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近年来,随着中国经济的快速发展,资源环境问题日益突出,相关领域的科学研究也越来越活跃,研究热点发生明显变化。本文对1990—2015年间国家自然科学基金管理科学部资源环境政策与管理领域的资助情况以及研究热点的变化趋势进行分析和总结,并对未来进行展望。统计数据表明,资源环境领域的基金项目数占学科处总资助项目比例从1990年的4.9%升至2015年的15.7%,成为宏观管理与政策学科项目数最多的二级学科领域。在该领域众多研究方向中,关注能源与碳排放的项目最多,占整个领域的50%左右,其中半数以上的项目聚焦能源建模及能效与可再生能源。中国正步入经济发展新常态,未来将更加强调提高资源与能源利用率和绿色发展。国家自然科学基金委管理科学部把"中国社会经济绿色低碳发展的规律"列入"十三五"优先发展领域,支持为实现中国的绿色低碳可持续发展提供理论支持和科学依据的创新性研究。  相似文献   

大数据研究和应用已引起学术界的广泛研究兴趣,本文从区域大气污染防治与污染物减排研究、资源与能源市场复杂性研究、智能电网的大数据研究、资源开发利用的大数据管理研究、全球气候变化与温室气体减排研究等5 个方面,梳理了资源环境领域大数据的主要研究方向,介绍了国家自然科学基金重大研究计划"大数据驱动的管理与决策研究"2015 年度项目申请与资助情况,以及该重大研究计划的核心科学问题,以期对资源环境领域大数据的研究与申请提供信息参考.  相似文献   

《新疆环境保护》是由新疆环境保护科学研究院主管、主办,在国内外公开发行的综合性学术期刊。《新疆环境保护》创刊于1978年,现为季刊,是我国最早创办的环境保护专业期刊之一。《新疆环境保护》以推动新疆、干旱区乃至我国环境科学事业的发展为办刊宗旨,主要发表环境与发展、生态环境保护、污染与防治、监测与分析、环境管理等方面的学术文章,重点关注国内外环境科学与工程领域新近取得的创新性研究成果,跟踪最新学术进展,兼顾基础理论研究与应用研究成果,重点报道国家自然科学基金资助项目、国家重大科技攻关项目以及省部级环境科研的新成果,为促进区域及我国环境科学发展做贡献。  相似文献   

正《新疆环境保护》是由新疆环境保护科学研究院主管、主办,在国内外公开发行的生态环境类学术期刊。《新疆环境保护》创刊于1978年,现为季刊,是我国最早创办的环境保护专业期刊之一。《新疆环境保护》编辑部将"学术强刊"作为办刊理念,以推动新疆、干旱区乃至我国环境科学事业的发展为办刊宗旨,主要发表环境与发展、生态环境保护、污染与防治、监测与分析、环境管理等方面的学术文章,重点关注国内外环境科学与工程领域新近取得的创新性研究成果,跟踪最新学术进展,兼顾基础理论研究与应用研究成果,重点报道国家自然科学基金资助项目、国家重大科技攻关项目以及省部级生态环境科研项目的新成果,为促进区域及我国生态文明建设和生态环境科学发展贡献力量。  相似文献   

基于CiteSpace软件,采用定量化的文献计量方法对中国知网的《中国学术期刊(网络版)》中2000-2018年的期刊论文和硕博士论文数据库内主题含有"准东"的文献进行统计和分析,梳理与剖析近20年准东地区科学研究的发展趋势、研究现状及热点,以期为该区域相关科学研究领域的进一步研究提供方向。结果表明:①2000-2018年我国有关准东的文献总体上呈先缓慢增长,至2011年开始快速增长的趋势;②研究层次主要集中在自然科学类的工程技术和基础与应用基础研究,研究的基金资助类型主要为国家自然科学基金;③研究学科领域主要集中在工业经济、燃料化工、矿业工程等领域,且学科领域分布广泛;关键词共现网络和热点动态演化分析得出,准东煤、准噶尔盆地、准东煤田、等关键词在准东研究领域中位于前列,并具有一定的关联性,且随着时间的推移,准东地区研究领域逐渐产生新的研究热点,"碱金属"、"高钠煤"、"结渣"、"气化"、"热解"等日益受到更多学者的广泛关注。  相似文献   

法国环能署(法国环境与能源控制署)隶属于法国政府几个主管环境、科研和工业的行政部,致力于实施国家在环境和能源领域的政策。环能署为市政部门和企业提供咨询建议,并资助他们开展的项目。环能署针对经济活动单位及公众开展宣传工作,以改善他们的行为。环能署拥有专业技术部门,并在26个行政大区设有地方代表机构。环能署管理的预算经费近30亿法国法郎(折合4.58亿欧元)。环能署开展的业务范围:大气质量;废弃物(城市垃圾、工业和有毒废弃物);污染点;能源控制;推广新能源;环境管理;噪音。一、环能署的三项职能1.鼓…  相似文献   

采用文献计量学、共词分析等统计方法,对中国知网环境绩效相关研究进行统计分析。20世纪末以来,相关研究经历了探索阶段、发展阶段和波动阶段3个阶段,涉及经济发展、环境保护、绿色发展等多个领域。研究主要集中于环境绩效指标体系、环境绩效的影响因素等7个内容,反映当时的经济和政策导向。通过战略坐标图发现,ESG(环境、社会和公司治理)信息披露与可持续发展问题、循环经济的碳减排评价体系的建立与完善等可能成为新的研究重点和核心内容。  相似文献   

国务院9日发布的《国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要(2006~2020年)》(以下简称《规划纲要》)指出,我国科学和技术的发展,要在统筹安排、整体推进的基础上,对重点领域及其优先主题进行规划和布局,为解决经济社会发展中的紧迫问题提供全面有力支撑。中国将在未来15年内把发展能源、水资源和环境等11个重点领域的技术放在优先位置,解决制约经济社会发展的重大瓶颈问题。 重点领域,是指在国民经济、社会发展和国防安全中重点发展、亟待科技提供支撑的产业和行业。优先主题,是指在重点领域中急需发展、任务明确、技术基础较好、近期能够突破的技术群。确定优先主题的原则:一是有利于突破瓶颈制约,提高经济持续发展能力。二是有利于掌握关键技术和共性技术,提高产业的核心竞争力。三是有利于解决重大会益性科技问题,提高佘共服务能力。四是有利于发展军民两用技术,提高国家安全保障能力。这些重点领域包括:能源、水和矿产资源、环境、农业、制造业、交通运输业、信息产业及现代服务业、人口与健康、城镇化与城市发展、公共安全、国防。 《规划纲要》对环境保护领域的科学研究和技术开发给予高度重视,明确提出我国环境保护科学技术的发展思路是引导和支撑循环经济发展。大力开发重污染行业清洁生产集成技术,强化废弃物减量化、资源化利用与安全处置,加强发展循环经济的共性技术研究;实施区域环境综合治理。开展流域水环境和区域大气环境污染的综合治理、典型生态功能退化区综合整治的技术集成与示范,开发饮用水安全保障技术以及生态和环境监测与预警技术,大幅度提高改善环境质量的科技支撑能力;促进环保产业发展。重点研究适合我国国情的重大环保装备及仪器设备,加大国产环保产品市场占有率,提高环保装备技术水平;积极参与国际环境合作。加强全球环境公约履约对策与气候变化科学不确定性及其影响研究,开发全球环境变化监测和温室气体减排技术,提升应对环境变化及履约能力。 《规划纲要》在到2020年我国科学技术发展的总体目标中,将能源开发、节能技术和清洁能源技术取得突破,促进能源结构优化,主要工业产品单位能耗指标达到或接近世界先进水平;在重点行业和重点城市建立循环经济的技术发展模式,为建设资源节约型和环境友好型社会提供科技支持,作为我国科学技术中重要方面需要实现的目标。提出把发展能源、水资源和环境保护技术放在优先位置,把水体污染控制与治理作为重大专项之一。 同时,《规划纲要》在其他方面的科研领域中也充分体现出保护环境、节约资源的思想和要求。如在能源领域坚持节能降耗、降低环境污染的发展思路;在农业方面将保障农林生态安全,重点开发环保型肥料、农业环境综合整治技术作为发展思路之一;在制造业领域将形成高效、节能、环保和可循环的新型制违工艺。制造业资源消耗、环境负荷水平进入国际先进行列作为发展思路之一;在交通运输业中,将促进交通运输向节能、环保和更加安全的方向发展,资源节约与环境保护等方面的关键技术取得重大突破并得到广泛应用作为发展思路之一;在城镇化与城市发展方面,将实现城镇发展规划与区域资源环境承裁能力的相互协调,发展城市生态人居环境和绿色建筑,发展城市污水、垃圾等废弃物无害化处理和资源化利用技术,开发城市居住区和室内环境改善技术,显著提高城市人居环境质量等作为发展思路,把重点研究开发室内污染物监测与净化技术,发展城市环境生态调控技术,城市垃圾资源化利用技术,城市水循环利用技术与设备,城市与城镇群污染防控技术,居住区最小排放集成技术,生态居住区智能化管理技术等作为优先主题。 鉴于篇幅有限,本刊现将《规划纲要》重点领域及其优先主题中有关能源、水和矿产资源、环境方面的内容刊登如下:[编者按]  相似文献   

了解我国资源环境领域的研究热点及走向,可为该领域的论文选题、科研立项和学科规划提供参考信息和决策依据。本文采用共词分析法,Excel、SPSS等软件,对CNKI数据库中的相关文献进行统计。通过分析得出高频关键词并建立共词矩阵,进一步对高频词共词矩阵进行聚类分析和战略坐标图分析,得出资源环境领域的研究热点主要集中在人口资源环境与经济可持续发展、城市化与中国资源环境/水资源环境协调发展、资源环境约束或人地关系视角下的产业结构优化和城镇化发展、资源环境承载力评价指标体系与问题对策、经济增长与生态足迹关系、生态文明视角下的资源环境保护与管理等几大主题上。其中,前两个主题处于整个领域的核心地位,得到较深入的研究,后四个主题研究不够深入,仍有许多值得研究的地方。  相似文献   

环境管理战略转型研究综述   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王加平  张伟 《中国环境管理》2016,8(2):85-88,115
由于经济社会的发展伴随的环境问题越来越复杂,资源相对不足、环境容量有限越来越突出,环境管理转型问题引起越来越多的国内外学者关注。所谓环境管理转型,是指环境管理思维、策略和方式的转变,是以环境质量为目标导向,从被动应对向主动防控的转变。本文通过文献梳理的方法,综述了国内外学术界对于环境管理战略进行的多角度探讨。通过综述发现,国外学者主要注重环境管理理论研究,如环境管理的模型研究和不同环境管理战略的研究,且国外学者在研究不同环境管理战略时,研究对象多为微观层面的企业组织;而我国学者的研究则主要集中在宏观层面,即从国家的角度来探讨环境管理战略如何完成转型,从而促进我国经济社会的良性发展。现有的国内外研究是环境管理战略相关理论发展和实践推行的重要基础,在环境管理战略研究领域,本文认为还有一些问题需要进一步研究:一是环境管理的转型不仅需要宏观层面的统筹、微观方面的变革,也需要从中观层面来推进,所以中观层面的环境管理研究同样具有重要的现实意义。二是环境管理的转型不仅需要法律手段的支撑、经济手段的配置,也需要公民环保意识的觉醒,所以关于公民环保意识层面的研究也需要加强。  相似文献   

<正>2016年,国务院印发了《土壤污染防治行动计划》(以下简称"土十条")。这是我国土壤环境管理历史上里程碑式的文件。在中国科学院南京分院院长周健民看来,土壤污染具有长期性、复杂性和潜伏性的特点,所以其修复过程比大气和水污染治理所需技术更为综合、时间更为漫长。"土壤污染治理面临两大挑战:一是土壤污染的底数不清,我们还没建立起详细而完整的地块污染数据库;  相似文献   

Arbuckle, Jr., J. Gordon, 2012. Clean Water State Revolving Fund Loans and Landowner Investments in Agricultural Best Management Practices in Iowa. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 1‐9. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2012.00688.x Abstract: Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) loan programs for water quality have traditionally funded infrastructure projects at the community, municipality, or state level. They are increasingly being used to support individual landowner adoption of agricultural best management practices (BMPs) for nonpoint source pollution abatement. In 2005, the Iowa CWSRF initiated the Local Water Protection Program (LWPP) to increase the scope, scale, and rate of agricultural BMP establishment. This research examines the effectiveness of that program through a comparison of survey data from LWPP participants and state cost‐share recipients who were eligible for loans, but did not take them. Loan recipients’ assessments of the program were overwhelmingly positive, with near‐universal satisfaction with both the loan product and process. Results of statistical analyses indicate that loan recipients invested substantially more in conservation than nonrecipients. Evidence suggests that by helping program participants to overcome financial constraints, loans are facilitating larger and accelerated investments in conservation. Although findings indicate that conservation loans can play an important role in funding conservation, loan recipients also still depend on cost‐share. Loans are not necessarily a substitute for traditional forms of conservation funding, but rather another tool that landowners and conservation professionals can employ to facilitate investments in BMPs.  相似文献   

A zero waste program was established at a university campus in response to grassroots student concern over environmental management issues. The implementation procedure consisted of initial discussions with academic and local authority staff at a university environmental forum, the formation of a working group, the preparation of a funding proposal and the establishment of an externally funded research, educational and promotional program led by an academic staff member. Support from senior management existed in the form of a written environmental policy and a signed commitment to environmental responsibility in tertiary education and university funding support followed the success of the initial funding application. Projects were typically conducted by paid research associates, assisted by student volunteers and supervised by a program leader from the academic staff. Co-operation and support from facilities management staff was obtained on an informal basis. A campus environmental committee was established in order to facilitate communication on environmental matters between the School for the Environment, senior university management, facilities management staff, academic staff and students. In order to enable full program development however, a need for linkages between all sectors involved in the program and the introduction of a formal environmental management system was identified.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Policy and management plans can be enhanced through effective communication between researchers and decision makers. Differences in understanding can come from differences in professional cultures. Scientists deal with facts, proof and incremental progress whereas the decision makers are often faced with perceptions, emotions and deadlines. A case study is presented illustrating the interaction between the political system and science on a water management issue. Irrigation projects in the western San Joaquin Valley of California lead to a situation requiring subsurface drainage and disposal of the drainage water. The original plan was to discharge the drainage water in the Suisun Bay east of the San Francisco Bay. Severe damage to birds associated with selenium in the water led to a reevaluation of irrigation and drainage management options. Federal and state agencies cooperated to establish a San Joaquin Valley Drainage Program (SJVDP) which was to develop plans for solving the problem. Discharge to the Bay was politically eliminated as an option for evaluation, an action criticized by a National Research Council Committee as not being scientifically based. The SJVDP published a Management Plan in 1990 which contained proposals viewed by the scientific community as not necessarily incorrect but not completely justified based on the scientific knowledge at the time. A segment of the Citizens Advisory Committee that was part of the SJVDP consisting of representatives from the interest groups viewed the Management Plan as a negotiated agreement between the environmental and agricultural interests. Presently, an Activity Plan exists, consisting of technical committees to evaluate the current technical and economic evaluation of the management options proposed in the Management Plan. This case study illustrates that factors other than scientific facts have bearing on decisions. Successful management plans must be technically sound, economically viable and socially acceptable. The scientific community needs to evaluate its role in the policy making arena and to focus research on questions of greatest value to decision makers, as well as to scientific peers.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Dramatic changes in Utah's economy caused by urbanization, large scale energy developments, and other influences will significantly reorient water use patterns. Thus, state water management policies and programs which have evolved over many years should be reevaluated. Several factors have influenced Utah water project financing policy. Among these have been: 1) the prominence of agriculture in the settlement of Utah and the century following, 2) dry cycles and periodic severe droughts, 3) recurring periods of economic depression, and 4) allocation of Colorado River water among the basin states and Mexico, Three revolving funds have been established. The Revolving Construction Fund, created in 1947, provides money for irrigation projects; the Cities Water Loan Fund, created in 1975, provides money to communities for developing culinary systems and improving quality to meet the demands of exploding population growth; and the Water Resources Conservation and Development Fund, created in 1978, provides money for large scale multipurpose water projects costing $1 million or more. The justification for these financing programs seems to be a mixture of rectifying market imperfections and income redistribution. However, trends in the agricultural sector and the multipurpose nature of large scale projects now being funded suggest that earlier justifications may no longer be valid. Rigorous project evaluation procedures, lacking in the past, should be adopted.  相似文献   

为积极稳妥推进全国省以下环保机构监测监察执法垂直管理制度改革试点工作,本文紧紧围绕《关于省以下环保机构监测监察执法垂直管理制度改革试点工作的指导意见》精神,以环境执法改革为主体主线,从环境执法的总体方向、基本路径、主要任务三个方面进行政策分析解读,给各地在环保垂直管理制度改革试点工作中有效推进环境执法改革,提供改革路径指引和参考。  相似文献   

Summary This paper presents an overview of: (1) the institutional context of the environmental pollution sector of environmental quality management; (2) accomplishments and problems in some representative subsectors; and (3) prospects. The author describes levels of government within the US federal system and lists types of organizational structures, explains the division of responsibilities for managing environmental quality among legislative bodies/executive agencies, state and federal courts, and state public utility commission, and notes the significant role of nongovernmental environmental groups. In order to assess both the past performance and present status of environmental quality management in the United States, Bower cites some specific and generic problems in such subsectors as water quality, soil erosion, air quality, and hazardous wastes. He goes on to characterize recent approaches and their results using these observations as a basis for an appraisal of future prospects in the context of intermedia impacts and multiple modes of impact on various species. Remarks prepared for presentation at theColloque International, Les Politiques de l'Environnement Face à la Crise, Paris, 10–12 January, 1984. Blair T. Bower, a Registered Civil Engineer, is a Consultant in Residence at Resources For the Future in Washington, DC. He has worked extensively in the US and abroad on environmental quality management with such international organizations as the UN, WHO, OAS, and OECD. His current involvements include consultancies with the US National Oceans and Atmospheric Administration, Strategic Assessments Branch/Oceans Assessment Division; as Leader for Utilization of Coastal Water Problem Areas/Analyzing Biospheric Change Programme, International Federation of Institutes for Advances Study; and with the Office of Policy Analysis/US Environmental Protection Agency. An early supporter of integrated approaches to natural resource/environmental planning and management and to residuals disposal, Mr Bower is the author of many publications on a wide range of environmental topics and management options.  相似文献   

环保三同时管理贯穿于油气田建设项目论证前期、施工期、运行期等整个过程,克服建设项目时间紧、任务重,快建快投等困难,同时要做好项目全过程环境保护管理,尤为重要。本文结合环境保护相关法律法规和建设项目三同时管理相关要求,结合气矿实际情况,为实现建设项目环保三同时精细化管理,通过实践验证,总结提出EPTMC管理模型建议。  相似文献   

根据《国家重点研发计划管理暂行办法》,国家重点研发计划重点专项和项目要聚焦国家重大战略、以目标为导向,从基础前沿、重大共性关键技术到应用示范进行全链条创新设计、一体化组织实施。为有效完成科技计划管理改革对专业机构项目过程管理提出的新要求,本文简要阐述专业机构对"水资源高效开发利用"重点专项管理的设想,为其他以技术研发与应用示范为主要产出形式的科研项目提供借鉴。  相似文献   

生态环境重大工程是实施国家中长期规划、具有中国特色的一项制度安排。本研究通过梳理我国重大生态环境工程项目管理现状,包括制度建设、工程标准体系建设、绩效管理体系建设等,结合“十四五”生态环境保护形势和任务要求,分析当前我国在生态环境工程项目管理体系建设上存在的主要问题。在此基础上,构建出我国重大生态环境项目组织管理的框架和路线图,提出“十四五”加强和提升我国重大生态环境保护项目全过程管理的对策与建议。  相似文献   

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