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Environmental Fluid Mechanics - Buoyant turbulent plumes are often categorized by their geometry and described as either round plumes, issuing from a point source, or line/planar plumes, issuing...  相似文献   

Environmental Fluid Mechanics - A series of experiments were conducted to quantify the dynamics of a filling box driven by a line plume that spans the full width of the enclosure. Three...  相似文献   

Environmental Fluid Mechanics - Understanding scalar transport in solvents is important in chemical engineering, pollution control, and water remediation, where the longitudinal dispersion...  相似文献   

Despite proliferation of the use of air pollution models for regulatory application, major discrepancies still occur between models and also between models and observations, especially when oversimplistic models are used. The problem of predicting plume rise (and subsequently ground level concentrations) from a single source is evaluated here in terms of an integral plume rise and dispersion model (USPR) which encompasses both bouyant rise and turbulent spreading; thus avoiding the problems of the concatenation of separate plume rise and dispersion models. The wide range of validity of the USPR model is demonstrated is terms of plume rise by comparison with the highly buoyant GCOS and Kincaid plumes as well as with dense effluents. It is also shown to be in agreement with Briggs' two-thirds law when the restrictions applicable to the latter model are imposed.  相似文献   

Three sets of zooplankton trawls with multiple nets were deployed in June 1990 within a deep (2000 m) scattering layer overlying the central hydrothermal vent field on the Endeavour segment of Juan de Fuca Ridge in the northeast Pacific. Trawl data were collected concurrently with temperature, salinity, light attenuation and acoustic (150 kHz) backscatter profiles. We describe the composition, size distribution and biomass of zooplankton collected in the net samples, and compare biomass distributions with physical characteristics of the hydrothermal plume. The nine discrete trawl samples (1 mm mesh) contained zooplankton biomass of between 0.3 and 21 mg dry wt m-3 with the highest biomass samples coincident with large and positive (+20 dB) acoustic backscatter anomalies observed above the top of the hydrothermal plume. Lowest biomass samples were coincident with small, negative (-5 dB) backscatter anomalies within the core of the plume. Results suggest that the region within a hundred meters of the top of the plume was a zone of enhanced zooplankton concentration associated with nutrition enrichment related to the plume. In contrast, the plume core was a zone of faunal depletion, presumably linked to adverse plume chemistry. The species composition and size distribution profiles from net samples revealed that the epi-plume assemblage contained several trophic levels of bathypelagic fauna, but did not contain benthic larvae or vent-related benthopelagic fauna.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the variation of channel bed roughness in two rivers, as important parameter in hydraulic modelling especially with regard to flood control. The universities of Ghent (UG) and Antwerp (UA) are conducting scientific research in the river Aa in Belgium and the Biebrza river in Poland in order to better understand the phenomena involved and to come to a more accurate determination of the different parameters influencing flow. In this paper, the determination of the roughness coefficient ‘n’ from the Manning equation is used. This coefficient is not easy to determine and is varying constantly. It is influenced by the meandering character of the river, the bed material and the average grain size, the channel bed forms, the channel obstructions, the geometry changes between sections and the vegetation in the channel. Furthermore, due to these parameters, the roughness of the channel is not equally distributed over the channel, the banks and the floodplains. So, using literature data does not always lead to satisfactory results, due to the different situation in the field (Werner et al. J Hydrol 314:139–157, 2005). Therefore, measurements are necessary to determine the variation of the Manning coefficient. The Manning coefficient is a function of the discharge, but will also vary over the time due to the mentioned influences. In a multidisciplinary research project on the fundamental exchange processes in river ecosystems, hydraulic measurements were performed on a regular base in the river Aa. During these measurement campaigns, velocity and discharge measurements were carried out in multiple cross-sections. Once a month, the discharge and the water levels were measured at the upstream and the downstream end of the test stretch. On the river Biebrza, similar intensive measurement campaigns took place along a 6 km stretch in the upstream part of the river. An accurate determination of the Manning coefficient according a seasonal variation is an important tool in hydraulic modelling.  相似文献   

By applying a microinjection technique previously used in cell biology, a pH-sensitive dye, 2,7-bis(2-carboxyethyl)-5,6-carboxyfluorescein) (BCECF), was injected into the gut of the copepod Calanus helgolandicus to determine pH under a range of feeding conditions. The median gut pH of the fore- and hindguts of starved individuals was 6.86 and 7.19, respectively. This was a consistently lower pH than that observed in copepods feeding on either the diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii, the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum micans, or the coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi (Strain 92D), all of which had a median gut pH>7.0. In all treatments, the median pH of the foregut was more acidic than the median of the hindgut, implying that the foregut is the site of acid secretion. The results, which demonstrate pH values down to 6.11, are discussed in terms of coccolith dissolution, pigment degradation and digestive enzyme activity.  相似文献   

To investigate copepod nauplii ingestion rates on phytoplankton, we have adapted the traditional gut fluorescence technique as it can be used with lower gut pigment concentrations. With the improved technique, laboratory experiments were performed to estimate functional responses for nauplii of Calanus helgolandicus and Centropages typicus. Nauplii were raised from eggs to copepodites and the experiments were performed with stages NIV-NV. Gut evacuation rates and ingestion rates were measured on Isochrysis galbana at different concentrations. Specific ingestion rates ranged between 0.038–0.244 μg C μg−1 nauplii C d−1 for C. typicus and 0.041–1.412 μg C μg−1 nauplii C d−1 for C. helgolandicus. Both species showed a type III functional response, reaching a saturation concentration at around 600 μgC l−1 for C. typicus and 800 μgC l−1 for C. helgolandicus. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Environmental Fluid Mechanics - The interfacial friction and entrainment were investigated in a microtidal salt-wedge estuary. A detailed sampling campaign was conducted in the Rječina River...  相似文献   

Wind-tunnel simulations were employed to evaluate the wind environment around a tested residential area located near industrial complexes. The scaled-down geomorphological model of the test area was placed in the test section of a boundary layer wind tunnel. Particle image velocimetry (PIV) measurements were made in five vertical planes and one horizontal plane around the test area for two prevailing wind directions. The results showed that the wind speed decreased in the near surface layer and the velocity fluctuations increased in the upper region due to the presence of hills and high-rise buildings around the test area. Regions of flow separation and low-speed flow were found inside the test area for both the wind directions. The result suggests that the high-rise buildings should be well arranged with respect to the main wind directions to increase the natural ventilation inside the residential complex at the initial design stage.  相似文献   

Gut fullness of larval fishes was used to determine the nutritional significance of an estuarine plume front off Botany Bay, SE Australia, on three days in March/April 1990. Fishes were captured in three different water masses (estuarine plume, front and shelf water), each separated by 200 m, using a 260 m mesh purse-seine net. Overall, the gut-fullness index (GFI) of 260 fish larvae combined from eight families (Gerreidae, Mugilidae, Mullidae, Sparidae, Blenniidae, Kyphosidae, Monodactylidae, Pomacentridae), was significantly greater in the plume and front water on two of the sampling occasions, but no difference was detected on the third occasion. Trends in GFI among families were inconsistent with respect to the front. The mugilid (Liza argentea) fed equally and abundantly in all water masses (gut fullness>90%), while the kyphosid (Kyphosus spp.) had a significantly greater GFI in the plume compared to the shelf water. In general, the response of GFI to the front varied between dates and amongst taxa. Diet analysis showed that mugilids selected for copepod nauplii within the plume and shelf water [alpha selectivity index (ASI) of (0.22 to 0.98)] and for harpacticoid copepods within the front (ASI=0.92), representing characteristic diets identified by canonical discriminant analysis. Kyphosids selected positively for copepod nauplii in all three water masses on both occasions (ASI>0.96). In general, diets of larval fish were taxon-specific, and responded variably to the three habitats. Comparison of diets across water masses was complicated by the large number of families, which rarely occurred in all water masses. The nutritional significance of an estuarine plume front varies between species of larval fish, and there are no obvious trends that can be applied to the larval fish community in general.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were removed by low-temperature plasma technique (dielectric barrier discharge) from heavily polluted soil and their intermediate products were analyzed. The removal rate ranged from 40.1 to 84.6% by different treatments, and they were also influenced significantly (P 〈 0.01) by soil particle-size, electric power, gas flow rate and reaction time. The optimal reaction conditions of PCB removal from the soil were obtained experimentally when soil particle-size, electrical power, flow rate and reaction time were 5-10mm, 21w, 120mL. rain and 90rain, respectively. However, decreasing electrical power, flow rate and reaction time to 18 w, 60 mL. min- and 60 min respectively were also acceptable in view of the cost of remediation. This technique was characterized by the additional advantage of thorough oxidation of PCBs in the soil, with no formation of intermediate products after reaction. The technique therefore shows some promise for application in the remediation of soils contaminated with persistent organic pollutants in brown field sites in urban areas.  相似文献   

We used data from various space-borne sensors to monitor the marine ecosystem in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea, at the Costa Dorada, between the City of Barcelona and the estuary of the river Ebro. The aim of this study was to demonstrate that the combination of different remote sensing data (acquired at different electromagnetic frequencies) allows for an improved monitoring system, in particular for a better monitoring of the marine ecosystem and, hence, a better coastal zone management. We present remote sensing data acquired by the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and the Along-Track Scanning Radiometer (ATSR) aboard the Second European Remote Sensing Satellite (ERS-2), and by the Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (Sea WiFS) on the SeaStar satellite. By combining the different data we are able to overcome specific drawbacks of the single sensors, like an insufficient temporal coverage, or a strong dependence on weather and daylight conditions. Within the study area two main features have been selected as examples, which are well visible on many of the analysed images. The first one exhibits a higher load of chlorophyll-a and surface-active compounds and a lower sea surface temperature (SST), which is likely to be caused by the plume of the river Llobregat, southwest of Barcelona. It can clearly be seen from the imagery how the river plume is driven along the coast by the local currents. The second feature can be related to cooling water being released from a nuclear power plant and causing turbulence in the water body, which in turn gives rise to signatures visible on the ERS-SAR imagery.  相似文献   

A method previously used to measure thickness of the surface mucus layer (SML) of the mammalian gastrointestinal tract has been applied to the SML of reef corals. It involves manual measurement of mucus thickness using a micromanipulator and fine glass needle (micropipette) and is non-destructive to the coral, meaning that repeated measurements can be taken. A measurable mucus layer was recorded in all cases in the study, which comprised 450 individual thickness measurements from four coral species. Mucus thickness ranged from 145 to 700 μm. Thus, whatever dynamic processes control mucus synthesis, secretion to the tissue surface and subsequent release into the water column, a continuous mucosal barrier is maintained. A change in SML thickness was recorded as a response to aerial exposure during the natural tidal cycle and to solar exposure-induced bleaching, although the response due to bleaching varied between two studied species. The technique is rapid, cost-effective and a simple means of assessing coral SML thickness, a variable that shows significant variation in relation to environmental conditions and is likely to be an important health indicator in these organisms.  相似文献   

Dynamics of the buoyant plume off the Pearl River Estuary in summer   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Field measurements of salinity, wind and river discharge and numerical simulations of hydrodynamics from 1978 to 1984 are used to investigate the dynamics of the buoyant plume off the Pearl River Estuary (PRE), China during summer. The studies have shown that there are four major horizontal buoyant plume types in summer: Offshore Bulge Spreading (Type I), West Alongshore Spreading (Type II), East Offshore Spreading (Type III), and Symmetrical Alongshore Spreading (Type IV). River mouth conditions, winds and ambient coastal currents have inter-influences to the transport processes of the buoyant plume. It is found that all of the four types are surface-advected plumes by analysing the vertical characteristic of the plumes, and the monthly variations of the river discharge affect the plume size dominantly. The correlation coefficient between the PRE plume size and the river discharge reaches 0.85 during the high river discharge season. A wind strength index has been introduced to examine the wind effect. It is confirmed that winds play a significant role in forming the plume morphology. The alongshore wind stress and the coastal currents determine the alongshore plume spreading. The impact of the ambient currents such as Dongsha Current and South China Sea (SCS) Warm Current on the plume off the shelf has also assessed. The present study has demonstrated that both the river discharge and wind conditions affect the plume evolution.  相似文献   

A method for determining filtration rates in undisturbed suspension-feeding bivalves is described. Concentrations of particulate matter in the water collected in the inhalant (C i) and exhalant (C e) currents were estimated with an electronic particle counter. The clearance was calculated as , where Fl=flow rate through the tube collecting exhalant water. Only above critical levels of water flow (Fl) were clearances representative of filtration rates. At 10° to 13°C, the filtration rates (F, 1 h-1) within one or two orders of magnitude of dry weight (w, g), in Cardium echinatum L., C. edule L., Mytilus edulis L., Modiolus modiolus (L.) and Arctica islandica (L.) followed the allometric equations: 4.22w 0.62, 11.60w 0.70, 7.45w 0.66, 6.00w 0.75 and 5.55w 0.62, respectively. Five species of bivalves [Spisula subtruncata (da Costa), Hiatella striata (Fleuriau), Cultellus pellucidus (Pennant), Mya arenaria L. and Venerupis pullastra (Montagu)] filtered with the same rates as individuals of Cardium echinatum and A. islandica of equivalent soft weight. In Pecten furtivus and P. opercularis filtration rates were about twice the rates measured in individuals of Mytilus edulis of comparable body weight. The gill area in M. edulis increases with size at the same rate as the filtration rate.  相似文献   

A hydraulic jump is characterized by strong energy dissipation and mixing, large-scale turbulence, air entrainment, waves, and spray. Despite recent pertinent studies, the interaction between air bubbles diffusion and momentum transfer is not completely understood. The objective of this paper is to present experimental results from new measurements performed in a rectangular horizontal flume with partially developed inflow conditions. The vertical distributions of the void fraction and the air bubbles count rate were recorded for inflow Froude number Fr 1 in the range from 5.2 to 14.3. Rapid detrainment process was observed near the jump toe, whereas the structure of the air diffusion layer was clearly observed over longer distances. These new data were compared with previous data generally collected at lower Froude numbers. The comparison demonstrated that, at a fixed distance from the jump toe, the maximum void fraction C max increases with the increasing Fr 1. The vertical locations of the maximum void fraction and bubble count rate were consistent with previous studies. Finally, an empirical correlation between the upper boundary of the air diffusion layer and the distance from the impingement point was derived.  相似文献   

A kinematic model is developed to predict the movement of effluent from the City of Miami ocean outfall. The outfall terminates at the 5 m isobath in the near vicinity of three tidal inlets opening into Biscayne Bay. Due to the shallow, uncomplicated topography and oscillatory coastal currents a linear bottom friction law is valid, which justifies the use of a potential flow model. The inlets are modeled as sinks and the outfall as a source discharging into a uniform coastal current. The model predicts that effluent will enter Biscayne Bay in approximately 3 h during flood tide for coastal current headings within an arc of 210° to 40°. Dye-tracking experiments were in good agreement with the model results. Local wind records suggest that sewage effluent enters Biscayne Bay on about 80% of the flood tides, or roughly 11 times per week.  相似文献   

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