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A high ozone event in the Houston–Galveston–Brazoria area was utilized to study the shortcomings of the current air quality models. To improve the baseline simulations with the Comprehensive Air quality Model with Extensions (CAMx) for developing the state implementation plan, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) imputed emissions of highly reactive volatile organic compounds (HRVOCs) by scaling the amount of fugitive emissions of olefins to co-emitted NOx from selected point sources, effectively multiplying by 3–12 times over the regular inventory values. In this paper, CAMx and the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model were used to determine if the imputed HRVOC emissions were consistent with the observed atmospheric conditions. With the base emissions, CMAQ and CAMx both with the Carbon-Bond 4 (CB-4) mechanism simulated similar ozone concentrations. But with the imputed HRVOC emissions, CMAQ predicted lower ozone peaks than CAMx in the vicinity and downwind of the Ship Channel and other highly HRVOC-rich areas. Based on analyses of sensitivity simulations of CMAQ with different emission inputs and vertical diffusion algorithms in the model, we found that the modeled atmosphere lacked reactivity to produce the observed high ozone event. Although the imputed HRVOC emissions improved ozone prediction at the surface sites, but the ethylene concentrations were not consistent with the measurements at the super sites (La Porte and Clinton) and by NOAA aircraft. Several sensitivity tests designed to provide additional radicals into the system and other research results suggested that the lack of reactivity may need to be corrected by targeted, and probably of episodic, increase of HRVOC emissions, from the sources in the Houston Ship Channel. Additional investigation of the ozone production efficiency for different chemical mechanisms is necessary to pinpoint the emissions uncertainty issues.  相似文献   

We use a global chemical transport model (GEOS-Chem) with 1° × 1° horizontal resolution to quantify the effects of anthropogenic emissions from Canada, Mexico, and outside North America on daily maximum 8-hour average ozone concentrations in US surface air. Simulations for summer 2001 indicate mean North American and US background concentrations of 26 ± 8 ppb and 30 ± 8 ppb, as obtained by eliminating anthropogenic emissions in North America vs. in the US only. The US background never exceeds 60 ppb in the model. The Canadian and Mexican pollution enhancement averages 3 ± 4 ppb in the US in summer but can be occasionally much higher in downwind regions of the northeast and southwest, peaking at 33 ppb in upstate New York (on a day with 75 ppb total ozone) and 18 ppb in southern California (on a day with 68 ppb total ozone). The model is successful in reproducing the observed variability of ozone in these regions, including the occurrence and magnitude of high-ozone episodes influenced by transboundary pollution. We find that exceedances of the 75 ppb US air quality standard in eastern Michigan, western New York, New Jersey, and southern California are often associated with Canadian and Mexican pollution enhancements in excess of 10 ppb. Sensitivity simulations with 2020 emission projections suggest that Canadian pollution influence in the Northeast US will become comparable in magnitude to that from domestic power plants.  相似文献   

For quantitative estimate of biogenic volatile organic compound emissions (BVOCs) in South China and their impact on the regional atmospheric chemistry, a 3-day tropical cyclone-related ozone episode was modeled using chemical transport model CMAQ, which was driven by the mesoscale meteorological model MM5. Hourly biogenic emission inventories were constructed using the Sparse Matrix Operator Kernel Emissions (SMOKE) model. The simulation results show good agreement with observation data in air temperature, ozone and NOx levels. The estimated biogenic emissions of isoprene, terpene, and other reactive VOCs (ORVOCs) during this tropical cyclone-related episode are 8500, 3400, and 11 300 ton day−1, respectively. The ratio of isoprene to the total BVOCs was 36.4%. Two test runs were carried out with one incorporated biogenic emissions and the other without. The simulations show that Guangdong province, particularly the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region, was the area most reactive to biogenic emissions in South China. More ozone was produced in all layers under 1500 m when biogenic emissions were included in comparison to that without BVOCs. The net formation of ozone from 9:00 to 15:00 h was the highest near the surface and could reach 38 ppb, which include 4 ppb attributed to biogenic impact. The enhanced ozone due to biogenic emissions first appeared in the PRD region and slowly spread to a greater area in South China. Process analysis indicated that the surface ozone budget was dominated by the vertical transport and dry deposition. The horizontal transport and gas-phase chemical production were relatively small in the surface layer. Presumably, ozone was produced in upper layers within the atmospheric boundary layer and convected down to surface where it is destroyed. When BVOCs was included, apart from the enhancement of gas-phase chemical production of ozone, both the surface deposition and vertical transport were also augmented.  相似文献   

Reactions of ozone on common building products were studied in a dedicated emission test chamber system. Fourteen new and unused products were exposed to 100–160 ppb of ozone at 23 °C and 50% RH during 48 h experiments. Ozone deposition velocities calculated at steady state were between 0.003 cm s−1 (alkyd paint on polyester film) and 0.108 cm s−1 (pine wood board). All tested product showed modified emissions when exposed to ozone and secondary emissions of several aldehydes were identified. Carpets and wall coverings emitted mainly C5–C10 n-aldehydes, typical by-products of surface reactions. Linoleum, polystyrene tiles and pine wood boards also showed increased emissions of formaldehyde, benzaldehyde and hexanal associated with reduced emissions of unsaturated compounds suggesting the occurrence of gas-phase reactions. The ozone removal on the different tested products was primarily associated with surface reactions. The relative contribution of gas-phase reactions to the total ozone removal was estimated to be between 5% and 30% for pine wood boards depending on relative humidity (RH) and on the incoming ozone concentration and 2% for polystyrene tiles. On pine wood board, decreasing ozone deposition velocities were measured with increasing ozone concentrations and with RH increasing in the range 30–50%.  相似文献   

Within 2 years of trace gas measurements performed at Arosa (Switzerland, 2030 m above sea level), enhanced ozone mixing ratios were observed during south foehn events during summer and spring (5–10 ppb above the median value). The enhancements can be traced back to ozone produced in the strongly industrialized Po basin as confirmed by various analyses. Backward trajectories clearly show advection from this region during foehn. NOy versus O3 correlation and comparison of O3 mixing ratios between Arosa and Mt. Cimone (Italy, 2165 m asl) suggest that ozone is the result of recent photochemical production (+5.6 ppb on average), either directly formed during the transport or via mixing of air processed in the Po basin boundary layer. The absence of a correlation between air parcel residence times over Europe and ozone mixing ratios at Arosa during foehn events is in contrast to a previous analysis, which suggested such correlation without reference to the origin of the air. In the case of south foehn, the continental scale influence of pollutants emission on ozone at Arosa appears to be far less important than the direct influence of the Po basin emissions. In contrast, winter time displays a different situation, with mean ozone reductions of about 4 ppb for air parcels passing the Po basin, probably caused by mixing with ozone-poor air from the Po basin boundary layer.  相似文献   

In order to assess the importance of mercury emissions from naturally enriched sources relative to anthropogenic point sources, data must be collected that characterizes mercury emissions from representative areas and quantifies the influence of various environmental parameters that control emissions. With this information, we will be able to scale up natural source emissions to regional areas. In this study in situ mercury emission measurements were used, along with data from laboratory studies and statistical analysis, to scale up mercury emissions for the naturally enriched Ivanhoe Mining District, Nevada. Results from stepwise multi-variate regression analysis indicated that lithology, soil mercury concentration, and distance from the nearest fault were the most important factors controlling mercury flux. Field and lab experiments demonstrated that light and precipitation enhanced mercury emissions from alluvium with background mercury concentrations. Diel mercury emissions followed a Gaussian distribution. The Gaussian distribution was used to calculate an average daily emission for each lithologic unit, which were then used to calculate an average flux for the entire area of 17.1 ng Hg m−2 h−1. An annual emission of ∼8.7×104 g of mercury to the atmosphere was calculated for the 586 km2 area. The bulk of the Hg released into the atmosphere from the district (∼89%) is from naturally enriched non-point sources and ∼11% is emitted from areas of anthropogenic disturbance where mercury was mined. Mercury emissions from this area exceed the natural emission factor applied to mercury rich belts of the world (1.5 ng m−2 h−1) by an order of magnitude.  相似文献   

The present study presents the first detailed inventory for non-methane hydrocarbon emissions from vegetation over Greece. The emission inventory, based on a Geographic Information System (GIS), has a spatial resolution of 5×5 km2 and a time resolution of 1 h. For the area under study, the calculated yearly monoterpene emissions are higher than the corresponding isoprene ones. In addition to the methodology presented here, the CORINAIR methodology was also applied for the calculation of emission rates. This resulted in orders of magnitude differences in the calculated emission rates. The CORINAIR methodology is judged to lead to unrealistically high values of biogenic NMHC emission rates. The temperature dependence of the CORINAIR correction factors seems to affect most the emissions, together with grazing land emission factors.  相似文献   

The new National Ambient Air Quality Standard for ozone in the US uses 8 h averaging for the concentration. Based on the 1993 ambient data for Southern California, 8 h averaging has a moderate tendency to move the location of the peak ozone concentration east of the location of the peak 1 h ozone concentration. Reducing the area-wide peak 8 h ozone concentration to 80 ppb would require an effective reduction of the area-wide peak 1 h ozone concentration to around 90 ppb. The Urban Airshed Model with improved numerical solvers, meteorological input based on a mesoscale model and an adjusted emissions inventory was used to study the effect of reactive organic gases (ROG) and NOx controls on daily-maximum and peak 8 h ozone concentrations under the 26–28 August 1987 ozone episodic conditions in Southern California. The NOx disbenefit remains prominent for the case of 8 h ozone concentration but is somewhat less prominent, especially when areal ozone exposure is considered, than the case for 1 h ozone concentration. The role of two indicators – O3/NOy and H2O2/HNO3 – for NOx- and ROG-sensitivity for 1 and 8 h ozone concentrations were also studied. In general, the indicator trends are consistent with model predictions, but the discriminating power of the indicators is rather limited.  相似文献   

The impact of biogenic volatile organic compound (BVOC) emissions on European ozone distributions has not yet been evaluated in a comprehensive way. Using the CHIMERE chemistry-transport model the variability of surface ozone levels from April to September for 4 years (1997, 2000, 2001, 2003) resulting from biogenic emissions is investigated. It is shown that BVOC emissions increased on average summer daily ozone maxima over Europe by 2.5 ppbv (5%). The impact is most significant in Portugal (up to 15 ppbv) and in the Mediterranean region (about 5 ppbv), being smaller in the northern part of Europe (1.3 ppbv north of 47.5°N). The average impact is rather similar for the three summers (1997, 2000, 2001), but is much larger during the extraordinarily hot summer of 2003. Here, the biogenic contribution to surface ozone doubles compared to other years at some locations. Interaction with anthropogenic NOx emissions is found to be a key process for ozone production of biogenic precursors. Comparing the impact of the state-of-the-art BVOC emission inventory compiled within the NatAir project and an earlier, widely used BVOC inventory derived from Simpson et al. [1999. Inventorying emissions from nature in Europe. Journal of Geophysical Research 104(D7), 8113–8152] on surface ozone shows that ozone produced from biogenic precursors is less in central and northern Europe but in certain southern areas much higher e.g. Iberian Peninsula and the Mediterranean Sea. The uncertainty in the regionally averaged impact of BVOC on ozone build-up in Europe is estimated to be ±50%.  相似文献   

A comprehensive, spatially resolved (0.25°×0.25°) fossil fuel consumption database and emissions inventory was constructed, for India, for the first time. Emissions of sulphur dioxide and aerosol chemical constituents were estimated for 1996–1997 and extrapolated to the Indian Ocean Experiment (INDOEX) study period (1998–1999). District level consumption of coal/lignite, petroleum and natural gas in power plants, industrial, transportation and domestic sectors was 9411 PJ, with major contributions from coal (54%) followed by diesel (18%). Emission factors for various pollutants were derived using India specific fuel characteristics and information on combustion/air pollution control technologies for the power and industrial sectors. Domestic and transportation emission factors, appropriate for Indian source characteristics, were compiled from literature. SO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion for 1996–1997 were 4.0 Tg SO2 yr−1, with 756 large point sources (e.g. utilities, iron and steel, fertilisers, cement, refineries and petrochemicals and non-ferrous metals), accounting for 62%. PM2.5 emitted was 0.5 and 2.0 Tg yr−1 for the 100% and the 50% control scenario, respectively, applied to coal burning in the power and industrial sectors. Coal combustion was the major source of PM2.5 (92%) primarily consisting of fly ash, accounting for 98% of the “inorganic fraction” emissions (difference between PM2.5 and black carbon+organic matter) of 1.6 Tg yr−1. Black carbon emissions were estimated at 0.1 Tg yr−1, with 58% from diesel transport, and organic matter emissions at 0.3 Tg yr−1, with 48% from brick-kilns. Fossil fuel consumption and emissions peaked at the large point industrial sources and 22 cities, with elevated area fluxes in northern and western India. The spatial resolution of this inventory makes it suitable for regional-scale aerosol-climate studies. These results are compared to previous studies and differences discussed. Measurements of emission factors for Indian sources are needed to further refine these estimates.  相似文献   

From January 1996 to June 1997, we carried out a series of measurements to estimate emissions of PM10 from paved roads in Riverside County, California. The program involved the measurement of upwind and downwind vertical profiles of PM10, in addition to meteorological variables such as wind speed and vertical turbulent intensity. This information was analyzed using a new dispersion model that incorporates current understanding of micrometeorology and dispersion. The emission rate was inferred by fitting model predictions to measurements. The inferred emission factors ranged from 0.2 g VKT-1 for freeways to about 3 g VKT-1 for city roads. The uncertainty in these factors is estimated to be approximately a factor of two since the contributions of paved road PM10 emissions to ambient concentrations were comparable to the uncertainty in the mean value of the measurement. At this stage, our best estimate of emission factor lies between 0.1 and 10 g VKT-1; there is some indication that it is about 0.1 g VKT-1 for heavily traveled freeways, and is an order of magnitude higher for older city roads. We found that measured silt loadings were poor predictors of emission factors.The measured emission factors imply that paved road emissions may contribute about 30% to the total PM10 emissions from a high traffic area such as Los Angeles. This suggests that it is necessary to develop methods that are more reliable than the upwind–downwind concentration difference technique.  相似文献   

Land use and pollutant emission changes can have significant impacts on air quality, regional climate, and human health. Here we describe a modeling study aimed at quantifying the potential effects of extensive changes in urban land cover in the New York City (NYC), USA metropolitan region on surface meteorology and ozone (O3) concentrations. The SLEUTH land-use change model was used to extrapolate urban land cover over this region from “present-day” (ca. 1990) conditions to a future year (ca. 2050), and these projections were subsequently integrated into meteorological and air quality simulations. The development of the future-year land-use scenario followed the narrative of the “A2” scenario described by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), but was restricted to the greater NYC area. The modeling system consists of the Penn State/NCAR MM5 mesoscale meteorological model; the Sparse Matrix Operator Kernal Emissions processing system; and the US EPA Community Multiscale Air Quality model, and simulations were performed for two 18-day episodes, one near-past and one future. Our results suggest that extensive urban growth in the NYC metropolitan area has the potential to increase afternoon near-surface temperatures by more than 0.6 °C and planetary boundary layer (PBL) heights by more than 150 m, as well as decrease water vapor mixing ratio by more than 0.6 g kg−1, across the NYC metropolitan area, with the areal extent of all of these changes generally coinciding with the area of increased urbanization. On the other hand, the impacts of these land use changes on ozone concentrations are more complex. Simulation results indicate that future changes in urbanization, with emissions held constant, may lead to increases in episode-average O3 levels by about 1–5 ppb, and episode-maximum 8 h O3 levels by more than 6 ppb across much of the NYC area. However, spatial patterns of ozone changes are heterogeneous and also indicate the presence of areas with decreasing ozone concentrations. When anthropogenic emissions were increased to be consistent with the extensive urbanization in the greater NYC area, the O3 levels increased in outer counties of the metropolitan region but decreased in others, including coastal Connecticut and the Long Island Sound area.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the relative impact on air quality of harbour emissions, with respect to other emission sources located in the same area. The impact assessment study was conducted in the city of Taranto, Italy. This area was considered as representative of a typical Mediterranean harbour region, where shipping, industries and urban activities co-exist at a short distance, producing an ideal case to study the interaction among these different sources. Chemical and meteorological field campaigns were carried out to provide data to this study. An emission inventory has been developed taking into account industrial sources, traffic, domestic heating, fugitive and harbour emissions. A 3D Lagrangian particle dispersion model (SPRAY) has then been applied to the study area using reconstructed meteorological fields calculated by the diagnostic meteorological model MINERVE. 3D short term hourly concentrations have been computed for both all and specific sources. Industrial activities are found to be the main contributor to SO2. Industry and traffic emissions are mainly responsible for NOx simulated concentrations. CO concentrations are found to be mainly related to traffic emissions, while primary PM10 simulated concentrations tend to be linked to industrial and fugitive emissions. Contributions of harbour activities to the seasonal average concentrations of SO2 and NOx are predicted to be up to 5 and 30 μg m−3, respectively to be compared to a overall peak values of 60 μg m−3 for SO2 and 70 μg m−3 for NOx. At selected urban monitoring stations, SO2 and NOx average source contributions are predicted to be both of about 9% from harbour activities, while 87% and 41% respectively of total concentrations are predicted to be of industrial origin.  相似文献   

Ozone concentrations that are several orders of magnitude greater than typical urban ambient concentrations are necessary for gas-phase ozonation of buildings, either for deodorization or for disinfection of biological agents. However, there is currently no published literature on the interaction of building materials and ozone under such extreme conditions. It would be useful to understand, for example in the case of building re-occupation planning, what types and amounts of reaction products may form and persist in a building after ozonation. In this study, 24 materials were exposed to ozone at concentrations of 1000 ppm in the inlet stream of experimental chambers. Fifteen target carbonyls were selected and measured as building ozonation by-products (BOBPs). During the 36 h that include the 16 h ozonation and 20 h persistence phase, the total BOBP mass released from flooring and wall coverings ranged from 1 to 20 mg m−2, with most of the carbonyls being of lower molecular weight (C1–C4). In contrast, total BOBP mass released from wood-based products ranged from 20 to 100 mg m−2, with a greater fraction of the BOBPs being heavier carbonyls (C5–C9). The total BOBP mass released during an ozonation event is a function of both the total surface area of the material and the BOBP emission rate per unit area of material. Ceiling tile, carpet, office partition, and gypsum wallboard with flat latex paint often have large surface areas in commercial buildings and these same materials exhibited relatively high BOBP releases. The greatest overall BOBP mass releases were observed for three materials that building occupants might have significant contact with: paper, office partition, and medium density fiberboard, e.g., often used in office furniture. These materials also exhibited extended BOBP persistence following ozonation; some BOBPs (e.g., nonanal) persist for months or more at emission rates large enough to result in indoor concentrations that exceed their odor threshold.  相似文献   

This paper assesses F and Cl emissions as atmospheric pollutants in the Bailén area (southern Spain), originated from the raw material used in structural ceramic industries. The area is one of the most important in Spain, with a daily output over three million pieces. The Bailén area features three categories of industries taking into account F emissions (the most important pollutant from ceramic clays):Group I: Those releasing less than 150 ppm F, which use raw materials with low F contents and/or high proportion of calcite, and fire at about 850°C.Group II: Those releasing 150–300 ppm F, whose raw materials show low calcite percentages and bricks are fired between 850–1050°C.Group III: Those releasing more than 300 ppm F, which use clays containing over 1000 ppm F and firing temperatures around 900°C.The emission rate of F increases with increasing F content in the raw material and firing temperature (particularly when exceeding 1000°C). The calcite and clay mineral contents control the F emissions up to 950°C; on the other hand, a high heating rate hinders fluorine emission to some extent. The emission rate of Cl increases with increasing temperature, but in the most cases chlorine is released at concentrations below 30 ppm.Atmospheric contamination in the Bailén area can reach 3 kg/h of fluorine and up to twice of chlorine emission levels permitted, owing to the massive production of structural clay products.  相似文献   

Motor vehicle emissions of ammonia have been measured at a California highway tunnel in the San Francisco Bay area. Between 1999 and 2006, light-duty vehicle ammonia emissions decreased by 38 ± 6%, from 640 ± 40 to 400 ± 20 mg kg?1. High time resolution measurements of ammonia made in summer 2001 at the same location indicate a minimum in ammonia emissions correlated with slower-speed driving conditions. Variations in ammonia emission rates track changes in carbon monoxide more closely than changes in nitrogen oxides, especially during later evening hours when traffic speeds are highest. Analysis of remote sensing data of Burgard et al. (Environmental Science Technology 2006, 40, 7018–22) indicates relationships between ammonia and vehicle model year, nitrogen oxides, and carbon monoxide. Ammonia emission rates from diesel trucks were difficult to measure in the tunnel setting due to the large contribution to ammonia concentrations in a mixed-traffic bore that were assigned to light-duty vehicle emissions. Nevertheless, it is clear that heavy-duty diesel trucks are a minor source of ammonia emissions compared to light-duty gasoline vehicles.  相似文献   

The present paper presents results from the analysis of 29 individual C2–C9 hydrocarbons (HCs) specified in the European Commission Ozone Directive. The 29 HCs are measured in exhaust from common, contemporary vehicle/engine/fuel technologies for which very little or no data is available in the literature. The obtained HC emission fingerprints are compared with fingerprints deriving from technologies that are being phased out in Europe. Based on the total of 138 emission tests, thirteen type-specific fingerprints are extracted (Mean ± SD percentage contributions from individual HCs to the total mass of the 29 HCs), essential for receptor modelling source apportionment. The different types represent exhaust from Euro3 and Euro4 light-duty (LD) diesel and petrol-vehicles, Euro3 heavy-duty (HD) diesel exhaust, and exhaust from 2-stroke preEuro, Euro1 and Euro2 mopeds. The fuels comprise liquefied petroleum gas, petrol/ethanol blends (0–85% ethanol), and mineral diesel in various blends (0–100%) with fatty acid methyl esters, rapeseed methyl esters palm oil methyl esters, soybean oil methyl or sunflower oil methyl esters. Type-specific tracer compounds (markers) are identified for the various vehicle/engine/fuel technologies.An important finding is an insignificant effect on the HC fingerprints of varying the test driving cycle, indicating that combining HC fingerprints from different emission studies for receptor modelling purposes would be a robust approach.The obtained results are discussed in the context of atmospheric ozone formation and health implications from emissions (mg km?1 for LD and mopeds and mg kW h?1 for HD, all normalised to fuel consumption: mg dm?3 fuel) of the harmful HCs, benzene and 1,3-butadiene.Another important finding is a strong linear correlation of the regulated “total” hydrocarbon emissions (tot-HC) with the ozone formation potential of the 29 HCs (ΣPO3 = (1.66 ± 0.04) × tot-RH; r2 = 0.93). Tot-HC is routinely monitored in emission control laboratories, whereas C2–C9 are not. The revealed strong correlations broadens the usability of data from vehicle emission control laboratories and facilitates the comparison of the ozone formation potential of HCs in exhaust from of old and new vehicle/engine/fuel technologies.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution of SO2 emission inventory for 1994 from fuel combustion and industrial activities in Shanxi province, the Peoples’ Republic of China, has been created with 1/6°×1/4° latitude/longitude resolution. Total annual SO2 emissions in 1994 in the province were estimated to be 669 GgS, of which 180 GgS were emitted in winter, 170 GgS in spring, 156 GgS in summer, and 163 GgS in fall. For the first time this emission inventory includes SO2 emissions from village and township enterprises. Although SO2 emissions from major industries were under control, SO2 emissions from village and township enterprises became the major threat to the environment in the province.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted in August 1998 to investigate the concentrations of isoprene and isoprene reaction products in the surface and mixed layers of the atmosphere in Central Texas. Measured near ground-level concentrations of isoprene ranged from 0.3 (lower limit of detection – LLD) to 10.2 ppbv in rural regions and from 0.3 to 6.0 ppbv in the Austin urban area. Rural ambient formaldehyde levels ranged from 0.4 ppbv (LLD) to 20.0 ppbv for 160 rural samples collected, while the observed range was smaller at Austin (0.4–3.4 ppbv) for a smaller set of samples (37 urban samples collected). Methacrolein levels did not vary as widely, with rural measurements from 0.1 ppbv (LLD) to 3.7 ppbv and urban concentrations varying between 0.2 and 5.7 ppbv. Isoprene flux measurements, calculated using a simple box model and measured mixed-layer isoprene concentrations, were in reasonable agreement with emission estimates based on local ground cover data. Ozone formation attributable to biogenic hydrocarbon oxidation was also calculated. The calculations indicated that if the ozone formation occurred at low VOC/NOx ratios, up to 20 ppbv of ozone formed could be attributable to biogenic photooxidation. In contrast, if the biogenic hydrocarbon reaction products were formed under low NOx conditions, ozone production attributable to biogenics oxidation would be as low as 1 ppbv. This variability in ozone formation potentials implies that biogenic emissions in rural areas will not lead to peak ozone levels in the absence of transport of NOx from urban centers or large rural NOx sources.  相似文献   

Summer pollution episodes in Hong Kong are related to the passage of tropical storms close to the territory. Between 1994 and 1999, there were six territory-wide ozone episodes in Hong Kong during which the Hong Kong Air Quality Objective for ozone (240 μg m−3, 1 h) was violated. The maximum O3 concentration for the period was 334 μg m−3 recorded in August 1999. Synoptically, tropical storms were in the vicinity on all the episode days. Northwesterly/westerly winds induced by the storms are believed to cause ozone precursor emissions from local power plants in the western part of Hong Kong to impact the territory, and at the same time allowing the import of emissions from upwind sources along the mainland coast. Other important meteorological factors that contribute to the occurrence of the episode events include: stable atmospheres, morning break-up of nocturnal inversions, low winds, strong solar radiation and high temperatures. Trajectory analysis of airflows at 850 hPa confirms the long-range pollutant transport. The strong correlation between non-sea-salt sulphate (NS-SO4) and selenium for the summer of 1999 indicates that the main source of high levels of NS-SO4 in summer in Hong Kong is coal combustion. The correlation between arsenic (As) and vanadium (V) for the summers of 1996–1999 suggests a concomitant influence of coal and residual oil combustion in the region.  相似文献   

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