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By means of environmental education, teachers are supposed to intervene in pupils’ awareness and concern of environmental issues. Teachers’ environmental attitudes, however, have rarely been studied. We analysed 367 German pre- and in-service teachers’ environmental attitudes for their structure and socio-economic correlates within the frame of a European project. Thus, we retrieved for adults the two-dimensional model of ecological values (2-MEV) presented for adolescents by Bogner and Wiseman (Sci Educ Int 15(1):27–48, 2004). For the two domains, Preservation and Utilisation, the psychometric structure was confirmed and discriminative correlations with age, gender and teaching subject were unveiled. Further research is needed to deduce the implications for teaching practice.  相似文献   
By using an original framework involving complementary statistical approaches, we investigated the environmental attitudes of 6379 pre-service and in-service teachers in 16 countries of Europe and its neighbourhood. To test hypotheses about the nature of environmental attitudes, we examined the variation across groups of individuals (between-class analysis), investigated the independent effects of several candidate explanatory factors (orthogonal analysis), and finally inspected potential relationships between conceptions on a variety of topics (co-inertia analysis).  相似文献   
This study presents metal levels in the sediments of the Bakar Bay, with its main goal to evaluate recent anthropogenic influence, as well as over previous decades. Sediment profiles at 7 sampling points were taken. Chemical contents in bulk sediment were obtained using ICP, ICP-MS, and AAS methodologies, and 20 most significant elements were presented. Concentrations of selected elements were evaluated by factor statistical analyses to identify their source. Also, metal enrichment factor and geoaccumulation index were calculated, and spatial distribution maps for three sediment layers were constructed. Measured metal concentrations in sediment were compared with concentrations in other sediments from the Adriatic Sea. In addition, a set of sediment quality guidelines were also applied in order to predict the probability of adverse biological effects on the benthic community: This was found not to be very serious. Factor analysis clearly demonstrates the segregation between metals of natural origin resulted from soil and bedrock weathering (Li, Al, Cr, Sc), and with two anthropogenic sources originating from the city of Bakar and bulk cargo terminal (Hg, Pb, Zn, Ag, Sn, and Fe). Mercury (max 0.65 μg g?1) is found to be the heaviest contaminant, followed by lead (max 71.5 μg g?1), copper (89.3 μg g?1), and zinc (156 μg g?1). However, this study shows that Bakar Bay is considerably less polluted with toxic metals than it was believed.  相似文献   
In addition to methane (CH(4)) and carbon dioxide (CO(2)), landfill gas may contain more than 200 non-methane organic compounds (NMOCs) including C(2+)-alkanes, aromatics, and halogenated hydrocarbons. Although the trace components make up less than 1% v/v of typical landfill gas, they may exert a disproportionate environmental burden. The objective of this work was to study the dynamics of CH(4) and NMOCs in the landfill cover soils overlying two types of gas collection systems: a conventional gas collection system with vertical wells and an innovative horizontal gas collection layer consisting of permeable gravel with a geomembrane above it. The 47 NMOCs quantified in the landfill gas samples included primarily alkanes (C(2)-C(10)), alkenes (C(2)-C(4)), halogenated hydrocarbons (including (hydro)chlorofluorocarbons ((H)CFCs)), and aromatic hydrocarbons (BTEXs). In general, both CH(4) and NMOC fluxes were all very small with positive and negative fluxes. The highest percentages of positive fluxes in this study (considering all quantified species) were observed at the hotspots, located mainly along cell perimeters of the conventional cell. The capacity of the cover soil for NMOC oxidation was investigated in microcosms incubated with CH(4) and oxygen (O(2)). The cover soil showed a relatively high capacity for CH(4) oxidation and simultaneous co-oxidation of the halogenated aliphatic compounds, especially at the conventional cell. Fully substituted carbons (TeCM, PCE, CFC-11, CFC-12, CFC-113, HFC-134a, and HCFC-141b) were not degraded in the presence of CH(4) and O(2). Benzene and toluene were also degraded with relative high rates. This study demonstrates that landfill soil covers show a significant potential for CH(4) oxidation and co-oxidation of NMOCs.  相似文献   
Limits and dynamics of methane oxidation in landfill cover soils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to understand the limits and dynamics of methane (CH4) oxidation in landfill cover soils, we investigated CH4 oxidation in daily, intermediate, and final cover soils from two California landfills as a function of temperature, soil moisture and CO2 concentration. The results indicate a significant difference between the observed soil CH4 oxidation at field sampled conditions compared to optimum conditions achieved through pre-incubation (60 days) in the presence of CH4 (50 ml l−1) and soil moisture optimization. This pre-incubation period normalized CH4 oxidation rates to within the same order of magnitude (112-644 μg CH4 g−1 day−1) for all the cover soils samples examined, as opposed to the four orders of magnitude variation in the soil CH4 oxidation rates without this pre-incubation (0.9-277 μg CH4 g−1 day−1).Using pre-incubated soils, a minimum soil moisture potential threshold for CH4 oxidation activity was estimated at 1500 kPa, which is the soil wilting point. From the laboratory incubations, 50% of the oxidation capacity was inhibited at soil moisture potential drier than 700 kPa and optimum oxidation activity was typical observed at 50 kPa, which is just slightly drier than field capacity (33 kPa). At the extreme temperatures for CH4 oxidation activity, this minimum moisture potential threshold decreased (300 kPa for temperatures <5 °C and 50 kPa for temperatures >40 °C), indicating the requirement for more easily available soil water. However, oxidation rates at these extreme temperatures were less than 10% of the rate observed at more optimum temperatures (∼30 °C). For temperatures from 5 to 40 °C, the rate of CH4 oxidation was not limited by moisture potentials between 0 (saturated) and 50 kPa. The use of soil moisture potential normalizes soil variability (e.g. soil texture and organic matter content) with respect to the effect of soil moisture on methanotroph activity. The results of this study indicate that the wilting point is the lower moisture threshold for CH4 oxidation activity and optimum moisture potential is close to field capacity.No inhibitory effects of elevated CO2 soil gas concentrations were observed on CH4 oxidation rates. However, significant differences were observed for diurnal temperature fluctuations compared to thermally equivalent daily isothermal incubations.  相似文献   
Many developed countries have targeted landfill methane recovery among greenhouse gas mitigation strategies, since methane is the second most important greenhouse gas after carbon dioxide. Major questions remain with respect to actual methane production rates in field settings and the relative mass of methane that is recovered, emitted, oxidized by methanotrophic bacteria, laterally migrated, or temporarily stored within the landfill volume. This paper presents the results of extensive field campaigns at three landfill sites to elucidate the total methane balance and provide field measurements to quantify these pathways. We assessed the overall methane mass balance in field cells with a variety of designs, cover materials, and gas management strategies. Sites included different cell configurations, including temporary clay cover, final clay cover, geosynthetic clay liners, and geomembrane composite covers, and cells with and without gas collection systems. Methane emission rates ranged from -2.2 to >10,000 mg CH(4) m(-2) d(-1). Total methane oxidation rates ranged from 4% to 50% of the methane flux through the cover at sites with positive emissions. Oxidation of atmospheric methane was occurring in vegetated soils above a geomembrane. The results of these studies were used as the basis for guidelines by the French environment agency (ADEME) for default values for percent recovery: 35% for an operating cell with an active landfill gas (LFG) recovery system, 65% for a temporary covered cell with an active LFG recovery system, 85% for a cell with clay final cover and active LFG recovery, and 90% for a cell with a geomembrane final cover and active LFG recovery.  相似文献   
Environmental literacy is a key concept to promote individual behavioral changes toward a more sustainable lifestyle to consciously react to environmental challenges such as climate change. Promoting knowledge, attitudes and behaviors provides a reasonable basis to prepare adolescents for their future. A recently proposed environmental literacy model comprises three-dimensional knowledge, environmental attitudes and pro-environmental behavior. The present study applies this model by implementing an intervention focusing on tropical rainforests and climate change in a botanical garden, combining student-centered activities with self-dependent learning. Data from 283 10th graders quantify individual knowledge, attitudes and behavior scores. Knowledge acquisition, a positive development of the Inclusion of Nature in One's Self concept and increasing pro-environmental behavior intentions were found by comparing an intervention group with a test–retest group. In conclusion, our botanical garden’s intervention evidently furthered appreciative tendencies and even encouraged environmental literacy.  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of a laboratory investigation to determine the geotechnical properties of fresh municipal solid waste (MSW) collected from the working phase of Orchard Hills Landfill located in Davis Junction (Illinois, USA). Laboratory testing was conducted on shredded MSW to determine the compaction, hydraulic conductivity, compressibility, and shear strength properties at in-situ gravimetric moisture content of 44%. In addition, the effect of increased moisture content during leachate recirculation on compressibility and shear strength of MSW was also investigated by testing samples with variable gravimetric moisture contents ranging from 44% to 100%. Based on Standard Proctor tests, a maximum dry density of 420 kg/m(3) was observed at 70% optimum moisture content. The hydraulic conductivity varied in a wide range of 10(-8)-10(-4)m/s and decreased with increase in dry density. Compression ratio values varied in a close range of 0.24-0.33 with no specific trend with the increase in moisture content. Based on direct shear tests, drained cohesion varied from 31 to 64 kPa and the drained friction angle ranged from 26 to 30 degrees. Neither cohesion nor friction angle demonstrated any correlation with the moisture content, within the range of moisture contents tested. The consolidated undrained triaxial shear tests on saturated MSW showed the total strength parameters (c and phi) to be 32 kPa and 12 degrees, and the effective strength parameters (c' and phi') to be 38 kPa and 16 degrees. The angle of friction (phi) decreased and cohesion (c) value increased with the increase in strain. The effective cohesion (c') increased with increase in strain; however, the effective angle of friction (phi') decreased first and then increased with the increase in strain. Such strain-dependent shear strength properties should be properly accounted in the stability analysis of bioreactor landfills.  相似文献   
Summary The object of this study was to construct a measurement instrument to assess two different environmental world views of adolescents and, additionally, to address the adolescents' verbal commitment and actual behaviour. Using a multiple-choice questionnaire the instrument was designed to identify and measure the existing factors that underlie concern for ecological/environmental problems and behaviour towards environment/nature in the age group of 10 to 16 year old pupils. Within the traditional tripartite model covering cognitive, affective and behavioural components the study selected items that made up the majority of corresponding subscales from various previous studies. Using factor analysis the configuration of the scale's dimensionality was stated. Based on the responses of approximately 2000 Bavarian pupils, subscales were extracted via factor analysis and, subsequently, addressed to different segments of environmental concern ranging from attitudes to verbal commitment and actual behaviour. Correlation coefficients and the standardized Cronbach's -values were also surveyed. Additionally, a Kruskal-Wallis analysis was applied in order to locate the subscales' influences on sociodemographic variables such as gender and age and self-reported variables such as the pleasure of being a pupil and school performance. The further purpose of the present study is to provide the basis for follow-up comparisons of preferences and values in pupils within other countries.
Résumé Le but de la présente étude est la réalisation d'un système de mesure pour l'évaluation de différents niveaux de conscience par rapport à la nature et à la protection de l'environnement, ainsi que des comportements actuels ou envisagés. Le système de mesure s'appuie sur un questionnaire à choix multiples pour évaluer les différents facteurs qui déterminent les niveaux de conscience et les comportements correspondants chez les adolescents de 10 à 16 ans. Dans le cadre du modèle à trois niveaux, qui comprend des composantes cognitives, affectives et comportementales, un grand nombre d'items, en partie issus d'études antérieures, ont été sélectionnés pour former les sous-catégories nécessaires. La configuration des catégories a été garantie par une analyse factorielle.Sur la base des réponses d'environ 2000 élèves, des sous-catégories ont été définies, qui vont depuis les positions de départ jusqu'au comportement actuel. En outre, nous avons défini les coefficients de corrélation, ainsi que les valuers Cronback-Alpha, et une analyse des régressions a été effectuée, qui prend en compte les influences, par exemple, des variables sociodémographiques comme le sexe et l'âge, des résultats scolaires ou de la manière dont l'école est perçue par chacun.La présente étude représente la base aussi bien pour des investigations comparatives entre pays, que pour l'évaluation de l'influence d'un enseignement extra-scolaire adopté.

Dr. Franz Bogner is the senior author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Manfred Wilhelm is based at the Institut für Medizinische Statistik, Technische Universität, Ismaninger Straße 22, D-81675 München, Germany.  相似文献   
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