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作为能源相对匮乏的国家,德国将发展可再生能源作为其能源战略的一个重要组成部分。德国政府认为,发展可再生能源对保证能源多样性、减少环境污染以及把握技术革新先机都至关重要。德国2004年8月生效的新《可再生能源法》对2000年出台的类似法律进行了修订和补充,保证20年内为可再生能源电力给予一定的补偿。新法规明确提出,到2020年使可再生能源发电量占总发电量的20%。德国2004年还新出台了市场刺激措施,用优惠贷款及补贴等方式扶持可再生能源进入市场。德国联邦政府曾从长远出发,制定了促进可再生能源开发的《未来投资计划》,迄今已投入…  相似文献   

可再生能源与低碳经济发展的关系 林雪娥(福安市农村环保能源办公室,福建福安355000) 从可再生能源和低碳经济的内涵及发展意义入手,阐述了可再生能源和低碳经济相辅相成、相互促进的关系,指出可再生能源是低碳经济发展的重要基础和有效保障,低碳经济发展必将促进可再生能源发展,并提出福建发展可再生能源、促进低碳经济建设的对策措施。  相似文献   

国际可再生能源机构(IRENA),全球首家旨在促进可再生能源利用的机构于2009年1月在德国波恩正式成立。120多位各国代表参加了这一组织的成立大会,并有75个国家签署了国际可再生能源机构条约。  相似文献   

德国推广可再生能源代替核能 日本福岛核泄漏事故发生后,德国便宣布将从2015年到2022年陆续关闭境内所有18座核电站,现已有8座核电站处于停机状态。目前核电占德国发电总量的约28%。德国复兴信贷银行已经计划在未来五年内,对可再生能源和能效提高项目提供总值1373亿美元的投资。可再生能源和提高能效将成为德国新时代能源政策的两大支柱。  相似文献   

能源作为经济社会发展的重要物质基础,也是碳排放的主要来源,推动能源结构调整、大力发展可再生能源产业是实现碳达峰碳中和目标的必然要求。为了促进可再生能源产业发展,国家实施了一系列财税宏观调控政策。本文在梳理政策现状的基础上,对存在的问题进行了识别,包括弃风弃光现象影响财政资金使用效益、可再生能源电价补贴不到位、财税优惠政策形式相对单一、优惠政策执行的配套机制不足等。从建立、完善可再生能源电力消纳保障机制,多种渠道解决可再生能源补贴缺口问题,进一步完善税收优惠政策,适时优化调整财政支持政策,与其他政策协同发挥作用等方面提出了政策优化建议。  相似文献   

为促进我国可再生能源和新能源技术及相关产业的发展,根据国家可再生能源中长期发展规划,国家发改委决定于2005~2007年期间,实施可再生能源和新能源高技术产业化专项,并于3月24日发布了关于组织实施可再生能源和新能源高技术产业化专项的公告。公告结合我国可再生能源和新能源  相似文献   

德国可再生能源政策与沼气工程简介   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了德国可再生能源政策,政策对沼气、光伏太阳能及风力发电行业的影响,沼气工程技术现状。德国的经验表明,政策激励是农场沼气工程发展的主要动力。  相似文献   

<正>世界能源消耗量的持续增加,使全球范围内的能源危机形势愈发明显,缓解能源危机,开发可再生能源、实现能源的可持续发展成为世界各国能源发展战略的重大举措。风能作为可再生能源的重要类别,在地球上是最古老、最重要的能源之一,全球范围内的巨大蕴藏量、可再生、分布广、无污染的特性,使风能发电成为世界可再生能源发展的重要方向。  相似文献   

国际动态欧盟可再生能源发展速度超出预想欧盟27国意欲加快步伐,提前实现在2020年可再生能源占总能源消费比例达到20%的目标。欧  相似文献   

我国西部民族地区可再生能源开发潜力巨大,产业带动作用显著,具有优越的资源禀赋和发展条件。近年来,西部民族地区可再生能源开发取得了初步成效,但也面临着资金、技术、人才与政策等诸多问题。理清西部民族地区可再生能源的发展动因、特征与主要问题,科学实施可持续发展策略,对区域可再生能源的规模化开发利用、社会经济发展与能源供给、能源结构低碳化均具有重要的现实意义。西部民族地区应当持续推进政策协调与制度创新,扩大投融资渠道,因地制宜地确立发展路线图,加大研发投入,建立开发合作机制与技术创新协作平台,实现跨区域协同联动,以达到区域可再生能源的规模开发与可持续发展。  相似文献   

我国农村可再生能源发展面临生态文明建设、能源安全趋紧、大气污染严重等新的形势变化。作为农业大省,河北省近年来农村可再生能源发展与管理成绩显著,为改善农民生活、保护生态环境、增加能源供应、促进经济社会发展等做出了积极贡献。但新形势下,其农村可再生能源管理也暴露出了思想认识不足、部分法规政策滞后、缺乏宏观科学规划、资金筹措机制单一、后续监督管理不够等问题,需要从加强宣传教育、提高认识水平,完善规章制度、形成法律体系,制定科学规划、明确目标计划,拓宽融资渠道、稳定资金支持、完善服务体系、加强后续管理等方面完善管理与政策,以推进其健康持续发展。  相似文献   

Sudan is an agricultural country with fertile land, plenty of water resources, livestock, forestry resources, and agricultural residues. An overview of the energy situation in Sudan is introduced with reference to the end uses and regional distribution. Energy sources are divided into two main types; conventional energy (biomass, petroleum products, and electricity); and non-conventional energy (solar, wind, hydro-electricity, etc.). Sudan possesses a relatively high abundance of solar radiation, and moderate wind speeds, hydro, and biomass energy resources. The application of the new and renewable sources of energy available in Sudan is now a major issue in future energy strategic planning and for an alternative to fossil conventional energy. Sudan is an important case study in the context of renewable energy. It has a long history of meeting its energy needs through renewables. Sudan's renewables' portfolio is broad and diverse, due in part to the country's wide range of climates and landscapes. Like many of the African leaders in renewable energy utilization, Sudan has a well-defined commitment to continue research, development, and implementation of new technologies. Sustainable low-carbon energy scenarios for the new century emphasize the untapped potential of renewable resources. Rural areas of Sudan can benefit from this transition. The increased availability of reliable and efficient energy services stimulates new development alternatives. It is concluded that renewable, environmentally friendly, energy must be encouraged, promoted, invested, implemented, and demonstrated by full-scale plants, especially for use in the remote rural areas of Sudan.  相似文献   

Despite several recent UK initiatives to promote renewable energy development at the local level, little research has been carried out to investigate public beliefs about aspects of local renewable energy development. This research attempted to address this gap. Empirical data were collected at the Awel Aman Tawe development in South Wales immediately before and after a public participation process. The results indicate that support for specific aspects of local energy development (partnership with local communities, local use of generated energy and profits put back into the local community) was consistently high across time, with support for local ownership at a slightly lower level, yet still high. Secondly, socio-demographical analyses indicated that personal factors such as respondents' age, gender and employment status were important in shaping several of these beliefs. Since UK renewable energy development has often been controversial and subject to delay, results suggest that the adoption of a locally embedded development approach by public and private sector stakeholders will be strongly supported by local people. The implications of the results are discussed in relation to existing industry best practice guidelines and recent policy initiatives.  相似文献   

Despite several recent UK initiatives to promote renewable energy development at the local level, little research has been carried out to investigate public beliefs about aspects of local renewable energy development. This research attempted to address this gap. Empirical data were collected at the Awel Aman Tawe development in South Wales immediately before and after a public participation process. The results indicate that support for specific aspects of local energy development (partnership with local communities, local use of generated energy and profits put back into the local community) was consistently high across time, with support for local ownership at a slightly lower level, yet still high. Secondly, socio-demographical analyses indicated that personal factors such as respondents' age, gender and employment status were important in shaping several of these beliefs. Since UK renewable energy development has often been controversial and subject to delay, results suggest that the adoption of a locally embedded development approach by public and private sector stakeholders will be strongly supported by local people. The implications of the results are discussed in relation to existing industry best practice guidelines and recent policy initiatives.  相似文献   

The United Republic of Tanzania is currently facing energy problems that have seriously affected its socio-economic development and environment. To solve these problems, the country is striving to exploit its renewable energy potential, among other efforts. This publication highlights the prevailing energy situation in Tanzania and provides a short review of potential energy resources. It then discusses current institutional efforts and capabilities in research, development, diffusion and commercialization of renewable energy technologies. The paper also identifies some barriers to promotion of renewable energy technologies. Finally, it outlines the energy policy of Tanzania and actions taken by the government of Tanzania to promote renewable energy technologies.  相似文献   

德国节能减排多措并举   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
德国针对能源匮乏的现状,把节约能源作为政府能源开发利用的一贯政策来推动。文章介绍了德国政府在重视节能技术研发、节能服务体系建设、能源统计、建筑节能、可再生能源开发和综合利用以及加强宣传教育、增强节约意识等方面所做的有益探索实践和取得的经验。对我国开展节能减排工作有较好借鉴意义。  相似文献   

农业秸秆作为一种可再生能源资源,充分开发利用可促进当地经济发展和能源结构调整,其经济效益是十分可观的。大力发展农作物秸秆利用产业,对于充分利用作物再生资源,增加农民收入,推进科技创新,建立循环经济发展模式和环境友好型社会,具有重要的经济意义和深远的社会意义。  相似文献   

Wildlife planning for renewable energy must cope with the uncertainties of potential wildlife impacts. Unfortunately, the environmental policies which instigate renewable energy and those which protect wildlife are not coherently aligned—creating a green versus green dilemma. Thus, climate mitigation efforts trigger renewable energy development, but then face substantial barriers from biodiversity protection instruments and practices. This article briefly reviews wind energy and wildlife interactions, highlighting the lively debated effects on bats. Today, planning and siting of renewable energy are guided by the precautionary principle in an attempt to carefully address wildlife challenges. However, this planning attitude creates limitations as it struggles to negotiate the aforementioned green versus green dilemma. More adaptive planning and management strategies and practices hold the potential to reconcile these discrepancies to some degree. This adaptive approach is discussed using facets of case studies from policy, planning, siting, and operational stages of wind energy in Germany and the United States, with one case showing adaptive planning in action for solar energy as well. This article attempts to highlight the benefits of more adaptive approaches as well as the possible shortcomings, such as reduced planning security for renewable energy developers. In conclusion, these studies show that adaptive planning and operation strategies can be designed to supplement and enhance the precautionary principle in wildlife planning for green energy.  相似文献   

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