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在炼钢作业中,由高温溶融物引发的爆炸或由爆炸引起的熔融物,经常喷溅威胁着作业人员的安全。辽宁省某钢铁公司1991年、1992年两年间共发生电炉、转炉爆炸和溶融物喷溅,以及熔融物爆炸事故29起。1993年3月,这个钢铁公司第一炼钢厂发生了4起电炉熔融物喷溅崩塌炉盖的恶性事故。6月15日,1号电炉和3号电炉连续发生3起爆炸事故,飞起的钢渣击伤2名操作  相似文献   

我厂炼钢分厂建有HX-5型炼钢电炉一座,设计年产钢锭2万余吨,年消耗废钢铁约2.4万吨。该分厂所消耗的废钢铁主要来自绍兴、宁波、台州、丽水等五个地区,情况比较复杂,废钢铁中常混有一些危险物件,影响电炉炼钢及废钢铁整理工作的安全。加之该分厂的废钢铁整理工作是承包给外包工的。有些外包工麻痹思想比较严重,  相似文献   

据报载,某企业发生一起炸毁炉体、烧伤炉前工的重大爆炸事故,其原因是送进熔炉的废钢里夹带了炸弹。而这批废钢铁在进炉前,已经过了该企业进料场、选配科、装料箱三个废钢铁安全检查站的检查。事后,企业总经理瞪着眼睛大发雷霆:“三道关把不住一颗炸弹……”  相似文献   

通过对两起电炉炉内爆炸事故的分析 ,反映出危爆物品在废钢管理中的重要性 ,并对如何加强废钢中危爆物品的安全管理作了进一步阐述。  相似文献   

编辑同志: 8月25日,我车间发生了一起爆炸事故:车间主任蔡伦珍同志严重违章,往封闭电炉内泼汽油点火开炉,造成猛烈爆炸,震坏了许多窗玻璃,侥幸未伤人。 作为车间安全员,我认为这次事故损失虽不大,但性质严重,应该按“三不放过”原则进行事故分析,吸取教训,杜绝类似事故重复发生(今年三月,车间就曾发生过电炉爆炸伤人的严重事故)。经党支部研究同意,我们车间在9月7日召开了事故分析会。蔡伦珍同志因此对我很不满意,会上说我是整他,要和我“斗到底”。经他这么一闹事故分析会没法开好,这次事故也就这样不了了之。 难道领导同志就可以不遵章守…  相似文献   

电炉生产系统工伤事故控制技术,是应用安全系统工程的基本原理和方法,对电炉生产系统的危险状况、事故原因和发生规律进行辨识、安全分析评价、危险控制和事故预测。应用信息论和控制论原理建立生产系统危险隐患分级反馈控制系统和各类标准安全检查表,对事故隐患进行跟踪检测和控制,并开发出多用途的安全分析和管理的计算机软件。此项目由冶金工业部安全环保研究所和长城钢厂四分厂共同完成,获得了劳动部第三次劳动保护科学技术进步二等奖。它的主要内容为: 一、根据电炉炼钢的生产流程和工艺特点进行系统剖析,应用数理统计和归纳逻辑分析,…  相似文献   

通过对两起电炉炉内爆炸事故的分析,反映出危爆物品在废钢管理中的重要性,并对如何加强废钢中危爆物品的安全管理作节进一步阐述。  相似文献   

近几年来,我矿生产黄磷过程中电炉气爆炸事故频繁,造成了较大的经济损失。电炉法生产黄磷是将磷矿石、硅石和焦炭按一定配比混合后加入电炉,在1300~1500℃的温度下熔融和产生化学反应,使元素磷升华,生成含磷炉气,同时副产炉渣和磷铁。炉气进入冷凝系统,经分离、精制得工业黄磷。经冷凝分离元素磷之后的电炉尾气,含一氧化碳达90%左右。由此可见,电炉法生产黄磷过程中,其炉气富含一氧化碳,一旦与空气混合达到12.5%~74.5%的浓度(18~19℃时),就有爆炸危险。炉内混入空气是由于炉内形成负压造成的。那么,炉内形成负压的原因何在? 从炉气爆炸后的电炉发现,炉内壁有较  相似文献   

电炉冶炼产生爆喷、大沸腾的原因及对策南京钢铁集团有限责任公司六钢厂王仁豪电炉炼钢生产过程中产生的爆喷和大沸腾现象对安全生产威胁极大,溅出的钢水、钢渣极易伤人和烧坏设备;如果渣坑、钢坑潮湿或有积水,就会引起爆炸事故,在炉内钢水、钢渣急剧反应,气压急剧升...  相似文献   

某厂1~#电炉发生炉内爆炸,高温烟气从炉内窜出,钢水外溢,烧伤正在工作的6人,其中重伤工人、轻伤4人。 事故发生经过。电炉分三次装料进行送电熔化,8点20分加石灰600kg,吹氧化渣升温,温度为1588℃;9点15分流渣并加石灰600kg、萤石100kg继续吹氧。突然电炉4孔除尘风管冷却水管套爆炸,冷却水倒流入炉内,炉内发生爆炸,随即从炉内窜出约10m的高温烟气,并溢出部分钢水,将作业工人烧伤。  相似文献   

A completely adiabatic pipe that is similar to a coal-mine coal or rock roadway was simulated using the computational software AutoReaGas. A partially adiabatic pipe was established using an experimental steel pipe with heat-insulating material installed in the inner wall, and a non-adiabatic pipe was also established using the experimental steel pipe without the heat-insulating material. Premixed methane/air deflagrations were studied in the three types of pipe to reveal the influence of the condition of the pipe wall on gas explosions. The results showed that in the completely adiabatic pipe, the maximum explosion overpressure was dynamic and decreased and increased with increasing distance; however, the flame-propagation speed increased gradually. In the partially adiabatic pipe and the non-adiabatic pipe, the maximum explosion overpressure and flame-propagation speed increased initially and then gradually decreased with increasing distance. The majority of explosion overpressure and flame-propagation speed values at each gauge in the completely adiabatic pipe were larger than those of the partially adiabatic pipe. Both measurements at each gauge in the partially adiabatic pipe were much greater than those of the non-adiabatic pipe. The condition of the pipe wall has a large influence on the maximum explosion overpressure and the flame-propagation speed. In future explosion experiments, heat insulating materials should be installed in the inner wall of steel pipes to obtain data for application to the prevention and control of gas explosions in underground coal mines.  相似文献   

在轧钢企业生产过程中,加热炉使用热煤气作为燃料加热金属料坯,存在火灾、爆炸、中毒等危险因素,一直是从事安全工作人员关注的重点.对某企业轧钢加热炉使用过程、设备设施及人员操作进行了危险有害因素分析与辨识,运用道化学火灾爆炸指数法对加热炉爆炸事故进行分析评价,得出加热炉火灾爆炸危险程度为中等,事故暴露半径为25.46ft(7.76m).并从安全设施、安全管理等方面提出有效的安全对策,使加热炉火灾爆炸危险程度降为较轻,事故暴露半径降至20.51ft(6.25m),有效的降低了加热炉火灾爆炸危险程度及危险波及范围,为企业安全运行提供了参考依据.  相似文献   

为合理设定机场货站易爆危险品存储区外部安全防护距离,基于爆炸威力计算模型,利用有限元分析软件AUTODYN模拟包装约束下爆炸品爆炸冲击波特性,通过引入包装约束系数,描述包装材料对爆炸威力影响,计算航空运输易爆危险品存储区外部安全防护距离.结果表明:1 mm厚度聚碳酸酯、钢和铝材质外包装的包装约束系数分别为0.9047,...  相似文献   

A laneway support system provides an available way to solve problems related to ground movements in underground coal mines, but also poses another potential hazard. Once a methane/air explosion occurs in a laneway, inappropriate design parameters of the support system, especially the support spacing, likely have a negative influence on explosion disaster effects. The commercial software package AutoReaGas, a computational fluid dynamics code suitable for gas explosions, was used to carry out the numerical investigation for the methane/air explosion and blast process in a straight laneway with different support spacing. The validity of the numerical method was verified by the methane/air explosion experiment in a steel tube. Laneway supports can promote the development of turbulence and explosion, and also inhibit the propagation of flame and shock wave. For the design parameters in actual laneway projects, the fluid dynamic drag due to the laneway support plays a predominant role in a methane/air explosion. There is an uneven distribution of the peak overpressure on the same cross section in the laneway, and the largest overpressure is near the laneway walls. Different support spacing can cause obvious differences for the distributions of the shock wave overpressure and impulse. Under comparable conditions, the greater destructive effects of explosion shock wave are seen for the laneway support system with larger spacing. The results presented in this work provide a theoretical basis for the optimized design of the support system in coal laneways and the related safety assessments.  相似文献   

锚索拉断火花引爆瓦斯的实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
设计了锚索拉断火花引爆瓦斯实验装置 ,在瓦斯浓度为爆炸范围的环境中 ,对锚索拉断时产生火花规律及引起瓦斯爆炸的可能性进行了一系列实验研究。结果表明 :锚索拉断产生火花的概率为 5 0 % ,锚索钢绞线破断产生的火花不能引起瓦斯爆炸。采用红外热成象仪对锚索拉断火花温度的测试表明 ,锚索拉断产生的火花最高温度远小于瓦斯爆炸所需的最低点燃温度 6 5 0℃。  相似文献   

Two ammonium nitrate solution explosion accidents are analyzed in terms of the boiling point and solubility data. Both accidents occurred following a prolonged stoppage. In both cases a local increase in concentration and/or crystallization of ammonium nitrate has been suspected. In the first case this has been due to loss of temperature control with consequent evaporation under vacuum. In the second case crystal formation was attributed to cooling crystallization owing to poor insulation. Other conditions increasing the likelihood of the explosion were also satisfied. These include lack of flow, increase in temperature, and catalysis by both increased solution acidity and the presence of stainless steel corrosion products.  相似文献   

王渭云 《火灾科学》1992,1(1):31-36
本文介绍了四川消防科研所自1972年以来开展的钢筋混凝土建筑构件和建筑材料耐火性能研究工作中关于硅酸盐水泥制品在火灾温度条件下膨胀、爆炸与开裂方面的实验研究情况。通过对有关各类以硅酸盐为重要成分的建筑构件和制品的反复试验研究与理论分析,初步掌握了一定程度的膨胀、爆炸以及开裂的物理、化学变化特征。着重指出了应用于建筑中的硅酸盐水泥制品-诸如混凝土构建或装修板材之类,它们的这些特性对建筑物的防火、灭火都有很大的威胁,应该对其产生的根本原因和预防对策进行更加深入的研究,以避免因制品的破坏而导致火灾蔓延和减少消防人员在扑救火灾过程中所造成的不必要的伤亡。  相似文献   

居室天然气泄漏扩散过程仿真研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
随着我国城市环境保护的提高,城市燃料结构也在逐步改变。天然气作为一种清洁、高效的能源已经成为居民应用最广泛的燃料。随着天然气用户的不断增加,其事故次数也在不断上升。为了系统的研究居室内天然气泄漏扩散的过程和发展,预防居民家庭天然气火灾和爆炸事故以及发生事故后的应急提供依据。本文以普通的居民居室为研究对象,建立居室天然气泄漏扩散几何模型。并对室内天然气泄漏后的扩散状态进行仿真模拟,得到天然气泄漏后的室内扩散过程,以及在不同时间内存在爆炸极限的区域和达到爆炸极限的范围,并对爆炸后果进行了评估。结果显示:在设定条件下,泄漏发生后640 s,冰箱电源处达到爆炸下限,790 s时达到爆炸上限;其爆炸能量已达到使大型钢架结构破坏,大部分人员死亡的程度。泄漏1800 s后,可燃区域就扩散到厨房之外,存在于客厅之中了。  相似文献   

The effect of internal shape of obstacles on the deflagration of premixed methane–air (concentration of 10%) was experimentally investigated in a semi-confined steel pipeline (with a square cross section size of 80 mm × 80 mm and 4 m long). The obstacles used in this study were circular, square, triangular and gear-shaped (4-teeth, 6-teeth and 8-teeth) orifice plates with a blockage ratio of 75%, and the perimeter of the orifice was regarded as a criterion for determining the sharpness of the orifice plate. The overpressure history, flame intensity histories, flame front propagation speed, maximum flame intensity and peak explosion overpressure were analyzed. The explosion in the pipeline can be divided into two stages: initial explosion and secondary explosion. The secondary explosion is caused by recoiled flame. The perimeter is positively related to the intensity of the recoiled flame and the ability of orifice plate to suppress the explosion propagation. In addition, the increase in the perimeter will cause the acceleration of the flame passing through the orifice plate, while after the perimeter of the orifice reaches a certain value, the effect of the increase in perimeter on explosion excitation becomes no obvious. The overpressure (static pressure) downstream of the orifice plate is the result of the combined effect of explosion intensity and turbulence. The increase in perimeter leads to the increase in turbulence downstream of the orifice plate which in turn causes more explosion pressure to be converted into dynamic pressure.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed on the influence of pre-ignition turbulence on the course of vented gas and dust explosions. A vertical cylindrical explosion chamber of approximately 100 l volume and a length-to-diameter ratio (l/d) of 4.7 consisting of a steel bottom segment and three glass sections connected by steel flanges was used to perform the experiments. Sixteen small fans evenly distributed within the chamber produced turbulent fluctuations from 0 to 0.45 m/s. A Laser-Doppler-anemometer (LDA) was used to measure the flow and turbulence fields. During the experiments the pressure and in the case of dust explosions the dust concentration were measured. In addition, the flame propagation was observed by a high-speed video camera. A propane/nitrogen/oxygen mixture was used for the gas explosion experiments, while the dust explosions were produced by a cornstarch/air mixture.It turned out that the reduced explosion pressure increased with increasing turbulence intensity. This effect was most pronounced for small vents with low activation pressures, e.g. for bursting disks made from polyethylene foil. In this case, the overpressure at an initial turbulence of 0.45 m/s was twice that for zero initial turbulence.  相似文献   

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