primarily attributed to the ability for regression trees to more effectively handle interactions and manage non-linear functions associated with watershed heterogeneity within the basin. Whereas hydrologic factors governed the conservative chloride tracer in the model, land use dominated control of nitrate concentrations. Watersheds containing higher agricultural activity did not necessarily yield high nitrate concentrations, but agricultural areas combined with either small proportions of forested land or greater urbanization generated nitrate levels far exceeding water quality standards. Although further refinements are recommended, we conclude that regression tree analysis presents water resource managers a promising tool that improves on the predictive ability of standard statistical methods, provides insight into controlling mechanisms, and helps identify catchment characteristics associated with water quality impairment.  相似文献   

Substantial amounts of NO3 from agricultural crop production systems on poorly drained soils can be transported to surface water via subsurface drainage. A field study was conducted from the fall of 1993 through 2000 on a tile-drained Canisteo clay loam soil (fine-loamy, mixed, superactive, calcareous, mesic Typic Endoaquoll) to determine the influence of fall vs. spring application of N and nitrapyrin [NP; 2-chloro-6-(trichloromethyl) pyridine] on NO3 losses from a corn (Zea mays L.)-soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] rotation. Four anhydrous ammonia treatments (fall N, fall N + NP, spring preplant N, and spring N + NP) were replicated four times and applied at 135 kg N ha(-1) for corn on individual drainage plots. Drainage occurred in all seven years. Seventy-one percent of the annual drainage and 75% of the annual NO3 loss occurred in April, May, and June. Fifty-four percent of the NO3 lost in the drainage occurred during the corn phase and 46% during the soybean phase. Annual flow-weighted NO3-N concentrations for the fall, fall + NP, spring, and spring + NP treatments averaged 14.3, 11.5, 10.7, and 11.3 mg L(-1) during the corn phase but annual NO3-N concentrations were still > or =10 mg L(-1) in three of six years for the spring preplant treatment. Averaged across the six rotation cycles, flow-normalized NO3-N losses ranked in the order: fall N > spring N + NP > fall N + NP > spring N. Under these conditions, NO3 losses in subsurface drainage from a corn-soybean rotation can be reduced 14% by spring N and 10% by late fall N + NP compared with fall-applied N. Nitrate losses were not appreciably reduced by adding NP to spring preplant N.  相似文献   

Allums, Stephanie E., Stephen P. Opsahl, Stephen W. Golladay, David W. Hicks, and L. Mike Conner, 2012. Nitrate Concentrations in Springs Flowing Into the Lower Flint River Basin, Georgia U.S.A. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 48(3): 423-438. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2011.00624.x Abstract: Analysis of long-term data from (2001-2009) in four springs that discharge from the Upper Floridan aquifer into the Flint River (southwestern Georgia, United States) indicate aquifer and surface-water susceptibility to nutrient loading. Nitrate-N concentrations ranged from 1.74 to 3.30 mg/l, and exceeded historical levels reported for the Upper Floridan aquifer (0.26-1.52 mg/l). Statistical analyses suggest increasing nitrate-N concentration in groundwater discharging at the springs (n = 146 over eight years) and that nitrate-N concentration is influenced by a dynamic interaction between depth to groundwater (an indicator of regional hydrologic conditions) and land use. A one-time synoptic survey of 10 springs (6 springs in addition to the 4 previously mentioned) using stable isotopes generated δ15N-NO3 values (4.8-8.4‰ for rural springs and 7.7-13.4‰ for developed/urban springs) suggesting mixed sources (i.e., fertilizer, animal waste, and soil organic nitrogen) of nitrate-N to rural springs and predominantly animal/human waste to urban springs. These analyses indicate a direct relation between nitrate-N loading since the 1940s and intensification of agricultural and urban land use. This study demonstrates the importance of evaluating long-term impacts of land use on water quality in groundwater springs and in determining how rapidly these changes occur.  相似文献   

Thorium concentrations at Kirtland Air Force Base training sites in Albuquerque, NM, have been previously described; however, the mechanisms of thorium migration were not fully understood. This work describes the processes affecting thorium mobility in this semiarid soil, which has implications for future remedial action. Aqueous extraction and filtration experiments have demonstrated the colloidal nature of thorium in the soil, due in part to the low solubility of thorium oxide. Colloidal material was defined as that removed by a 0.22-microm or smaller filter after being filtered to nominally dissolved size (0.45 microm). Additionally, association of thorium with natural organic matter is suggested by micro- and ultrafiltration methods, and electrokinetic data, which indicate thorium migration as a negatively charged particle or anionic complex with organic matter. Soil fractionation and digestion experiments show a bimodal distribution of thorium in the largest and smallest size fractions, most likely associated with detrital plant material and inorganic oxide particles, respectively. Plant uptake studies suggest this could also be a mode of thorium migration as plants grown in thorium-containing soil had a higher thorium concentration than those in control soils. Soil erosion laboratory experiments with wind and surface water overflow were performed to determine bulk soil material movement as a possible mechanism of mobility. Information from these experiments is being used to determine viable soil stabilization techniques at the site to maintain a usable training facility with minimal environmental impact.  相似文献   

The release rates and transformation processes that influence the mobility, biological uptake, and transfer of radionuclides are essential to the assessment of the health effects in the food chain and ecosystem. This study examined concentrations of 222Th in both soil and vegetation at a closed military training site, Kirtland Air Force Base (KAFB), New Mexico. Brazilian sludge was intentionally introduced into the topsoil in the early 1960s to simulate nuclear weapon accidents. Soil (60) and vegetation (120) samples were collected from 1996 to 2000 and analyzed for radionuclides and progeny. High-resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy was used to determine radionuclide activities. The results indicate that the thorium progeny were the predominant contaminant in soil and vegetation. Concentration ratios (CRs) were calculated based on actinium levels.  相似文献   

Surface covers are used to isolate contaminants in hazardous and low-level radioactive sites for time frames ranging from hundreds of years to millennia or more. In the absence of data for such durations, the long-term performance of surface barriers can only be represented with short-term tests or inferred from analogs and modeling. This paper provides evidence of field performance of soil covers for periods up to 17 yr. The results of lysimeter studies from a semiarid site in Washington State show that a cover design known as the Hanford Barrier, which consists of 1.5 m of silt loam above a sand-gravel capillary break, can nearly eliminate drainage. The results were similar if plants were present or not, demonstrating the robustness of the design. Furthermore, reducing the silt loam thickness to 1.0 m (as might occur via erosion), with or without plants, did not lead to drainage. When irrigated to mimic 3x average precipitation conditions, the vegetated Hanford Barrier continued to prevent drainage. Overall, the results showed no loss in performance during the 17 yr of testing. Only when plants were eliminated completely from the 3x precipitation test did drainage occur (rates ranged from 6 to 16 mm yr(-1)). In a separate test, replacing the top 0.2 m of silt loam with dune sand and reducing the plant cover did not lead immediately to the onset of drainage, but soil matric heads within the silt loam noticeably increased. This observation suggests that dune sand migration onto a surface cover has the potential to reduce a cover's ability to minimize deep drainage.  相似文献   

Earthworm biodiversity in western arid and semiarid lands of India   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Efforts have been made in this study to estimate the current status of earthworm biodiversity in western arid and semiarid lands of India. A total of 513 different locations (rural, urban, and sub-urban localities) covering both arid and semiarid areas were surveyed and 11 earthworm species: Perionyx sansibaricus (Perrier), Amynthas morrisi (Beddard), Metaphire posthuma (Vaillant), Lampito mauritti Kinberg, Dichogaster bolaui (Michaelsen), Octochaetona paliensis (Stephenson), Ramiella bishambari (Stephonson), Ocnerodrilus occidentalis Eisen, Malabaria sp, Allolobophora parva Eisen, and Pontoscolex corethrurus (Müller) belonging to five different families were rerecorded. A few earthworm species, e.g., L. mauritii, M. posthuma, O. occidentalis, and D. bolaui showed their presence in most of the sampling localities, while R. bishambari, Malabaria sp., A. parva, and P. corethrurus were restricted to a particular locality in arid land. Earthworm fauna of this region showed a patchy distribution pattern and the majority of the species were recorded from northern canal-irrigated and central alluvial plain belt (mid to eastern part) of the Thar Desert. Earthworm distribution and species-richness pattern were directly related to the local microclimatic factors and human activities. Thus, results suggested that human activities have been acted as important agency for invasion of earthworm communities in remote areas of western arid land of India.  相似文献   

A review is presented on trace gas exchange of CH4, CO, N2O, and NOx arising from agriculture and natural sources in the world's semiarid and arid zones due to soil processes. These gases are important contributors to the radiative forcing and the chemistry of the atmosphere. Quantitative information is summarized from the available studies. Between 5 and 40% of the global soil-atmosphere exchange for these gases (CH4, CO, N2O, and NOx) may occur in semiarid and arid zones, but for each of these gases there are fewer than a dozen studies to support the individual estimates, and these are from a limited number of locations. Significant differences in the biophysical and chemical processes controlling these trace gas exchanges are identified through the comparison of semiarid and arid zones with the moist temperate or wet/dry savanna land regions. Therefore, there is a poorly quantified understanding of the contribution of these regions to the global trace gas cycles and atmospheric chemistry. More importantly, there is a poor understanding of the feedback between these exchanges, global change, and regional land use and air pollution issues. A set of research issues is presented.  相似文献   

Abstract: A nitrogen (N) mass‐balance budget was developed to assess the sources of N affecting increasing ground‐water nitrate concentrations in the 960‐km2 karstic Ichetucknee Springs basin. This budget included direct measurements of N species in rainfall, ground water, and spring waters, along with estimates of N loading from fertilizers, septic tanks, animal wastes, and the land application of treated municipal wastewater and residual solids. Based on a range of N leaching estimates, N loads to ground water ranged from 262,000 to 1.3 million kg/year; and were similar to N export from the basin in spring waters (266,000 kg/year) when 80‐90% N losses were assumed. Fertilizers applied to cropland, lawns, and pine stands contributed about 51% of the estimated total annual N load to ground water in the basin. Other sources contributed the following percentages of total N load to ground water: animal wastes, 27%; septic tanks, 12%; atmospheric deposition, 8%; and the land application of treated wastewater and biosolids, 2%. Due to below normal rainfall (97.3 cm) during the 12‐month rainfall collection period, N inputs from rainfall likely were about 30% lower than estimates for normal annual rainfall (136 cm). Low N‐isotope values for six spring waters (δ15N‐NO3 = 3.3 to 6.3‰) and elevated potassium concentrations in ground water and spring waters were consistent with the large N contribution from fertilizers. Given ground‐water residence times on the order of decades for spring waters, possible sinks for excess N inputs to the basin include N storage in the unsaturated zone and parts of the aquifer with relatively sluggish ground‐water movement and denitrification. A geographical‐based model of spatial loading from fertilizers indicated that areas most vulnerable to nitrate contamination were located in closed depressions containing sinkholes and other dissolution features in the southern half of the basin.  相似文献   

Management strategies that minimize P transfer from agricultural land to water bodies are based on relationships between P concentrations in soil and runoff. This study evaluated such relationships for surface runoff generated by simulated sprinkler irrigation onto calcareous arable soils of the semiarid western United States. Irrigation was applied at 70 mm h(-1) to plots on four soils containing a wide range of extractable P concentrations. Two irrigation events were conducted on each plot, first onto dry soil and then after 24 h onto wet soil. Particulate P (>0.45 microm) was the dominant fraction in surface runoff from all soils and was strongly correlated with suspended sediment concentration. For individual soil types, filterable reactive P (<0.45 microm) concentrations were strongly correlated with all soil-test P methods, including environmental tests involving extraction with water (1:10 and 1:200 soil to solution ratio), 0.01 M CaCl(2), and iron strips. However, only the Olsen-P agronomic soil-test procedure gave models that were not significantly different among soils. Soil chemical differences, including lower CaCO(3) and water-extractable Ca, higher water-extractable Fe, and higher pH, appeared to account for differences in filterable reactive P concentrations in runoff from soils with similar extractable P concentrations. It may therefore be possible to use a single agronomic test to predict filterable reactive P concentrations in surface runoff from calcareous soils, but inherent dangers exist in assuming a consistent response, even for one soil within a single field.  相似文献   

Poplar plantation is the most dominant broadleaf forest type in northern China. Since the mid-1990s plantation was intensified to combat desertification along China's northwestern border, i.e., within Inner Mongolia (IM). This evoked much concern regarding the ecological and environmental effects on areas that naturally grow grass or shrub vegetation. To highlight potential consequences of large-scale poplar plantations on the water budget within semiarid IM, we compared the growing season water balance (evapotranspiration (ET) and precipitation (PPT)) of a 3-yr old poplar plantation (Kp3) and a natural shrubland (Ks) in the Kubuqi Desert in western IM, and a 6-yr old poplar plantation (Bp6) growing under sub-humid climate near Beijing. The results showed that, despite 33% lower PPT at Kp3, ET was 2% higher at Kp3 (228 mm) as compared with Ks (223 mm) in May–September 2006. The difference derived mainly from higher ET at the plantation during drier periods of the growing season, which also indicated that the poplars must have partly transpired groundwater. Estimated growing season ET at Bp6 was about 550 mm and more than 100% higher than at Kp3. It is estimated that increases in leaf area index and net radiation at Kp3 provide future potential for the poplars in Kubuqi to exceed the present ET and ET of the natural shrubland by 100–200%. These increases in ET are only possible through the permanent use of groundwater either directly by the trees or through increased irrigation. This may significantly change the water balance in the area (e.g., high ET at the cost of a reduction in the water table), which renders large-scale plantations a questionable tool in sustainable arid-land management.  相似文献   

The observed increase in phosphorus (P) loading into the Jordan River could increase eutrophication processes in Lake Kinneret, the only freshwater lake in Israel, which provides 25% of the country's drinking water. The P may originate from the peat soils of the highly altered Hula Valley's semiarid wetland ecosystem through which the Jordan River runs. The objectives of this research were to ascertain the sorption capacity of these soils and to identify areas with high potential for P release from soils to ground water. We extracted 80 soil samples collected across the valley with ammonium oxalate and determined the ratio of extractable P to Fe and Al, from which we derived the degree of phosphorus saturation (DPS). A relatively low DPS (<15%) was observed in Histosols compared with the high DPS (>30%) observed in many of the hydromorphic organo-mineral soils. We used a sequential Gaussian simulation technique to assess the spatial pattern of the DPS and found that the Histosols have a low probability (<10%) of exceeding the widely used environmental DPS threshold of 25%. The areas characterized by mineral soils, such as hydromorphic Vertisols and various marl redoximorphic soils, have a high probability (>60%) of exceeding the threshold value. The ability to predict the concentrations of dissolved P in ground water based on DPS values was somewhat impaired because of the preferential flow characteristics in this altered wetland.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the implementation of EU nitrate policy in seven member states of the European Union. The countries reviewed are Belgium, Denmark, Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands and the UK. It summarizes the main features of the EU Nitrate Directive, and examines the national nitrate policies formulated by the seven Member States. The analysis shows substantial differences in the interpretation of the directive, and in the size of the affected agricultural area in each country. This discrepancy raises the question of finding a platform for future EU nitrate and nutrient policy.  相似文献   

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