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In perhaps the first-ever study of its kind, the effect of vermicompost, derived solely from an allelopathic weed, on the germination, growth, and yield of a botanical species, has been carried out. In test plots, the soil was treated with the vermicompost of lantana (Lantana camara) at the rates of 5, 7.5, and 10 t ha?1, and cluster bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) was grown on it. The performance of these systems was compared with the systems in which the soil was fortified with inorganic fertilizers (IFs) in concentrations equivalent to those present in the respective vermicompost (VC) treatments. Additionally, a set of control was studied in which the soil was used without fortification by either VC or IF. It was seen that up to 51.5 % greater germination success occurred in the VC treatments compared to controls. VC also supported better plant growth in terms of stem diameter, shoot length, shoot mass, number of leaves, and leaf pigments. The positive impact extended up to fruit yield. In addition, vermicast application enhanced root nodule formation, reduced disease incidence, and allowed for a smaller number of stunted plants. The results indicate that allelopathic ingredients of lantana seem to have been totally eliminated during the course of its vermicomposting and that lantana vermicompost has the potential to support germination, growth, and fruit yield better than equivalent quantities of IFs.  相似文献   
Contamination of aquatic ecosystems with heavy metals has been receiving increased worldwide attention due to their harmful e ects on human health and other organisms in the environment. Most of the studies dealing with toxic e ects of metals deal with single metal species, while the aquatic organisms are typically exposed to mixtures of metals. Hence, in order to provide data supporting the usefulness of freshwater fish as indicators of heavy metal pollution, it has been proposed in the present study to investigate the bioaccumulation and depuration of chromium in the selected organs of freshwater fingerlings Cirrhinus mrigala, individually and in binary solutions with nickel. The results show that the kidney is a target organ for chromium accumulation, which implies that it is also the “critical” organ for toxic symptoms. The results further show that accumulation of nickel in all the tissues of C. mrigala is higher than that of chromium. In addition, the metal accumulations of the binary mixtures of chromium and nickel are substantially higher than those of the individual metals, indicating synergistic interactions between the two metals. Theoretically the simplest explanation for an additive joint action of toxicants in a mixture is that they act in a qualitatively similar way. The observed data suggest that C. mrigala could be suitable monitoring organisms to study the bioavailability of water-bound metals in freshwater habitats.  相似文献   
Toxicity from methanol (MeOH), a potentially significant problem due to occupational, accidental, or intentional, as well as daily ingestion of small amounts of the agent, only receives considerable attention after severe signs of intoxication have set in or death is imminent. While accidental and intentional exposures usually involve very high doses, the occupational and ingestion forms more often reflect small daily intakes. Still, even at the low levels, little is known about the potential immunotoxic implications (and less so in regard to mechanisms) from these ongoing exposures. This study has been attempted to focus the effects of acute methanol exposure on blood neutrophil functions in both in vitro and in vivo conditions at 30 and 60?min time intervals. Innate immunity of the host defense relies mostly on neutrophils. The blood MeOH levels were determined upon exposing the experimental animals to ¼ of LD50 MeOH. No significant change in the blood methanol level was observed at 30 and 60?min of methanol exposure. The in vitro results showed a decrease in the neutrophil functions of adherence and phagocytic index without affecting the avidity index, followed by an increased nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) reduction. The in vivo exposures of MeOH showed a decline in neutrophil adherence. However, the other neutrophil functions were found to be significantly increased, which indicates that in vivo results are different from that of the in vitro studies. The present study concludes that MeOH exposure can reconstitute the innate immune status by altering the neutrophil functions. Moreover, the in vivo effects are much pronounced compared to the in vitro effects, which may be due to the formation of the metabolites under in vivo conditions.  相似文献   
Environmental Geochemistry and Health - This study accessed the levels of Cd, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn concentration in soils of different locations (mine, roadside, agricultural and control...  相似文献   
Composite samples of septage discharging at the Khirbit As-Samra municipal wastewater treatment plant were analyzed during the period from February to the end of October 2007. Septage showed difference in concentrations of pollutants between summer and winter. The average total chemical oxygen demand (COD) of 6,425 mg/L during summer was 2.16 times greater than that in winter, which is 2,969 mg/L. The total biochemical oxygen demand (5 d) represented 45% of total COD in both winter and summer. Anaerobic biodegradability was 75% after 81 d of digestion at 35°C with a biodegradation rate constant (k) of 0.024 d???1, which was lower compared with 0.103 d???1 calculated for wastewater with domestic origin in Jordan. Aerobic biodegradability for septage was 48%??COD basis??after 7 d of digestion at 35°C. The lower anaerobic biodegradation rate of septage compared with that of raw wastewater of domestic origin suggested that septage could have a negative effect on the performance of a domestic wastewater treatment plant if septage discharges are not taken into account in the original design of the treatment plant.  相似文献   
Sorptive uptake of lignin and tannin from an aqueous phase by activated charcoal was investigated in the laboratory. The sorption reaction was found to be of a first order. The influence on the rate of sorption of various factors, such as amount of sorbent and pH of the system, have been investigated. Sorption data fit well into the Langmuir adsorption isotherm, indicating formation of a monolayer over a homogeneous sorbent surface. Sorption capacity, rate constant, intraparticle diffusion coefficient, etc. were calculated from the sorption data. Desorption studies indicate the irreversible nature of the sorption reaction, whereas interruption studies suggest film diffusion to be rate limiting.  相似文献   
The rice-husk-based mesoporous activated carbon (MAC) used in this study was precarbonized and activated using phosphoric acid. N2 adsorption/desorption isotherm, X-ray powder diffraction, electron spin resonance, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, 29Si-NMR spectroscopy, and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy were used to characterize the MAC. The tannery wastewater carrying high total dissolved solids (TDS) discharged from leather industry lacks biodegradability despite the presence of dissolved protein. This paper demonstrates the application of free electron-rich MAC as heterogeneous catalyst along with Fenton reagent for the oxidation of persistence organic compounds in high TDS wastewater. The heterogeneous Fenton oxidation of the pretreated wastewater at optimum pH (3.5), H2O2 (4 mmol/L), FeSO4?7H2O (0.2 mmol/L), and time (4 h) removed chemical oxygen demand, biochemical oxygen demand, total organic carbon and dissolved protein by 86, 91, 83, and 90 %, respectively.  相似文献   
Intensive manure application is an important source of diffuse phosphorus (P) pollution. Phosphorus availability from animal manure is influenced by its chemical speciation. The major objective of this study was to investigate the P speciation in raw and anaerobically digested dairy manure with an emphasis on the calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) phosphate phases. Influent and effluent from an on-farm digester in Wisconsin were sampled and sieved, and the 25 to 53 microm size fraction was dried for X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and P K-edge X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) analyses. Struvite (MgNH4PO4.6H2O) was identified in both the raw (influent) and anaerobically digested (effluent) manure using XRD. Qualitative analysis of P K-edge XANES spectra indicated that the Ca orthophosphate phases, except dicalcium phosphate anhydrous (DCPA) or monetite (CaHPO4), were not abundant in dairy manure. Linear combination fitting (LCF) of the P standard compounds showed that 57.0 and 43.0% of P was associated with DCPA and struvite, respectively, in the raw manure. In the anaerobically digested sample, 78.2% of P was present as struvite and 21.8% of P was associated with hydroxylapatite (HAp). The P speciation shifted toward Mg orthophosphates and least soluble Ca orthophosphates following anaerobic digestion. Similarity between the aqueous orthophosphate (aq-PO4), newberyite (MgHPO4.3H2O), and struvite spectra can cause inaccurate P speciation determination when dairy manure is analyzed solely using P K-edge XANES spectroscopy; however, XANES can be used in conjunction with XRD to quantify the distribution of inorganic P species in animal manure.  相似文献   
A first‐of‐its‐kind wetland restoration project was completed in October 2000 to treat trichloroethene‐(TCE‐)impacted groundwater from a former manufacturing facility prior to discharge into a highly valued recreational surface water body in the upper Midwest. This article summarizes the design, construction, operation, and effectiveness of the restored wetland. The groundwater‐surface water discharge zone at the site was restored as a wetland to improve the natural degradation of TCE and subsequent degradation by‐products. For the past 11 years, the treatment wetland performance was evaluated by monitoring the wetland vegetation, wetland hydraulics, and water chemistry. Water quality data have been used to assess the wetland geochemistry, TCE and TCE‐degradation by‐product concentrations within the wetland, and the surface water quality immediately downgradient of the wetland. The treatment wetland has been performing according to design, with TCE and TCE‐degradation by‐products not exceeding surface water criteria. The monitoring results show that TCE and TCE‐degradation by‐products are entering the treatment wetland via natural hydraulic gradients and that the geochemistry of the wetland supports both reductive dechlorination (anaerobic degradation) and cometabolic degradation (aerobic degradation) of TCE and TCE‐degradation by‐products: cis‐ and trans‐1,2‐dichloroethene and vinyl chloride. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
An improved ion chromatographic (IC) method has been developed for the separation of nitrate in filter extracts in the presence of high concentrations of nitrite. This analytical method was successfully used for an indirect measurement of ozone (O3) in outdoor and indoor air, following its collection using a nitrite-impregnated passive sampler. The limit of detection and the limit of quantification, using the modified IC method, were 6 microg l(-1) (3sigma) and 20 microg l(-1) (10sigma), respectively. Improved detection limits and low baseline noise were obtained with the use of eluent generator and high-capacity ion exchange column. The optimized method was used for assessing O3 concentration in both indoor and outdoor environments of 28 child care centers (CCCs) located in different parts of Singapore. The O3 concentrations ranged from 0.1 to 11.95 parts per billion (ppb) in indoor and from 3.2 to 21.7 ppb in outdoor environments during the study period. It was found that, among the CCCs investigated in this study, air-conditioned CCCs and those located in close proximity to traffic emissions had significantly lower O3 concentrations indoors.  相似文献   
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