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The present project aims to investigate aluminium (Al) and fluoride (F) contents in teas (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze). Three different commercial tea varieties: Assam variety and two China sub-varieties, a large leafed variety and small leafed variety, were collected in two tea gardens of Lantau Island tea plantation of Hong Kong. In general, high concentrations of Al and F were accumulated in the mature leaves (15.3 and of 2.07 g kg–1 respectively). Among the three varieties, the small leafed variety exhibited the highest Al and F contents followed by the large leafed variety whereas the Assam variety had the lowest Al and F concentrations in its tea bushes. Tea products from a plantation were also analysed and it was noted that black tea had higher Al and F concentrations than green tea. The amount of Al and F released into tea liquor was also tested and the results showed that higher concentrations of Al and F were released into tea liquor under repeated infusion method than continuous infusion method.  相似文献   

Samples of young shoot, mature leaf, twig, root, and litter were taken from four recently bred varieties Zhe-nong 113, Zhe-nong 121, Zi-sun, and Bi-feng grown at two tea plantations located at Zhejiang and Jiangsu Provinces. The results showed that the concentrations of F and Al in tea plants were significantly different among the four varieties. It is therefore possible that F and Al concentrations in tea products can be reduced through variety selection. The results also revealed that old leaves would be the major contribution to the high levels of F and Al in brick tea since it is produced mainly for old leaves. Therefore, in order to eliminate the hazard of over-exposure to F and Al derived from tea, younger shoot should be used for making tea products while mature leaves should be avoided.  相似文献   

Nitrogen fertilization resulted in a linear increase in the growth ofAbies grandis seedlings, but linear decrease in foliage concentrations of phenolic compounds. These data are consistent with the inverse relationship between growth and production of carbonbased secondary chemicals predicted by the carbon/nutrient balance (CNB) hypothesis. However, in contrast to predictions of the CNB hypothesis, nitrogen fertilization had no effect on foliage terpene concentrations. The results suggest that not all carbon-based chemicals respond in the same manner to environmental variation, and that the carbon/nutrient balance hypothesis does not adequately explain all patterns of environmentally-induced variation in secondary metabolism.  相似文献   

Summary During foraging, natural enemies of herbivores may employ volatile allelochemicals that originate from an interaction of the herbivore and its host plant. The composition of allelochemical blends emitted by herbivore-infested plants is known to be affected by both the herbivore and the plant. Our chemical data add new evidence to the recent notion that the plants are more important than the herbivore in affecting the composition of the volatile blends. Blends emitted by apple leaves infested with spider mites of 2 different species,T. urticae andP. ulmi, differed less in composition (principally quantitative differences for some compounds) than blends emitted by leaves of two apple cultivars infested by the same spider-mite species,T. urticae (many quantitative and a few qualitative differences). Comparison between three plant species — apple, cucumber and Lima bean — reveals even larger differences between volatile blends emitted upon spider-mite damage (many quantitative differences and several qualitative differences).  相似文献   

Summary Acanthoscelides obtectus (Say) is one of the most damaging pests of kidney beans,Phaseolus vulgaris L. worldwide. However, aromatic plants from the families Lamiaceae, Lauraceae, Myrtaceae and Poaceae can protect kidney beans by direct or delayed insecticidal effect, through increased adult mortality and inhibition of beetle reproduction (both oviposition and adult emergence). The efficiency of hydrodistillated and intact plants fromThymus vulgaris andT. serpyllum, Mentha piperata, Rosmarinus officinalis, Satureia hortensis, Eucalyptus globulus, Laurus nobilis, Origanum vulgare, andCymbopogon nardus was compared. For both extracts,Origanum vulgare had the best effect. The insecticidal effect was induced by more than the essential oils because no significant difference was noticed between distilled and intact plants extract. Inhibition of reproduction was particularly important. These results suggest that lipidic as well as non lipidic, allelochemicals, such as phenolics, or non-protein amino-acids, or flavonoids may be involved in the toxicity of aromatic plants to this beetle.  相似文献   

Millions of tons of polyethylene glycols (PEGs) are manufactured worldwide and most of them will reach conventional sewage disposal systems after industrial utilization. This raises environmental concerns, but not much is known about the environmental fate of these polymers. The main goals of this research were to evaluate sorption and mobility of PEG in sandier soils of Brazil. PEG 4000 was applied to the soils either freely in solution or as a simulated bioassay residue. The bioassay was prepared to simulate PEG as it is present in the animal feces. It allowed us to compare PEG mobility for both forms of environment disposal. PEG showed very low sorption (<22% of the applied PEG) and high mobility potential (>43% of the applied amount in the free-PEG and >24% of the applied amount in the bioassay-PEG experiment) in the studied soils. When PEG was applied, simulating its supply to animal diets, about 30% of its applied amount was retained into the bioassay residues and its leaching potential was reduced, whereas the remaining amount (about 70%) was readily available in solution and could be directly released into the environment.  相似文献   

Above and below-ground biomass and nitrogen and carbon composition ofSpartina maritima, Halimione portulacoides andArthrocnemum perenne, dominating species in plant communities of the lower, middle and higher salt marsh, respectively, were compared in an estuarine salt marsh in Portugal. Plant and soil nitrogen and carbon pools were estimated. For all three species root biomass was significantly higher (70–92% of total biomass) than above-ground biomass. The percentage of root biomass was related to the location of the plants in the marsh: higher values were found in plants growing in the lower salt marsh where the sediment was more unstable and subject to tidal action, which stresses the role of the roots as an anchor. For all three species nitrogen concentrations were highest in leaves, reflecting the photosynthetic role of the tissue. For carbon higher concentrations were found in the stems, with the exception ofS. maritima. In general, lower nitrogen concentrations were found in summer, which can be explained by dilution processes due to plant growth. For both nitrogen and carbon, higher concentrations were found in the soil surface layers. Higher soil nitrogen and carbon levels were associated with higher organic matter contents. Most of the nitrogen in the salt marsh occurred in the sediments (0–40 cm) and only ca. 5.7–13.3% of the total was found in the plants. The greater portion (76.5%–86%) of carbon was found in the sediment.  相似文献   

The fate of soil carbon and nitrogen compounds in soils in response to climate change is currently the object of significant research. In particular, there is much interest in the development of a new generation of micro-scale models of soil ecosystems processes. Crucial to the elaboration of such models is the ability to describe the growth and metabolism of small numbers of individual microorganisms, distributed in a highly heterogeneous environment. In this context, the key objective of the research described in this article was to further develop an individual-based soil organic matter model, INDISIM-SOM, first proposed a few years ago, and to assess its performance with a broader experimental data set than previously considered. INDISIM-SOM models the dynamics and evolution of carbon and nitrogen associated with organic matter in soils. The model involves a number of state variables and parameters related to soil organic matter and microbial activity, including growth and decay of microbial biomass, temporal evolutions of easily hydrolysable N, mineral N in ammonium and nitrate, CO2 and O2. The present article concentrates on the biotic components of the model. Simulation results demonstrate that the model can be calibrated to provide good fit to experimental data from laboratory incubation experiments performed on three different types of Mediterranean soils. In addition, analysis of the sensitivity toward its biotic parameters shows that the model is far more sensitive to some parameters, i.e., the microbial maintenance energy and the probability of random microbial death, than to others. These results suggest that, in the future, research should focus on securing better measurements of these parameters, on environmental determinants of the switch from active to dormant states, and on the causes of random cell death in soil ecosystems.  相似文献   

Hartmann  Thomas 《Chemoecology》1994,5(3-4):139-146
Summary Among alkaloids the pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) play a unique role in the interactions between plants and adapted insects. InSenecio spp. (Asteraceae) PAs are synthesized in the roots as alkaloidN-oxides which are specifically translocated into shootsvia the phloem-path and channeled to the preferred sites of storage (e.g. inflorescences) where they are stored in the cell vacuoles. In differentSenecio spp. senecionineN-oxide is produced as the common product of biosynthesis, which subsequentlyvia a number of simple but specific reactions is transformed into typical speciesspecific PA-patterns. Insects from diverse taxa sequester PAs for their own defense. Lepidopterans (e.g. arctiids such asTyria jacobaeae andCreatonotos transiens) may hydrolyze plant acquired ester-PAs and convert the resulting necine base into insect-specific PAs by esterification with an acid of their own metabolism. Adapted arctiids and the grasshopperZonocerus take up PAs in the state of the tertiary amine.N-Oxides are reduced in the guts prior to uptake. In the bodies the tertiary PAs are rapidlyN-oxidized by a specific mixed-function oxigenase and are maintained in theN-oxide state. The importance of the reversible interconversion of the nontoxicN-oxide (pro-toxine) into the toxic tertiary alkaloid is discussed as the specific feature of PAs in plant-insect interactions.  相似文献   

采用半静态染毒法,研究不同浓度(1.6、8.0、16.0μg·L-1)阿维菌素在胁迫中华绒螯蟹12、24、48、96 h时肝胰腺超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性和丙二醛(MDA)积累量等氧化胁迫相关指标的变化;并在胁迫60 d时,记录各实验组和对照组中华绒螯蟹肝胰腺颜色的变化并进行组织病理观察。3个阿维菌素浓度组为实验组,空白组和溶剂组为对照组。结果表明在整个实验过程中空白组和溶剂组各个时间点各项指标之间无显著差异(P>0.05);低浓度(1.6μg·L-1)组SOD和CAT活力变化不显著(P>0.05);中浓度(8.0μg·L-1)组SOD和CAT活力变化趋势一致,持续被诱导,SOD活力在24 h以后显著高于空白组(P<0.01),CAT活力在48 h以后显著高于空白组(P<0.01);高浓度(16.0μg·L-1)组SOD和CAT活力在12 h~24 h之间变化趋势一致,表现为显著升高(P<0.05),但是在48 h之后,SOD活力显著下降(P<0.05);96 h时,高浓度组SOD活力显著低于空白组(P<0.01),而CAT活力显著高于空白组(P<0.01);在整个实验过程中各实验组MDA积累量逐渐增加,高浓度组氧化胁迫指标的变化幅度大于低浓度组。胁迫60 d时,取样观察可见对照组中华绒螯蟹肝胰腺正常,各实验组中华绒螯蟹肝胰腺发生了不同程度的病变,肝胰腺颜色由最开始的橘黄色变成了淡黄色、黄白色甚至白色,高、中、低各浓度组肝胰腺白化所占的比例分别是66.6%、57.1%和25.0%。组织病理分析显示,淡黄色肝胰腺的病理变化主要是B细胞数量减少,肝胰腺上皮细胞部分肿大并出现空泡;黄白肝病理观察可见肝胰腺上皮细胞中空泡数量增多,体积增大,且空泡内出现内容物,细胞核固缩;白肝的病理表现主要是基膜增厚,上皮细胞大量脱落,散落在管腔中,空泡数量进一步增多,肝胰腺的生理功能受损。由此得出,阿维菌素会对中华绒螯蟹肝胰腺造成氧化胁迫和组织损伤,且阿维菌素和对肝胰腺的氧化胁迫效应和组织结构损伤程度有一定的剂量-效应关系。  相似文献   

Genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) are remarkably polymorphic. Several selection mechanisms have been invoked to account for this diversity, including disassortative mating preferences. In addition, eggs may discriminate between sperm based on MHC. To investigate the effects of MHC-genotype on fertilization success, we obtained mature gametes from ripe Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) males and females captured on spawning grounds. The eggs of each female were divided into two batches, and by letting each of 2 males fertilize 1 of the batches, we obtained a total of 36 half-sibling batch-pairs. The semen was diluted to ensure that the two males in each half-sibling batch-pair contributed with the same number of sperm cells. We found that MHC-heterozygous males had significantly higher fertilization success than MHC-homozygous males and neither initial spermatocrit, sperm motility nor swimming velocity co-varied with difference in fertilization success. There was no effect of female genotype or female-male MHC-similarity on fertilization success. However, one MHC-allele was associated with increased fertilization success. It seems plausible that the difference in fertilization success between homo- and heterozygous males may be due to MHC-dependent sperm selection by the ovum.Communicated by M. Abrahams  相似文献   

草甘膦是全球范围内生产与使用量最大的除草剂。虽然草甘膦制剂被分于低毒等级,但是许多研究显示其对动物的生理、行为表达具有广泛的干扰作用。本研究将中华鳖胚胎暴露于不同浓度的草甘膦铵盐溶液以评估草甘膦除草剂对其胚胎发育及孵出幼体表型及生理表现的影响。结果显示:一定浓度范围(5~5 000 mg·L~(-1))内,草甘膦铵盐对中华鳖胚胎发育速率、孵出幼体大小、游泳能力、肝脏甘油三酯含量、超氧化物歧化酶活性、丙二醛含量以及热激蛋白70 mRNA相对表达量无显著影响。结果表明:一定浓度范围草甘膦除草剂暴露对中华鳖胚胎发育的影响较小,不改变孵出幼体的表型及其生理表现。  相似文献   

Muniappan  R.  Silva-Krott  I. U.  Lali  T. S. 《Chemoecology》1994,5(2):75-77
Summary The adult fruit piercing moth,Othreis fullonia, a native of the indo-Malaysian region, causes severe damage to fruits grown throughout the tropical and subtropical belt from Africa through Asia and Australia to the Pacific Islands. Plants of the family Menispermaceae and the genusErythrina (Fabaceae) serve as larval hosts but the adult moths prefer Menispermaceae plants for oviposition. In Africa, Asia and Australia, the moth does not lay eggs onErythrina since members of the Menispermaceae are abundant. However in the insular Pacific region, where most islands have few or no species of Menispermaceae, the introduced fruit piercing moth utilizesErythrina as an alternate larval host, and either depletes, endangers or causes the possible extinction of Menispermaceae.  相似文献   

Costs of searching for a mate are an important component of models of sexual selection, yet they have rarely been examined in wild populations of vertebrates. In this paper, we report an experiment in which we handicapped female tree swallows by clipping some flight feathers. This manipulation increased the costs of flight and searching for extra-pair mates. Despite these costs, handicapped females had the same level of extra-pair mating (percentage of extra-pair young, percentage of broods with extra-pair young, and the number of extra-pair sires per brood) as control females. However, handicapped females were more likely to have young sired by extra-pair males that lived closer to her nest than control females. This change in the distribution of extra-pair mating was most likely due to female choice rather than male coercion, and it suggests that extra-pair mating has significant benefits to females. One important implication of our study is that ecological and social factors that influence search costs could affect the spatial distribution of extra-pair sires and, consequently, the intensity of sexual selection. These effects may have been overlooked in previous studies that did not identify extra-pair sires.  相似文献   

Field observation and laboratory experiments were conducted to investigate sperm competition and patterns of sperm fertilization under different experimental conditions in the carrion ball-roller beetle Canthon cyanellus cyanellus. Males in nature can mate with females whose spermathecae contains fertile sperm from other males. Sperm precedence was investigated using a visible genetic marker. The progeny of red (homozygous recessive) virgin females mated once with a red male and afterward, once with a green beetle (homozygous dominant) and vice versa, revealed that regardless of its color, the last male to mate fertilized c.a. 50% of the eggs, suggesting strong sperm competition. Males were able to achieve higher levels of paternity (more than 80%) when mated ad libitum with previously mated females, although large amount of variance in paternity does not exclude the possibility of first male sperm precedence or female cryptic choice. These results suggest that repeated mating and sperm replacement are the mechanisms by which last males achieve sperm precedence.  相似文献   

For potentially cannibalistic animals such as spiders, the ability to recognize and avoid kin and/or preferentially cannibalize non-relatives would permit exploiting conspecifics as prey while minimizing loss of inclusive fitness. We investigated the effects of relatedness and availability of alternative food on cannibalism tendency in pairs of juvenile Hogna helluo (Walckenaer), a North American wolf spider (Araneae: Lycosidae). For second-instar spiderlings (dispersing stage), cannibalism was more likely among pairs of non-sibs than pairs of sibs and, interestingly, was also more likely when other prey were available. We found no evidence of increased cannibalism in pairings involving broods of greatest average size disparity, indicating that size differences are unlikely to explain differences in cannibalism tendency. Additionally, the relative number of deaths from cannibalism or other causes did not increase with increasing risk of starvation. For third-instar spiderlings, which had lived independently of their mother and sibs following dispersal, cannibalism rates were very high in all treatments and there were no significant effects of relatedness or food availability. Our results suggest that spiders with predominantly solitary lifestyles may bias cannibalism toward non-kin during the juvenile associative period, and that this effect is lost in the subsequent instar. Results are discussed in the context of several potential mechanisms that might result in differential cannibalism.Communicated by M. Elgar  相似文献   

Summary. Host selection in tree-killing bark beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) is mediated by a complex of semiochemical cues. Using gas chromatographic-electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD) and GC-mass spectrometric analyses, we conducted a comparative study of the electrophysiological responses of four species of tree-killing bark beetles, the Douglas-fir beetle, Dendroctonus pseudotsugae, Hopkins, the mountain pine beetle, D. ponderosae Hopkins, the spruce beetle, D. rufipennis Kirby, and the western balsam bark beetle, Dryocoetes confusus Swaine, to volatiles captured by aeration of 1) bole and foliage of four sympatric species of conifers, Douglas-fir, Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco, lodgepole pine, Pinus contorta var. latifolia Engelm., interior spruce, Picea engelmannii x glauca, and interior fir, Abies lasiocarpa x bifolia, and 2) con- and heterospecific beetles at three stages of attack. We identified 13 monoterpenes in the conifers and nine compounds in the volatiles of beetles that elicited antennal responses. There was no qualitative difference in the terpene constitution of the four species of conifers and very little difference across beetle species in their antennal response to compounds from conifers or beetles. The lack of species-specific major or minor components in conifers suggests that beetles would need to detect differences in the ratios of different compounds in conifers to discriminate among them. Attraction to hosts and avoidance of nonhost conifers may be accentuated by perception of compounds emitted by con- and heterospecific beetles, respectively. The 22 compounds identified are candidate semiochemicals with potential behavioural roles in host location and discrimination.  相似文献   

Summary Planthopper (Insecta: Homoptera) feeding stress induces a senesence-like response in the leaves ofSpartina alterniflora characterized by decreased soluble protein, an increased total amino acid pool, and elevated levels of 10 individual amino acids. Increased proline and tryptophan in response to planthopper feeding could not be fully explained by protein degradation. Low degrees of soil salinity stress resulted in an increased total free amino acid pool and elevated levels of 7 amino acids. Anaerobic soil stress resulted in decreased glutamic acid and increased asparagine. Low salinity and anaerobic stress had no effect on soluble protein levels. Glycinebetaine was not affected by the stresses examined in this study.  相似文献   

Concentrations of Ca, Mg, K, Na, Cu, Zn, Al, Fe and Mn were measured in soils and in Tamarix nilotica from Wadi Allaqi on the shore of Lake Nasser in the Eastern Desert of Egypt. All of the elements were concentrated in the leaves of Tamarix relative to the stems and roots. Leaf:soil concentration ratios, used as an indicator of metal accumulation in the plant, showed high enrichment factors for Na (67.5), K (63.0) and Mg (35.0); of the trace elements measured, Zn had the highest enrichment factor (7.64). Comparison with other desert species suggested that Tamarix was exceptional only in the accumulation of sodium. Periodic inundation of the soil by Lake Nasser caused dilution and dispersion of the accumulated salts.  相似文献   

Summary. Male satin moths, Leucoma (Stilpnotia) salicis L. (Lepidoptera, Lymantriidae) were attracted only to (3Z,6R,7S,9R,10S)-isomer out of the four (3Z)-cis-6,7-cis-9,10-diepoxy-3-henicosenes (leucomalure). This was demonstrated by field trapping test with a bivoltine population in a mixed poplar-willow forest along the flood area of the river Danube at Adony, Hungary.  相似文献   

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