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Wireless communication systems have been broadly applied in various complicated traffic operations to improve mobility and safety on roads, which may raise a concern about the implication of the new technology on vehicle emissions. This paper explores how the wireless communication systems improve drivers’ driving behaviors and its contributions to the emission reduction, in terms of Operating Mode (OpMode) IDs distribution used in emission estimation. A simulated work zone with completed traffic operation was selected as a test bed. Sixty subjects were recruited for the tests, whose demographic distribution was based on the Census data in Houston, Texas. A scene of a pedestrian’s crossing in the work zone was designed for the driving test. Meanwhile, a wireless communication system called Drivers Smart Advisory System (DSAS) was proposed and introduced in the driving simulation, which provided drivers with warning messages in the work zone. Two scenarios were designed for a leading vehicle as well as for a following vehicle driving through the work zone, which included a base test without any wireless communication systems, and a driving test with the trigger of the DSAS. Subjects’ driving behaviors in the simulation were recorded to evaluate safety and estimate the vehicle emission using the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released emission model MOVES. The correlation between drivers’ driving behavior and the distribution of the OpMode ID during each scenario was investigated. Results show that the DSAS was able to induce drivers to accelerate smoothly, keep longer headway distance and stop earlier for a hazardous situation in the work zone, which driving behaviors result in statistically significant reduction in vehicle emissions for almost all studied air pollutants (p-values range from 4.10E-51 to 2.18E-03). The emission reduction was achieved by the switching the distribution of the OpMode IDs from higher emission zones to lower emission zones.

Implications: Transportation section is a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions. Many studies demonstrate that the wireless communication system dedicated for safety and mobility issues may contribute to the induction in vehicle emissions through changing driving behaviors. An insight into the correlation between the driving behaviors and the distribution of Operating Mode (OpMode) IDs is essential to enhance the emission reduction. The result of this study shows that with a Drivers Smart Advisory System (DSAS) drivers accelerated smoothly and stopped earlier for a hazardous situation, which induce the switch of the OpMode IDs from high emission zones to lower emission zones.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Ground level ozone is a major air pollutant with known toxic effects on humans. The research field is well established with many scientists from...  相似文献   


In December 1994, the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) initiated a comprehensive program, the PM10 Technical Enhancement Program (PTEP), to characterize fine PM in the South Coast Air Basin (SCAB). A 1-year special particulate monitoring project was conducted from January 1995 to February 1996 as part of the PTEP. Under this enhanced monitoring, HNO3, NH3, and speciated PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations were measured at five stations (Anaheim, downtown Los Angeles, Diamond Bar, Fontana, and Rubidoux) in the SCAB and at one background station at San Nicolas Island. PM2.5 and PM10 mass and 43 individual species were analyzed for a full chemical speciation of the particle data. The PTEP data indicate that the most abundant chemical components of PM10 and PM25 in the SCAB are NH4+ (8-9% of PM10 and 14-17% of PM25), NO3 - (23-26% of PM10 and 28-41% of PM25), SO4= (6-11% of PM10 and 9-18% of PM2 5), organic carbon (OC) (15-19% of PM10 and 18-26% of PM2.5), and elemental carbon (EC) (5-8% of PM10 and 8-13% of PM25). On an annual average basis, PM25 comprises 52-59% of the SCAB PM10. Annual average PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations showed strong spatial variations, low at coastal sites and high at inland sites. Annual average PM10 concentrations varied from 40.8 ug/m3 at Anaheim to 76.8 ug/m3 at Rubidoux, while annual average PM2.5 concentrations varied from 21.7 ug/m3 at Anaheim to 39.8 ug/m3 at Rubidoux. The chemical characterizations of the PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations, as well as their spatial variations, were examined; the important findings are summarized in this paper, and the temporal variations are discussed in the companion paper.1  相似文献   


The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) conducted a 1-year special particulate monitoring study from January 1995 to February 1996. This monitoring data indicates that high PM10 and PM2 5 concentrations were observed in the fall (October, November, and December), with November concentrations being the highest. During the rest of the year, PM2.5 and PM10 masses gradually increased from January to September. Monthly PM10 mass varied from 20 to 120 |ig/m3, and monthly PM25 mass varied from 13 to 63 |j.g/m3. The PM2.5-to-PM10 ratio varied daily and ranged between 22 and 96%. Two types of high-PM days were observed. The first type was observed under fall stagnation conditions, which lead to high secondary species concentrations. The second type was observed under high wind conditions, which lead to high primary coarse particles of crustal components. The highest 24-hr average PM10 concentration (226.3 |ig/m3) was observed at the Fontana station, while the highest PM25 concentration (129.3 |ig/m3) was observed at the Diamond Bar station.  相似文献   


Atmospheric particulate matter (PM) samples from 12 sites in southern California, collected as part of the Southern California Children’s Health Study (SCCHS), were analyzed using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) techniques. Ninety-four organic compounds were quantified in these samples, including n-alkanes, fatty acids, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), ho-panes, steranes, aromatic diacids, aliphatic diacids, resin acids, methoxyphenols, and levoglucosan. Annual average concentrations of all detected compounds, as well as average concentrations for three seasonal periods, were determined at all 12 sites for the calendar year of 1995. These measurements provide important information about the seasonal and spatial distribution of particle-phase organic compounds in southern California. Also, co-located samples from one site were analyzed to assess precision of measurement. Excellent agreement was observed between annual average concentrations for the broad range of organic compounds measured in this study. Measured concentrations from the 12 sampling sites were used in a previously developed molecular-marker source apportionment model to quantify the primary source contributions to the PM10 organic carbon and mass concentrations at these 12 sites. Source contributions to atmospheric PM from six important air pollution sources were quantified: gasoline-powered motor vehicle exhaust, diesel vehicle exhaust, wood smoke, vegetative detritus, tire wear, and natural gas combustion. Important trends in the seasonal and spatial patterns of the impact of these six sources were observed. In addition, contributions from meat smoke were detected in selected samples.  相似文献   

We report on the analysis of contributions from road traffic emissions to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) concentrations within London for 2008 with the OSCAR Air Quality Assessment System. A spatiotemporal evaluation of the OSCAR system has been conducted with measurements from the London air quality network (LAQN). For the predicted and measured hourly time series of concentrations at 18 sites in London, the medians of correlation, mean absolute error, index of agreement, and factor of two (FAC2) of all stations were 0.80, 4.1 μg/m3, 0.86, and 74%, respectively. Spatial evaluation of modeled and observed annual mean concentrations also showed a fairly good agreement, with all the values falling within the FAC2 range. According to model predictions, the urban increment (including the contributions from urban traffic and other urban sources) was evaluated to be on the average 18%, 33%, 39%, and 43% of the total PM2.5 in suburban environments, in the urban background, near roads, and near busy roads, respectively. However, the highest values of the urban traffic increment can be around 50% of the total PM2.5 concentrations near motorways and major roads. The total concentrations (including regional background, and the contributions from urban traffic and other urban sources) can therefore be almost three times the regional background. The total urban increment close to busy roads was around 7–8 μg/m3, in which the estimated traffic contribution is more than 2 μg/m3. On the average, urban traffic contributes approximately 1 μg/m3 of PM2.5 to the urban background across London. According to modeling, approximately two-thirds of the traffic increment originated from exhaust emissions and most of the rest was due to brake and tire wear.
Implications: The urban increment and traffic contribution to the total PM2.5 are significant and spatially heterogeneous across London. The highly heterogeneous distribution of PM2.5 hence requires detailed modeling studies to be carried out at high spatial resolution, which can be particularly important for exposure and health impact assessment. This type of information can be used to quantify health impacts resulting from specific sources of PM2.5 such as traffic emissions, to aid city and national decision makers when formulating pollution control strategies.  相似文献   

Part II presents a comprehensive evaluation of CMAQ for August of 2002 on twenty-one sensitivity simulations (detailed in Part I) in MM5 to investigate the model performance for O3 SIPs (State Implementation Plans) in the complex terrain. CMAQ performance was quite consistent with the results of MM5, meaning that accurate meteorological fields predicted in MM5 as an input resulted in good model performance of CMAQ. In this study, PBL scheme plays a more important role than its land surface models (LSMs) for the model performance of CMAQ. Our results have shown that the outputs of CMAQ on eighteen sensitivity simulations using two different nudging coefficients for winds (2.5 and 4.5 × 10?4 s?1, respectively) tend to under predict daily maximum 8-h ozone concentrations at valley areas except the TKE PBL sensitivity simulations (ETA M-Y PBL scheme with Noah LSMs and 5-layer soil model and Gayno-Seaman PBL) using 6.0 × 10?4 s?1 with positive MB (Mean Bias). At mountain areas, none of the sensitivity simulations has presented over predictions for 8-h O3, due to relatively poor meteorological model performance. When comparing 12-km and 4-km grid resolutions for the PX simulation in CMAQ statistics analysis, the CMAQ results at 12-km grid resolution consistently show under predictions of 8-h O3 at both of valley and mountain areas and particularly, it shows relatively poor model performance with a 15.1% of NMB (Normalized Mean Bias). Based on our sensitivity simulations, the TKE PBL sensitivity simulations using a maximum value (6 × 10?4) among other sensitivity simulations yielded better model performance of CMAQ at all areas in the complex terrain. As a result, the sensitivity of RRFs to the PBL scheme may be considerably significant with about 1–3 ppb in difference in determining whether the attainment test is passed or failed. Furthermore, we found that the result of CMAQ model performance depending on meteorological variations is affected on estimating RRFs for attainment demonstration, indicating that it is necessary to improve model performance. Overall, G_c (Gayo-Seaman PBL scheme) using the coefficient for winds, 6 × 10?4 s?1, sensitivity simulation predicts daily maximum 8-h ozone concentration closer to observations during a typical summer period from May to September and provides generally low future design values (DVFs) at valley and mountain areas compared to other simulations.  相似文献   

A size-resolved equilibrium model, SELIQUID, is presented and used to simulate the size–composition distribution of semi-volatile inorganic aerosol in an urban environment. The model uses the efflorescence branch of aerosol behavior to predict the equilibrium partitioning of the aerosol components between the gas phase and a size-resolved aerosol population over the entire RH domain. Predictions of SELIQUID are compared against size-resolved composition measurements at different locations during the Southern California Air Quality Study. Based on the modeling results, the size distribution of sub-micrometer nitrate and ammonium can be determined by thermodynamic equilibrium when the RH>60%. In cases where the RH<60%, the assumption that all aerosol particles are metastable liquid solutions may introduce unacceptable errors. On the other hand, the equilibrium assumption, in some cases at least, introduces errors in the calculation of the coarse (particles with diameter >1 μm or so) nitrate and ammonium that increase with particle size. Finally, the inclusion of crustal species is important in modeling the size distribution of coarse inorganic aerosols when the concentration of these species is high. The effect of these crustal species can be complex and counterintuitive.  相似文献   


An analytical method based on liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) was validated and applied for the analysis of aflatoxin M1 (AFM1), ochratoxin A (OTA) and deoxynivalenol (DON) in infant formula and milk-based products for young children commercialized in Brazil. A total of 38 samples were evaluated, including 12 infant formula, 14 follow-on formula and 12 samples of milk-based products. AFM1 was detected in 12 (32%) samples, and seven (18%) samples contained AFM1 levels above the method limit of quantification in a concentration range between 0.013 and 0.067 ng mL?1 (0.026 ± 0.019). Two samples of milk-based products exceeded the maximum level (ML) fixed by the European Union for AFM1 in baby foods, however, all samples were in agreement with the levels established by the Brazilian regulation. OTA and DON were not detected in any of the analyzed samples.  相似文献   


This study investigates the relationship between environmental pollution and economic growth in the context of renewable energy in OECD countries using the panel smooth transition regression (PSTR) model for 1995–2018. The study finds the value of the threshold variable, calculated as the share of renewable energy use in total energy consumption, to be 7.825%. In this context, economic growth affects the environment negatively and increases environmental pollution when the share of renewable energy use in energy consumption is below the threshold. When this share is above the threshold, it reduces environmental pollution by affecting the environment positively. In addition, the findings reveal a non-linear inverted U-shaped relationship between the environment and economic growth in the context of renewable energy, and the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis is valid. Therefore, the widespread use of renewable energy is a solution to reducing environmental pollution. Accordingly, it is very important for policymakers to both highlight and encourage renewable energy use. Furthermore, countries need to both invest in this area and focus on R&D to increase renewable energy production.


Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Moroccan employers have a strong responsibility for the safety and health of their employees in the workplace and for protecting them from the risk of...  相似文献   

A statistical study on the behavior of ground-level O3 concentration in different regions of a large urban area was carried out, with emphasis on pollutant gas concentrations and meteorological variables. The study was based on data generated by a network of measuring stations distributed throughout the S?o Paulo Metropolitan Area, in regions with different characteristics of traffic and economic activities. The combined application of principal component analysis and clustering techniques to data collected from 1997 until 2000 has led to the identification of implicit relationships between variables that have been associated with dominant processes related to O3 formation in different locations. Similarities between different regions of the city have also been detected and associated with local characteristics. The results indicate that the application of such statistical techniques to data collected in large urban areas enables the grouping of different regions according to their behavior in terms of O3 levels, as well as the identification of dominant processes in each group. These techniques are thus important in the planning of air pollution policies, especially in the case of O3, a pollutant that is not directly related to pollution levels alone.  相似文献   

The effect of buildings on the dry deposition of dust particles was investigated in Be'er-Sheva, a desert city with about 140,000 inhabitants in southern Israel, and at two reference points in the surrounding rural area. The mineral and chemical composition of dust sampled at all sites was similar, reflecting the composition of the local loess soil, its likely origin. However, dust deposited in the traps set up in the vicinity of buildings in the city was significantly coarser than the dust which accumulated in similar traps at exposed sites in the countryside. The amount of dust (by weight) in the urban dust traps was on an average more than twice the amount deposited in the rural area. The differences in grain-size distribution and quantity of dust are attributed to the properties of the urban wind field and to various effects of human activity in the city.  相似文献   

This study evaluates air quality model sensitivity to input and to model components. Simulations are performed using the California Institute of Technology (CIT) airshed model. Results show the impacts on ozone (O3) concentration in the South Coast Air Basin (SCAB) of California because of changes in: (1) input data, including meteorological conditions (temperature, UV radiation, mixing height, and wind speed), boundary conditions, and initial conditions (ICs); and (2) model components, including advection solver and chemical mechanism. O3 concentrations are strongly affected by meteorological conditions and, in particular, by temperature. ICs also affect O3 concentrations, especially in the first 2 days of simulation. On the other hand, boundary conditions do not significantly affect the absolute peak O3 concentration, although they do affect concentrations near the inflow boundaries. Moreover, predicted O3 concentrations are impacted considerably by the chemical mechanism. In addition, dispersion of pollutants is affected by the advection routine used to calculate its transport. Comparison among CIT, California Photochemical Grid Model (CALGRID), and Urban Airshed Model air quality models suggests that differences in O3 predictions are mainly caused by the different chemical mechanisms used. Additionally, advection solvers contribute to the differences observed among model predictions. Uncertainty in predicted peak O3 concentration suggests that air quality evaluation should not be based solely on this single value but also on trends predicted by air quality models using a number of chemical mechanisms and with an advection solver that is mass conservative.  相似文献   


This study evaluates air quality model sensitivity to input and to model components. Simulations are performed using the California Institute of Technology (CIT) airshed model. Results show the impacts on ozone (O3) concentration in the South Coast Air Basin (SCAB) of California because of changes in: (1) input data, including meteorological conditions (temperature, UV radiation, mixing height, and wind speed), boundary conditions, and initial conditions (ICs); and (2) model components, including advection solver and chemical mechanism. O3 concentrations are strongly affected by meteorological conditions and, in particular, by temperature. ICs also affect O3 concentrations, especially in the first 2 days of simulation. On the other hand, boundary conditions do not significantly affect the absolute peak O3 concentration, although they do affect concentrations near the inflow boundaries. Moreover, predicted O3 concentrations are impacted considerably by the chemical mechanism. In addition, dispersion of pollutants is affected by the advection routine used to calculate its transport. Comparison among CIT, California Photochemical Grid Model (CALGRID), and Urban Airshed Model air quality models suggests that differences in O3 predictions are mainly caused by the different chemical mechanisms used. Additionally, advection solvers contribute to the differences observed among model predictions. Uncertainty in predicted peak O3 concentration suggests that air quality evaluation should not be based solely on this single value but also on trends predicted by air quality models using a number of chemical mechanisms and with an advection solver that is mass conservative.  相似文献   

Atmospheric carbonaceous aerosols were sampled discontinuously from July 2006 to December 2009 at Nam Co Comprehensive Observation and Research Station (NCOS) in the central Tibetan Plateau (TP). The mean daily concentration of carbonaceous aerosols increased from 268 to 330 ng?m?3, and pollution episodes could significantly increase the mean level of carbonaceous aerosols in the total mass concentration. Organic carbon was the main component of carbonaceous aerosols at NCOS, and black carbon (BC) accounted for 5.8 %. Seven-day air masses backward trajectories calculated by the Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory model and the aerosol optical depth distribution in the TP and South Asia both suggested that atmospheric pollutants emitted from Northern India and South Asia could penetrate into central TP by southwest winds. Due to the seasonal variations of emission sources and regional atmospheric conditions, calculated BC deposition flux in the nonmonsoon season was higher than that in the monsoon season. Increased BC concentration in snowpack in winter from 2007 to 2009 indicated that the atmospheric environment in central TP became more polluted and the influences from human activities have strengthened. Pollution episodes could significantly increase BC concentrations in the snowpack on a seasonal scale, which would furthermore affect the surface albedo.  相似文献   

Sixteen years of ozone measurements (1992–2006) at Reunion Island (21°S, 55.5°E) have been processed to detect stratospheric signatures on each single ozone profile.The characterisation method consists in the advection of the potential vorticity (PV) over two to ten days of backtrajectory with the lagrangian trajectory code LACYTRAJ. LACYTRAJ is a Trajectory-Reverse Domain Filling code using the ERA40 ECMWF database and allowing the reconstruction of high resolution advected PV profiles. Correlation between high values of ozone mixing ratio and high PV is interpreted as a stratospheric signature.A climatology of STE events at Reunion has been derived and reveals that STE events occur more frequently during spring (SON) and summer (DJF). The method is tested for a set of PV threshold values (i.e. 1 PVU, 1.5 PVU and 2 PVU) and for a set of duration of backtrajectories (i.e. 2 days, 5 days and 10 days). The number of detected STE is sensitive to PV threshold values and duration criterions. For instance, the number of stratospheric intrusions detected in October with a 1.5 PVU criterion ranges between 25% (2 days of backtrajectories) and 56% (10 days of backtrajectories). The vertical distributions of STE show intrusions covering the whole free troposphere (between 7 and 15 km) and mainly located in the upper troposphere.Finally, results show that an important number of stratospheric intrusions are detected during spring and in the upper troposphere what points at the contribution of the stratospheric source to the tropospheric ozone spring maximum which is strongly influenced by the biomass burning emissions from South Africa and Madagascar.  相似文献   

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