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邓小平可持续发展战略思想是邓小平理论的重要观点,构成中国特色社会主义理论体系的重要部分,为我国实现经济社会全面、协调、可持续发展提供了科学指南.邓小平可持续发展战略思想的核心是坚持以人为本;邓小平可持续发展战略思想是全面发展观:邓小平同志提出了统筹兼顾的基本原则和根本方法,也是推进可持续发展的基本原则.邓小平同志可持续发展战略思想对我国的可持续发展具有极其重要的指导意义.  相似文献   

Cities based on mining are distinctive from other cities in China. Their heavy dependence on minerals, a relatively undiversified industrial structure, seriously damaged ecological environment and the rather low degree of openness have all reduced their competitiveness, and severely constrained and hindered their sustainable development. In this paper the authors will study mining-based cities from the perspective of sustainable development, first by having a critical review of their features, and then by researching into strategic options to support their sustainable development.  相似文献   


Cities based on mining are distinctive from other cities in China. Their heavy dependence on minerals, a relatively undiversified industrial structure, seriously damaged ecological environment and the rather low degree of openness have all reduced their competitiveness, and severely constrained and hindered their sustainable development. In this paper the authors will study mining-based cities from the perspective of sustainable development, first by having a critical review of their features, and then by researching into strategic options to support their sustainable development.  相似文献   

区域可持续发展战略规划的理论与方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实施区域可持续发展战略规划是落实科学发展观的需要。结合广东省江门市可持续战略规划的实践,对可持续发展规划的概念、内涵、基本框架以及技术流程进行探讨。基本结论是:区域可持续发展战略规划应以“环境社会系统”全新的视角,回答一个区域该如何化解“三大供需矛盾”,消除“三大危机”,提高区域可持续发展能力的问题;对区域环境社会系统这类开放型复杂巨系统进行可持续发展战略决策,需采用专家经验与计算机建模相结合、反复试错、多元互动的综合集成方法。  相似文献   

2016年12月,国务院发布《中国落实2030年可持续发展议程创新示范区建设方案》,引起了国内外的广泛关注,成为当前中国推进可持续发展的标志性事件.本文介绍了该方案的制定过程及其重要意义,对方案的主要内容进行了解析,并提出了近期应围绕创新示范区建设开展的几项重点工作.文章认为,建立落实2030年可持续发展议程创新示范区是中国顺应全球可持续发展趋势的必然选择,是解决国内可持续发展主要问题的迫切需要,是回应国际社会期待的客观要求.文章提出,在建设落实2030年可持续发展议程创新示范区时关键要把握好四个原则:①勇于突破GDP导向的传统发展思维,真正以可持续发展的理念推动地方发展;②从制约地方可持续发展的瓶颈问题入手,通过制度、科技等各方面的改革和创新,形成成熟有效的系统性解决方案;③调动社会各界的积极性,形成政府引导、市场配置资源、各利益攸关方共同参与的机制;④主动分享系统性解决方案和实践经验,为全球可持续发展做出中国贡献.文章最后提出,面向未来,建设中国落实2030年可持续发展议程创新示范区要做好四个衔接:①加强与国家可持续发展实验区工作的衔接,形成互为支撑的布局体系;②加强与"绿色技术银行"工作的衔接,促进先进适用技术落地生根;③加强与国家科技计划的衔接,促进创新能力的提升;④加强与各领域改革工作的衔接,形成综合创新示范的局面.  相似文献   

Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The prominent place of the chapter on poverty in the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation (JPI) is totally in keeping with the priority given to poverty reduction in the development thinking of the international community of today. The Johannesburg process did not lead to any new insights or new commitments in the fight against poverty. Section one sets out a factual comparison of the poverty chapters in Rio's Agenda 21 (AG21) and in the JPI. Section two reviews the conceptual links between poverty reduction and sustainable development, since poverty is used both as a dependent and as an independent variable. This analysis shows a shift in the function of growth as related to environmental protection. Section three explores the naturalization of development thinking in its economic and social dimensions and shows how this affects the policy options for social protection. I also explain how social and environmental sustainability have become elements of risk management and how are both aimed at conflict prevention and enhanced growth. Finally, in section four three lines of action are suggested to enhance the emergence of a socially meaningful sustainable development agenda that, ideally, would make poverty reduction strategies redundant.  相似文献   

本文运用系统科学原理阐释了社会和谐的内涵,指出社会和谐须以人与自然和谐为基础,以人与人之间的平等、友爱和同合作为表征,其构建与实现应遵从人类社会的演化规律,依赖予在把握人类社会需求演绎、协同人与自然关系的基础上推动生产力的高效有序发展和自然资源、生态环境的可持续支持.进而从可持续发展角度,提出了人与自然和谐的双剩余理论,以揭示其间的供瓣枧理和协同准则;推导出了社会收益分配的相对公平系数,以衡量人与人公平要求下的社会和谐.针对国情和战略目标要求,提出了以加强小城镇建设为轴心的城市、小城镇与农村人流、物流、财流和信息流合理聚散的三元结构发展模式,以促进我国和谐社会的建设和可持续发展战略的有序实践.  相似文献   

环境-社会系统管理与可持续发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出以环境-社会系统管理推进可持续发展。就是要寓经济发展于生态化中。寓生态建设于经济化中.寓社会发展于生态和经济的协调发展之中.为“经济-社会-环境”系统建立一个健康、安全、和谐的可持续发展模式。  相似文献   

相对于传统发展模式。可持续发展在发展目标与内容上更具有公共性和长期性的取向。从而使政府能力将面临着更大的挑战.“卡尔多-希克斯改进”原则为政府推动可持续发展和走向“帕累托改瞢”提供了思路,并决定了政府能力的核心是制度供给能力。为了充分发挥政府能力。制度安排应遵循市场优先、地方政府优先、公众参与、遵循法治四个原则。  相似文献   

中国低碳经济发展战略思考:以京津冀经济圈为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了应对气候变化,保证能源安全,许多国家开始发展以新能源的开发和使用为代表的低碳经济。中国在应对气候变化和建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会的大背景下,积极采取节能减排措施,新能源产业也迅速发展。京津冀经济圈作为我国重要的经济增长极,在低碳经济发展方面积累了一定的优势。以京津冀经济圈为例,提出中国发展低碳经济的战略思考。从低碳经济的定位、发展模式和核心竞争力三个方面,相应提出具体战略建议:不同的地区,不同的发展阶段,低碳经济发展的内容应该有所不同;对于我国来说,低碳经济的关键是低碳产业发展,能够通过提供低碳产品、服务创造价值;除了积极开拓国际市场,政府应该注重国内市场需求的开辟;根据地方的优势不同,可有意识地打造不同特点的低碳企业集聚;针对某一产业,可以就所处不同的产业链环节进行分工;京津冀都市圈,依托已经建立的各种合作协议,可以就低碳经济发展形成低碳城市联盟;要从技术、人才、品牌和碳市场等方面逐渐培养低碳核心竞争力。  相似文献   

信息产业与可持续发展在共同的时代背景下应运而生,相互作用又有机统一.信息产业对可持续发展有显著的正效应,主要表现为:信息产业对经济发展的贡献;信息技术的发展应用,可以减少人物流动,提高资源配置效率;合理利用自然资源,实时监测环境变化;可以通过非物质化降低能耗和物耗,等等.同时,信息产业因其固有的特殊性,又表现出与可持续发展不协调的方面,如信息安全与信息污染、电子产品中有毒元素的应用、电磁辐射及对人体的影响等.文章最后提出,信息产业对社会经济的可持续发展具有重要的推动作用,大力发展信息产业是我国产业结构调整的必然选择,以可持续发展战略指导信息产业健康发展,并以信息产业推动其他行业的可持续发展,提高资源环境利用和管理水平,是可持续发展的必由之路.  相似文献   

China's national sustainable development strategies were drafted under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping's theory on socialist construction with Chinese distinguishing features and, the theory and practice of sustainable development has further enriched and perfected Deng Xiaoping's theory. An in-depth study of Deng Xiaoping's theory is significant if we are to accurately understand our sustainable development program and how to best implement the strategies.  相似文献   


China's national sustainable development strategies were drafted under the guidance of Deng Xiaoplng's theory on socialist construction with Chinese distinguishing features and, the theory and practice of sustainable development has further enriched and perfected Deng Xiaoping's theory. An in-depth study of Deng Xiaoplng's theory is significant if we are to accurately understand our sustainable development program and how to best implement the strategies.  相似文献   

作为中国现代化特有的一个基本属性,中国农民问题根本不是也不可能是“被解决”的。而只能在中国特色的现代化模式创制中“失去意义”。正是这种创制.使得中国农民问题的变化和转型有机会成为可持续发展是否可能的典型实验。其基本含义和特点,在于如何建设和维护人和地球共同构成的这个自组织系统运行的涵养机制,以及如何把握适度发展的分寸。  相似文献   

The development of everthing follows its own law, which does not change at people’s own sweet will. Therefore, we must study the development of things so as to grasp the essence of things in their deep meanings, explore the direction of their de- velopment, and make them better serve the people. As a part of the thought of sustainable development, city environment art will be of active significance to the perfection of the thought and will also be the concrete embodiment of the synthetic index of economic development. Such a thesis, starting from the macroscopic angle, and relying on the leading thought of sustainable development, takes hold of the development trend of city environment art, and explores the various problems that have arisen in city environment in the process of city management by combining thoughts on city planning, so as to guide urban harmonious development theoretically. The present paper expounds on the views comprehensively and, through the synthetic analysis on city planning, city environment, art esthetics and the thought of sustainable development, makes a detailed analysis of the effects of the present rapid city development on city environment.  相似文献   

Feeding a growing population exceeding 1 billion is a big challenge to the Chinese government and has partly led to the self-sufficient policy in grain production and supply for decades. However, the efforts to push grain production everywhere have resulted in not only deterioration of the environment but also stagnation or even reduction in farmers' income as production costs continue to increase. This situation might be worsening after China's accession to the WTO that provides market access for bulk commodity imports. A sustainable development in Chinese agriculture depends on diversification, or structural adjustment, that allows Chinese farmers to fully utilize their comparative advantage in production of labor-intensive goods. Past experience has shown that diversification has contributed more than a half of the growth in Chinese agriculture during the reform period and reduced stresses on the environment at the same time. It is likely to contribute even more to Chinese agriculture in the future an  相似文献   

全球可持续发展面临的挑战与对策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
全球可持续发展涉及可持续经济、可持续环境和可持续社会三方面的协调统一,要求人类在发展中讲究经济效率、关注环境和谐与追求社会公平,最终达到人的全面发展。自1992年联合国环境与发展大会以来,国际社会积极推动实施《关于环境与发展的里约宣言》、《21世纪议程》和《可持续发展首脑会议执行计划》,各种形式的国际和区域环发合作深入开展,各个国家为促进可持续发展付出了巨大努力,在消除贫困和实现千年发展目标方面取得一些成绩。但是,全球在经济、环境和社会发展方面正在面临着越来越复杂的形势,全球可持续发展事业依然面临严峻的挑战。本文从经济、环境与社会三个方面,系统分析了全球可持续发展面临的挑战。分析表明:全球经济发展依然不平衡,不稳定性在加大,而且世界贫富差距明显,发达国家对发展中国家的官方援助不足;全球能源结构没有根本性改变,CO2排放不断增加,气候变化问题突出,而且一些国家生态环境问题较为严重;世界总人口数不断增加,各国就业水平难以提高,各国教育水平非常不均衡,而且欠发达国家人均医疗卫生支出水平低,居民健康状况堪忧。针对全球可持续发展面临的挑战,本文提出了相应的对策:①坚持"共同但有区别的责任"原则。可持续发展没有统一的模式,各国的发展阶段、条件和能力的不同必须予以正视;要区别发达国家和发展中国家的不同国情,要充分尊重发展中国家的发展权利;要为发展中国家向可持续发展转型提供技术、资金和能力建设方面的强有力支持。②加强各国政府在环境领域的交流与合作。不仅要重视全球性环境问题,而且更要优先考虑区域性环境问题,特别是发展中国家和最不发达国家面临的生态环境问题。③积极推动全球社会朝向均衡、普惠和共赢的方向发展。世界上所有国家都应有权以平等的身份参与全球治理过程以及不断改进和优化治理机制,而且全球治理结构应该向发展中国家倾斜;要积极消除贫困、减少不平等现象、使增长具有包容性、使生产和消费更可持续;要增强人们做出可持续选择的权利,特别是妇女、年轻人、失业者以及社会最弱势和最脆弱群体的权利等。  相似文献   

<正>中国可持续发展研究会成立于1992年1月14日。是经民政部注册、科技部主管,由关心人口、资源与环境等可持续发展理论与实践问题的专家、学者、管理工作者及部分企业家组成的非营利性的、全国性学术团体。委托管理单位是中国21世纪议程管理中心。本会的宗旨是:团结和动员广大会员和科技工作者,促进科技与经济结合,推动我国可持续发展战略实施,为建设创新型国家,构建社会主义和谐社会做出积极贡献。  相似文献   


Feeding a growing population exceeding 1 billion is a big challenge to the Chinese government and has partly led to the self-sufficient policy in grain production and supply for decades. However, the efforts to push grain production everywhere have resulted in not only deterioration of the environment but also stagnation or even reduction in farmers' income as production costs continue to increase. This situation might be worsening after China's accession to the WTO that provides market access for bulk commodity imports. A sustainable development in Chinese agriculture depends on diversification, or structural adjustment, that allows Chinese farmers to fully utilize their comparative advantage in production of labor-intensive goods. Past experience has shown that diversification has contributed more than a half of the growth in Chinese agriculture during the reform period and reduced stresses on the environment at the same time. It is likely to contribute even more to Chinese agriculture in the future and in a sustainable manner.  相似文献   

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