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Continuous observation of PM2.5 was conducted in Taiyuan, a heavily polluted city in China, during high pollution season from December 2005 to February 2006. The results of this study showed that PM2.5 and carbonaceous species pollution were serious during winter in Taiyuan. The organic carbon (OC) and element carbon (EC) were accounted for 18.6±11.2% and 2.9±1.6% of PM2.5, respectively, which indicated that carbonaceous aerosols were key components for control fine particles pollution in Taiyuan. Coal combustion was a dominant source of OC and EC of PM2.5 in the urban area of Taiyuan during winter. The impact of local and remote particle sources on urban air quality was assessed using PM2.5 concentration rose and 3-day back trajectories of air masses arriving at Taiyuan. The meteorological conditions were found to affect the ambient concentrations of PM2.5, OC, EC and OC/EC ratio.  相似文献   

One-week integrated fine particulate matter (i.e., particles <2.5 microm in diameter; PM2.5) samples were collected continuously with a low-flow rate sampler at a downtown site (Chegongzhuang) and a residential site (Tsinghua University) in Beijing between July 1999 and June 2000. The annual average concentrations of organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) at the urban site were 23.9 and 8.8 microg m(-3), much higher than those in some cities with serious air pollution. Similar weekly variations of OC and EC concentrations were found for the two sampling sites with higher concentrations in the winter and autumn. The highest weekly variations of OC and EC occurred in the winter, suggesting that combustion sources for space heating were important contributors to carbonaceous particles, along with a significant impact from variable meteorological conditions. High emissions coupled with unfavorable meteorological conditions led to the max weekly carbonaceous concentration the week of November 18-25, 1999. The weekly mass ratios of OC:EC ranged between 2 and 4 for most samples and averaged 2.9, probably suggesting that secondary OC (SOC) is present most weeks. The range of contemporary carbon fraction, based on the C14 analyses of eight samples collected in 2001, is 0.330-0.479. Estimated SOC accounted for approximately 38% of the total OC at the two sites. Average OC and EC concentrations at Tsinghua University were 25% and 18%, respectively, higher than those at Chegongzhuang, which could be attributed to different local emissions of primary carbonaceous particles and gaseous precursors of SOC, as well as different summer photochemical intensities between the two locations.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The study represents the seasonal characteristics (carbonaceous aerosols and elements) and the contribution of prominent sources of PM2.5 and PM10 in...  相似文献   

采用稀释通道采样系统对北京市部分污染源排放的PM2.5进行了采集,用气相色谱-质谱-质谱法分析了PM2.5中24种多环芳烃(PAHs)的浓度,获得典型排放源PM2.5中PAHs成分谱。结果表明,不同种类污染源排放的PAHs的组分浓度差异比较大,形成的百分浓度轮廓图有各自的特征。生物质燃烧和化石燃烧排放的PM2.5中PAHs含量高于其他污染源;燃煤电厂和供暖/工业锅炉排放的PM2.5中低环数的PAHs比例较高,而生物质燃烧和餐饮源则是高环数的污染物比例较高。燃烧温度高,燃烧较充分,采用布袋除尘方式的污染源排放的PAHs含量要低于其他污染源。  相似文献   

The characterization of carbonaceous species in PM2.5 during a spring period in a suburb of Xi'an, China was investigated. PM2.5 samples were collected on quartz filters and analyzed for organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC). The thermal optical reflectance method was used. The minimum OC/EC ratio method was used to estimate the concentration of secondary organic carbon (SOC). The distribution of eight carbon fractions was investigated as well. The average mass concentrations of OC and EC were 15.90 and 8.38 μg/m3, respectively. The average OC/EC ratio ranged from 1.16 to 3.16 with an average value of 2.25. This implies the existence of SOC in PM2.5. The mean SOC concentration was 7.20 μg/m3, accounting for 45.28% of total OC. This result suggests that SOC is a significant component of OC in the suburb of Xi'an. Results from the distribution of eight carbon fractions revealed that emissions from motor vehicle, coal combustion, and road dust were the main source of carbonaceous particles in the sampling period.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the characteristics of carbonaceous fine aerosols, PM2.5 particulate samples were collected in the Sihwa industrial complex area between February 1998 and 1999 and in Seoul between 31 May and 9 June 1999, respectively. The carbonaceous species were analyzed by the selective thermal manganese dioxide oxidation (TMO) method. In Sihwa, average OC and EC concentrations for the entire data set were measured to be 9.8 and 1.8 μg m−3, respectively. The OC concentrations were higher than those measured in other urban environments. The EC concentrations were lower than those of other urban environments. The OC/EC ratio measured at the Sihwa area was higher than those at other urban and rural environments. Backward trajectories of sampled air masses were performed to find out the sources of those higher OC/EC levels. Enrichment in the organic compounds during winter periods can be explained by the combination of primary local emissions from the industrial complex area and long-range transport of organic species from outside the Sihwa area. High OC values in June resulted from primary anthropogenic emissions and secondary organic aerosol formation rather than the atmospheric transport of organic compounds from the outside. In urban area of Seoul, the OC and EC concentrations in PM2.5 during the summer were higher than those measured at other urban atmospheres. OC/EC ratios obtained in Seoul were lower than Sihwa. It can be concluded that carbonaceous species in Seoul were mainly emitted from primary anthropogenic sources.  相似文献   

Investigations on the monitoring of ambient air levels of atmospheric particulates were developed around a large source of primary anthropogenic particulate emissions: the industrial ceramic area in the province of Castelló (Eastern Spain). Although these primary particulate emissions have a coarse grain-size distribution, the atmospheric transport dominated by the breeze circulation accounts for a grain-size segregation, which results in ambient air particles occurring mainly in the 2.5–10 μm range. The chemical composition of the ceramic particulate emissions is very similar to the crustal end-member but the use of high Al, Ti and Fe as tracer elements as well as a peculiar grain-size distribution in the insoluble major phases allow us to identify the ceramic input in the bulk particulate matter. PM2.5 instead of PM10 monitoring may avoid the interference of crustal particles without a major reduction in the secondary anthropogenic load, with the exception of nitrate. However, a methodology based in PM2.5 measurement alone is not adequate for monitoring the impact of primary particulate emissions (such as ceramic emissions) on air quality, since the major ambient air particles derived from these emissions are mainly in the range of 2.5–10 μm. Consequently, in areas characterised by major secondary particulate emissions, PM2.5 monitoring should detect anthropogenic particulate pollutants without crustal particulate interference, whereas PM10 measurements should be used in areas with major primary anthropogenic particulate emissions.  相似文献   

Seasonal elemental carbon (EC) and organic carbon (OC) concentration levels in PM2.5 samples collected in Milan (Italy) are presented and discussed, enriching the world-wide database of carbonaceous species in fine particulate matter (PM). High-volume PM2.5 sampling campaigns were performed from August 2002 through December 2003 in downtown Milan at an urban background site. Compared to worldwide average concentrations, in Milan warm-season OC and both warm- and cold-season EC are relatively low; conversely, cold-season OC concentrations are rather high. Consequently, high values for the OC/EC ratio are observed, especially in the winter period. The relation between OC/EC ratio values and wind direction is investigated, pointing out that the highest ratios are associated to winds blowing from those nearby areas where wood consumption for domestic heating is larger. Information on the OC partitioning between its primary and secondary fraction are derived by means of the EC-tracer method and principal component analysis. In the warm-season, OC is mainly of secondary origin, secondary organic aerosol (SOA) accounting for about 84% of the particulate organic matter and 25–28% of the PM2.5 mass. For the cold season the full application of the EC-tracer method was not possible and the primary organic aerosol deriving from traffic could only be estimated. However, principal component analysis (PCA) suggest a prevailing primary origin for OC, thus raising the attention on space heating emissions, and on wood combustion in particular, for air quality control. The role of traffic emissions on PM2.5 concentration levels, as a primary source, are also assessed: EC and primary organic matter from traffic account for a warm-season 30% and a cold-season 7% of the total carbon in PM2.5, that is for about 10% and 6% of PM2.5 mass, respectively. This latter small primary contribution estimated for the cold-season points out that stationary sources, which were not thought to play a significant role on PM concentration levels, may conversely be as much responsible for ambient particulate pollution.  相似文献   

It will be many years before the recently deployed network of fine particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 microm (PM2.5) Federal Reference Method (FRM) samplers produces information on nonattainment areas, trends, and source impacts. However, data on PM2.5 and its major constituents have been routinely collected in California for the past 20 years. The California Air Resources Board operated as many as 20 dichotomous (dichot) samplers for PM2.5 and coarse PM (PM10-2.5). The California Acid Deposition Monitoring Program (CADMP) collected 12-h-average PM2.5 and PM10 from 1988 to 1995 at ten urban and rural sites and 24-h-average PM2.5 at five urban sites since 1995. Beginning in 1994, the Children's Health Study collected 2-week averages of PM2.5 in 12 communities in southern California using the Two-Week Sampler (TWS). Comparisons of collocated samples establish relationships between the dichot, CADMP, and TWS samplers and the 82-site network of PM2.5 FRM samplers deployed since 1999 in California. PM mass data from the different monitoring programs have modest to high correlation to FRM mass data, fairly small systematic biases and negative proportional biases ranging from 7 to 22%. If the biases are taken into account, all of the programs should be considered comparable with the FRM program. Thus, historical data can be used to develop long-term PM trends in California.  相似文献   

Geographic and temporal variations in the concentration and composition of particulate matter (PM) provide important insights into particle sources, atmospheric processes that influence particle formation, and PM management strategies. In the nonurban areas of California, annual-average PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations range from 3 to 10 microg/m3 and from 5 to 18 microg/m3, respectively. In the urban areas of California, annual-averages for PM2.5 range from 7 to 30 microg/m3, with observed 24-hr peaks reaching levels as high as 160 microg/m3. Within each air basin, exceedances are a mixture of isolated events as well as periods of elevated PM2.5 concentrations that are more prolonged and regional in nature. PM2.5 concentrations are generally highest during the winter months. The exception is the South Coast Air Basin, where fairly high values occur throughout the year. Annual-average PM2.5 mass, as well as the concentrations of major components, declined from 1988 to 2000. The declines are especially pronounced for the sulfate (SO4(2-)) and nitrate (NO3-) components of PM2.5 and PM10) and correlate with reductions in ambient levels of oxides of sulfur (SOx) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx). Annual averages for PM10-2.5 and PM10 exhibited similar downwind trends from 1994 to 1999, with a slightly less pronounced decrease in the coarse fraction.  相似文献   

In order to better understand the characteristics of atmospheric carbonaceous aerosol at a background site in Northeast Asia, semicontinuous organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC), and time-resolved water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC) were measured by a Sunset OC/ EC and a PILS-TOC (particle-into-liquid sampler coupled with an online total organic carbon) analyzer, respectively, at the Gosan supersite on Jeju Island, Korea, in the summer (May 28-June 17) and fall (August 24-September 30) of 2009. Hourly average OC concentration varied in the range of approximately 0.87-28.38 microgC m-3, with a mean of 4.07+/- 2.60 microgC m-3, while the hourly average EC concentration ranged approximately from 0.04 to 8.19 .microgC m-3, with a mean of 1.35 +/- 0.71 microgC m-3, from May 28 to June 17, 2009. During the fall season, OC varied in the approximate range 0.9-9.6 microgC m-3, with a mean of 2.30 +/-0.80 microgC m-3, whereas EC ranged approximately from 0.01 to 5.40 microgC m-3, with a mean of 0.66 +/- 0.38 microgC m-3. Average contributions of EC to TC and WSOC to OC were 26.0% +/- 9.7% and 20.6% +/-7.4%, and 37.6% +/- 23.5% and 57.2% +/- 22.2% during summer and fall seasons, respectively. As expected, clear diurnal variation of WSOC/OC was found in summer, varying from 0.22 during the nighttime up to 0.72 during the daytime, mainly due to the photo-oxidation process. In order to investigate the effect of air mass pathway on the characteristics of carbonaceous aerosol, 5-day back-trajectory analysis was conducted using the HYSPLIT model. The air mass pathways were classified into four types: Continental (CC), Marine (M), East Sea (ES) and Korean Peninsula (KP). The highest OC/EC ratio of 3.63 was observed when air mass originated from the Continental area (CC). The lowest OC/EC ratio of 0.79 was measured when air mass originated from the Marine area (M). A high OC concentration was occasionally observed at Gosan due to local biomass burning activities. The contribution of secondary OC to total OC varied approximately between 8.4% and 32.2% and depended on air mass type.  相似文献   

Weekly PM2.5 samples were simultaneously collected at a residential (Tsinghua University) and a downtown (Chegongzhuang) site in Beijing from July 1999 through September 2000. The ambient mass concentration and chemical composition of the PM2.5 were determined. Analyses included elemental composition, water-soluble ions, and organic and elemental carbon. Weekly PM2.5 mass concentrations ranged from 37 to 357 μg/m3, with little difference found between the two sites. Seasonal variation of PM2.5 concentrations was significant, with the highest concentration in the winter and the lowest in the summer. Spring dust storms had a strong impact on the PM2.5. Overall, organic carbon was the most abundant species, constituting no less than 30% of the total PM2.5 mass at both sites. Concentrations of organic and elemental carbon were 35% and 16% higher at Tsinghua University than at Chegongzhuang. Ammonium, nitrate and sulfate were comparable at the sites, accounting for 25–30% of the PM2.5 mass.  相似文献   

Characteristics of carbonaceous aerosols in Beijing, China   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
Duan F  He K  Ma Y  Jia Y  Yang F  Lei Y  Tanaka S  Okuta T 《Chemosphere》2005,60(3):355-364
Carbonaceous aerosols and PM10 were monitored from September 8 to November 30, 2002, in a semi-urban site (Tsinghua University) in Beijing. Daily concentrations of OC and EC ranged from 7.1 to 65.9 microgCm(-3) and from 1.3 to 26.1 microgCm(-3), with the overall average concentrations of 21.2 microgCm(-3) and 7.3 microgCm(-3), respectively. The diurnal variation of carbonaceous concentrations on 2 h basis presented two-peak trend, which was attributed to the cooperative effect of local meteorological conditions and anthropogenic sources such as traffic exhaust and human outdoor activities. Daily average OC/EC ratio varied between 1.5 and 5.3 with an average of 3.0. Strong correlation between OC and EC (R2=0.8) indicated that their main sources were common. The frequency of OC/EC ratio presented Gaussian normal distribution trend in fall, of which the peak value appeared in the range of 2.8-5. In winter, it presented bi-peak mode, with the first peak near 1.4-1.6, and the second between 2.8 and 5. The high value (2.8-5) implied the SOC formation in both seasons, and the low one probably suggested the primary OC/EC ratio from coal burning in winter. Averagely, PM10 and carbonaceous species exhibited higher concentrations in Wednesday than in other weekdays, which could be ascribed to the low wind speed (1.6 ms(-1)) and high humidity (62.9%). OC was the abundant component accounting for 76% of TC. OC and EC contributed 15% and 5% to PM10, respectively. The estimation on a minimum OC/EC ratio (1.5) basis showed that SOC accounted more than 50% for the total organic carbon. Even in winter, the SOC contribution to OC was also significant, as high as 40%.  相似文献   

分析了2015年南京市PM2.5和PM10的浓度特征和大致来源类型。PM2.5和PM10的年均浓度分别为56.6 μg·m-3和96.5 μg·m-3,污染水平较高。颗粒物浓度的季节变化特征一致:冬 > 春 > 秋 > 夏;PM2.5的日变化呈"单峰单谷"型,而PM10的呈"单峰双谷"型。颗粒物浓度在城区高于郊区;植被茂盛区域的浓度较低。对PM2.5/PM10而言,比值在冬季和梅雨期较大,分别受取暖和降水的影响;比值在春季和夏末秋初较小,分别受沙尘和秸秆焚烧的影响。PM2.5多为二次颗粒物,PM10多为一次颗粒物;固定污染源对PM2.5的间接贡献和对PM10的直接贡献较移动污染源而言更大。  相似文献   

Phoenix, AZ, experiences high particulate matter (PM) episodes, especially in the wintertime. The spatial variation of the PM concentrations and resulting differences in exposure is of particular concern. In this study, PM2.s (PM with aerodynamic diameter <2.5 microm) and PM10 (PM with aerodynamic diameter <10 microm) samples were collected simultaneously from the east and west sides of South Phoenix and at a control site in Tempe and analyzed for trace elements and bulk elemental and organic carbon. Measurements showed that although PM2.5 concentrations had similar trends in temporal scale across all sites, concentrations of PM10 did not. The difference in PM10 concentrations and fluctuation across the three sites suggest effects of a local soil source as evidenced by high concentrations of Al, Ca, and Fe in PM10. K and anthropogenic elements (e.g., Cu, Pb, and Zn) in PM2.5 samples on January 1 were strikingly high, suggesting the influence of New Year's fireworks. Concentrations of toxic elements (e.g., Pb) in the study presented here are not different from similar studies in other U.S. cities. Application of principal component analysis indicated two broad categories of emission sources--soil and combustion--together accounting for 80 and 90% of variance, respectively, in PM2.5 and PM10. The soil and combustion components explained approximately 60 and 30% of the variance in PM10, respectively, whereas combustion sources dominated PM2.5 (>50% variance). Many elements associated with anthropogenic sources were highly enriched, with enrichment factors in PM2.5 an order of magnitude higher than in PM10 relative to surface soil composition in the study area.  相似文献   

The concentrations of PM2.5−10, PM2.5 and associated water-soluble inorganic species (WSIS) were determined in a coastal site of the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro, Southeastern Brazil, from October 1998 to September 1999 (n=50). Samples were dissolved in water and analyzed for major inorganic ions. The mean (± standard deviation; median) concentrations of PM2.5−10 and PM2.5 were, respectively, 26 (± 16; 21) μg m−3 and 17 (± 13; 14) μg m−3. Their mean concentrations were 1.7–1.8 times higher in dry season (May–October) than in rainy season (November–April). The WSIS comprised, respectively, 34% and 28% of the PM2.5−10 and PM2.5 masses. Chloride, Na+ and Mg2+ were the predominant ions in PM2.5−10, indicating a significant influence of sea-salt aerosols. In PM2.5, SO42− (∼97% nss-SO42−) and NH4+ were the most abundant ions and their equivalent concentration ratio (SO42−/NH4+ ∼1.0) suggests that they were present as (NH4)2SO4 particles. The mean concentration of (NH4)2SO4 was 3.4 μg m−3. The mean equivalent PM2.5 NO3 concentration was eight times smaller than those of SO42− and NH4+. The PM2.5 NO3 concentration in dry season was three times higher than in rainy season, probably due to reaction of NaCl (sea salt) with HNO3 as a result of higher levels of NOy during the dry season and/or reduced volatilization of NH4NO3 due to lower wintertime temperature. Chloride depletion was observed in both size ranges, although more pronouncely in PM2.5.  相似文献   


The chemical mass balance (CMB) model was applied to winter (November through January) 1991–1996 PM2.5 and PM10 data from the Sacramento 13th and T Streets site in order to identify the contributions from major source categories to peak 24-hr ambient PM2.5 and PM10 levels. The average monthly PM10 monitoring data for the nine-year period in Sacramento County indicate that elevated concentrations are typical in the winter months. Concentrations on days of highest PM10 are dominated by the PM2.5 fraction. One factor contributing to increased PM2.5 concentrations in the winter is meteorology (cool temperatures, low wind speeds, low inversion layers, and more humid conditions) that favors the formation of secondary nitrate and sulfate aerosols. Residential wood burning also elevates fine particulate concentrations in the Sacramento area.

The results of the CMB analysis highlight three key points. First, the source apportionment results indicate that primary motor vehicle exhaust and wood smoke are significant sources of both PM2.5 and PM10 in winter. Second, nitrates, secondarily formed as a result of motor-vehicle and other sources of nitrogen oxide (NOx), are another principal cause of the high PM2.5 and PM10 levels during the winter months. Third, fugitive dust, whether it is resuspended soil and dust or agricultural tillage, is not the major contributor to peak winter PM2.5 and PM10 levels in the Sacramento area.  相似文献   

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