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Ethene and formaldehyde concentrations were measured at two forest sites (valley, mountain top) in the Achen Valley (Austrian Alps, Tyrol) during three campaigns in 2001 and 2002. During the June/July campaign mean concentrations of ethene were above 9 ppbv at the valley station and 1.9 ppbv at the mountain top site; lower ethene concentrations were observed at the valley site during the April (1.4 ppbv) and the May campaign (3.1 ppbv). As 9 ppbv is the effect-related limiting value (= concentration of pollutants in the atmosphere, above which direct adverse effects on receptors may occur according to the present knowledge) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences for plants (1997) we found that ethene levels in valleys may come close to the limiting value. Formaldehyde concentrations were far below the effect-related limiting value of 16 ppbv. On the basis of the actual knowledge, ethene could be relevant as a phytotoxic component in alpine valleys.  相似文献   

The influence of nitrogen (N) fertilization on the sensitivity to ozone (O3) has been studied using the O3 sensitive species Trifolium striatum, an annual species frequently found in therophitic grasslands of the dehesas in the central Iberian Peninsula. The experiment was carried out in open-top chambers using three different O3 exposure treatments: charcoal-filtered air (CFA), non-filtered air (NFA) and non-filtered air plus 40 nl l−1 added over ambient concentrations (NFA+). After 30 days of exposure to the different treatments, plants were placed under ambient conditions until seed ripeness was completed. Three N fertilization treatments were established receiving final doses of 10 (low), 30 (medium) or 60 (high) kg N ha−1 throughout the growing period divided into four proportional doses at every 15 days. Ozone affected phenology and reduced total aerial and flower biomass and seed production in NFA and NFA+ treatments. Carry-over effects of O3 on the reproductive ability of this species were found resulting in reductions in flower biomass and seed production detected 1 month after O3 exposure. By contrast, N fertilization increased aerial and flower biomass. Significant O3×N interactive effects were detected since N fertilization counterbalanced O3-induced effects only when plants were exposed to moderate O3 levels (NFA) but not under high O3 concentrations (NFA+). The observed O3 effects on reproductive ability of T. striatum might determine changes in species viability and future diversity of the ecosystem.  相似文献   

We use long-term, coincident O3 and temperature measurements at the regionally representative US Environmental Protection Agency Clean Air Status and Trends Network (CASTNet) over the eastern US from 1988 through 2009 to characterize the surface O3 response to year-to-year fluctuations in weather, for the purpose of evaluating global chemistry-climate models. We first produce a monthly climatology for each site over all available years, defined as the slope of the best-fit line (mO3-T) between monthly average values of maximum daily 8-hour average (MDA8) O3 and monthly average values of daily maximum surface temperature (Tmax). Applying two distinct statistical approaches to aggregate the site-specific measurements to the regional scale, we find that summer time mO3-T is 3–6 ppb K?1 (r = 0.5–0.8) over the Northeast, 3–4 ppb K?1 (r = 0.5–0.9) over the Great Lakes, and 3–6 ppb K?1 (r = 0.2–0.8) over the Mid-Atlantic. The Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) Atmospheric Model version 3 (AM3) global chemistry-climate model generally captures the seasonal variations in correlation coefficients and mO3-T despite biases in both monthly mean summertime MDA8 O3 (up to +10 to +30 ppb) and daily Tmax (up to +5 K) over the eastern US. During summer, GFDL AM3 reproduces mO3-T over the Northeast (mO3-T = 2–6 ppb K?1; r = 0.6–0.9), but underestimates mO3-T by 4 ppb K?1 over the Mid-Atlantic, in part due to excessively warm temperatures above which O3 production saturates in the model. Combining Tmax biases in GFDL AM3 with an observation-based mO3-T estimate of 3 ppb K?1implies that temperature biases could explain up to 5–15 ppb of the MDA8 O3 bias in August and September though correcting for excessively cool temperatures would worsen the O3 bias in June. We underscore the need for long-term, coincident measurements of air pollution and meteorological variables to develop process-level constraints for evaluating chemistry-climate models used to project air quality responses to climate change.  相似文献   

The influence of ambient ozone (O3) concentrations and nitrogen (N) fertilization, singly and in combination, on the growth and nutritive quality of Trifolium subterraneum was assessed. This is an important O3-sensitive species of great pastoral value in Mediterranean areas. Plant material was enclosed in open-top chambers (OTCs). Three O3 levels were established: Filtered air with O3 concentrations below 15 ppb (CFA), non-filtered air with O3 concentrations in the range of ambient levels (NFA), and non-filtered air supplemented with 40 ppb O3 over ambient levels (NFA+). Similarly, three N levels were defined: 5, 15 and 30 kg ha−1. The increase in O3 exposure induced a reduction of the clover aerial green biomass and an increase of senescent biomass. Ozone effects were more adverse in the root system, inducing an impairment of the aerial/subterranean biomass ratio. Compared with the CFA treatment, nutritive quality of aerial biomass was 10 and 20% lower for NFA and NFA+ treatments, respectively, due to increased concentrations of acid detergent fiber, neutral detergent fiber and lignin. The latter effect appears to be related to senescence acceleration. The increment in N supplementation enhanced the increase of ADF concentrations in those plants simultaneously exposed to ambient and above-ambient O3 concentrations, and reduced the incremental rate of foliar senescence induced by the pollutant.  相似文献   

The main use of air quality forecast (AQF) models is to predict ozone (O3) exceedances of the primary O3 standard for informing the public of potential health concerns. This study presents the first evaluation of the performance of the Eta-CMAQ air quality forecast model to predict a variety of widely used seasonal mean and cumulative O3 exposure indices associated with vegetation using the U.S. AIRNow O3 observations. These exposure indices include two concentration-based O3 indices, M7 and M12 (the seasonal means of daytime 7-h and 12-h O3 concentrations, respectively), and three cumulative exposure-based indices, SUM06 (the sum of all hourly O3 concentrations  0.06 ppm), W126 (hourly concentrations weighed by a sigmoidal weighting function), and AOT40 (O3 concentrations accumulated over a threshold of 40 ppb during daylight hours). During a three-month simulation (July–September 2005), the model over predicted the M7 and M12 values by 8–9 ppb, or a NMB value of 19% and a NME value of 21%. The model predicts a central belt of high O3 extending from Southern California to Middle Atlantic where the seasonal means, M7 and M12 (the seasonal means of daytime 7-h and 12-h O3 concentrations), are higher than 50 ppbv. In contrast, the model is less capable of reproducing the observed cumulative indices. For AOT40, SUM06 and W126, the NMB and NME values are two- to three-fold of that for M7, M12 or peak 8-h O3 concentrations. The AOT40 values range from 2 to 33 ppm h by the model and from 1 to 40 ppm h by the monitors. There is a significantly higher AOT40 value experienced in the United States in comparison to Europe. The domain-wide mean SUM06 value is 14.4 ppm h, which is about 30% higher than W126, and 40% higher than AOT40 calculated from the same 3-month hourly O3 data. This suggests that SUM06 and W126 represent a more stringent standard than AOT40 if either the SUM06 or the W126 was used as a secondary O3 standard. Although CMAQ considerably over predicts SUM06 and W126 values at the low end, the model under predicts the extreme high exposure values (>50 ppm h). Most of these extreme high values are found at inland California sites. Based on our analysis, further improvement of the model is needed to better capture cumulative exposure indices.  相似文献   

Interannual, seasonal, daily and altitudinal patterns of tropospheric ozone mixing ratios, as well as ozone phytotoxicity and the relationship with NOx precursors and meteorological variables were monitored in the Central Catalan Pyrenees (Meranges valley and Forest of Guils) over a period of 5 years (2004–2008). Biweekly measurements using Radiello passive samplers were taken along two altitudinal transects comprised of thirteen stations ranging from 1040 to 2300 m a.s.l. Visual symptoms of ozone damage in Bel-W3 tobacco cultivars were evaluated biweekly for the first three years (2004–2006). High ozone mixing ratios, always above forest and vegetation protection AOT40 thresholds, were monitored every year. In the last 14 years, the AOT40 (Apr–Sept.) has increased significantly by 1047 μg m?3 h per year. Annual means of ozone mixing ratios ranged between 38 and 67 ppbv (38 and 74 ppbv during the warm period) at the highest site (2300 m) and increased at a rate of 5.1 ppbv year?1. The ozone mixing ratios were also on average 35–38% greater during the warm period and had a characteristic daily pattern with minimum values in the early morning, a rise during the morning and a decline overnight, that was less marked the higher the altitude. Whereas ozone mixing ratios increased significantly with altitude from 35 ppbv at 1040 m–56 ppbv at 2300 m (on average for 2004–2007 period), NO2 mixing ratios decreased with altitude from 5.5 ppbv at 1040 m–1 ppbv at 2300 m. The analysis of meteorological variables and NOx values suggests that the ozone mainly originated from urban areas and was transported to high-mountain sites, remaining aloft in absence of NO. Ozone damage rates increased with altitude in response to increasing O3 mixing ratios and a possible increase in O3 uptake due to more favorable microclimatic conditions found at higher altitude, which confirms Bel-W3 as a suitable biomonitor for ozone concentrations during summer time. Compared to the valley-bottom site the annual means of ozone mixing ratios are 37% larger in the higher sites. Thus the AOT40 for the forest and vegetation protection threshold is greatly exceeded at higher sites. This could have substantial effects on plant life at high altitudes in the Pyrenees.  相似文献   

Anthocyanins and tannins in ozone-fumigated guava trees   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Psidium guajava “Paluma”, a tropical tree species, is known to be an efficient ozone indicator in tropical countries. When exposed to ozone, this species displays a characteristic leaf injury identified by inter-veinal red stippling on adaxial leaf surfaces. Following 30 days of three ozone treatments consisting of carbon filtered air (CF – AOT40 = 17 ppb h), ambient non-filtered air (NF – AOT40 = 542 ppb h) and ambient non-filtered air + 40 ppb ozone (NF + O3 – AOT40 = 7802 ppb h), the amounts of residual anthocyanins and tannins present in 10 P. guajava (“Paluma”) saplings were quantified. Higher amounts of anthocyanins were found in the NF + O3 treatment (1.6%) when compared to the CF (0.97%) and NF (1.30%) (p < 0.05), and of total tannins in the NF + O3 treatment (0.16%) compared to the CF (0.14%). Condensed tannins showed the same tendency as enhanced amounts. Regression analyses using amounts of tannins and anthocyanins, AOT40 and the leaf injury index (LII), showed a correlation between the leaf injury index and quantities of anthocyanins and total tannins. These results are in accordance with the association between the incidence of red-stippled leaves and ozone polluted environments.  相似文献   

Canopy scale emissions of isoprene and monoterpenes from Amazonian rainforest were measured by eddy covariance and eddy accumulation techniques. The peak mixing ratios at about 10 m above the canopy occurred in the afternoon and were typically about 90 pptv of α-pinene and 4–5 ppbv of isoprene. α-pinene was the most abundant monoterpene in the air above the canopy comprising ≈50% of the total monoterpene mixing ratio. Measured isoprene fluxes were almost 10 times higher than α-pinene fluxes. Normalized conditions of 30°C and 1000 μmol m−2 s−1 were associated with an isoprene flux of 2.4 mg m−2 h−1 and a β-pinene flux of 0.26 mg m−2 h−1. Both fluxes were lower than values that have been specified for Amazon rainforests in global emission models. Isoprene flux correlated with a light- and temperature-dependent emission activity factor, and even better with measured sensible heat flux. The variation in the measured α-pinene fluxes, as well as the diurnal cycle of mixing ratio, suggest emissions that are dependent on both light and temperature. The light and temperature dependence can have a significant effect on the modeled diurnal cycle of monoterpene emission as well as on the total monoterpene emission.  相似文献   

Forty native Mediterranean plant species were screened for emissions of the C5 and C10 hydrocarbons, isoprene and monoterpenes, in five different habitats. A total of 32 compounds were observed in the emissions from these plants. The number of compounds emitted by different plant species varied from 19 (Quercus ilex) to a single compound emission, usually of isoprene. Emission rates were normalised to generate emission factors for each plant species for each sampling event at standard conditions of temperature and light intensity. Plant species were categorised according to their main emitted compound, the major groups being isoprene, α-pinene, linalool, and limonene emitters. Estimates of habitat fluxes for each emitted compound were derived from the contributing plant species’ emission factors, biomass and ground cover. Emissions of individual compounds ranged from 0.002 to 505 g ha−1 h−1 (camphene from garrigue in Spain in autumn and isoprene from riverside habitats in Spain in late spring; respectively). Emissions of isoprene ranged from 0.3 to 505 g ha−1 h−1 (macchia in Italy in late spring and autumn; and riverside in Spain in late spring; respectively) and α-pinene emissions ranged from 0.51 to 52.92 g ha−1 h−1 (garrigue in Spain in late spring; and forest in France in autumn; respectively). Habitat fluxes of most compounds in autumn were greater than in late spring, dominated by emissions from Quercus ilex, Genista scorpius and Quercus pubescens. This study contributes to regional emission inventories and will be of use to tropospheric chemical modellers.  相似文献   

Analysis of the recent surface ozone data at four remote islands (Rishiri, Oki, Okinawa, and Ogasawara) in Japan indicates that East Asian anthropogenic emissions significantly influence the boundary layer ozone in Japan. Due to these regional-scale emissions, an increase of ozone concentration is observed during fall, winter, and spring when anthropogenically enhanced continental air masses from Siberia/Eurasia arrive at the sites. The O3 concentrations in the “regionally polluted” continental outflow among sites are as high as 41–46 ppb in winter and 54–61 ppb in spring. Meanwhile, marine air masses from the Pacific Ocean show as low as 13–14 ppb of O3 at Okinawa and Ogasawara in summer but higher O3 concentrations, 24–27 ppb, are observed at Oki and Rishiri due to the additional pollution mainly from Japan mainland. The preliminary analysis of the exceedances of ozone critical level using AOT40 and SUM06 exposure indices indicates that the O3 threshold were exceeded variously among sites and years. The highest AOT40 and SUM06 were observed at Oki in central Japan where the critical levels are distinctly exceeded. In the other years, the O3 exposures at Oki, Okinawa, and Rishiri are about or slightly higher than the critical levels. The potential risk of crop yields reduction from high level of O3 exposure in Japan might not be a serious issue during 1990s and at present because the traditional growing season in Japan are during the low O3 period in summer. However, increases of anthropogenic emission in East Asia could aggravate the situation in the very near future.  相似文献   

We measured the soil and leaf CO2 exchange in Quercus ilex and Phillyrea latifolia seasonally throughout the year in a representative site of the Mediterranean region, a natural holm oak forest growing in the Prades Mountains in southeastern Catalonia. In the wet seasons (spring and autumn), we experimentally decreased soil moisture by 30%, by excluding rainfall and water runoff in 12 plots, 1×10 m, and left 12 further plots as controls. Our aim was to predict the response of these gas exchanges to the drought forecasted for the next decades for this region by GCM and ecophysiological models.Annual average soil CO2 exchange rate was 2.27±0.27 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1. Annual average leaf CO2 exchange rates were 8±1 and 5±1 μmol m−2 s−1 in Q. ilex and P. latifolia, respectively. Soil respiration rates in control treatments followed a seasonal pattern similar to photosynthetic activity. They reached maximum values in spring and autumn (2.5–3.8 μmol m−2 s−1 soil CO2 emission rates and 7–15 μmol m−2 s−1 net photosynthetic rates) and minimum values (almost 0 for both variables) in summer, showing that soil moisture was the most important factor driving the soil microbial activity and the photosynthetic activity of plants. In autumn, drought treatment strongly decreased net photosynthesis rates and stomatal conductance of Q. ilex by 44% and 53%, respectively. Soil respiration was also reduced by 43% under drought treatment in the wet seasons. In summer there were larger soil CO2 emissions in drought plots than in control plots, probably driven by autotrophic (roots) metabolism. The results indicate that leaf and soil CO2 exchange may be strongly reduced (by ca. 44%) by the predicted decreases of soil water availability in the next decades. Long-term studies are needed to confirm these predictions or to find out possible acclimation of those processes.  相似文献   

Comparisons were made between the predictions of six photochemical air quality simulation models (PAQSMs) and three indicators of ozone response to emission reductions: the ratios of O3/NOz and O3/NOy and the extent of reaction. The values of the two indicator ratios and the extent of reaction were computed from the model-predicted mixing ratios of ozone and oxidized nitrogen species and were compared to the changes in peak 1 and 8 h ozone mixing ratios predicted by the PAQSMs. The ozone changes were determined from the ozone levels predicted for base-case emission levels and for reduced emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx). For all simulations, the model-predicted responses of peak 1 and 8 h ozone mixing ratios to VOC or NOx emission reductions were correlated with the base-case extent of reaction and ratios of O3/NOz and O3/NOy. Peak ozone values increased following NOx control in 95% (median over all simulations) of the high-ozone (>80 ppbv hourly mixing ratio in the base-case) grid cells having mean afternoon O3/NOz ratios less than 5 : 1, O3/NOy less than 4 : 1, or extent less than 0.6. Peak ozone levels decreased in response to NOx reductions in 95% (median over all simulations) of the grid cells having peak hourly ozone mixing ratios greater than 80 ppbv and where mean afternoon O3/NOz exceeded 10 : 1, O3/NOy was greater than 8 : 1, or extent exceeded 0.8. Ozone responses varied in grid cells where O3/NOz was between 5 : 1 and 10 : 1, O3/NOy was between 4 : 1 and 8 : 1, or extent was between 0.6 and 0.8. The responses in such grid cells were affected by ozone responses in upwind grid cells and by the changes in ozone levels along the upwind boundaries of the modeling domains.  相似文献   

During the continuous monitoring of atmospheric parameters at the station Cape Point (34°S, 18°E), a smoke plume originating from a controlled fire of 30-yr-old fynbos was observed on 6 May 1997. For this episode, which was associated with a nocturnal inversion and offshore airflow, atmospheric parameters (solar radiation and meteorological data) were considered and the levels of various trace gases compared with those measured at Cape Point in maritime air. Concentration maxima in the morning of 6 May for CO2, CO, CH4 and O3 amounted to 370.3 ppm, 491 ppb, 1730 ppb and 47 ppb, respectively, whilst the mixing ratios of several halocarbons (F-11, F-12, F-113, CCl4 and CH3CCl3) remained at background levels. In the case of CO, the maritime background level for this period was exceeded by a factor of 9.8. Differences in ozone levels of up to 5 ppb between air intakes at 4 and 30 m above the station (located at 230 m above sea level) indicated stratification of the air advected to Cape Point during the plume event. Aerosols within the smoke plume caused the signal of global solar radiation and UV–A to be attenuated from 52.4 to 13.0 mW cm−2 and from 2.3 to 1.3 mW cm−2, respectively, 5 h after the trace gases had reached their maxima. Emission ratios (ERs) calculated for CO and CH4 relative to CO2 mixing ratios amounted to 0.042 and 0.0040, respectively, representing one of the first results for fires involving fynbos. The CO ER is somewhat lower than those given in the literature for African savanna fires (average ER=0.048), whilst for CH4 the ER falls within the range of ERs reported for the flaming (0.0030) and smouldering phases (0.0055) of savanna fires. Non-methane hydrocarbon (NMHC) data obtained from a grab sample collected during the plume event were compared to background levels. The highest ERs (ΔNMHC/ΔCH4) have been obtained for the C2–C3 hydrocarbons (e.g. ethene at 229.3 ppt ppb−1), whilst the C4–C7 hydrocarbons were characterised by the lowest ERs (e.g. n-hexane at 1.0 and n-pentane at 0.8 ppt ppb−1).  相似文献   

The goal of this modeling study is to determine how concentrations of ozone respond to changes in climate over the eastern USA. The sensitivities of average ozone concentrations to temperature, wind speed, absolute humidity, mixing height, cloud liquid water content and optical depth, cloudy area, precipitation rate, and precipitating area extent are investigated individually. The simulation period consists of July 12–21, 2001, during which an ozone episode occurred over the Southeast. The ozone metrics used include daily maximum 8 h average O3 concentration and number of grid cells exceeding the US EPA ambient air-quality standard. The meteorological factor that had the largest impact on both ozone metrics was temperature, which increased daily maximum 8 h average O3 by 0.34 ppb K−1 on average over the simulation domain. Absolute humidity had a smaller but appreciable effect on daily maximum 8 h average O3 (−0.025 ppb for each percent increase in absolute humidity). While domain-average responses to changes in wind speed, mixing height, cloud liquid water content, and optical depth were rather small, these factors did have appreciable local effects in many areas. Temperature also had the largest effect on air-quality standard exceedances; a 2.5 K temperature increase led to a 30% increase in the area exceeding the EPA standard. Wind speed and mixing height also had appreciable effects on ozone air-quality standard exceedances.  相似文献   

Currently, in operational modelling of NH3 deposition a fixed value of canopy resistance (Rc) is generally applied, irrespective of the plant species and NH3 concentration. This study determined the effect of NH3 concentration on deposition processes to individual moorland species. An innovative flux chamber system was used to provide accurate continuous measurements of NH3 deposition to Deschampsia cespitosa (L.) Beauv., Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull, Eriophorum vaginatum L., Cladonia spp., Sphagnum spp., and Pleurozium schreberi (Brid.) Mitt. Measurements were conducted across a wide range of NH3 concentrations (1–140 μg m−3).NH3 concentration directly affects the deposition processes to the vegetation canopy, with Rc, and cuticular resistance (Rw) increasing with increasing NH3 concentration, for all the species and vegetation communities tested. For example, the Rc for C. vulgaris increased from 14 s m−1 at 2 μg m−3 to 112 s m−1 at 80 μg m−3. Diurnal variations in NH3 uptake were observed for higher plants, due to stomatal uptake; however, no diurnal variations were shown for non-stomatal plants. Rc for C. vulgaris at 80 μg m−3 was 66 and 112 s m−1 during day and night, respectively. Differences were found in NH3 deposition between plant species and vegetation communities: Sphagnum had the lowest Rc (3 s m−1 at 2 μg m−3 to 23 at 80 μg m−3), and D. cespitosa had the highest nighttime value (18 s m−1 at 2 μg m−3 to 197 s m−1 at 80 μg m−3).  相似文献   

In this study, air pollutants, including ozone (O3), nitrogen oxides (NOx = NO + NO2), carbon monoxides (CO), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) measured in the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) region during several air flights between September/30 and October/11 are analyzed. This measurement provides horizontal and vertical distributions of air pollutants in the YRD region. The analysis of the result shows that the measured O3 concentrations range from 20 to 60 ppbv. These values are generally below the US national standard (84 ppbv), suggesting that at the present, the O3 pollutions are modest in this region. The NOx concentrations have strong spatial and temporal variations, ranging from 3 to 40 ppbv. The SO2 concentrations also have large spatial and temporal variations, ranging from 1 to 35 ppbv. The high concentrations of CO are measured with small variations, ranging from 3 to 7 ppmv. The concentrations of VOCs are relatively low, with the total VOC concentrations of less than 6 ppbv. The relative small VOC concentrations and the relative large NOx concentrations suggest that the O3 chemical formation is under a strong VOC-limited regime in the YRD region. The measured O3 and NOx concentrations are strongly anti-correlated, indicating that enhancement in NOx concentrations leads to decrease in O3 concentrations. Moreover, the O3 concentrations are more sensitive to NOx concentrations in the rural region than in the city region. The ratios of Δ[O3]/Δ[NOx] are ?2.3 and ?0.25 in the rural and in the city region, respectively. In addition, the measured NOx and SO2 concentrations are strongly correlated, highlighting that the NOx and SO2 are probably originated from same emission sources. Because SO2 emissions are significantly originated from coal burnings, the strong correlation between SO2 and NOx concentrations suggests that the NOx emission sources are mostly from coal burned sources. As a result, the future automobile increases could lead to rapid enhancements in O3 concentrations in the YRD region.  相似文献   

easurements of the dry deposition velocity (Vd) of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and total organic peroxides (ROOH) were made during four experiments at three forested sites. Details and uncertainties associated with the measurement of peroxide fluxes by the flux-gradient method are discussed. The results are compared to those predicted using a bulk-resistance model of the type commonly used in regional photochemical models. Good agreement between the H2O2 Vd measurements and a bulk resistance model is obtained when the model contains a zero surface resistance (Rc) and a common form for the laminar leaf-layer resistance (Rb) based on Schmidt and Prandtl numbers. In this case, a near-zero (<5 s m-1) surface resistance is confirmed for H2O2 within experimental uncertainties. Surface resistances for ROOH were determined to be about 10–15 s m-1 over a coniferous forest and 20–40 s m-1 over a deciduous forest. Higher uncertainties for ROOH prevent a detailed analysis of the differences in Rc among forest types. However, the ratio of deposition velocities (ROOH/H2O2), computed from normalized concentration gradients, ranged from 0.28 to 0.61 (geometric mean) at the three sites. Differences in molecular diffusivities between H2O2 and ROOH can only account for an estimated 16% difference in Vd. Thus, the major constituent of ROOH must also be less soluble and/or less reactive than H2O2, which is consistent with the characteristics of methylhydroperoxide (MHP).  相似文献   

Atmospheric dry deposition is an important process for the introduction of aerosols and pollutants to aquatic environments. The objective of this paper is to assess, for the first time, the influence that the aquatic surface microlayer plays as a modifying factor of the magnitude of dry aerosol deposition fluxes. The occurrence of a low surface tension (ST) or a hydrophobic surface microlayer has been generated by spiking milli-Q water or pre-filtered seawater with a surfactant or octanol, respectively. The results show that fine mode (<2.7 μm) aerosol phase PAHs deposit with fluxes 2–3 fold higher when there is a low ST aquatic surface due to enhanced sequestration of colliding particles at the surface. Conversely, for PAHs bound to coarse mode aerosols (>2.7 μm), even though there is an enhanced deposition due to the surface microlayer for some sampling periods, the effect is not observed consistently. This is due to the importance of gravitational settling for large aerosols, rendering a lower influence of the aquatic surface on dry deposition fluxes. ST (mN m−1) is identified as one of the key factor driving the magnitude of PAH dry deposition fluxes (ng m−2 d−1) by its influence on PAH concentrations in deposited aerosols and deposition velocities (vd, cm s−1). Indeed, vd values are a function of ST as obtained by least square fitting and given by Ln(vd)=−1.77 Ln(ST)+5.74 (r2=0.95) under low wind speed (average 4 m s−1) conditions.  相似文献   

A 2-year open-top chamber experiment with field-grown winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Astron) was conducted to examine the effects of ozone on plant growth and selected groups of soil mesofauna in the rhizosphere. From May through June in each year, plants were exposed to two levels of O3: non-filtered (NF) ambient air or NF+ 40 ppb O3 (NF+). During O3 exposure, soil sampling was performed at two dates according to different plant growth stages. O3 exposure reduced above- and below-ground plant biomass in the first year, but had little effect in the second year. The individual density of enchytraeids, collembolans and soil mites decreased significantly in the rhizosphere of plants exposed to NF+ in both years. Differences were highest around anthesis, i.e. when plants are physiologically most active. The results suggest that elevated O3 concentrations may influence the dynamic of decomposition processes and the turnover of nutrients.  相似文献   

Crop-response data from over 700 published papers and conference proceedings have been analysed with the aim of establishing ozone dose-response functions for a wide range of European agricultural and horticultural crops. Data that met rigorous selection criteria (e.g. field-based, ozone concentrations within European range, full season exposure period) were used to derive AOT40-yield response functions for 19 crops by first converting the published ozone concentration data into AOT40 (AOT40 is the hourly mean ozone concentration accumulated over a threshold ozone concentration of 40 ppb during daylight hours, units ppm h). For any individual crop, there were no significant differences in the linear response functions derived for experiments conducted in the USA or Europe, or for individual cultivars. Three statistically independent groups were identified: ozone sensitive crops (wheat, water melon, pulses, cotton, turnip, tomato, onion, soybean and lettuce); moderately sensitive crops (sugar beet, potato, oilseed rape, tobacco, rice, maize, grape and broccoli) and ozone resistant (barley and fruit represented by plum and strawberry). Critical levels of a 3 month AOT40 of 3 ppm h and a 3.5 month AOT40 of 6 ppm h were derived from the functions for wheat and tomato, respectively.  相似文献   

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