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Longitudinal studies examining socio-demographic and other contextual factors are vital to understanding landscape change. Landscape structure, function, and change are assessed for the northern Ecuadorian Amazon by examining the composition and spatial organization of deforestation, agricultural extensification, and secondary plant succession at the farm level in 1990 and 1999 through the integration of data from a satellite time-series, a longitudinal household survey, and GIS coverages. Pattern metrics were calculated at the farm level through the generation of a hybrid land use and land cover (LULC) digital classification of Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data. Population, labor, and other household variables were generated from a scientific sample of survey farms or fincas interviewed in 1990 and resurveyed in 1999. Topography, soils, and distance and geographic accessibility measures were derived for sample farms through a GIS as well as qualitative assessments from household surveys. Generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) were generated for 155 and 157 fincas in 1990 and 1999, respectively, using pattern metrics at the landscape level as dependent variables, and biophysical, geographical, and socio-economic/demographic variables as independent variables. The models were derived to explore the changing nature of LULC at the finca level by assessing the variation in the spatial structure or organization of farm landscapes in 1990 and 1999, and the extent to which this variation could be explained by the available data. Results indicate rapid population growth causing substantial subdivision of plots, which in turn has created a more complex and fragmented landscape in 1999 than in 1990. Key factors predicting landscape complexity are population size and composition, plot fragmentation through subdivision, expansion of the road and electrical networks, age of the plot (1990 only), and topography. The research demonstrates that the process of combining data from household surveys, satellite time-series images, and GIS coverages provide an ideal framework to examine population–environment interactions and that the statistical models presented are powerful tools to combine such data in an integrated way.  相似文献   

土地利用动态监测中GIS与RS一体化的变更地块判别方法   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
论文针对土地利用动态监测面临的实际情况,提出一种GIS与RS一体化的变更地块判别方法。这种方法以矢量图斑为研究对象、以GIS的地理信息与RS的遥感影像信息为特征来源,提取图斑的特征向量。在设计识别方法时,将土地利用变更地块的识别变通成对标准地类的识别,同时引入“落入”、“误判高发区”的概念以降低变更地块的漏判率。经试验,这种基于GIS与RS一体化变更地块判别法基本可替代土地利用动态监测中的人工判读工作。  相似文献   

The incorporation of landscape ecological and fragmentation analyses within remote sensing science has expanded the inferential capabilities of such research. This issue presents a series of papers on the use of landscape ecological techniques to explore the relationship between land cover and land use spatial pattern and process in an international, comparative context. Methodologically, researchers seek to link spatial pattern to land use process by integrating geographic information systems (GIS), socio-economic, and remote sensing techniques with landscape ecological approaches. This issue brings together papers at the forefront of this research effort, and illustrates the diversity of methods necessary to evaluate the complex linkages between pattern and process in landscapes across the world. The analyses focus on major forces interacting at the earth’s surface, such as the interface of agricultural and urban land, agriculture and forestry, and other pertinent topics dealing with environmental policy and management. Empirical analyses stem from many different ecological, social and institutional contexts within the Americas, Africa, and Asia.  相似文献   

土地利用/覆盖变化(LUCC)已成为全球变化研究的核心领域和热点问题之一,其中快速工业化区域LUCC的比较研究意义尤为重大,有利于对不同类型和模式工业化区域LUCC机理的深入理解。广州市花都区与佛山市南海区地理位置相邻,自然条件与行政区划相似,同属快速工业化区域,却处于工业化发展不同阶段,工业化模式也存在明显差异,是比较研究的理想区域。论文利用两地普查、更新调查和逐年统计数据,结合卫星影像资料和实地调研,深入比较分析二者LUCC时空特征与动力机制,揭示出:①二者LUCC时空特征存在显著差异,南海区耕地非农化水平相对较高,建设用地特别是独立工矿用地扩张迅猛,但空间集中度不及花都;②工业化模式、人口增长与城市化模式、地域文化、制度以及管治模式等差异是导致二者LUCC差异的主要人文因素,工业化与城市化对花都区LUCC空间分异的贡献度相对较高;③快速工业化区域应根据区域发展实际,合理制定相应的工业化、城市化发展战略及模式,同时积极完善文化、制度与管治环境,促进建设用地扩张走合理集中布局、加强内部挖潜的可持续发展道路。  相似文献   

运用GIS和遥感技术分析了玛曲县1975、1990和2005年的土地利用/覆盖特征,在此基础上使用生态价值系数(C)计算出该县生态系统服务价值.结果表明,该区域1975~2005年间生态系统服务价值从129.713亿元减少到123.961亿元,共损失5.75亿元,且损失量和损失幅度呈持续增加趋势;该区域生态系统服务价值中,废物处理价值最高,气候调节价值次之,原材料价值最低,且30年间各服务类型的价值均呈减小趋势;玛曲县1975、1990和2005年人均生态系统服务价值分别为58.96,42.80,29.51万元,表明玛曲县由于人口的增长,环境压力呈持续增大趋势.草地和湿地退化是导致该区域生态系统服务价值减少的主要原因.CS检验说明本研究所选C值较为合理.  相似文献   

全球及区域尺度土地覆盖土地利用遥感研究的现状和展望   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
90年代以来,利用遥感进行大面积土地覆盖土地利用的研究取得了一系列重要进展。已建立的全球及区域土地覆盖土地利用数据库正在得到广泛的应用,取得明显的社会效益和经济效益。土地覆盖土地利用及其变化的研究成果也被应用于有关全球环境变化国际公约的执行监督。利用遥感进行大面积土地详查已经逐步摆脱单一制图的传统概念,正在向建立以应用为目的且便于用户使用的综合信息数据库的方向迈进。此外,如何对大面积土地覆盖数据库进行精度评价已引起广泛重视,出现了一些新的理论和研究方法。进入21世纪,全球和区域土地覆盖土地利用的遥感研究将进一步深化  相似文献   

Functional zones in cities constitute the most conspicuous components of newly developed urban areas,and have been a hot spot for domestic and foreign investors in China,which not only show the expanse of urban space accompanied by the shifts both in landscape(from rural to urban)and land use(from less extensive to extensive),but also display the transformation of regional ecological functions.By using the theories and methods of landscape ecology,the structure of landscapes and landscape ecological planning can be analyzed and evaluated for studying the urban functional zones‘layout.In 1990,the Central Govermment of China declared to develop and open up Pudong New Area so as to promote economic development in Shanghai.Benefited from the advantages of Shanghai‘s location and economy,the government of Pudong New Area has successively built up 7 different functional zones over the past decade according to their functions and strategic goals.Based on the multi-spectral satellite imageries taken in 1990,1997and 2000,a landscape ecolgy analysis was carried out for Pudong New Area of Sanghai ,supported by GIS technology.Green space(including croplands )and built-up areas are the major factors considered in developing urban landscape.This paper was mainly concerned with the different spatial patterns and dynamics of green space,built-up areas and new buildings in different functional zones,as influenced by different spatial patterns and dynamics of green space,built-up areas and new buildings in different functional zones,as influenced by different functional layouts and development strategies.The rapid urbanization in Pudong New Area resulted in a more homogeneous landscape.Agricultural landscape and suburban landscape were gradually replaced by urban landscape as the degree of urbanization increased.As a consequence of urbanization in Pudong,not only built-up patches,but also newly-built patches and green patches merged into one large patch,which should be attributed to the construction policy of extensive green space as the urban development process in Pudong New Area.The shape of green area of 7 functional zones became more and more regular because of the horticultural needs in Shanghai urban planning.Some suggestions were finally made for the study of future urban planning and layout.  相似文献   

北京土地利用/覆盖变化机制研究   总被引:170,自引:12,他引:170  
利用70年代、80年代和90年代(SPOT)3个时段北京市土地利用资料进行土地利用/覆盖研究,分析其变化机制。北京土地利用变化的形式主要以轴向扩展、卫星城建设、工厂郊迁、郊区大型中价商城建设、郊外别墅区等为主,土地覆盖变化的主要形式有:①内城更新与改造;②商贸街的重建;③粗放型用地向集约型用地的转变。  相似文献   

提供水资源是重要的生态系统服务功能之一,对区域经济和生态系统的可持续发展具有重要作用.近年来,人类活动对水资源的需求量增加,加之水环境污染和水资源浪费现象严重,造成了部分地区的缺水问题.在此背景下,本文以宁波地区为例,研究气候变化和土地利用/覆被变化对生态系统产水服务的影响.首先,利用InVEST模型中的产水量模块,估算了区域的产水量.然后,利用情景分析的方法设计6种情景,分析了气候变化和土地利用/覆被变化对区域产水量的影响.最后,量化了气候和土地利用/覆被变化这2种因素对生态系统产水服务的贡献程度,并讨论了形成机制.研究表明:①2000—2015年,宁波地区的降水量增加了6.44%,潜在蒸散量减少了8.35%.城镇化导致建设用地面积增加了120%,耕地面积减少了22.37%.在气候变化和土地利用/覆被变化的共同作用下,平均产水量增加了10.91%.②气候变化对生态系统产水服务的影响更为显著,而土地利用/覆被变化的影响较小.其中,2000—2015年气候变化对宁波地区产水量的贡献率高达97.56%,而土地利用/覆被变化的贡献率仅为2.44%.③城镇生态系统的产水量高于其他生态系统类型,农田生态系统的产水量高于森林和草地生态系统.因此,城镇化会增加产水量,退耕还林还草会导致产水量的减少.  相似文献   

为了研究盐碱地不同土地利用方式下土壤细菌群落结构特征分布,利用高通量测序技术,对黄河三角洲地区的耕地、园地和荒地中3个不同深度的土壤细菌群落结构多样性进行了研究.结果表明:①荒地中的土壤细菌群落丰富度和多样性均大于其他土地利用类型.②相同土地利用类型的细菌群落结构相似度较高,而不同土地利用类型的细菌群落结构有一定的差别.③细菌群落在门类水平上达到20门以上,优势菌种均以放线菌门、变形菌门、酸杆菌门、绿弯菌门及浮霉菌门为主,相对丰度约为69%~83%;属类水平的细菌群落达230多属,酸杆菌属在土壤中的相对丰度最高,为5.76%.④土壤有效磷、速效钾和有机质含量与土壤细菌多样性指数呈显著相关性.  相似文献   

为定量研究不同时期区域土地利用变化的不同驱动特征,以地处农牧交错带的晋北地区为例,采用非监督分类与人工目视解译相结合的方法,获取研究区1986~2010年间的土地利用/覆被变化(LUCC)状况,采用典范对应分析(CCA)方法定量分析了不同阶段LUCC的自然与人为驱动特征.结果表明:1)CCA在分析长时期序列LUCC驱动力上有较好的解释力,CCA排序可以很好地提取LUCC与自然、人为因素之间的关系,反映不同时期土地利用变化受到的驱动作用;2)研究区土地利用类型以耕地、草地、林地为主,土地利用变化类型以耕地与草地、林地与草地之间的互相转移为主;3)从不同时期LUCC的驱动因子来看,人口密度、人均国内生产总值(GDP)、降水、坡度和高程是研究区各时期LUCC的主要驱动力;研究区在1986~1995年间LUCC的主要驱动力来自于人口增长和经济发展的需求,而随着时间的推进,坡度和高程等地形因素的驱动作用也愈来愈重要;4)从不同地类变化的驱动因子来看,耕地、草地等地类向居民用地、工矿用地转移的主要驱动力是人口和经济的发展;而林地,草地等土地覆被类型之间的转移主要受到坡度,高程和降水等自然因素的驱动.  相似文献   

The recent and upcoming reforms of the Common Agricultural Policies (CAPs) aim at strengthening the multifunctional role of agriculture, acknowledging the differences in economic, environmental and social potentials within European regions. This paper presents results from an integrated assessment of existing and future policies within the framework set up in the FP6 EU project MEA-Scope. Spatial explicit procedures allow for the MEA-Scope modelling tools to provide information related to regional, environmental and socio-economics settings. The impact of different policy scenarios on structural change, land abandonment and cropping pattern of typical farms has been assessed based on linked agent-based (ABM) and Linear Programming (LP) models at regional and farm scale for two study areas. For the German case study area Ostprignitz-Ruppin (OPR), the issue of policy targeting has been addressed by relating non-commodity outputs (NCOs) to soil quality and protection status. For the Italian case study area (Mugello), changes in landscape patterns in terms of increased fragmentation or homogeneity as affected by changes in agricultural intensity have been analysed using semivariance analysis. The spatial explicit approach highlighted the relevance of case study research in order to identifying response structures and explaining policy implementation patterns.  相似文献   

Certainties and uncertainties of land cover statistics in China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Vegetation or land cover maps have been made directly or indirectly available for the entire territory of China. The certainties and uncertainties d land cover statistics were analyzed by comparing three data sources: China‘ s Vegetation Map, IGPB DISCover, and University of Maryland Product. Great similarities in the statistics of 7 aggregated land cover types were found among the three data sources, particularly between the two global land cover maps. The per-pixel agreement between any 2 of 3 maps was between 38.0%--51.4% ; the per-pixel agreement among all three maps was only 27.1%. Certainties were found in regions where vegetation types are typical and human land use practice is relatively homogenous; the uncertainties occurred to either vegetation transition zones or regions where land cover types and land use practice are relatively diversified. Systematic and multidisciplinacy efforts are necessary to promote accurate mapping of nationwide land cover types in China. Intensive efforts should be made in regions where uncertainties of land cover information are found.  相似文献   

金钊 《地球环境学报》2012,(6):1126-1133
In arid and semiarid regions, cultivation and shrub invasion are two important factors to impact grassland. However, there are few studies to compare the effects of cultivation and shrub invasion on soil physical, chemical and mineralogical properties. In this study, three sampling sites, which respectively represent the native grassland, cultivated grassland (farmland), and shrub invasion of grassland (shrub land) in Mu Us sand land, were selected and soil samples were collected and measured for soil particle size distribution (PSD), soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorous (TP) concentrations, and relative percentages of mineralogical components. Results showed that cultivation and shrub invasion significantly altered the soil PSD, soil C, N and P concentrations and pools, and the relative percentages of soil mineralogical components of the grassland ecosystems. Grassland cultivation and shrub invasion significantly decreased the contents of silt and clay. Moreover, the land cover change from grassland to farmland or shrubland significantly resulted in soil organic carbon, total nitrogen and soil carbonate loss. In this study, we found that grassland cultivation resulted in more sand accumulation and more soil C and N losses than shrub invasion, which indicated that grassland cultivation was stronger than shrub invasion to accelerate soil desertification in Mu Us sand land.  相似文献   

利用Aqua/MODIS C006大气气溶胶光学厚度(AOD)产品分析胡焕庸线两侧时空分布与变化特征,并结合2010年土地利用类型探究二者之间的响应.结果表明:(1)胡焕庸线一方面可作为中国气溶胶分布的重要分界线,两侧AOD呈现东高西低的特点;另一方面,亦可作为AOD成因的分界线,胡焕庸线东侧气溶胶主要以人为活动排放为主,胡焕庸线西侧气溶胶主要是以沙尘为主的自然气溶胶构成.(2)10年来,胡焕庸线东侧AOD以0.0768/10 a的速率下降,高值区面积也以6.41万km2·a-1的速率逐年萎缩;而胡焕庸线西侧只呈现微弱的下降趋势,高值区、低值区面积无显著变化.(3)胡焕庸线以东地区,土地覆盖类型为耕地和建设用地的区域AOD较高.而在胡焕庸线以西地区,AOD与未利用土地及其周边草地地区的响应较好.  相似文献   

The Liupan Mountains are located in the southern Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region of China, that forms an important divide between landforms and biogeographic regions. The populated part of the Liupan Mountain Region has suffered tremendous ecological damage over time due to population pressure, excessive demand and inappropriate use of agricultural land resources. To present the relationship between land use/cover change and spatio-temporal variation of soil erosion, data sets of land use between the late 1980s and 2000 were obtained from Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) imagery, and spatial models were used to characterize landscape and soil erosion conditions. Also, soil erosion in response to land use and land cover change were quantified and analyzed using data from geographical information systems and remote sensing. Soil erosion by water was the dominant mode of soil loss, while soil erosion by wind was only present on a relatively small area. The degree of soil erosion was classified into five severity classes: slight, light, moderate, severe, and very severe. Soil erosion in the Liupan Mountain Region increased between the late 1980s and 2000, both in terms of acreage and severity. Moderate, severe, and very severe eroded areas accounted for 54.86% of the total land area. The lightly eroded area decreased, while the moderately eroded area increased by 368817 ha (22%) followed by severe erosion with 146552 ha (8.8%), and very severe erosion by 97067.6 ha (5.8%). Soil loss on sloping cropland increased with slope gradients. About 90% of the cropland was located on slopes less than 15°. Most of the increase in soil erosion on cropland was due to conversion of steep slopes to cropland and degradation of grassland and increased activities. Soil erosion was severe on grassland with a moderate or low grass cover and on dry land. Human activities, cultivation on steep slopes, and overgrazing of pastures were the main reasons for the increase in erosion severity.  相似文献   

环渤海地区耕地变化及动因分析   总被引:50,自引:5,他引:50  
环渤海地区改革开放20多年来得到了快速的发展,但也导致了城镇迅速扩张和耕地不断减少。根据环渤海地区20世纪80年代以来的农村社会经济统计资料、土地概查、土地详查分析和实地调查研究,对环渤海地区近20年的耕地变化态势及非农业人口增加、非农产业发展、农业结构调整、退耕与灾毁、土地整理开发复垦和土地管理政策等影响耕地减少的主要动因进行了探讨。  相似文献   

以2001 年到2011 年间每两年一期的六期Quick bird、SPOT、ALOS 以及高分一号遥 感影像为数据源,通过图像处理和信息提取,对邯郸市十年来土地利用变化进行了动态监测分析。 分析结果显示:(1)邯郸市十年城区面积不断扩大,城区在可行范围内拓展;(2)工业用地 增长2022.42 km2,增长幅度较大,动态变化度最大为22.07,水域面积增加16.39 km2,增长较 缓慢,动态变化度最小为0.01,其他地物类型持稳定增长;(3)利用数据结合图像具体分析了 各类地物的动态变化方向,并结合SPASS 软件对影响邯郸市土地利用变化的驱动因子作了相关 性分析。  相似文献   

中国土地利用程度与生态系统服务强度脱钩分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈万旭  曾杰 《自然资源学报》2021,36(11):2853-2864
科学探索土地利用程度与生态系统服务强度之间的脱钩关系,可以有效揭示土地利用变化对生态系统的干扰程度,为土地利用政策制定和生态系统保护提供科学依据。但是,以往研究缺乏对中国县域尺度土地利用程度和生态系统服务强度之间脱钩关系的具体研究。为了弥补这一不足,结合2000—2015年间中国土地利用现状遥感监测数据以及植被覆盖度指数,采用生态系统服务强度和土地利用程度测度方法,分别测度了2000—2015年间中国县域尺度生态系统服务强度和土地利用程度的时空格局特征,并且借助脱钩分析理论框架探测二者之间的脱钩关系。研究结果表明:(1)研究期间中国生态系统服务强度呈现出显著的空间异质性,东南地区生态系统服务强度显著高于西北地区;平原地区、城市群地区以及大城市周边地区生态系统服务强度显著低于山地丘陵地区。(2)研究期间中国土地利用程度持续增加,东南地区土地利用程度明显高于西北地区,东南地区土地利用程度分布“高中有低”,西北地区土地利用程度分布“低中有高”。(3)脱钩分析结果表明强脱钩和扩张负脱钩是当前中国土地利用程度和生态系统服务强度二者的主要关系类型,前者是两难的窘境,后者是双赢的模式。研究发现土地利用不同阶段对生态系统服务强度的干扰呈现显著差异,结果可以为土地利用与生态系统管理政策的制定提供科学指导。  相似文献   

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