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The impact of petroleum on archaeal community in salinealkali soils was investigated, which will expand the knowledge of the archaeal population involved in the natural attenuation of hydrocarbons in extreme environments.  相似文献   

All the regulations that define a maximum concentration of metals in the receiving soil are based on total soil metal concentration. However, the potential toxicity of a heavy metal in the soil depends on its speciation and availability. We studied the effects of heavy metal speciation and availability on soil microorganism activities along a Cu/Zn contamination gradient. Microbial biomass and enzyme activity of soil contaminated with both Cu and Zn were investigated. The results showed that microbial biomass was negatively affected by the elevated metal levels. The microbial biomass-C (Cmic)/organic C (Corg) ratio was closely correlated to heavy metal stress. There were negative correlations between soil microbial biomass, phosphatase activity and NH4NO3 extractable heavy metals. The soil microorganism activity could be predicted using empirical models with the availability of Cu and Zn. We observed that 72% of the variation in phosphatase activity could be explained by the NH4NO3-extractable and total heavy metal concentration. By considering different monitoring approaches and different viewpoints, this set of methods applied in this study seemed sensitive to site differences and contributed to a better understanding of the effects of heavy metals on the size and activity of microorganisms in soils. The data presented demonstrate the relationship between heavy metals availability and heavy metal toxicity to soil microorganism along a contamination gradient.  相似文献   

以黄河三角洲芦苇湿地为研究对象,于2019年6月自海向陆沿盐分梯度采集土壤和植物样品,研究了不同盐度条件下芦苇湿地土壤有机碳含量和储量的空间分布特征及其与土壤属性和植物地下生物量的关系.结果 表明,黄河三角洲芦苇湿地100 cm深土壤有机碳储量为4.46~7.65 kg·m-2,平均值为6.24 kg· m-2.表层浓...  相似文献   

为有效处理高氨氮、低C/N比养猪废水,采用在土壤中布设木条形成木质框架的方法构建木质框架土壤渗滤系统(WFSI),并通过调控运行探讨其对化学需氧量(COD)、氨氮(NH4+-N)、总氮(TN)的处理效果.研究表明,对于COD、NH4+-N和TN分别为160-359、253-298和317-374mg/L的养猪废水,在(25±1)℃和表面水力负荷为0.2m3/m2·d条件下,系统可在30d启动成功并达到稳定运行,其COD、NH4+-N和TN去除率分别达到61.7%、85%和36.3%左右.分析表明,WFSI中同时存在异养反硝化和厌氧氨氧化等多种生物脱氮机制,其中厌氧氨氧化的脱氮贡献可达去除总氮的42.3%以上.  相似文献   

史建君 《中国环境科学》2010,30(12):1690-1694
为了探明14CO2在环境中的行为,采用同位素示踪技术研究了樟树对14CO2的吸收和积累动态,并探讨了樟树作为监测大气14CO2污染指示植物的可能性和优越性.结果表明,通过叶片光合作用从空气中吸收的14CO2会在樟树叶片中积累,检测到的14C比活度数值较大,表明空气中的14CO2易于通过叶片的光合作用而进入樟树叶片组织中;在污染前期14CO2主要被新叶组织中吸收,后期主要积累在老叶中,反映出新叶对空气14CO2污染比较敏感,而老叶积累效应明显.樟树叶片的这一特性可用于监测大气14CO2污染.  相似文献   

为了探明14CO2在环境中的行为,采用同位素示踪技术研究了青菜对14CO2的吸收和积累动态.结果显示,通过叶片光合作用从空气中吸收的14CO2会向青菜其他部位组织输送并形成积累趋势,各部位组织中14C比活度随时间呈线性增长,增长速率介于95.3~270.2 Bq/(g·d)范围内,大小次序为:菜心>叶>叶柄>茎盘>根.青菜对14CO2(14C)具有强烈的富集作用,各部位的富集系数随时间呈快速增加,积累效应十分明显,其中菜心中的富集系数最大(48 d时高达156.4),叶片次之(48 d时为135.6).青菜各部位14C比活度均随14CO2引入次数的增加而递增,回归分析表明:各部位组织中14C比活度C的变化与引入次数N间呈线性正相关.青菜对空气中14CO2的高富集特性可用来作为监测大气14CO2污染的指示作物.  相似文献   

史建君  林明明 《环境科学》2007,28(8):1806-1809
为了探明14CO2在环境中的行为,采用同位素示踪技术研究了青菜对14CO2的吸收和积累动态.结果显示,通过叶片光合作用从空气中吸收的14CO2会向青菜其他部位组织输送并形成积累趋势,各部位组织中14C比活度随时间呈线性增长,增长速率介于95.3~270.2 Bq/(g·d)范围内, 大小次序为:菜心>叶>叶柄>茎盘>根.青菜对14CO2(14C)具有强烈的富集作用,各部位的富集系数随时间呈快速增加,积累效应十分明显,其中菜心中的富集系数最大(48 d时高达156.4),叶片次之(48 d时为135.6). 青菜各部位14C比活度均随14CO2引入次数的增加而递增,回归分析表明:各部位组织中14C比活度C的变化与引入次数N间呈线性正相关.青菜对空气中14CO2的高富集特性可用来作为监测大气14CO2污染的指示作物.  相似文献   

退耕地养分和微生物量对土壤酶活性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
王兵  刘国彬  薛萐 《中国环境科学》2010,30(10):1375-1382
为了解侵蚀环境下植被恢复土壤酶活性对土壤养分和微生物量指标的响应规律,以典型侵蚀环境黄土丘陵区纸坊沟流域生态恢复1~50年撂荒地长期定位试验点为研究对象,采用典型逐步回归和非线性拟合来分析各指标间的耦合关系.结果表明,土壤酶活性除a淀粉酶外,均与土壤养分因子和微生物量指标有较高的相关性(P<0.05).在土壤酶活性和养分因子间,尿酶和纤维素酶主要受总氮影响,碱性磷酸酶、过氧化氢酶、蔗糖酶和多酚氧化酶主要受可利用氮影响,蔗糖酶和多酚氧化酶还受到有机质的影响;在土壤酶活性和微生物量指标间,尿酶主要受微生物量磷影响,碱性磷酸酶、过氧化氢酶、蔗糖酶和多酚氧化酶均受微生物量碳影响,纤维素酶则受微生物量氮影响,但多酚氧化酶与可利用氮、有机质和微生物量碳呈负相关;此外,它们之间均存在良好的对数关系(y=b+alnx, P<0.05).  相似文献   

我国14种典型土壤脲酶、脱氢酶活性对汞胁迫的响应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Hg作为环境的主要污染重金属之一,其对土壤酶的影响是表征其环境效应的重要方面,结果可为土壤环境监测等提供生物学依据.因此,本文通过室内模拟试验,较系统地分析了全国14种主要类型18个土样的脲酶和脱氢酶活性在Hg胁迫下的响应.结果表明,Hg会抑制土壤酶活性,其降幅随土壤类型的不同有明显差异;随着Hg含量的升高,土壤脲酶和脱氢酶活性均显著降低;模型U=A/(1+B×C)可较好地拟合酶活性(U)与汞含量(C)之间的关系,揭示出土壤脲酶和脱氢酶在一定程度上可监测土壤Hg污染的程度,且机理为完全抑制(包括竞争性抑制和非竞争性抑制)作用.同时,实验获得的供试土样脲酶的生态剂量(ED10)范围为0.08~0.77 mg·kg-1,脱氢酶ED10范围为0.11~2.58mg·kg-1,从土壤酶角度获得的土壤汞轻度污染临界值为0.08 mg·kg-1,此值要小于国家土壤质量标准中的二级标准.有机质、pH、CEC和粘粒显著影响了汞与土壤脱氢酶的关系,上述4个土壤性状参数值越高,汞对土壤酶的毒害作用就越弱;酸性土壤中汞的毒害作用强于碱性土壤.表明在我国主要土壤类型上,土壤脲酶、脱氢酶对Hg毒性均较为敏感,可在更广范围内作为Hg污染程度的监测指标之一.  相似文献   

澳门是我国人口密度最大的城市.选择澳门特别行政区不同功能区绿地土壤为研究对象,首先,通过野外布点采样,调查分析了表层土壤中9种重金属元素(Cr、Ni、Cu、Cd、Pb、Cr、Zn、As、Hg)和16种优先控制多环芳烃(PAHs)的分布特征;其次,利用累积频率分布曲线法估算了土壤重金属和PAHs的土壤污染背景;最后,基于...  相似文献   

为了探明14CO2在环境中的行为,采用核素示踪技术研究了蚕豆-土壤系统对14CO2的吸收和积累动态.结果表明,通过蚕豆叶片光合作用从空气中吸收的14CO2会向蚕豆其他部位组织输送并形成积累趋势,被检测到的14C比活度数值比较大,表明空气中的14CO2易于通过叶片吸收而进入蚕豆各组织器官中;蚕豆各部位组织中14C比活度随时间呈线性增长,增长速率介于20.3~45.1Bq/(g×d),大小次序为:叶>茎>根>豆壳>豆粒.蚕豆对14CO2(14C)具有较强的富集作用,各部位的富集系数随时间呈快速增加, 其中叶片中的富集系数最高(56d时高达31.61),豆壳次之(56d时达25.57).利用蚕豆的这一富集特性可监测大气14CO2污染的情况.  相似文献   

采用同位素示踪技术研究了14C在水-金鱼藻系统中的消长动态,并运用计算机拟合建立其动力学模型.结果表明,引入水体的14CO32-离子由于金鱼藻的吸附、吸收及转化分解为14CO2气体散逸而使水体中的14C比活度快速下降.金鱼藻因其羽状复叶具有较大的比表面积而对水体中的14C有较强的吸附、吸收作用,其对14C的积累主要在新叶组织中.新叶中14C比活度在第21d出现最大值(29656.59Bq/g),分布百分比达86.34%;水体中14C的消失动态和金鱼藻对14C的积累动态均遵循一级反应动力学模型;金鱼藻各部位对水体中的14C均具有很强的富集作用,可用来监测和净化被14C污染的水体.浓集系数(CF)与时间(t)呈线性关系.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of soil Pb immobilization by Bacillus subtilis DBM, a bacterial strain isolated from a heavy-metal-contaminated soil, were investigated. Adsorption and desorption experiments with living bacterial cells as well as dead cells revealed that both extracellular adsorption and intracellular accumulation were involved in the Pb2+removal from the liquid phase. Of the sequestered Pb(II), 8.5% was held by physical entrapment within the cell wall, 43.3% was held by ion-exchange, 9.7% was complexed with cell surface functional groups or precipitated on the cell surface, and 38.5% was intracellularly accumulated.Complexation of Pb2+with carboxyl, hydroxyl, carbonyl, amido, and phosphate groups was demonstrated by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic analysis. Precipitates of Pb5(PO4)3OH, Pb5(PO4)3Cl and Pb10(PO4)6(OH)2that formed on the cell surface during the biosorption process were identified by X-ray diffraction analysis. Transmission electron microscopy–energy dispersive spectroscopic analysis confirmed the presence of the Pb(II)precipitates and that Pb(II) could be sequestered both extracellularly and intracellularly.Incubation with B. subtilis DBM significantly decreased the amount of the weak-acid-soluble Pb fraction in a heavy-metal-contaminated soil, resulting in a reduction in Pb bioavailability, but increased the amount of its organic-matter-bound fraction by 71%. The ability of B.subtilis DBM to reduce the bioavailability of soil Pb makes it potentially useful for bacteria-assisted phytostabilization of multi-heavy-metal-contaminated soil.  相似文献   

史建君 《环境科学》2011,32(2):479-482
为了探明14CO2(14C)在环境中的行为,采用同位素示踪技术研究了金鱼藻对14CO2的吸收和积累动态,并探讨了金鱼藻作为监测大气14CO2污染指示植物的可能性.结果表明,生长在水中的金鱼藻会通过某些途径吸收空气中14CO2并形成积累趋势,吸收途径主要是金鱼藻通过光合作用从水体中吸收游离14CO2和H14CO3-.金鱼...  相似文献   


Tropical peatlands in the Peruvian Amazon exhibit high densities of Mauritia flexuosa palms, which are often cut instead of being climbed for collecting their fruits. This is an important type of forest degradation in the region that could lead to changes in the structure and composition of the forest, quality and quantity of inputs to the peat, soil properties, and greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes. We studied peat and litterfall characteristics along a forest degradation gradient that included an intact site, a moderately degraded site, and a heavily degraded site. To understand underlying factors driving GHG emissions, we examined the response of in vitro soil microbial GHG emissions to soil moisture variation, and we tested the potential of pneumatophores to conduct GHGs in situ. The soil phosphorus and carbon content and carbon-to-nitrogen ratio as well as the litterfall nitrogen content and carbon-to-nitrogen ratio were significantly affected by forest degradation. Soils from the degraded sites consistently produced more carbon dioxide (CO2) than soils from the intact site during in vitro incubations. The response of CO2 production to changes in water-filled pore space (WFPS) followed a cubic polynomial relationship with maxima at 60–70% at the three sites. Methane (CH4) was produced in limited amounts and exclusively under water-saturated conditions. There was no significant response of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions to WFPS variation. Lastly, the density of pneumatophore decreased drastically as the result of forest degradation and was positively correlated to in situ CH4 emissions. We conclude that recurrent M. flexuosa harvesting could result in a significant increase of in situ CO2 fluxes and a simultaneous decrease in CH4 emissions via pneumatophores. These changes might alter long-term carbon and GHG balances of the peat, and the role of these ecosystems for climate change mitigation, which stresses the need for their protection.


A better understanding of nitrogen transformation in soils could reveal the capacity for biological inorganic N supply and improve the efficiency of N fertilizers. In this study, a 15N tracing study was carried out to investigate the effects of converting woodland to orchard, and orchard age on the gross rates of N transformation occurring simultaneously in subtropical soils in Eastern China. The results showed that inorganic N supply rate was remained constant with soil organic C and N contents increased after converting woodland into citrus orchard and with increasing orchard age. This phenomenon was most probably due to the increase in the turnover time of recalcitrant organic-N, which increased with decreasing soil pH along with increasing orchard age significantly. The amoA gene copy numbers of both archaeal and bacterial were stimulated by orchard planting and increased with increasing orchard age. The nitrification capacity (defined as the ratio of gross rate of nitrification to total gross rate of mineralization) increased following the Michaelis–Menten equation, sharply in the first 10 years after woodland conversion to orchard, and increased continuously but much more slowly till 30 years. Due to the increase in nitrification capacity and unchanged NO3 consumption, the dominance of ammonium in inorganic N in woodland soil was shifted to nitrate dominance in orchard soils. These results indicated that the risk of NO3 loss was expected to increase and the amount of N needed from fertilizers for fruit growth did not change although soil organic N accumulated with orchard age.  相似文献   

Elevated atmospheric CO2 can influence soil C dynamics in agroecosystems. The e ects of free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) and N fertilization on soil organic C (Corg), dissolved organic C (DOC), microbial biomass C (Cmic) and soil basal respiration (SBR) were investigated in a Chinese wheat field after expose to elevated CO2 for four full years. The results indicated that elevated CO2 has stimulative e ects on soil C concentrations regardless of N fertilization. Following the elevated CO2, the concentrations of Corg and SBR were increased at wheat jointing stage, and those of DOC and Cmic were enhanced obviously across the wheat jointing stage and the fallow period after wheat harvest. On the other hand, N fertilization did not significantly a ect the content of soil C. Significant correlations were found among DOC, Cmic, and SBR in this study.  相似文献   

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