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Environment, Development and Sustainability - The study tests the EKC hypothesis, forecasts future paths, and models the dynamic relationship between ecological and economic variables in China. The... 相似文献
产业结构与CO_2排放量之间的相互作用形成产业结构与CO_2排放量的耦合关系。本文基于2012年中国1 km高空间分辨率网格CO_2排放数据(CHRED),运用耦合度模型,分析了中国288个城市产业结构与CO_2排放量的耦合特征。研究发现,中国产业结构和CO_2排放量之间正处于中度耦合一致性阶段,以资源型为主的城市产业结构和CO_2排放量处于极度耦合一致性阶段;工业型城市耦合度和一致性均高于服务业型城市;其他类型城市则分布比较分散没有呈现一定的规律性,而在其他类型的城市中,工业占比相对较高的城市耦合度和一致性往往高于农业和服务业占比较高的城市。根据产业结构和CO_2排放量的耦合度和一致性关系,将现有的城市分为4种类型,分别是产业结构与CO_2排放耦合一致性相关关系极强的城市,产业结构与CO_2排放耦合一致性相关关系较高的城市、产业结构和CO_2排放耦合一致性相关关系一般的城市以及产业结构和CO_2排放耦合一致性相关关系较弱的城市。通过对4种类型城市进行特征分析,4种类型城市在空间分布上具有明显的聚集效应,而且第二产业与碳排放之间的耦合一致性较高。 相似文献
The paper deals with predicting carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide emissions generated by power production sector in the Baltic States in period up to year 2020. The economies of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia are rapidly growing therefore forecast of emissions related with this occurrence becomes very important. The Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (INPP), one of the largest in the world, is situated in the region. Two power production scenarios are modelled to investigate changes in power sector's emissions expected as the consequences of the coming closure of Ignalina NPP. Power market was assumed to be common for all three Baltic countries and was modelled by applying the Balmorel model. The planned closure of Ignalina NPP will bring restructuring of Lithuania power production sector and will change also power transmission between countries. Predictive identified the potential of investments for new modern power generation technologies. At the same time, modelling results show in both scenarios that CO(2) and SO(2) emissions from power production in the Baltic region will increase. The increment of emissions is discussed in the context of meeting requirements of UNFCCC Kyoto protocol and EC Directives. Despite of CO(2) emissions increase the Kyoto protocol's requirements may be expected. At the same time, SO(2) formation in Lithuania power sector may exceed the limits of the EU Council Directive 2001/80/EB therefore the additional measures to control SO(2) emissions have to be investigated. 相似文献
This study evaluates and compares the trends in CO 2 emissions for the manufacturing industries of three countries: two developed countries (Germany and Sweden) that have applied several measures to promote a shift towards a low-carbon economy and one developing country (Colombia) that has shown substantial improvements in the reduction of CO 2 emissions. This analysis is conducted using panel data cointegration techniques to infer causality between CO 2 emissions, production factors and energy sources. The results indicate a trend of producing more output with less pollution. The trends for these countries’ CO 2 emissions depend on investment levels, energy sources and economic factors. Furthermore, the trends in CO 2 emissions indicate that there are emission level differences between the two developed countries and the developing country. Moreover, the study confirms that it is possible to achieve economic growth and sustainable development while reducing greenhouse gas emissions, as Germany and Sweden demonstrate. In the case of Colombia, it is important to encourage a reduction in CO 2 emissions through policies that combine technical and economic instruments and incentivise the application of new technologies that promote clean and environmentally friendly processes. 相似文献
中国正面临严峻的环境问题,2013年中国的CO2排放量超过了欧盟和美国的总和,同时中国的人均CO2排放置首次超过欧洲. 2015年在巴黎国际气候大会上中国政府宣布碳排放强度减排目标为:2030年单位国内生产总值CO2排放比2005年下降60%-65%.按照IPCC(2007) CO2排放核算方法计算的数据,近年来中国CO2排放情况总体呈排放量逐年上升但排放强度总体下降的态势.为了进一步估计中国2030年CO2排放强度,本文构建了IPAT模型,利用全国30个省1995-2012年数据进行拟合,并采用最小二乘法和萤火虫优化算法分别计算了IPAT模型的参数,发现与传统最小二乘法相比,萤火虫算法优化后的模型显示出更高的拟合优度和更低的误差,模型系数也更为合理.文章在萤火虫优化的IPAT模型基础上估算了中国2030年的CO2排放强度,实证结栗显示,第三产业的发展有利于降低CO2排放强度;2030年全国CO2排放强度比2005年下降了66.34%,其中有20个省份CO2排放强度减排幅度超过60%;中国能够实现在2015巴黎国际气候大会上提出的碳减排目标.为了进一步发展低碳经济,各省应该充分重视经济转型对减少CO2排放的作用,改善以煤炭为主的能源消费结构,增加生物能、太阳能、风能、沼气等可再生资源的使用比重. 相似文献
本文将金融节能与金融发展同时引入传统LMDI分解模型,并融合脱钩弹性指数,分析了两者对碳排放变化的影响机理。在此基础上,本文还检验了1997—2015年中国29个省区金融节能与金融发展的碳排放效应。研究发现:首先,尽管1997—2015年中国碳排放规模的扩张趋势较为明显,短期来看,这一演变仍然大体经历了三个阶段,即碳排放增量持续扩张期、碳排放增量波动下降期以及碳排放增量平稳期。其次,不仅金融节能、金融发展以及经济增长是在短期和长期诱发中国碳排放变化的三个最主要因素,而且前两者对中国碳排放变化的影响还大于后者。再次,金融节能对中国碳排放变化的短期和长期作用方向始终与金融发展对中国碳排放变化的短期和长期作用方向相反。最后,金融节能和金融发展与中国碳排放变化之间在短期内基本维持弱脱钩或强负脱钩两种状态,而在长期呈现强负脱钩状态,通过分解这些脱钩弹性状态的诱因,不仅直接影响和交互影响的作用方向始终相反,而且两者还分别在金融节能与中国碳排放脱钩弹性变动以及金融发展与中国碳排放脱钩弹性变动中发挥截然相反的作用。 相似文献
This paper investigates the long- and short-run relationships between energy consumption and economic growth in Australia using the bound testing and the ARDL approach. The analytical framework utilized in this paper includes both production and demand side models and a unified model comprising both production and demand side variables. The energy–GDP relationships are investigated at aggregate as well as several disaggregated energy categories, such as coal, oil, gas and electricity. The possibilities of one or more structural break(s) in the data series are examined by applying the recent advances in techniques. We find that the results of the cointegration tests could be affected by the structural break(s) in the data. It is, therefore, crucial to incorporate the information on structural break(s) in the subsequent modelling and inferences. Moreover, neither the production side nor the demand side framework alone can provide sufficient information to draw an ultimate conclusion on the cointegration and causal direction between energy and output. When alternative frameworks and structural break(s) in time series are explored properly, strong evidence of a bidirectional relationship between energy and output can be observed. The finding is true at both the aggregate and the disaggregate levels of energy consumption. 相似文献
Environment, Development and Sustainability - The vision of every country or subregions is to achieve economic growth and sustainable economic growth. Thus, the Economic Community of West African... 相似文献
Environment, Development and Sustainability - This study aims twofold; first, to analyze the effects of traditional energy, renewable energy, ecological footprint, urbanization, transportation on... 相似文献
Environment, Development and Sustainability - Globally, the national and cultural resources of a country are major sources of attraction for tourism. Pakistan is gifted with abundant natural and... 相似文献
基于中国高空间分辨率网格数据,建立新疆地级市CO_2排放数据集,探讨新疆CO_2排放的空间特征,为新疆低碳发展的空间布局规划提供一定的依据。研究采用"自下而上"的空间化方法建立排放数据集,并用统计学方法分析排放数据统计特征。研究结果:从整体看,CO_2直接排放总体分散,局部集中,基本沿着天山分为南部和北部,北部地区排放高于南部地区。从区域看,天山北坡经济带CO_2排放最高;丝绸之路经济带的中通道、北通道和南通道排放依次递减。从部门看,服务业与城镇生活CO_2排放相关性最高,间接排放与其他部门排放相关性最弱。从类型看,工业型地级市CO_2人均排放最高,总排放均值略低于服务业型地级市,远高于其他类型地级市;人口规模越大的地级市CO_2排放均值越大,但其人均排放越少。结论与讨论:1新疆CO_2排放空间差异显著,其排放较大的地级市整体效率不高,将是减排的重点区。2工业化、城镇化是新疆CO_2排放的重要影响因素,将是减排的着力点。3省际生态补偿和碳排放指标分配时应适度考虑能源输出引致本地较高CO_2排放的特情。 相似文献
The income inequality-economy link has been argued by researchers a long time. But the impact of income inequality on environmental pollution is a new investigation topic for developing countries. Turkey is well known as an emerging economy which has a high level of income inequality and CO2 emissions. Therefore, this paper concentrates on the income inequality-CO2 emissions link in Turkish economy by applying a nonlinear analysis. This paper integrates economic growth and financial development to the CO2 emissions specification over the period of 1987–2019. We employ the nonlinear autoregressive distributed lag approach to explore the long-run nonlinear linkages between the series. Our findings reveal an asymmetric cointegration among variables. Positive and negative income inequality shocks positively affect CO2 emissions implying that positive and negative shocks of income inequality enhance CO2 emissions in the long run. Negative economic growth shocks decrease CO2 emissions, while positive shocks to financial development increase CO2 emissions in the long run. We provide important policy suggestions that might be useful to the policymakers to decrease CO2 emissions in Turkey. 相似文献
Packaging is strictly connected to environmental issues as it is a product characterised by high material consumption rate; it is often transported over long distances and has a short life. Providing environmental analysis is, therefore, urgent to identify energy and resources efficient solutions. The paper, taking advantage of a real case study, presents a life cycle-based comparative analysis among three different food packaging systems. The paper compares the life cycle of tin steel, polypropylene and glass-based packaging of an Italian preserves producer. The analysis leads to the conclusion that, for the baseline scenario, polypropylene packaging represents the greenest solution, whereas glass packaging is the worst choice. The paper presents a scenario analysis varying both the method used for accounting for recycling as well as the recycling rates of the packaging materials. Changes in overall results with parameters analysis changing are calculated and highlighted throughout the paper. The impact of a reuse policy of the glass-based solution is also analysed; a model for disposable glass packaging is proposed and the obtained results are compared with the single use polypropylene and tin steel-based packaging. In order to analyse the impact of different End of Life scenarios on the present case study, collecting as well as recycling rates of some European countries have been used. The results revealed a significant fluctuation both in energy consumption and in CO 2 emission as the nation changes. Summing up, a methodology for packaging environmental impact analysis is applied to a real case study, some crucial aspects of the methodology have been analysed in depth in order to give a contribution in packaging environmental impact analysis. 相似文献
Land use and carbon emissions have long been a heated topic in China as well as developing countries. This paper contributes to the study of the related area as to investigate the causal relationship between the land urbanization quality and carbon emissions using panel data from 30 provinces in China over the period of 2004–2013. The empirical results show that: There exists bidirectional causality between land urbanization quality and carbon emissions across the country; land urbanization quality has negative effects on carbon emissions in all areas, with its effects largest in the Central region, followed by the Eastern, and the Western ranked at last; causal relationship exists in all regions, in addition to Eastern China; Central region has the highest potential of energy conservation. These findings provide new insights and valuable information for optimizing land use and urban development in China. In particular, to actively adjust the industrial structure, innovation in science and technology, and separate policy focus can contribute to energy conservation and urban land use. 相似文献
Cross-cutting government policies that are designed to mitigate CO 2 emissions have caused an increased interdependence between government agencies. This leads to fragmentation in the public administration of climate change mitigation. The need for more coordination among government agencies involved in drafting and implementing energy and transportation policies is necessary to create collaborative strategies that can affect energy demand and reduce CO 2 emissions. The study aims to use Thailand as a case study to examine and discuss how effective coordination and integration of energy and transport policies and actions in the domain of GHG mitigation in Thailand can be successful. The authors applied a mixed-method information gathering approach combined with data from panel discussions. A thorough literature review guided the evidence, which was reinforced by the expert opinions of 35 industry professionals and governmental officers. Importance-performance analysis was applied as a policy assessment method. The study proposes applying a combination of several factors and conditions regarding institutional aspects of transport and energy sectors into a new greater strategies and actions toward CO 2 mitigation. In findings, a combination of instruments and autonomy of sectors is the greatest important and successful opportunity to enable effective coordination and integration of policies for CO 2 mitigation. Insightful discussions on integrated approach and recommendations would contribute to collaboratively administrative mechanism. 相似文献
This study investigates the relationship among pollutant emissions,energy consumption and economic development in China during the period 1982-2007 by using a one-step GMM-system model under a multivariable panel VAR framework,controlling for capital stock and labor force.Regarding the data for all 28 provinces as a whole,we find that there is a unidirectional positive relationship running from pollutant emission to economic development and a unidirectional negative relationship between pollutant emission and energy consumption.Based on traditional economic planning,the panel data of28 provinces are divided into two cross-province groups.It is discovered that in the eastern coastal region of China,there is only a unidirectional positive causal relationship leading from economic development to pollutant emission;while in the central and western regions,there are the unidirectional Granger causal relationships between pollutant emission and energy consumption,as well as between pollutant emission and economic development.There is also a unique unidirectional causal relationship running from economic development to energy consumption,which does not appear in the eastem coastal region or in China as a whole. 相似文献
资源消费与经济增长之间的关系是环境经济学研究的重要领域。目前国内外研究主要集中于探讨能源消费与经济增长之间因果关系,而未有对区域资源总体消费与经济产出二者关系开展实证研究。本文以江苏省为例,运用协整理论和物质流分析方法首次尝试对江苏省1990-2007年资源消费和实际GDP二者因果关系进行检验和分析。研究结果表明,江苏省经济增长与资源消费之间存在协整关系,表现为资源消费拉动经济增长的长期的单向格兰杰因果关系。研究同时还对江苏省经济增长和资源保护战略提出了政策建议。研究结果表明了当前资源是江苏经济增长的关键要素,江苏在经济增长和资源利用战略等方面应当采取更加积极有效的对策。此外,研究提出的将基于物质流分析的资源消费核算方法与时间序列分析相结合的研究思路和研究方法集成具有较强的普适性,可以适用于同样正在经历快速工业化和城市化的国家和地区关于资源消费和经济增长的问题的讨论和研究。 相似文献
Greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions from agricultural farming practice contribute significantly to European GHG inventories. For example, CO 2 is emitted when grassland is converted to cropland or when peatlands are drained and cultivated. N 2O emissions result from fertilization. Enabling farmers to reduce their GHG emissions requires sufficient information about its pressure–impact relations as well as incentives, such as regulations and funding, that support climate-friendly agricultural management. This paper discusses potentials to improve the supply of information on: farm-specific climate services or impacts, present policy incentives in Germany and England that support climate-friendly farm management and related adaptation requirements. Tools which have been developed for a farm environmental management software (to be added after review because of potential identification) are presented. These tools assess CO 2 emissions from grassland conversion to cropland and peatland cultivation, as well as N 2O emissions from nitrogen fertilization. As input data, the CO 2 tool requires a classification of soil types according to soil organic carbon storage. The input data based on soil profile samples was compared with reference data from the literature. The N 2O tool relies on farm data concerning fertilization. These tools were tested on three farms in order to determine their viability with respect to the availability of required data and the differentiation of results, which determines how well site-specific conservation measures can be identified. Assessing CO 2 retention function of grassland conservation to cropland on the test farms leads to spatially differentiated results (~100 to ~900 potentially mitigated t CO 2 ha ?1). Assessed N 2O emissions varied from 0.41 to 1.1 t CO 2eq. ha ?1 a ?1. The proposed methods support policies that promote a more differentiated funding of climate conservation measures. Conservation measures and areas can be selected so that they will have the greatest mitigation effects. However, even though present policy instruments in Germany and England, such as Cross Compliance and agri-environmental measures, have the potential to reduce agricultural GHG, they do not appear to guide measures effectively or site-specifically. In order to close this gap, agri-environmental measures with the potential to support climate protection should be spatially optimized. Additionally, the wetland restoration measures which are most effective in reducing GHG emissions should be included in funding schemes. 相似文献
应对气候变化的科学基础是摸清区域碳排放基本状况,对碳排放现状的梳理是探索环境改善路径的依据。探索低碳发展路径的核心在于减排政策选择,同时也是实现可持续发展的条件保障。京津冀协同发展背景下区域环境保护及大气污染治理成为研究热点,河北省资源环境容量与经济增长之间的矛盾日益凸显,生态文明、可持续发展的要求促使探明环境现状,研究节能减排低碳发展的创新机制。摸清河北省碳排放基本现状,探明能源需求和碳排放的演变规律,对河北省探索低碳发展路径具有实践意义。本文基于河北省全域的数据资料和实地调查,核算了河北省下辖11个地级市能源活动引起的碳排放,分析了2005-2013年碳排放的时空演化规律,以情景分析方法为基础,预测了河北省到2030年的碳排放状况。认为:第一,能源活动的碳排放量从研究时间尺度上来看,始终保持增长的趋势,且2009年以后增长更为显著;从空间尺度上来看,唐山市的排放始终是全省最高。第二,基于情景分析对河北省能源活动的碳排放可能状况进行预测。基准情景是排放量最高的情景;低碳情景下2025年前后碳排放量基本稳定;强化低碳情景下设定2030年回到2005年的排放水平上,人均碳排放量始终保持下降,2030年将与全国2012年的人均排放平均水平相当。 相似文献