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To identify major PM2.5 (particulate matter ≤2.5 μm in aerodynamic diameter) sources with a particular emphasis on the ship engine emissions from a major port, integrated 24 h PM2.5 speciation data collected between 2000 and 2005 at five United State Environmental Protection Agency's Speciation Trends Network monitoring sites in Seattle, WA were analyzed. Seven to ten PM2.5 sources were identified through the application of positive matrix factorization (PMF). Secondary particles (12–26% for secondary nitrate; 17–20% for secondary sulfate) and gasoline vehicle emissions (13–31%) made the largest contributions to the PM2.5 mass concentrations at all of the monitoring sites except for the residential Lake Forest site, where wood smoke contributed the most PM2.5 mass (31%). Other identified sources include diesel vehicle emissions, airborne soil, residual oil combustion, sea salt, aged sea salt, metal processing, and cement kiln. Residual oil combustion sources identified at multiple monitoring sites point clearly to the Port of Seattle suggesting ship emissions as the source of oil combustion particles. In addition, the relationship between sulfate concentrations and the oil combustion emissions indicated contributions of ship emissions to the local sulfate concentrations. The analysis of spatial variability of PM2.5 sources shows that the spatial distributions of several PM2.5 sources were heterogeneous within a given air shed.  相似文献   

Ambient PM2.5 (particulate matter less than 2.5 microm in aerodynamic diameter) in the northwestern United States and Alaska is dominated by carbonaceous compounds associated with wood burning and transportation sources. PM2.5 source characterization studies analyzing recent PM2.5 speciation data have not been previously reported for these areas. In this study, ambient PM2.5 speciation samples collected at two monitoring sites located in the northwestern area, Olympic Peninsula, WA, and Portland, OR, and one monitoring site located in Anchorage, AK, were characterized through source apportionments. Gasoline vehicle, secondary sulfate, and wood smoke were the largest sources of PM2.5 collected at the Anchorage, Olympic, and Portland monitoring sites, respectively. Secondary sulfates showed an April peak at Anchorage and a November peak at Portland that are likely related to the increased photochemical reaction and long-range transport in Anchorage and meteorological stagnation in Portland. Secondary nitrate at the Olympic site showed a weak summer high peak that could be caused by seasonal tourism in the national park. Backward trajectories suggested that the elevated aged sea salt concentrations at the Portland monitoring site could be regional transport of sea salt that passed through other contaminated air sheds along the coast. Oil combustion emissions that might originate from ships and ferries were observed at the Olympic monitoring site.  相似文献   

A source apportionment study was conducted at two rural locations, Potsdam and Stockton, to assess the in-state/out-of-state sources of PM2.5 and Hg in New York State. At both locations, samples were collected between November 2002 and August 2005 and analyzed for fine PM mass and its chemical constituents. The measured chemical constituents included elements, cations, anions, organic and elemental carbon (OC and EC), black carbon (BC), and water-soluble short-chain (WSSC) organic acids. Positive matrix factorization (PMF) was applied to the measured concentrations and eight and seven factors were resolved at Potsdam and Stockton, respectively. Four factors were resolved in common between the two locations including secondary sulfate, secondary nitrate, secondary OC, and a crustal factor. The factor profiles of mixed industrial and motor vehicle factors resolved at Potsdam were different compared with the corresponding profiles for these factors at Stockton. A resuspended road salt factor was identified at Potsdam, while an aged sea salt factor was identified at Stockton. At Potsdam, a wood smoke factor was also resolved. Among the resolved factors, secondary sulfate was the highest contributor to the measured mass at both sites. Potential source contribution function (PSCF) analysis indicated the Ohio River Valley region as a common potential source region for this factor at both locations. For the secondary nitrate factor, at Potsdam PSCF analysis indicated the Midwestern US (NOx emissions), and the US farm belt (ammonia emissions) as potential source regions, while at Stockton, the Midwestern US (power plant NOx emissions) was indicated as a major potential source region.  相似文献   

Concentrations and chemical composition of the coarse particle fraction (PMc) were investigated at two urban sites in the city of Thessaloniki, Greece, through concurrent sampling of PM10 and PM2.5 during the warm and the cold months of the year. PMc levels at the urban-traffic site (UT) were among the highest found in literature worldwide exhibiting higher values in the cold period. PMc levels at the urban-background site (UB) were significantly lower exhibiting a reverse seasonal trend. Concentration levels of minerals and most trace metals were also higher at the UT site suggesting a stronger impact from traffic-related sources (road dust resuspension, brake and tire abrasion, road wear). According to the chemical mass closure obtained, minerals (oxides of Si, Al, Ca, Mg, Fe, Ti, and K) dominated the PMc profile, regardless of the site and the period, with organic matter and secondary inorganic aerosols (mainly nitrate) also contributing considerably to the PMc mass, particularly in the warm period. The influence of wind speed to dilution and/or resuspension of coarse particles was investigated. The source of origin of coarse particles was also investigated using surface wind data and atmospheric back-trajectory modeling. Finally, the contribution of resuspension to PMc levels was estimated for air quality management perspectives.  相似文献   

Atmospheric ultrafine particles (UPs or PM0.1) were investigated at the roadside of Syuefu road in Hsinchu city, in the Syueshan highway tunnel in Taipei and in the NTU Experimental Forest in Nantou, Taiwan. A SMPS (TSI 3936) and three MOUDIs (MSP 110) were collocated to determine the number and mass concentrations of the PM0.1 simultaneously. The filter samples were further analyzed for organic carbon (OC), element carbon (EC), water-soluble ions and trace elements. Taking into account the OC artifact of PM0.1, good chemical mass closure (ratio of the reconstructed chemical mass to the gravimetrical mass of PMs) was obtained with an unknown percentage of 10.6, 26.2 and 37.2% at the roadside, tunnel and forest, respectively. The unexplained mass was attributed to aerosol water in this study. The artifact at the roadside, tunnel and the forest PM0.1 mass was found to be as high as 51.6 ± 10.7%, 20.0 ± 5.4% and 85.6 ± 18.4%, respectively. Finally, the effective density of the roadside, tunnel and forest PM0.1 was calculated based on the results of chemical speciation and found to be 1.45, 1.29 and 1.22 g cm?3, respectively, which was in good agreement with that obtained by using the method of Spencer et al. (2007). Based on these results, it is foreseeable that the number concentration of the SMPS can be converted using the effective density determined by Spencer et al. (2007) for the real time measurement of the PM0.1 concentration.  相似文献   

Chemical composition of fine particles in the Tennessee Valley region   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fine particles in the atmosphere have elicited new national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS) because of their potential role in health effects and visibility-reducing haze. Since April 1997, Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) has measured fine particles (PM2.5) in the Tennessee Valley region using prototype Federal Reference Method (FRM) samplers, and results indicate that the new NAAQS annual standard will be difficult to meet in this region. The composition of many of these fine particle samples has been determined using analytical methods for elements, soluble ions, and organic and elemental carbon. The results indicate that about one-third of the measured mass is SO4(-2), one-third is organic aerosol, and the remainder is other materials. The fraction of SO4(-2) is highest at rural sites and during summer conditions, with greater proportions of organic aerosol in urban areas throughout the year. Additional measurements of fine particle mass and composition have been made to obtain the short-term variability of fine mass as it pertains to human exposure. Measurements to account for semi-volatile constituents of fine mass (nitrates, semi-volatile organics) indicate that the FRM may significantly under-measure organic constituents. The potentially controllable anthropogenic fraction of organic aerosols is still largely unknown.  相似文献   

Total number concentrations, number concentrations of ultrafine (0.01–0.1 μm) and accumulation (0.1–0.5 μm) particles, as well as mass concentration of PM2.5 particles and blackness of PM2.5 filters, which is related to Black Smoke were simultaneously monitored in three European cities during the winter period for three and a half months. The purpose of the study was to describe the differences in concentration levels and daily and diurnal variations in particle number and mass concentrations between European cities. The results show statistically significant differences in the concentrations of PM2.5 and the blackness of the PM2.5 filters between the cities, but not in the concentrations of ultrafine particles. Daily PM2.5 levels were found to be poorly correlated with the daily total and ultrafine number concentrations but better correlated with the number concentration of accumulation particles. According to the principal component analysis airborne particulate pollutants seem to be divided into two major source categories, one identified with particle number concentrations and the other related to mass-based information. The present results underline the importance of using both particle number and mass concentrations to evaluate urban air quality.  相似文献   

During April 1996–June 1997 size-segregated atmospheric aerosol particles were collected at an urban and a rural site in the Helsinki area by utilising virtual impactors (VI) and Berner low-pressure impactors (BLPI). In addition, VI samples were collected at a semi-urban site during October 1996–May 1997. The average PM2.3 (fine particle) concentrations at the urban and rural sites were 11.8 and 8.4 μg/m3, and the PM2.3−15 (coarse particle) concentrations were 12.8 and about 5 μg/m3, respectively. The difference in fine particle mass concentrations suggests that on average, more than one third of the fine mass at the urban site is of local origin. Evaporation of fine particle nitrate from the VI Teflon filters during sampling varied similarly at the three sites, the average evaporation being about 50–60%.The average fine particle concentrations of the chemical components (25 elements and 13 ions) appeared to be fairly similar at the three sites for most components, which suggests that despite the long-range transport, the local emissions of these components were relatively evenly distributed in the Helsinki area. Exceptions were the average fine particles Ba, Fe, Sb and V concentrations that were clearly highest at the urban site pointing to traffic (Ba, Fe, Sb) and to combustion of heavy fuel oil (V) as the likely local sources. The average coarse particle concentrations for most components were highest at the urban site and lowest at the rural site.Average chemical composition of fine particles was fairly similar at the urban and rural sites: non-analysed fraction (mainly carbonaceous material and water) 43% and 37%, sulphate 21% and 25%, crustal matter 12% and 13%, nitrate 12% and 11%, ammonium 9% and 10% and sea-salt 2.5% and 3.2%, respectively. At the semi-urban site also, the average fine particle composition was similar. At the urban site, the year round average composition of coarse particles was dominated by crustal matter (59%) and the non-analysed components (28%, mainly carbonaceous material and water), while the other contributions were much lower: sea-salt 7%, nitrate 4% and sulphate 2%. At the rural site, the coarse samples were collected in spring and summer and the percentage was clearly lower for crustal matter (37%) and sea-salt (3%) but higher for the not-analysed fraction (51%). At the semi-urban site, the average composition of coarse particles was nearly identical to that at the urban site.Correlations between the chemical components were calculated separately for fine and coarse particles. In urban fine particles sulphate, ammonium, Tl, oxalate and PM2.3 mass correlated with each other and originated mainly from long-range transport. The sea-salt ions Na+, Cl and Mg2+ formed another group and still another group was formed by the organic anions oxalate, malonate, succinate, glutarate and methane sulphonate. Ni and V correlated strongly pointing to combustion of heavy fuel oil as the likely source. In addition, some groups with lower correlations were detected. At the rural and semi-urban sites, the correlating components were rather similar to those at the urban site, although differences were also observed.  相似文献   

大气细粒子的快速捕集及化学成分在线分析方法研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文介绍了一种新型的大气细粒子快速捕集及其化学成分在线分析方法。该方法中大气细粒子与过饱和水蒸气绝热混和而增长成大粒子 ,并在气流的带动下惯性撞击到一垂直玻璃板上 ,一含有内标物的去离子水流自上而下将撞击到玻璃板上的粒子收集 ,收集液被直接输送到离子色谱、总有机碳分析仪 ,在线分析其中的化学成分。该方法每 12min可完成单个样品分析 ,每小时可连续采集分析 5个样品。离子色谱最低检测限约为 0 .0 5 μg/m3(NH+4 )到 0 .2 0 μg/m3(SO2 -4 ) ,不确定度约为 3 % ,TOC最低检测限为 5× 10 -5μg/m3,不确定度约为 3 %。真实的大气细粒子观测结果表明 ,该方法快速、简捷、灵敏度高 ,是实时监测大气中细粒子化学成分的有效工具  相似文献   

The relationship between the concentrations or elemental carbon (EC) and lead (Pb) in urban aerosols from the two countries was investigated. The cities in the United States (U.S.) and France (FR), selected for study based on similarities in their populations and general industry, were: Senonches, FR and Clemson, SC; Clermont-Ferrand, FR and Akron, OH; Strasbourg, FR and Norfolk, VA; Paris, FR and Chicago, IL; and Orleans, FR. The data show that both species in each country are semi-logarithmically related to population. However, in the largest cities, the French aerosol contained significantly higher levels of both EC and Pb. The mean EC concentrations in rural towns, small cities and large urban areas were approximately 1.2−1.7; 2.4−3.0; and 4.6−7.9 μg m−3. Mean Pb concentrations were 0.005−0.006; 0.03−0.07; and 0.06−0.44 μg m−3 for the same cities.  相似文献   

To evaluate the validity of fixed-site fine particle levels as exposure surrogates in air pollution epidemiology, we considered four indicator groups: (1) PM2.5 total mass concentrations, (2) sulfur and potassium for regional air pollution, (3) lead and bromine for traffic-related particles, and (4) calcium for crustal particles. Using data from the European EXPOLIS (Air Pollution Exposure Distribution within Adult Urban Populations in Europe) study, we assessed the associations between 48-hr personal exposures and home outdoor levels of the indicators. Furthermore, within-city variability of fine particle levels was evaluated. Personal exposures to PM2.5 mass were not correlated to corresponding home outdoor levels (n = 44, rSpearman (Sp) = 0.07). In the group reporting neither relevant indoor sources nor relevant activities, personal exposures and home outdoor levels of sulfur were highly correlated (n = 40, rSp = 0.85). In contrast, the associations were weaker for traffic (Pb: n = 44, rSp = 0.53; Br: n = 44, rSp = 0.21) and crustal (Ca: n = 44, rSp = 0.12) indicators. This contrast is consistent with spatially homogeneous regional pollution and higher spatial variability of traffic and crustal indicators observed in Basel, Switzerland. We conclude that for regional air pollution, fixed-site fine particle levels are valid exposure surrogates. For source-specific exposures, however, fixed-site data are probably not the optimal measure. Still, in air pollution epidemiology, ambient PM2.5 levels may be more appropriate exposure estimates than total personal PM2.5 exposure, since the latter reflects a mixture of indoor and outdoor sources.  相似文献   

 This study is aimed to characterize the major chemical compositions of PM2.5 from incense burning in a large environmental chamber. Chemical analyses, including X-ray fluorescence for elemental species, ion chromatography for water soluble inorganic species (chloride, nitrate, sulfate, sodium, potassium, ammonium) and thermal/optical reflectance analysis for carbon species were carried out for combustion of three incense categories (traditional, aromatic and church incense). The average concentrations from incense burning ranged from 139.8 to 4414.7 μg m−3 for organic carbon (OC), and from 22.8 to 74.0 μg m−3 for elemental carbon (EC), respectively. The average OC and EC concentrations in PM2.5 of three incense categories were in the order of church incense>traditional incense>aromatic incense. OC/EC ratios ranged from 7.0 to 39.1 for the traditional incense, with an average of 21.7; from 3.2 to 11.9 for the aromatic incense, with an average of 7.7. The concentrations of Cl, SO42−, Na+ and K+ were highly variable. On average, the inorganic ion concentration sequence was traditional incense>church incense>aromatic incense. The profiles for elements were dominated by Na, Cl and K. In general, the major components in PM2.5 fraction from incense burning are OC (especially OC2, OC3 and OC4), EC and K.  相似文献   

We used aerosol data from 4 sites along the west coast of the U.S. to evaluate the role of transport, seasonal pattern, chemical composition and possible trends in the marine background aerosol for the Pacific Northwest. For the Crater Lake samples, the data have been segregated using 10 day back isentropic trajectories to evaluate the role of transport. Our analysis of the segregated data indicates that the trajectories can successfully separate “locally influenced” from “marine background” aerosol, but are not able to identify a significant difference in the mean concentrations during marine vs Asian transport pathways.The background marine aerosol has an annual mean and median concentrations of 2.0 and 1.5 μg m−3, respectively, for particles less than 2.5 μm diameter. There is a seasonal pattern in all components of the aerosol mass, with a summer maximum and winter minimum. This pattern is most likely due to the strong seasonal pattern in precipitation, which peaks in winter, combined with enhanced sources in summer. The Crater Lake marine aerosol composition is dominated by organics (∼40% by mass), with smaller contributions from sulfates, mineral dust and elemental carbon. Analysis of the background marine aerosol found no apparent trend since 1988. This is in contrast to results reported by Prospero et al. (J. Geophys. Res. 108 (2003) 4019) for nss-SO42− samples from Midway Island in the North Pacific. Comparison of the mean concentrations for each site shows that the Midway samples are significantly more influenced by Asian industrial sources of sulfur, compared to Crater Lake, which implies a substantial loss of nss-SO42− from Asian sources that occurs during transit across the Pacific to Crater Lake due to precipitation scavenging.  相似文献   

The chemical composition of PM10 was studied during summer and winter sampling campaigns conducted at two different urban sites in the city of Thessaloniki, Greece (urban-traffic, UT and urban-industrial, UI). PM10 samples were chemically analysed for minerals (Si, Al, Ca, Mg, Fe, Ti, K), trace elements (Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Pb, V, Zn, Te, Co, Ni, Se, Sr, As, and Sb), water-soluble ions (Cl?, NO3?, SO42?, Na+, K+, NH4+, Ca2+, Mg2+) and carbonaceous compounds (OC, EC). Spatial variations of atmospheric concentrations showed significantly higher levels of minerals, some trace metals and TC at the UI site, while at the UT site significantly higher levels of elements like Cd, Ba, Sn, Sb and Te were observed. Crustal elements, excepting Ca at the UI site, did not exhibit significant seasonal variations at any site pointing to constant emissions throughout the year. In order to reconstruct the particle mass, the determined components were classified into six classes as follows: mineral matter (MIN), trace elements (TE), organic matter (OM), elemental carbon (EC), sea salt (SS) and secondary inorganic aerosol (SIA). Good correlations with slopes close to 1 were found between chemically determined and gravimetrically measured PM10 masses for both sites. According to the chemical mass closure obtained, the major components of PM10 at both sites were MIN (soil-derived compounds), followed by OM and SIA. The fraction unaccounted for by chemical analysis comprised on average 8% during winter and 15% during summer at the urban-industrial site, while at the urban-traffic site the percentages were 21.5% in winter and 4.8% in summer.  相似文献   

Fine and coarse atmospheric particles were collected in Ashdod—a midsize industrial city on the southeastern Mediterranean coast, and in Gedera—a rural site, to characterize ambient particles and to determine their long-range transport during two major seasons—winter and summer. Manual PM2.5 and PM10 samplers, dichotomous samplers, continuous automated PM10 samplers, and denuders were used to sample particulate and gaseous pollutants.Fine and coarse concentrations in Ashdod were 21.2 and 39.6 μg m−3, and 23.9 and 30.5 μg m−3 in the fall–winter and summer campaigns, respectively. Crustal material, as calcites or dolomites mixed with silicates, dominated the coarse fraction and also the fine fraction on dusty days. In the fall–winter, S, P, and Ni were coupled with minerals. Coarse Ni was associated with crustal material during dust storms, while P originated from shipping and deposition of phosphates in the urban area around.Sulfates dominated the fine fractions in the summer season averaging 12 μg m−3. Multivariate analysis indicated that S was associated with As and Se, V and Ni, both associated with heavy fuel combustion, and Zn and Pb. In winter, those mixed sources were local, but in summer they were part of long-range transport. In the fall–winter, Zn and Pb were strongly associated with Mn, Ga, and Cu—elements emitted from either traffic or metal processing plants.Although the influence of crustal material on both size fractions was significant, most heavy metals were associated with PM2.5. Higher concentrations were linked to a larger number of particles in this fraction, to a larger surface area available for biochemical reaction [Harrison, R., Shi, J., Xi, S., Khan, A., Mark, D., Kinnersley, R., Yin, J., Philos, T., 2000. Measurement of number, mass and size distribution of particles in the atmosphere. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 358, 2567–2579], and finally to a larger concern in regards to health effects.  相似文献   

Totally nine measurement campaigns for ambient particles and SO2 have been conducted during the period of 1997–2000 in Qingdao in order to understand the characteristics of the particulate matter in coastal areas of China. The mass fractions of PM2.5, PM2.5−10 and PM>10 in TSP are 49%, 25% and 26%, respectively. The size distribution of particles mass concentrations in Qingdao shows bi-modal distribution. Mass fraction percentages of water-soluble ions in PM2.5, PM2.5−10 and PM>10 decreased from 62% to 35% and 21%. In fine particles, sulfate, nitrate and ammonium, secondary formed compounds, are major components, totally accounting for 50% of PM2.5 mass concentration.The ratios of sulfate, chloride, ammonium and potassium in PM2.5 for heating versus non-heating periods are 1.34, 1.80, 1.56 and 1.44, respectively. The ratio of nitrate is 3.02 and this high ratio could be caused by reduced volatilization at lower temperature. Sulfate concentrations are higher than nitrate in PM2.5. The chemical forms of sulfate and nitrate are probably (NH4)2SO4 and NH4NO3 and chloride depletion was observed.Backward trajectory analysis reflected possible influence of air pollutant transport to Qingdao local aerosol pollution.  相似文献   

Particle measurements were conducted at a road site 15 km north of the city of Gothenburg for 3 weeks in June 2000. The size distribution between 10 and 368 nm was measured continuously by using a differential mobility particle sizer (DMPS) system. PM2.5 was sampled on a daily basis with subsequent elemental analysis using EDXRF-spectroscopy. The road is a straight four-lane road with a speed limit of 90 kph. The road passing the site is flat with no elevations where the vehicles run on a steady workload and with constant speed. The traffic intensity is about 20,000 cars per workday and 13,000 vehicles per day during weekends. The diesel fuel used in Sweden is low in sulphur content (<10 ppm) and therefore the diesel vehicles passing the site contribute less to particle emissions in comparison with other studies. A correlation between PM2.5 and accumulation mode particles (100–368 nm) was observed. However, no significant correlation was found between number concentrations of ultrafine particles (10–100 nm) and PM2.5 or the accumulation mode number concentration. The particle distribution between 10 and 368 nm showed great dependency on wind speed and wind direction, where the wind speed was the dominant factor for ultrafine (10–100 nm) particle concentrations. The difference in traffic intensity between workday and weekend together with wind data made it possible to single out the traffic contribution to particle emissions and measure the size distribution. The results presented in combination with previous studies show that both PM2.5 and the mass of accumulation mode particles are bad estimates for ultrafine particles.  相似文献   


To determine the sources of particulate matter less than 2.5?μm (PM2.5 in different ambient atmospheres (urban, roadside, industrial, and rural sites), the chemical components of PM2.5 such as ions (Cl-, NO3-, SO42-, NH4+, Na+, K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+), carbonaceous species, and elements (Al, As, Ba, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Se, V, and Zn) were measured. The average mass concentrations of PM2.5 at the urban, roadside, industrial, and rural sites were 31.5?±?14.8, 31.6?±?22.3, 31.4?±?16.0, and 25.8?±?12.4?μg/m3, respectively. Except for secondary ammonium sulfate and ammonium nitrate, the model results showed that the traffic source (i.e., the sum of gasoline and diesel vehicle sources) was the most dominant source of PM2.5 (17.1%) followed by biomass burning (13.8%) at the urban site. The major primary sources of PM2.5 were consistent with the site characteristics (diesel vehicle source at the roadside site, coal-fired plants at the industrial site, and biomass burning at the rural site). Seasonal data from the urban site suggested that ammonium sulfate and ammonium nitrate were the most dominant sources of PM2.5 during all seasons. Further, the contribution of road dust source to PM2.5 increased during spring and fall seasons. We conclude that the determination of the major PM2.5 sources is useful for establishing efficient control strategies for PM2.5 in different regions and seasons.  相似文献   

The ambient air of the Monterrey Metropolitan Area (MMA) in Mexico frequently exhibits high levels of PM10 and PM2.5. However, no information exists on the chemical composition of coarse particles (PMc = PM10 – PM2.5). A monitoring campaign was conducted during the summer of 2015, during which 24-hr average PM10 and PM2.5 samples were collected using high-volume filter-based instruments to chemically characterize the fine and coarse fractions of the PM. The collected samples were analyzed for anions (Cl, NO3, SO42–), cations (Na+, NH4+, K+), organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC), and 35 trace elements (Al to Pb). During the campaign, the average PM2.5 concentrations did not showed significance differences among sampling sites, whereas the average PMc concentrations did. In addition, the PMc accounted for 75% to 90% of the PM10 across the MMA. The average contribution of the main chemical species to the total mass indicated that geological material including Ca, Fe, Si, and Al (45%) and sulfates (11%) were the principal components of PMc, whereas sulfates (54%) and organic matter (30%) were the principal components of PM2.5. The OC-to-EC ratio for PMc ranged from 4.4 to 13, whereas that for PM2.5 ranged from 3.97 to 6.08. The estimated contribution of Secondary Organic Aerosol (SOA) to the total mass of organic aerosol in PM2.5 was estimated to be around 70–80%; for PMc, the contribution was lower (20–50%). The enrichment factors (EF) for most of the trace elements exhibited high values for PM2.5 (EF: 10–1000) and low values for PMc (EF: 1–10). Given the high contribution of crustal elements and the high values of EFs, PMc is heavily influenced by soil resuspension and PM2.5 by anthropogenic sources. Finally, the airborne particles found in the eastern region of the MMA were chemically distinguishable from those in its western region.

Implications: Concentration and chemical composition patterns of fine and coarse particles can vary significantly across the MMA. Public policy solutions have to be built based on these observations. There is clear evidence that the spatial variations in the MMA’s coarse fractions are influenced by clearly recognizable primary emission sources, while fine particles exhibit a homogeneous concentration field and a clear spatial pattern of increasing secondary contributions. Important reductions in the coarse fraction can come from primary particles’ emission controls; for fine particles, control of gaseous precursors—particularly sulfur-containing species and organic compounds—should be considered.  相似文献   

The results from a chemical characterization study of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) measured at three elementary schools in Central and Southeast Ohio is presented here. PM2.5 aerosol samples were collected from outdoor monitors and indoor samplers at each monitoring location during the period of February 1, 1999, through August 31, 2000. The locations included a rural elementary school in Athens, OH, and two urban schools within Columbus, OH. The trace metal and ionic concentrations in the collected samples were analyzed using an X-ray fluorescence spectrophotometer and ion chromatography unit, respectively. Sulfate ion was found to be the largest component present in the samples at all three of the sites. Other abundant components included nitrate, chloride, ammonium, and sodium ions, as well as calcium, silicon, and iron. The average PM2.5 concentrations showed similar temporal variations among the three sites within the study region. PM2.5 and its major component, sulfate ion, showed strong seasonal variations with maximum concentrations observed during the summer at all three of the sites. The indoor environment was found to be more contaminated during the spring months (March through May) at New Albany (a suburb of Columbus, OH) and East Athens (rural Ohio area). Potential source contribution function analysis showed that particulate matter levels at the monitoring sites were affected by transport from adjoining urban areas and industrial complexes located along the Ohio River Valley. A preliminary outdoor source apportionment using the principal component analysis (PCA) technique was performed. The results from the PCA suggest that the study region was primarily impacted by industrial, fossil fuel combustion, and geological sources. The 2002 emissions inventory data for PM2.5 compiled by Ohio Environmental Protection Agency also showed impacts of similar source types, and this was used to validate the PCA analysis.  相似文献   

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