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赵丽丽 《林业劳动安全》2012,25(3):15-17,31
林场管理经济效益提升需要从具体工作做起,需要落实好国家相关政策,充分利用林业资源,坚持走林场产业化发展道路,把林场生态资源分配好,优化各种产业链条,推动林场管理水平不断提高。我国林场管理工作是一个长期的过程,需要做好科学管理、技术管理工作,需要制定符合林场发展的总体规划,推动林场管理经济效益不断提升,促进林场各项工作可持续发展。  相似文献   

《安全生产法》第十条规定:生产经营单位必须依法执行制定的保障安全生产的国家标准和行业标准。从目前情况看,一些国家标准、行业标准年久失修,有的已经不适应目前企业的需要二是有的国家标准、行业标准是否适应当前的安全管理,特别是加入世贸组织后,这些标准能否适应同国际接轨,这些问题需要研究。三是对国家标准、行业标准宣贯得不够。  相似文献   

生产的安全性是生产经营管理的核心任务之一。虽然许多企业都将“安全第一,预防为主”作为安全生产方针,但安全管理者在实际工作中仍会遇到很多阻力。这与目前我们对安全管理的特性认识不足、采取的安全对策针对性不够以及缺乏安全管理大师等要素密切相关,所以有必要对安全管理的特性进行深入系统地分析。  相似文献   

1990年以来,劳动防护用品实行了定点生产和经营管理。最近,我们对江西省护品生产和经营状况进行了抽样跟踪调查,结果表明,护品的生产布局,企业管理,产品质量和经营销售等方面总的情况是好的。但也存在不少违反国家有关规定的现象,有的还相当严重,在社会上造成了不良影响。引导好护品的生产和经营,是加强劳动保护工作的重要一环。一 目前,江西省有一般护品生产定点厂189家,特种护品定点生产厂11家,定点经营企业13家,分布于全省6市5区50多个县。这些厂大多属于乡镇、街道和企事业单位所属的小型企业,生产能力基本上能满足市场需要。企业管理逐…  相似文献   

随着改革的深化,经济效益已成为企业生产经营活动的中心。然而值得注意的是,一些企业在注重经济效益时,往往忽视了对经济效益有着直接影响的安全生产问题。这是当前企业生产经营活动和管理工作中,特别是企业领导和经营管理人员,亟待提高认识和认真解决的问题。企业在追求最佳经济效益时,  相似文献   

危险化学品是指具有爆炸、易燃、毒害、腐蚀、放射性等性质,在生产、经营、储存、运输、使用和废弃物处置过程中,容易造成人身伤亡和财产损毁而需要特别防护的化学品。化学品在石油、化工、生物、制药和农业生产等行业广泛使用,对各种行业的发展发挥了巨大作用。但危险化学品往往具有  相似文献   

<正>城市林业的经营管理在程式化发展迅猛的当下显得极为重要。从目前城市林业的经营现状来说,接受经营管理的主要对象为城市内部的绿化林地、城市公园绿地、城市森林、城市周边的湿地、森林等,而负责管理的主体主要有城市的园林、交通、规划等部门。多方齐抓共管的现状下,我国城市林业经营管理的效率还是不高,且面临着可管理的面积越来越小、资源越来越少的问题,如何解决现状中存在的问题,是本文探讨的重点。论文认为,城市林业经营管理目前需要对症下药,方能在林业经营管理上有所突破,获  相似文献   

正《安全生产管理知识》这本书介绍了安全生产管理的基本原理、主要方法以及主要内容。书中说大数据时代企业安全监督是非常重要的事,相关政府以及部门必须要做好全面的安全监督工作。全书共分为8章,书中前2章详细介绍安全生产管理的基本理论、概念以及生产经营需要注意的事项等一系列具体内容,其中包括生产标准的问题以及企业安全文化和企业经营管理会遇到的问题。在如今的大数据时代下,安全生产与管理也与大数据息息相关。从2012年开始,大数据这个词开始被广泛使用和传播。它  相似文献   

<正>随着城乡协调发展和新农村建设的加快,农业机械化、产业化程度的提高,重视农村和农业的安全生产,已成为现阶段新农村建设和农业生产经营健康发展的要求,也是国家实施城乡统筹协调发展的需要。长期以来,我们在重视工业领域和城镇安全生产的同时,对农村和农业安全生产关注不够。随着城乡协调发展和新农村建设的加快以  相似文献   

第四十五条 生产经营单位及其主要负责人、个人经营的投资人违反安全生产法律、法规和本条例规定的,依法责令限期改正;逾期未改正的.依法责令生产经营单位停产停业整顿。造成严重后果.构成犯罪的。依法追究刑事责任;尚不够刑事处罚的,依法给予行政处罚、行政处分。  相似文献   

本文创造性地提出了国有林场“三工”合同管理的新模式,走法制化的道路,首先必须理顺国有林场与“三工”与“三工”组织的劳动关系,依照《劳动法》与《合同法》,分清各自的权利和义务,然后逐步由“三工”组织劳动合同向经济承揽合同过渡,依法解决合同管理中存在的问题。  相似文献   

安全生产是构建和谐社会的基础和前提,是可持续发展的基本保障。随着市场经济的不断发展,国有林场的进一步深化改革,三明市国有林场探索总结出了“定产定销”的新型木材产销模式,林业生产经营和生产用工状况发生了很大的变化。探讨了在新型木材生产销售模式下如何进行安全生产管理的问题。  相似文献   

安全生产是衡量人类社会文明进步的重要标志,也是国民经济稳定运行的重要保障.随着市场经济的不断发展,国有林场的进一步深化改革,为加强现场安全管理,做到只要有作业现场就有人管安全,在最需要管安全的现场有人抓安全,根据木材检验工作的特殊性,加强和发挥木材检验员现场安全协管作用,取得了一定得成效.  相似文献   



Between 1992 and 2005, 1412 workers on farms died from tractor overturns. A Rollover Protective Structure (ROPS) is a proven intervention to reduce overturn deaths. However, farm characteristics that are associated with the adoption of ROPS are not well understood.


ROPS prevalence statistics were derived from National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) surveys that tracked ROPS use on farms. Data were from the years 1993, 2001, and 2004.


In 1993, 38% of tractors were equipped with ROPS. This increased to 51% by 2004. ROPS prevalence rates were higher on farms in the Southern region of the United States, on farms where the operator was 25-34 years old, and on farms with $100,000 or more of farm sales. Low ROPS prevalence rates were associated with farm operators 65 years old or older and with farms with less than $10,000 of farm product sales.


The increase in ROPS prevalence between 1993 and 2004 has not been sufficient to decrease the rate of tractor overturn deaths on farms. Incentive programs targeting older farm operators and low-income farm operations are suggested to increase ROPS use on tractors.

Impact on Industry

The study provides farm characteristics associated with low ROPS prevalence rates. The results can be used to target farms for future ROPS promotion activities.  相似文献   

Increased use of farm machinery along with other agricultural inputs has enhanced the production and productivity of Indian farms. Simultaneously, it has also increased occupational health hazards on the farms. Major occupational health hazards are farm related injuries. Very little information is available about the type and nature of agricultural injuries on Indian farms. In the present study, agriculture injuries data were collected for the period 1996–2000 for the Etawah district of Uttar Pradesh in India. It has a total population of 1.4 million while 0.75 million were associated with agricultural activities. The agricultural injuries incidence rate was 0.8 per thousand workers per year in the study area. Out of all agricultural injuries, 9% injuries were fatal. The highest number of injury victims were in the age group of 30–44 years. The highest percentages of injured victims were literate but non-matric. The monetary loss due to agricultural injuries in the study area was estimated to be about US $730,000 per year. To minimize agricultural injuries, development of interventions and trainings needs to be organized at block levels for proper and safe operation of agricultural equipment.  相似文献   

IntroductionTo obtain injury surveillance data for youth on racial minority operated farms, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health developed the Minority Farm Operator Childhood Agricultural Injury Survey (M-CAIS) in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Agriculture.MethodsUsing a regionally stratified telephone survey of U.S. minority operated farm households, M-CAIS data were collected for youth less than 20 years of age.ResultsThere were an estimated 37,443 youth living on racial minority operated U.S. farms in 2008, almost half (46%) of these youth worked on the farm. Racial minority farm operators hired 6,443 youth, and reported an estimated 775,991 youth relative and other visitors on the farm. These youth suffered an estimated 516 injuries (5.9 injuries/1000 farms).ConclusionsHousehold youth had an injury rate of 7.8 injuries/1000 household youth and a work-related injury rate of 6.9 injuries/1000 working household youth.Practical applicationsThe research enables agricultural safety and health researchers, practitioners, and educators to identify priorities and design trainings and interventions to minimize the risk of farm hazards to youth on racial minority farm operations in the United States.  相似文献   

林亦曦 《林业劳动安全》2002,15(3):37-38,40
论述了在新形势下国有林场“三工”安全管理存在的问题,提出了坚持以人为本、以理服人、以情感人、加强企业安全文化建设的“三工”安全管理新机制。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: It is likely that youth living on minority operated farms (<3% of U.S. farms) face hazards similar to the general farm population; however, since minority youth are not well represented by general farm surveys, this information hasn't been confirmed. METHOD: Nonfatal injury and exposure data were obtained from the 2000 Minority Farm Operator Childhood Agricultural Injury Survey (M-CAIS). RESULTS: On racial minority farms, there were an estimated 28,600 household youth. Of these, about 41% worked, 26% rode a horse, 23% drove an ATV, and 23% operated a tractor. On Hispanic farms, there were an estimated 17,998 household youth. Of these, 44% worked, 30% rode a horse, 27% drove an ATV, and 25% operated a tractor. CONCLUSIONS: These results show the value of conducting a survey of minorities to identify high risk groups and target issues that may be unique to the minority farm population.  相似文献   

国有林场森林防火工作实践与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从国有林场森林防火工作现状出发,分析了国有林场当前森林防火存在的困难和问题,提出今后森林防火工作对策与措施。  相似文献   

油罐区泄漏及火灾危险危害评价   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对某大型油罐区进行泄漏及火灾的危险危害评价.采用毒性物质泄漏扩散模型模拟油罐的泄漏事故,得出了泄漏介质在罐区附近的等质量浓度分布曲线;采用池火火焰与辐射强度模型,计算油罐、输油管道、汽车装油栈台等发生池火灾时的热辐射强度,并结合不同辐射强度值对人和设备的影响程度,给出了池火灾的影响范围.  相似文献   

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