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Hepatitis E is an important public health concern throughout the world. Many molecular and serological surveys have reported the prevalence and genotypic characteristics of HEV in humans and animals worldwide. However, the genotypic characterization of this virus is very limited in Tibetan pigs. Hence, we aimed to explore the genotype of HEV, prevailing among Tibetan pigs in China. For this purpose, 253 bile samples of Tibetan pigs (free-range animals) were collected from different slaughterhouses during 2017–2018 and subsequently tested for HEV RNA by RT-nPCR. A total of 11 out of 253 (4.35%) samples tested were positive for HEV RNA. Based on the sequence alignment and phylogenetic analysis, all the isolated HEV strains belonged to genotype 4 and clustered into subtype 4b by sharing more than 84.8–95.2% identities with other reported strains. Our results concluded that HEV genotype 4 is prevailing among Tibetan pigs in Tibet, China.  相似文献   

The hepatitis E virus (HEV) is the causative agent of Hepatitis E, an enterically transmitted disease. HEV infections in pigs and humans have been reported worldwide, but data from Mexico are scarce. In the present study, the prevalence of anti-HEV IgG antibodies was investigated in a quite large number of swine from Mexico by means of an ELISA based on a recombinant open reading frame 2 protein of HEV genotype 3. Serum samples from 683 healthy pigs (1–48 months old), collected during 2010–2013 in 109 herds from 48 municipalities located in 9 states in the centre of the country were assayed. A 30.75 % (210/683) of the sera tested were positive, and they were distributed along all the states included in the study. The prevalence of anti-HEV antibodies varied widely between municipalities and herds, and it was higher in pigs 4–6 months of age. No relationships were detected between seroprevalences and farm characteristics. Forty individual faecal samples were analysed by RT-PCR and all resulted negative. These data indicate that HEV infection is widespread in Mexican pigs; thus, representing a potential zoonotic risk for humans.  相似文献   

Torque teno virus (TTV) was surveyed in tap water collected in schools from three municipalities located in the south of Brazil. TTV genomes were found in 11.7 % (4/34) of the samples. TTV DNA was detected in 10.5 % (2/19) of the samples collected at the city of Caxias do Sul and in 25 % (2/8) of the samples from Pelotas. Those cities have a low rate of sewage treatment. All samples from Santa Cruz do Sul, which has nearly 92 % of its sewage treated, were negative. These results suggest that the amount of sewage treated may have an effect on the detection rates of TTV DNA in drinking water in a given urban area, showing a mild negative correlation (r = ?0.76), when comparing the percentage of sewage treatment to the detection of TTV genomes. The detection rate of TTV was also compared with Escherichia coli, showing a strong correlation (r = 0.97), indicating that TTV may be a suitable marker of fecal contamination.  相似文献   

Torque teno viruses (TTV) are small DNA viruses widespread among humans and pigs. The clinical significance of TTV infections in either humans or pigs is uncertain. In fact, TTV viremia is highly prevalent in patients with different pathologies, but it can also be frequently observed in healthy subjects. Virus infection in pigs is considered a putative cofactor in several diseases; despite being detected frequently in healthy animals, its role still remains unknown. The present study aimed to investigate the presence of Torque teno sus virus (TTSuV) in 62 bile samples collected from pigs at slaughterhouse and in 36 fresh pork liver sausages bought at point of sale. Quantitative Real-Time PCR, confirmed that 19.4 and 58.3 % of bile and sausage samples tested positive for TTSuV, respectively. The mean viral load was established as 5.6 × 104 GE/µl for bile and 7.16 × 103 GE/g for sausages. TTSuV nucleotide sequence analysis confirmed a wide heterogeneity among the circulating TTSuV strains, which included both TTSuV1 and TTSuV2.  相似文献   

Hepatitis E virus (HEV) genotype 3 infections in pigs and humans have been lately reported in Europe. In the present study, the prevalence of anti-HEV IgG antibodies in swine was investigated, for the first time, in Serbia by means of an ELISA based on a recombinant open reading frame 2 protein of HEV genotype 3. A total of 315 serum samples from 3 to 4 months-old healthy backyard pigs, collected in 63 herds from 28 towns and villages of 4 different districts of the Vojvodina province, in the northern part of Serbia, were tested. A 34.6% (109/315) of the sera tested were positive. The prevalence of anti-HEV antibodies varied widely between municipalities (range 16.7–75.0%) and herds (range 0–100%). These data indicate that HEV infection is widespread in Serbian backyard pigs.  相似文献   

Food and Environmental Virology - Shellfish constitute an important protein source but may be contaminated by viruses from various origins. A study performed on clams collected in Cameroon showed a...  相似文献   


Lymphocystis disease virus (LCDV), the causative agent of lymphocystis disease (LCD), is a waterborne pathogen that uses the external surfaces, including the gills, as portals to gain access to fish host. However, there are no data on LCDV persistence in the aquatic environment. In this study, the persistence of LCDV in natural (raw), treated (autoclaved and filtered) and synthetic seawater held at 22 and 18 °C has been evaluated. The estimated T99 values for LCDV in seawater ranged from 2.7 to 242 days depending on seawater type and temperature, with the highest value recorded at 22 °C in autoclaved seawater. Microbiota and temperature seem to be the main factors affecting the persistence of LCDV in seawater. The results indicated that LCDV is more stable in treated seawater than most of the fish pathogenic viruses studied so far, supporting the relevance of this medium for the prevalence of LCD in fish farms.


中国生态足迹报告(上)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态足迹用来度量满足一定人口需求的,具有生物生产力的土地和水域的面积。通过与生物承载力——某地区或国家的可用的具有生物生产力的土地和水域——相比较,生态足迹账户可以判断一个国家,地区或者全世界是否按生态方式生活。政府,行业和个人已经在利用足迹账户,他们想通过生态足迹账户更好地了解他们对生物资本的依赖程度,以及如何在资源日益约束的世界进行战略规划。  相似文献   

<正>综述2019年是新中国成立70周年,也是打好污染防治攻坚战、决胜全面建成小康社会的关键之年。各地区、各部门以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,深入贯彻党的十九大和十九届二中、三中、四中全会精神,全面落实习近平生态文明思想和全国生态环境保护大会要求,按照党中央、国务院决策部署,坚持以改善生态环境质量为核心,推动污染防治攻坚战取得关键进展。  相似文献   

Shellfish are recognized as a potential vehicle of viral disease and despite the control measures for shellfish safety there is periodic emergence of viral outbreaks associated with shellfish consumption. In this study a total of 81 mussel samples from Ría do Burgo, A Coruña (NW Spain) were analysed. Samples were collected in seven different harvesting areas with the aim to establish a correlation between the prevalence of norovirus (NoV) and hepatitis A virus (HAV) in mussel samples and the water quality. In addition, the genogroup of the detected HAV and NoV strains was also determined. The HAV presence was detected in 18.5 % of the samples. Contamination levels for this virus ranged from 1.1 × 102 to 4.1 × 106 RNA copies/g digestive tissue. NoV were detected in 49.4 % of the cases reaching contamination levels from 5.9 × 103 to 1.6 × 109 RNA copies/g digestive tissue for NoV GI and from 6.1 × 103 to 5.4 × 106 RNA copies/g digestive tissue for NoV GII. The χ²-test showed no statistical correlation between the number of positive samples and the classification of molluscan harvesting area based on the E. coli number. All the detected HAV strains belong to genogroup IB. NoV strains were assigned to genotype I.4, II.4 and II.6.  相似文献   

我国一些城市污泥中多环芳烃(PAHs)的研究   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
应用GC/MS对我国内地和香港地区共11个城市污泥中的17种多环芳烃化合物(PAHs)进行了研究,各城市污泥中∑PAHs的含量在2.271-143.804mg/lg之间,依次为兰州污泥>珠海污泥>北京污泥>广州污泥>佛山污泥>无锡污泥>沙田污泥(香港)>元朗污泥(香港)>大埔污泥(香港)>西安污染>深圳污泥,含量较高的化合物主要是蒽、荧蒽、苯并(a)蒽和屈等,珠海污泥和北京污泥的苯并(a)芘含量超过我国城市污泥农用标准,各化合物的最高含量分别分布在兰州污泥、珠海污泥、北京污泥和广州污泥中,各城市污泥中的PAHs具有不同的分布特征,均以少数化合物为主,主要是3和4个苯环的化合物,2、5和6个苯环的化合物含量普遍较低。  相似文献   

<正>环境现状和循环经济工作进展概述自1978年对外开放以来,中国经济以年均9.6%的速度高速增长,人均国内生产总值也显著增加。人民生活逐步富裕,消费能力不断提高,生活质量也大为改善。然而,经济快  相似文献   

我国城市污泥中邻苯二甲酸酯的研究   总被引:62,自引:2,他引:62       下载免费PDF全文
应用GC/MS对我国内地和香港共11个城市污泥中的6种U.S. EPA优控的邻苯二甲酸酯化合物(PAEs)进行了研究.各城市污泥中邻苯二甲酸酯化合物的总含量(∑PAEs)在10.465~114.166mg/kg之间,多数在20mg/kg左右.分子量较低的邻苯二甲酸二甲酯(DMP)、邻苯二甲酸二乙酯(DEP)、邻苯二甲酸正二丁酯(DnBP)和邻苯二甲酸丁基苄基酯(BBP)在所有的城市污泥中均检测到,但多数含量较低(小于1.0mg/kg).邻苯二甲酸正二辛酯(DnOP)在少数城市污泥中未检测到,但在其他城市污泥中的含量都较高.邻苯二甲酸(2-乙基己基)酯(DEHP)仅在个别城市污泥中检测到,且含量较低.各城市污泥中的邻苯二甲酸酯都是以个别化合物为主,显示出不同的分布特征.污泥中邻苯二甲酸酯化合物的种类和含量与污水来源、污水处理方式、污泥类型、化合物的结构和理化性质等因素有关.  相似文献   

A temnospondyl ilium from the uppermost Toutunhe Formation (Middle Jurassic, Callovian) of the southern Junggar Basin is described. Among the known temnospondyls it is very unusual in morphology because of its very long and slender shaft. It compares closely only to the ilium of one of the latest known trematosaurids from the Ladinian of southern Germany. The Toutunhe Formation has also yielded vertebrae and skull fragments of temnospondyls which belong to the brachyopid Gobiops from the Upper Jurassic of Mongolia. Brachyopoid ilia do not, however, display a morphology similar to that of the new specimen. It is therefore concluded that this specimen represents a second taxon of temnospondyl from the Toutunhe Formation, which probably represents the latest surviving trematosauroid. The Trematosauroidea, which was hitherto exclusively known from the Lower to early Upper Triassic, therefore joins the Brachyopoidea – and possibly the Capitosauroidea – as another group of temnospondyls which survived the end-Triassic mass extinction.  相似文献   

Aperspectiveanalysisonmunicipalsolidwaste(MSW)energyrecoveryinChinaHePinjing,ShaoLimingNationalLaboratoryofPolutionControlan...  相似文献   

构建国家环境质量管理体系的战略思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中国40多年的环境保护是一个环境质量管理主体地位日益上升的发展历程。本文提出,国家环境质量管理体系由目标层、执行层和保障层3个层次组成,环境质量目标决策起着引领性作用。环境质量改善目标主要通过企业、政府、公众、市场"四元"共治来实现。环境质量管理转型亟需夯实法律改革、体制创新、空间管控、投入有效、科技引导五大保障和基础。  相似文献   

中国环境生态伦理现状研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对国内关于环境生态伦理最新文献资料(2005-2006年)进行分类研究的基础上,发现关于环境生态伦理的内涵尚没有统一的描述,环境生态伦理教育国内研究少,触及实际可行的方案更少,而生态伦理学的萌芽、产生原因和时间各类文献观点基本一致,关于生态伦理学的应用,基本上属于一家之词。  相似文献   

新型反应器(SUFR)去除城市污水中氮和磷的试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
开发了一种新的污水生物处理反应器——螺旋升流式反应器(Spiral Up-Flow Reactor,SUFR),与传统的“池型反应器”(如氧化沟)相比,既提高了反应器中稳定的活塞流流态的容积利用率,又便于工程应用。运用SUFR对生物脱氮除磷进行了研究,系统连续稳定运行6个月的结果表明,该系统能保证出水平均质量浓度COD小于31mg/L,总氮小于10mg/L,总磷小于0.50mg/L,对COD、TN和TP的去除率分别达94%、86%和96%以上。对去除性能的分析结果表明,(1)SUFR系统厌氧反应器、缺氧反应器和好氧反应器对COD的去除量分别占去除总量的51.2%、12.5%和36.3%;(2)在去除总氮时,好氧反应器表现出了同步硝化反硝化功能,其对总氮的去除量约占SUFR系统去除总量的10%~20%;(3)去除总磷时,缺氧反应器表现出了反硝化吸磷现象,吸磷的量与进水COD质量浓度有关。  相似文献   

Anti-HEV antibodies were detected in animals from abattoir and in farms from northeast Brazil. Our results suggest that HEV is highly disseminated in the swine population and might present a great risk to animal handlers and for consumption of raw or undercooked meat and meat products in northeast Brazil.  相似文献   

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