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Batch experiments were conducted to investigate the phosphorus(P) adsorption and desorption on five drinking water treatment residuals(WTRs) collected from different regions in China. The physical and chemical characteristics of the five WTRs were determined. Combined with rotated principal component analysis, multiple regression analysis was used to analyze the relationship between the inherent properties of the WTRs and their P adsorption capacities. The results showed that the maximum P adsorption capacities of the five WTRs calculated using the Langmuir isotherm ranged from 4.17 to8.20 mg/g at a p H of 7 and further increased with a decrease in p H. The statistical analysis revealed that a factor related to Al and 200 mmol/L oxalate-extractable Al(Alox) accounted for 36.5% of the variations in the P adsorption. A similar portion(28.5%) was attributed to an integrated factor related to the p H, Fe, 200 mmol/L oxalate-extractable Fe(Feox), surface area and organic matter(OM) of the WTRs. However, factors related to other properties(Ca,P and 5 mmol/L oxalate-extractable Fe and Al) were rejected. In addition, the quantity of P desorption was limited and had a significant negative correlation with the(Feox+ Alox) of the WTRs(p 〈 0.05). Overall, WTRs with high contents of Alox, Feoxand OM as well as large surface areas were proposed to be the best choice for P adsorption in practical applications.  相似文献   

以生物膜主要组分水铁矿和腐殖酸作为掺杂吸附剂,分析了掺杂前后黄河乌海段表层沉积物对重金属Cd^2+的吸附特性,探讨了吸附时间、Cd^2+初始浓度和pH对沉积物吸附Cd^2+的影响,对吸附动力学和吸附等温线进行了拟合并计算了分配系数。结果表明:腐殖酸和水铁矿掺杂比例的提高增强了沉积物对cd^2+的吸附能力;掺杂生物膜主要组分对黄河乌海段水体Cd^2+的吸附过程更符合Langmuir等温吸附曲线(R^2≥0.99,P≤0.02,n=7);掺杂腐殖酸和水铁矿后沉积物对cd^2+的分配系数分别为:6.2959和2.7110,二者均高于未掺杂沉积物对Cd^2+的分配系数(0.8626),说明掺杂腐殖酸的吸附效果优于掺杂水铁矿的吸附效果;另外,溶液pH对沉积物吸附Cd^2+影响显著。  相似文献   

腐殖酸以及共存阳离子对膨润土吸附废水中铅离子的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
岳钦艳  李仁波  高宝玉  杨晶  李颖  于慧 《环境科学》2008,29(7):1897-1902
研究了钠基膨润土的理化性质及其对水中铅离子的吸附作用,考查了pH值、共存阳离子浓度、腐殖酸浓度对铅离子吸附的影响,结果表明,钠基膨润土对水中铅离子有较好的吸附效果.铅离子在膨润土上的吸附量随pH值的升高而增加,随共存阳离子浓度的升高而减少,随腐殖酸浓度的升高而增加.从热力学角度探讨了吸附机理,发现钠基膨润土对铅离子的吸附量随温度升高而增大,并且吸附等温线符合Freundlich模型.计算了相关的吸附热力学函数:△H=0.9594kJ/mol, △S=16.611 3kJ/(mol·K).  相似文献   

以硝酸钙、磷酸氢二铵和腐殖酸为原料,制备了腐殖酸负载羟基磷灰石(HA/HAP)复合吸附剂.同时,利用SEM、BET、FT-IR、XRD对复合吸附剂结构和形貌进行表征,研究了HA/HAP对废水中Cd~(2+)的吸附工艺.结果表明,腐殖酸使羟基磷灰石孔容和孔径增大、比表面积减小,从而提高了羟基磷灰石的吸附性能.在pH=6、吸附剂投加量为800 mg、接触时间为180 min时吸附率最佳,为98.3%.HA/HAP对废水中Cd~(2+)的吸附是自发的、吸热的、可持续的化学吸附,反应前120 min适合采用准一级动力学伴随着内扩散模型描述,后120 min适合采用准二级动力学伴随着内扩散模型描述,Dubinin-Radushkevich(D-R)等温线模型拟合的吸附数据在不同温度下效果最好(R~20.98),吸附量分别为259.15、266.05和264.66 mg·g~(-1).研究表明,静电吸附到腐殖酸活性位点后Cd~(2+)主要以络合反应被吸附到羟基磷灰石的表面和两个羟基中间.  相似文献   

为探究土壤胶体对放射性核素锶的吸附机制,选取典型无机矿物蒙脱土和腐殖酸制备有机-无机复合胶体,并研究了其对锶的吸附性能.实验结果表明,人工复合体的腐殖酸负载量可达到2.97%,并且添加腐殖酸会改变蒙脱土的形貌.复合体对锶的吸附量达到6.86mg/g,通过对复合体吸附锶的动力学拟合发现,吸附过程更符合二级动力学模型.吸附过程在10min后到达平衡,低温时去除率更高,15℃时为72.29%.当pH值由5增加到9时,去除率的变化范围在1%~2%之间.而离子强度对吸附有明显的影响,0.1mol/L时去除率较0.001mol/L时的去除率同比下降20%~60%.同时去除率随有机物浓度的增大而提高,从0到60mg/L时去除率快速增长,60mg/L时去除率为75.36%,随后去除率增长进入平缓期.  相似文献   

柠檬酸-施氏矿物复合体对Cd和Pb的吸附研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
施氏矿物(Schwertmannite)是酸性矿区废水污染环境中典型的铁硫酸盐次生矿物,由于其较好的吸附能力成为矿区多种重金属的沉积库.环境中同时广泛存在着各种有机质,易与矿物结合形成有机质矿物复合体,从而影响矿物对重金属的吸附行为.目前关于有机质与施氏矿物形成的复合体对重金属的吸附研究相对较少.因此,本研究选取柠檬酸作为天然有机质的代表,研究不同环境条件下柠檬酸施氏矿物复合体对重金属Cd、Pb的吸附.结果表明,复合体保持着施氏矿物基本的矿物学特征,对重金属Cd和Pb的吸附行为表现出不同的趋势:复合体对Cd的吸附量整体上随着Cd浓度和pH值的升高而上升;相反,复合体对Pb的吸附量均比纯施氏矿物要低,并且随着柠檬酸含量的升高吸附量下降越明显;体系中共存的硫酸根离子(SO42-)抑制了复合体对Cd的吸附,而对Pb的吸附则起到促进作用.XRD分析表明柠檬酸抑制了高pH下Pb在矿物表面形成PbSO4沉淀.FTIR红外谱图进一步证明结合在复合体上的柠檬酸参与了对Cd和Pb的吸附过程.本研究结果有助于更好地预测Cd和Pb在矿区的迁移和归宿.  相似文献   

采用平衡吸附法研究了沙土不同有机矿质复合体对磷的吸附特征影响.结果表明,去除腐殖质后的沙土对磷的吸附能力大大降低,其饱和吸附量Qm和吸附分配系数K分别只能达到原样的38.41%和7.42%,说明有机矿质复合体是影响磷在沙土上吸附特征的主要因素;钙键有机矿质复合体的碳标化饱和吸附量为388.35 mg·kg-1,相当于原样的1.51倍,在其所形成的有机矿质复合体中存在着孔隙填充方式的磷吸附;铁铝键有机矿质复合体在对磷吸附中发挥着重要作用,其碳标化饱和吸附量可达500.23 mg·kg-1,相当于原样的1.93倍,其吸附机制除孔隙填充方式外,还存在铁铝氧化物及水化氧化物对磷的配位吸附.因此,考查土壤对磷的吸附能力时不仅要考虑腐殖质的含量,更要考虑腐殖质的复合形态,它也是影响土壤对磷吸附特征的重要因素.以原样的磷饱和吸附量为基准,钙键有机矿质复合体和铁铝键有机矿质复合体携载的吸附态磷可分别按原样的1.51和1.93倍进行估算.  相似文献   

Three organo-montmorillonites were prepared using surfactants, and their adsorption behaviors toward sulfamethoxazole(SMX) were investigated. The surfactants used were cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide(CTMAB), 3-(N,N-dimethylhexadecylammonio) propane sulfonate(HDAPS) and 1,3-bis(hexadecyldimethylammonio)-propane dibromide(BHDAP). The properties of the organo-montmorillonites were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and N2adsorption–desorption isotherm measurements. Results showed that the interlayer spacing of montmorillonite was increased and the surface area as well as the morphology were changed. Batch adsorption experiments showed that the surfactant loading amount had a great effect on the adsorption of SMX. The adsorption process was p H dependent and the maximum adsorption capacity was obtained at p H 3 for HDAPS-Mt, while CTMAB-Mt and BHDAP-Mt showed a high removal efficiency at 3–11. The adsorption capacity increased with the initial SMX concentration and contact time but decreased with increasing solution ionic strength.Kinetic data were best described by the pseudo second-order model. Equilibrium data were best represented by the Langmuir model, and the Freundlich constant(n) indicated a favorable adsorption process. The maximum adsorption capacity of SMX was 235.29 mg/g for CTMAB-Mt, 155.28 mg/g for HDAPS-Mt and 242.72 mg/g for BHDAP-Mt. Thermodynamic parameters were calculated to evaluate the spontaneity and endothermic or exothermic nature. The adsorption mechanism was found to be dominated by electrostatic interaction,while hydrophobic interaction played a secondary role.  相似文献   

腐植酸对重金属铅镉的吸附特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了揭示腐植酸对单一Pb、单一Cd和Pb、Cd复合污染物的吸附特征,笔者通过吸附模拟实验分析了pH、温度、反应时间和初始浓度等因素变化对风化煤腐植酸吸附重金属离子Pb~(2+)和Cd~(2+)的影响.结果表明,腐植酸对Pb~(2+)的吸附受pH值变化的影响很小,但对Cd~(2+)的吸附随着pH增加而增加;腐植酸对Pb~(2+)和Cd~(2+)吸附饱和的时间均为240 min;对Pb~(2+)和Cd~(2+)的吸附量均随温度的增加而增加;Langmuir吸附模型对腐植酸吸附单一Pb~(2+)、单一Cd~(2+)和铅镉复合态中Pb~(2+)的拟合较好,Freundlich吸附模型则对腐植酸吸附铅镉复合态中Cd~(2+)的拟合较好;准二级动力学模型能较好地拟合腐植酸吸附Pb~(2+)和Cd~(2+)的过程,说明腐植酸对铅镉的吸附为物理吸附和化学吸附的复合吸附过程;铅镉复合态下Pb~(2+)和Cd~(2+)存在竞争吸附,单一Pb~(2+)溶液中加入Cd~(2+)对腐植酸吸附Pb~(2+)基本无影响,但单一Cd~(2+)溶液中加入Pb~(2+)时,Pb~(2+)会与Cd~(2+)产生竞争吸附,从而降低Cd~(2+)的吸附量.本研究结果可为利用腐植酸稳定土壤中Pb~(2+)、Cd~(2+)等重金属离子的技术开发提供参考.  相似文献   

韩月  任逸  翟姝  张炜铭  吕路 《环境科学学报》2019,39(11):3779-3785
常规水处理技术无法有效去除痕量的药品和个人护理品(PPCPs),臭氧工艺因具有效果可观、二次污染小等优势,尤其适合用于生化尾水的深度处理.而污水生化出水有机物(EfOM)对臭氧降解PPCPs起着至关重要的作用.本文选取腐殖酸(HA)、牛血清蛋白(BSA)、海藻酸钠(AGS)和葡聚糖(Dextran)作为模拟EfOM 4种代表物质,以氯贝酸(CA)为PPCPs模板化合物,考察了模拟EfOM化合物浓度、反应时间及溶液初始pH对臭氧降解效果的影响规律和机制.结果表明,CA臭氧降解速率符合假一级动力学方程,模拟EfOM化合物为10 mg·L~(-1) TOC时,对CA臭氧降解效果呈现出HADextran≈DW(超纯水)≈AGSBSA的规律.HA可提高HO·的生成速率从而加快CA降解效率,反应速率常数提升了3倍,去除率提高了17.5%;而BSA则明显抑制HO·的生成,从而降低CA降解速率.HA的存在对CA臭氧降解影响较为复杂,研究发现当HA浓度为1 mg·L~(-1) TOC时,能促进HO·的生成和CA的降解,而当浓度升高时会表现出抑制作用.CA臭氧降解速率和反应过程中HO·生成均随着溶液初始pH的增加而增大.pH的变化还会影响HA对臭氧降解CA的作用效果.溶液初始pH为4时,HA投加可促进HO·生成和臭氧降解;但随着pH的升高,HA的存在形态会发生改变,从而表现出对CA臭氧降解效果的抑制作用.  相似文献   

The complexation behaviours of trivalent rare earth elements (La, Ce, Ho and Yb) by two types of humic acids were investigated under a specified set of conditions. Humic acids show quite different complexation capacities an conditional formation constants with the REEs. Apparently there are two types of binding sites in the functional groups of humic acid, in which the first binding sites have stronger ability than the second. Cerium shows the largest complexation capacities and highest formation constants among the four REEs with two humic acids, this anomaly may be relative to the distribution pattern of the REEs in seawater. The experimental results were comparable to the values of other metals reported and provided the basic data for the environmental geochemistry of rare earth elements.  相似文献   

改性活性炭对水中PFOS的吸附去除研究   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
童锡臻  石宝友  解岳  王东升 《环境科学》2012,33(9):3132-3138
分别用FeCl3及中功率微波对煤质和椰壳2种粉末活性炭进行改性.序批式实验研究了活性炭改性前后对全氟辛烷磺酸(PFOS)的吸附特性.结合活性炭改性前后表面化学官能团和孔结构的变化特征,探讨了不同改性方式对PFOS吸附去除的影响效应以及天然有机物中的主要组成成分腐殖酸对PFOS在原炭及改性炭上的竞争吸附效应.结果表明,Fe3+及中功率微波处理对煤质炭和椰壳炭的孔结构和表面性质都有影响,但变化趋势不同.椰壳活性炭经Fe3+及中功率微波改性后对PFOS的吸附量明显提高,而煤质活性炭经改性后对PFOS的吸附量出现下降.改性椰壳活性炭与原炭吸附PFOS达到吸附平衡的时间基本相同,均为6 h左右.在腐殖酸存在下,改性椰壳炭对PFOS的吸附量因竞争吸附而有所下降,但改性炭的吸附量仍明显高于原炭.  相似文献   

表面酸碱2步改性对活性炭吸附Cr(Ⅵ)的影响   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
研究了酸碱2步改性对活性炭吸附水相中Cr(Ⅵ)的影响.将活性炭(AC0)在HNO3溶液中氧化(AC1),然后在NaOH和NaCl的混合液中处理(AC2).分别采用平衡和连续吸附试验,测试Cr(Ⅵ)的吸附特征.以Boemh滴定法定量检测活性炭表面酸性官能团数量,结合元素分析结果定量表征活性炭的表面含氧官能团变化;以低温液氮(N2/77K)吸附法分析活性炭的比表面积和孔径结构.结果表明:活性炭经2步改性后,其Cr(Ⅵ)的吸附容量和吸附速度均显著改变.吸附容量和吸附速度大小依次为AC2>AC1>AC0.改性活性炭表面积下降,表面含氧酸性官能团数量增加.HNO3液相氧化处理可使活性炭表面生成带正电含氧酸性官能团,第2步改性后活性炭表面酸性官能团H+部分被Na+取代,使活性炭表面酸性降低.表面较多的含氧酸性官能团(与AC0相比)、适宜的表面pH(与AC1相比)是AC2所表现出较高Cr(Ⅵ)吸附容量的主要原因.  相似文献   

Organic matters (OMs) and their oxidization products often influence the fate and transport of heavy metals in the subsurface aqueous systems through interaction with the mineral surfaces. This study investigates the ethanol (EtOH)-mediated As(III) adsorption onto Zn-loaded pinecone (PC) biochar through batch experiments conducted under Box–Behnken design. The effect of EtOH on As(III) adsorption mechanism was quantitatively elucidated by fitting the experimental data using artificial neural network and quadratic modeling approaches. The quadratic model could describe the limiting nature of EtOH and pH on As(III) adsorption, whereas neural network revealed the stronger influence of EtOH (64.5%) followed by pH (20.75%) and As(III) concentration (14.75%) on the adsorption phenomena. Besides, the interaction among process variables indicated that EtOH enhances As(III) adsorption over a pH range of 2 to 7, possibly due to facilitation of ligand–metal(Zn) binding complexation mechanism. Eventually, hybrid response surface model–genetic algorithm (RSM–GA) approach predicted a better optimal solution than RSM, i.e., the adsorptive removal of As(III) (10.47 μg/g) is facilitated at 30.22 mg C/L of EtOH with initial As(III) concentration of 196.77 μg/L at pH 5.8. The implication of this investigation might help in understanding the application of biochar for removal of various As(III) species in the presence of OM.  相似文献   

以两种新型涂铁改性石英砂(纳米氧化铁改性砂,Nano-OCS;氧化铁改性砂,IOCS)及普通石英砂(RQS)为研究对象,考察了两种新型改性砂对沉后水腐殖酸及浊度的直接过滤效果,对其反冲洗条件进行优化研究,并对3种滤料的过滤效果进行了比较.结果表明,1滤层厚度为45 cm时,最佳滤速为6 m·h-1;3种滤料对腐殖酸和浊度的直接过滤效果依次为:Nano-OCSIOCSRQS,其中两种涂铁砂对腐殖酸的去除率分别为71.70%和61.61%;2Nano-OCS和IOCS滤柱的反冲洗流程分4步,对应的流程及最佳操作条件为:首先,用0.5 mol·L-1NaOH的溶液浸泡,气冲强度13 L·s-1·m-2,气冲时间6 min;然后,用0.075 mol·L-1的NaOH溶液与空气同时反冲洗,NaOH溶液冲洗强度为8 L·s-1·m-2,气冲强度13 L·s-1·m-2,冲洗时间3 min;接着用0.015 mol·L-1的FeCl3溶液与空气同时反冲洗,FeCl3溶液冲洗强度为8 L·s-1·m-2,气冲强度13L·s-1·m-2,冲洗时间2 min;最后,用清水冲洗,冲洗强度8 L·s-1·m-2,冲洗时间4 min.两种涂铁砂反冲洗前后表面形态结构更加复杂、粗糙度增加,对腐殖酸去除率进一步提高.3当滤层厚度由45 cm增加到80 cm时,Nano-OCS对腐殖酸直接过滤的最高去除率由74.6%提高至80.3%,平均去除率由57.9%提高至68.5%.  相似文献   

Problems associated with water eutrophication due to high phosphorus concentrations and related environmentally safe solutions have attracted wide attention. A novel bis(diallyl alkyl tertiary ammonium salt) polymer, particularly poly(N~1,N~1,N~6,N~6-tetraallylhexane-1,6-diammonium dichloride)(PTAHDADC), was synthesized and characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance, scanning electron microscopy, mercury intrusion method, and thermogravimetric analysis. The adsorption characteristics in phosphorus were evaluated in dilute solution, and the recycling properties of PTAHDADC were investigated. Results showed that PTAHDADC possessed macropores with a size distribution ranging from 30 to 130 μm concentrating at 63 μm in diameter and had 46.52% of porosity, excellent thermal stability below 530 K, and insolubility. PTAHDADC could effectively remove phosphorus at p H = 7–11 and had a removal efficiency exceeding 98.4% at pH = 10–11. The adsorption equilibrium data of PTAHDADC for phosphorus accorded well with the Langmuir and pseudo-second-order kinetic models. Maximum adsorption capacity was 52.82 mg/g at 293 K. PTAHDADC adsorbed phosphorus rapidly and reached equilibrium within 90 min. Calculated activation energy Eawas 15.18 k J/mol. PTAHDADC presented an excellent recyclability with only 8.23% loss of removal efficiency after five adsorption–desorption cycles. The morphology and structure of PTAHDADC slightly changed as evidenced by the pre-and post-adsorption of phosphorus, but the process was accompanied by the partial deprotonation of the(–CH_2)_3-NH~+ group of PTAHDADC. The adsorption was a spontaneous exothermic process driven by entropy through physisorption, electrostatic attraction, and ion exchange. Survey results showed that PTAHDADC was a highly efficient and fast-adsorbing phosphorus-removal material prospective in treating wastewater.  相似文献   

Microwave (MW) hybrid processes are able to disrupt the flocculent structure of complex waste activated sludge, and help promote the recovery of phosphorus as struvite. In this study, to optimize struvite yield, (1) the characteristics of matter released in MW-hybrid treatments were compared, including MW, MW-acid, MW-alkali, MW-H2O2, and MW-H2O2-alkali. The results showed that selective release of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, Ca2 +, and Mg2 + achieved by sludge pretreatment using MW-hybrid processes. MW-H2O2 is the recommended sludge pretreatment process for phosphorus recovery in the form of struvite. The ratio of Mg2 +:NH4+-N:PO43 −-P was 1.2:2.9:1 in the supernatant. (2) To clarify the effects of organic matter on struvite recovery, the composition and molecular weight distribution of organic matters were analyzed. Low molecular weight COD was found to facilitate the removal rate of NH4+-N and PO43-P via crystallization, and the amorphous struvite crystals (< 1 kDa) from the filtered solutions had high purity. Therefore, the present study reveals the necessity of taking into consideration the interference effect of high molecular weight organic matters during struvite crystallization from sewage sludge.  相似文献   

针铁矿与胡敏酸的交互作用及其复合物的稳定性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用碱溶-酸沉淀法制备了针铁矿-胡敏酸复合物.XRD分析表明,复合物的衍射峰都可归属于针铁矿,但其峰强度略弱于针铁矿单体.TEM图像显示,复合物中针铁矿表面包被了形貌不规则的胡敏酸颗粒.与针铁矿和胡敏酸两种单体的IR图谱比较,复合物中羧酸根(COO~-)反对称振动和铁羟基(≡Fe—OH)伸缩振动的频率分别降低了20 cm~(-1)和9 cm~(-1),缔合羟基(H—O····H—O)的振动频率升高了10 cm~(-1),羧酸C—O键的伸缩振动和游离羟基的吸收峰都基本消失.这表明针铁矿表面Fe原子与胡敏酸结构中羧基之间的单齿配位以及针铁矿表面≡Fe—OH与胡敏酸中游离羟基之间的氢键都是二者之间的主要交互作用机制.TG/DTG分析显示,针铁矿单体和复合物中≡Fe—OH的失重峰分别为258℃和276℃,表明胡敏酸的包被作用增强了针铁矿的热稳定性;与胡敏酸单体比较,复合物中脂肪族和芳香族有机质的失重峰温度分别降低了60℃和26℃,且复合物中脂肪族与芳香族有机质的失重量之比明显增大.可见,胡敏酸组分中热稳定性较差的脂肪族组分更容易与针铁矿胶结形成复合物.样品的悬浮液超声分散处理后,胡敏酸和针铁矿单体中大颗粒(2μm)的含量都明显减少;复合物中大颗粒的尺寸和含量的变化却较小.这表明超声分散处理不易破坏复合物中针铁矿与胡敏酸间的胶结作用.  相似文献   

水铁矿及其腐殖酸复合体对Sb(Ⅴ)的吸附行为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在实验室条件下制备了水铁矿和水铁矿与腐殖酸复合物,通过X射线衍射、傅里叶红外光谱、Zeta电位及比表面积的测定对其基本性质进行了表征,并采用静态批处理吸附试验研究了水铁矿及其腐殖酸复合物对Sb(V)的吸附行为特征,探讨了吸附时间、初始pH值、初始浓度、不同干扰离子(PO43-、CO32-、NO3-和Cl-)对水铁矿及其复合物吸附Sb(V)的影响.结果表明:腐殖酸与水铁矿结合后未改变水铁矿的晶型结构,但降低了水铁矿的零电点与比表面积.水铁矿及其复合物对Sb(V)的吸附过程符合Langmuir和伪二级动力学模型,腐殖酸的加入抑制了水铁矿对Sb(V)的吸附.随着pH的上升,水铁矿与复合物的去质子化能力增强,对Sb(V)的吸附量减小;溶液中共存离子PO43-、CO32-对水铁矿及其腐殖酸复合物吸附Sb(V)有较强的抑制作用.  相似文献   

To understand the effect of precipitation pH and coexisting Mg~(2+) on phosphate adsorption onto zirconium oxide(ZrO_2), ZrO_2 particles precipitated at pH 5.3, 7.1 and 10.5, i.e., ZrO_2(5.3), ZrO_2(7.1)and ZrO_2(10.5), respectively were prepared and characterized, then their adsorption performance and mechanism in the absence and presence of Mg~(2+) were comparatively investigated in this study. The results showed that the Elovich, pseudo-second-order and Langmuir isotherm models correlated with the experimental data well. The adsorption mechanism involved the complexation between phosphate and zirconium. Coexisting Mg~(2+) slightly inhibited the adsorption of phosphate on ZrO_2(5.3), including the adsorption capacity and rate, but coexisting Mg~(2+) greatly increased the adsorption capacity and rate for ZrO_2(7.1)and ZrO_2(10.5). The enhanced adsorption of phosphate on ZrO_2(7.1) and ZrO_2(10.5) in the presence of Mg~(2+) was mainly due to the formation of Mg~(2+)-HPO_4~(2-) ion pair(MgHPO_4~0) in the solution and then the adsorption of MgHPO_4~0 on the adsorbent surface, forming the phosphatebridged ternary complex Zr(OPO_3H)Mg. In the absence of Mg~(2+) , the maximum phosphate adsorption capacity at pH 7 calculated from the Langmuir isotherm model decreased in the order of ZrO 2(7.1)(67.3 mg/g) ZrO_2(5.3)(53.6 mg/g) ≈ ZrO_2(10.5)(53.1 mg/g), but it followed the order of Zr O2(7.1)(97.0 mg/g) ZrO_2(10.5)(79.7 mg/g) ZrO_2(5.3)(51.3 mg/g) in the presence of Mg~(2+) . The results of this work suggest that ZrO_2(7.1) is more suitable for use as an adsorbent for the effective removal of phosphate from municipal wastewater than ZrO_2(5.3) and ZrO_2(10.5),because Mg~(2+) is generally present in this wastewater.  相似文献   

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