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质量安全环境与健康(QHSE)一体化管理体系探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对企业建立质量、环境、职业健康安全一体化管理体系的必要性和可行性进行了探讨,提出了整合思路,列出了管理手册和程序文件的整合清单.  相似文献   

环境健康风险评价中我国居民暴露参数探讨   总被引:51,自引:6,他引:45  
暴露参数是人体暴露和健康风险评价中的关键性参数,根据我国居民人群的基本体征参数和相关调查统计数据,在借鉴和参考了美国环境保护署(US EPA)建立暴露参数的方法学基础上,探讨了我国居民呼吸、饮食、皮肤等的暴露参数. 结果表明:我国居民呼吸速率为5.71~19.02 m3/d,18岁以下人群各种活动强度下男性和女性的呼吸速率几乎一样,而18~60岁的男性呼吸速率明显大于女性;我国成年人饮食量为1 176.3 g/d,主要食用米、面及其制品,分别占总饮食量的23%和13%;我国成年男性的皮肤表面积为1.697 m2,成年女性为1.531 m2;我国成年男性平均体质量为62.70 kg,成年女性平均体质量为54.40 kg;我国居民的各种暴露参数与美国相差2.5%~33.3%,若在同等条件下参考国外暴露参数开展暴露和健康风险评价可能带来较大的偏差,开展全国范围内系统的暴露参数调查研究工作迫在眉睫.   相似文献   

暴露参数作为描述人体暴露在环境介质中特征和行为的重要参数和量化指标,其准确性决定了环境健康风险评估结果的准确性,暴露参数本土化是我国环境健康风险评估的重要工作之一. 本文介绍了人体在呼吸、摄入和皮肤暴露途径下的暴露参数以及各国和地区暴露参数手册收录情况,提出目前尚未收录的生物可给性亦是重要的暴露参数. 对比分析了暴露参数的主要研究方法及其优缺点,重点比较呼吸速率、土壤/尘摄入量、皮肤黏附系数、皮肤渗透系数等参数的研究方法与适用条件,推荐适宜本土化的研究方法. 对近20年中国暴露参数论文进行文献计量分析发现,中国暴露参数论文发文量与政策导向密切相关,2012年和2018年是相关研究成果发表的高峰期. 通过分析现行的中国人群暴露参数手册在全面性、代表性和时效性上存在的不足,建议“十四五”期间开展精细化暴露研究,充分收录国内最新研究成果,对暴露参数手册进行更新和完善,加强暴露参数相关基础科学的研究工作,建立制定相关标准、规范和指南,为我国人群本土化暴露参数研究和应用提供参考.   相似文献   

亚洲地区环境监测实验室精度调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解亚洲各国环境监测实验室监测分析数据的精度现状,提高实验室的监测技术水平,同时为了编制“亚洲地区环境监测实验室精度管理手册”提供依据,日本JICA(日本国际协力团)在亚洲开展了精度调查工作。文章报导了我国有关的33个环境监测实验室参加该精度调查的内容,和本次精度调查的结果及影响数据质量的因素分析,并与亚洲其它国家精度调查结果进行了比较。  相似文献   

Monitoring and evaluation of forestry projects is needed to accurately determine their impact on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and other attributes, and to ensure that the global climate is protected and that country obligations are met. We present an overview of guidelines recently developed for the monitoring, evaluation, reporting, verification, and certification (MERVC) of forestry projects for climate change mitigation.1 These guidelines are targeted to developers, evaluators, verifiers, and certifiers of forestry projects, and address several key issues, including methods for estimating gross and net carbon savings. The next phase of our work will be to develop a procedural handbook providing information on how one can complete monitoring, evaluation and verification forms.  相似文献   

Companies are increasingly interested in environmental performance indicators as a means of managing the degree to which environmental goals and objectives are implemented. Many companies have publicly endorsed goals associated with sustainable development, like the International Chamber of Commerce's (ICC) principles for sustainable development. There is a need for metrics that facilitate implementation of these principles at the facility level and for research metrics that measure management improvement. An existing environmental self-assessment management tool called ESAP by the Global Environmental Management Initiative has been modified to measure a facility's response to the ICC's 16 principles of sustainability. The new tool's focus was shifted to a practical, facility based and easily applied assessment of progress towards sustainable development as represented by the ICC's 16 principles of sustainability. The new tool was called the Green Management Assessment Tool or GMAT, pilot tested and used in a research setting. Such tools have value to companies that are interested in the strategic goals of sustainable development and struggle with shifting corporate goals and objectives to manufacturing operations at the facility level.  相似文献   

本研究在环北部湾中国近岸海域生态系统调查基础上,利用国际前沿的理念—海洋健康指数(ocean health index,OHI)评价环北部湾中国近岸海洋的健康状态。评价结果:环北部湾中国近岸海洋健康指数的评估总分为61.3分。其中,得分最高的为清洁水域,得分92.5分,其次为自然产品得分85.6分。海洋归属感和旅游休闲的得分也高于70分。但食物供给和生物多样性方面得分不足60分,海岸防护、碳汇、海岸带生计与经济方面得分不足50分,传统渔民的捕捞机会的得分仅39.3分。上述结果说明环北部湾中国近岸海洋健康状况整体较差,特别在食物供给、生物多样性、海岸防护等得分不足60分的6个方面,问题较为严重,应加强管理与保护。  相似文献   

我国北方某地区居民饮水暴露参数研究   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
饮水率是决定人体对水中污染物暴露和健康风险评估准确性的关键暴露参数之一,但我国至今没有其公开的调查结果,更未发布过与其相关的参数手册.采用问卷调查和实际测量的方法,对我国北方某地区城、乡2 500名居民的夏、秋季节直接饮水和食物间接饮水的特征进行了研究,并与国外情况进行了对比分析.结果表明:该地区男性、女性和全体被调查者饮水率平均值分别为2 852.8,2 586.4和2 720.5 mL/d,各年龄段居民的食物间接饮水率都明显大于直接饮水率,在总饮水率中间接饮水率所占比例平均值达到62.4%;全体被调查者直接饮水率比美国和日本分别高36.0%和54.0%.开展饮水健康风险评价时,应考虑城、乡人群的差异,且不可忽略间接饮用水的影响,采用国外的饮水率将可能增加风险的不确定性.   相似文献   

The heart of an environmental management system is the implementation of environmental policy in an organisation by the use of environmental aspects, goals and management programmes. The aim of this paper is to characterise this implementation and discuss how it could be improved. In order to achieve the objective of the paper a multiple-case study was performed in ISO 14001-certified or EMAS-registered organisations in Sweden. It is concluded that the implementation of environmental policy is strictly controlled by specifications in ISO 14001 or EMAS. Some organisations, mostly smaller, are forced to form their environmental policy implementation in a way that is not suited for their type of organisation. Many organisations find it hard to measure their environmental goals and to set long-term or medium-long-term time periods for their goals. In addition, the organisations do not involve their employees to a very great extent in the implementation of the environmental policy. If they do let middle managers and line personnel to participate, it is usually early in the process, as early as in the identification of environmental aspects.  相似文献   

我国政府审时度势,近日制定和出台《大气污染防治行动计划》,表明我国政府治理大气环境污染、改善民生的决心,同时也标志着我国大气环境管理进入新的历史性转折时期。本文在阐述《行动计划》的总体要求、奋斗目标和具体目标以及十大具体措施基础上,揭示了其主要关键突破点和确保政策落实的重要保障措施。  相似文献   

方巍 《上海环境科学》2006,25(6):251-253
人与环境的相互关系,本质上是一种价值关系的反映。在人类历史发展的不同时期,这种价值关系各有不同的内容和特征。从哲学、经济学的角度对价值本质作了探讨,并阐述了人与环境之间价值关系的演变。指出可持续发展的目标是建立相互协调的环境,经济和社会系统,其中,环境系统的利用是前提,经济系统的发展是保障,社会系统的有序是目的。正是在这一综合系统中,人与环境的价值关系将得到全面的回归。  相似文献   

清洁发展机制(CDM)是《京都议定书》发达国家和发展中国家就减排温室气体进行交易的合作机制。我国“十一五”规划《纲要》提出了节能减排的目标,而我国还是一个发展中国家,要实现节能减排面临很多的困难。CDM项目大部分是与提高能效和开发利用新能源直接有关,因此,CDM能为此提供一定的推动力,能够促进我国的节能减排。文章分析了当前我国节能减排面临的困难,探讨了CDM在我国节能减排所起的作用,提出我国对积极开发CDM项目应采取的相应对策。  相似文献   

The ionization energy of one-electron ions can be calculated from a well-known equation that is based on quantum mechanics and on the Bohr model, but no theoretically justified equation is available for the calculation of the ionization energies of multi-electron ions. I report here simple empirical relationships between the ionization energies of one-, two- and three-electron ions of elements whose atomic numbers are Z, Z + 1 and Z + 2. On the basis of these relationships, an equation was constructed for the calculation of the ionization energies of two- and three-electron ions (IE(2el)(Z) and IE(3el)(Z), respectively) as a function of Z only: [equation: see text] where N = the number of electrons, i.e. 2 or 3. For N = 3, this equation is only valid when Z > N, being inaccurate for the neutral Li atom. Graphs of the difference between calculated and experimental values of the ionization energies as a function of Z reveal inaccurate experimental results that are impossible to detect by inspection of the ionization energy itself. On the basis of the present results, more accurate values can be predicted for these ionization energies. A striking example is the inaccuracy of the traditional handbook value of IE(3el)(Fe).  相似文献   

为合理评估污染场地修复验收结果,运用2种统计学方法——平行样t检验和UCL(置信上限)评估方法,对修复案例场地土壤样品的检测结果进行评估. 结果表明:采用传统的逐一对比方法,有8个采样点的w(As)和1个采样点的w(Hg)超过修复目标;平行样t检验法显示,这9个超标采样点中,S48采样点w(As)和S1采样点w(Hg)略微超过修复目标,是由采样与实验室误差引起,可视为已经达到修复效果;95%UCL评估方法结果则显示,w(As)和w(Hg)的95%UCL分别为23.81和5.83mg/kg,均小于对应的修复目标值,只有S26采样点w(As)大于修复目标值的2倍,可判定该场地土壤中除S26采样点w(As)外,其他均已达标. 研究说明:①运用适当的统计分析方法对修复效果进行评估,可节省不必要的修复成本;②传统的逐一对比方法适用于修复场地面积较小、采样数量有限的情况,平行样t检验则可剔除采样过程或实验室分析误差导致的超标值的影响;③95%UCL评估方法可从整体上判断场地修复效果,适合于修复面积较大、采样数量相对较多的情况,应用时注意95%UCL应小于修复目标值,污染物含量的最高检测值应不超过修复目标的2倍且不出现局部连续超标区域.   相似文献   

文章介绍了上海大屯能源股份有限公司的基本情况、主要企业、主要污染物的排放现状及其对循环经济的实践;提出了企业只有增强经济与环境和谐发展的意识,走循环经济发展之路,在商业目标和环境目标间寻求最佳的平衡点,才更具有竞争力。  相似文献   

The 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories provide four accounting approaches to harvested wood products (HWP). These differ in the way they define system boundaries. Therefore, reported national carbon emissions differ according to the accounting approach used, and the implications of each accounting approach differ for different countries. This paper investigates four IPCC accounting approaches, as well as the 1996 IPCC default approach, to determine whether they provide incentives to achievement of major policy goals related to climate, forest, trade, and waste, taking into account indirect effects of wood use change (i.e., the effects on forest carbon stocks and on carbon emissions from the use of other fuels and materials). Conclusions are as follows: (1) The analyses produced many different results from those of previous studies. These differences appear to be attributable to whether or not the indirect effects of wood use change are taken into account and the reference scenarios that are assumed; (2) The best approaches for achieving each policy goal differ, and the best approaches for particular policy goals might pose problems for other policy goals; (3) Overall, the IPCC default approach is the best accounting approach from the viewpoint of greater compatibility with, or integration across, the array of policy goals, although it does not address the issue of an increasing global carbon stock in HWP.  相似文献   

文章介绍了大气环境污染源治理产业化的实施方法,这种方法介绍了大气环境污染源治理产业化管理,探讨了大气环境污染源治理项的投资,主要包括资金筹措方案,项目计划进度包括项目的总体目标、计划安排与阶段目标、企业的参与程度、产学研联合机制和其他必要的支撑和配套条件落实情况,只有在大气环境污染源治理产业化的过程中,各方面积极努力,各负其责,就一定能够做好大气环境污染源治理产业化的工作,保卫我们国家的大气环境.  相似文献   

针对基于环境保护探讨城市公园设计,介绍了环境保护对城市公园设计的意义,探讨了基于环境保护的城市公园设计的流程:主要包括环境保护的分析——实证调查,使用者需求分析——确定目标,策略制定——满足需求.在这个基础上介绍了广东珠海公园景观设计,包括城市公园的设计原则和城市公园的功能定位,提出了城市公园的总体布局理念,最后提出基于环境保护的城市公园设计策略,包括城市公园生态保护设计和城市公园植物景观设计,为城市公园设计奠定了基础.  相似文献   

关于我国环境信息系统建设几个问题的思考   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
用户在规定和修改环境信息系统的目标和功能,在项目设计和开发过程管理等重大问题上比开发者更为重要。系统的用户识别不准确,是我国一些环境信息系统开发出来后无人使用的主要原因。高层次介入、动态介入和投入足够资源等是用户发挥作用不可缺少的方式。系统分析不仅要满足用户的当前需求,而且应帮助用户理顺其信息流渠道,规范其信息搜集方式。环境信息系统的开发应坚持少而精和实事求是订目标的原则,正确把握培训、使用和维护的关系。   相似文献   

Fisheries management is the practice of analyzing and selecting options to maintain or alter the structure, dynamics, and interaction of habitat, aquatic biota, and man to achieve human goals and objectives. The theory of fisheries management is: managers or decision makers attempt to maximize renewable `output' from an aquatic resource by choosing from among a set of decision options and applying a set of actions that generate an array of outputs. Outputs may be defined as a tangible catch, a fishing experience, an existence value, or anything else produced or supported by renewable aquatic resources. Overall output is always a mix of tangible and intangible elements. However defined, management goals and objectives are essential components of fisheries management or any other field of renewable natural resource management. Reaching consensus on management goals and objectives has never been a simple task. Beyond the broad and often conflicting goals of an agency, managers must decide who should set specific management objectives — agency personnel, the public, or a combination of the two. Historically, rhetoric aside, fisheries managers in North America nearly always have consulted with professionals in governmental roles to set management objectives. In a strongly pluralistic society, this often resulted in protracted political and legal conflict. Increasingly, there are calls for use of risk assessment to help solve such ecological policy and management problems commonly encountered in fisheries management. The basic concepts of ecological risk assessment may be simple, but the jargon and details are not. Risk assessment (and similar analytical tools) is a concept that has evoked strong reactions whenever it has been used. In spite of the difficulties of defining problems and setting management objectives for complex ecological policy questions, use of risk assessment to help solve ecological problems is widely supported. Ecological risk assessment will be most useful (and objective) in political deliberations when the policy debate revolves around largely technical concerns. To the extent that risk assessment forces policy debate and disagreement toward fundamental differences rather than superficial ones, it will be useful in decision making.  相似文献   

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