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Challenges in quantifying biosphere-atmosphere exchange of nitrogen species   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recent research in nitrogen exchange with the atmosphere has separated research communities according to N form. The integrated perspective needed to quantify the net effect of N on greenhouse-gas balance is being addressed by the NitroEurope Integrated Project (NEU). Recent advances have depended on improved methodologies, while ongoing challenges include gas-aerosol interactions, organic nitrogen and N(2) fluxes. The NEU strategy applies a 3-tier Flux Network together with a Manipulation Network of global-change experiments, linked by common protocols to facilitate model application. Substantial progress has been made in modelling N fluxes, especially for N(2)O, NO and bi-directional NH(3) exchange. Landscape analysis represents an emerging challenge to address the spatial interactions between farms, fields, ecosystems, catchments and air dispersion/deposition. European up-scaling of N fluxes is highly uncertain and a key priority is for better data on agricultural practices. Finally, attention is needed to develop N flux verification procedures to assess compliance with international protocols.  相似文献   
The role of land use on fate of metals in soils is poorly understood. In this work, we studied the incorporation of lead in two neighboring soils with comparable pedogenesis but under long-term different agricultural management. Distributions of anthropogenic Pb were assessed from concentrations and isotopic compositions determined on bulk horizon samples, systematical 5-10 cm increment samples, and on 24-h EDTA extracts. Minor amounts of anthropogenic lead were detected until 1-m depth under permanent grassland, linked to high earthworm activity. In arable land, exogenous Pb predominantly accumulated at depths <60 cm. Although the proximity between the two sites ensured comparable exposition regarding atmospheric Pb deposition, the isotopic compositions clearly showed the influence of an unidentified component for the cultivated soil. This work highlights the need for exhaustive information on historical human activities in such anthropized agrosystems when fate of metal pollution is considered.  相似文献   
Agricultural crops can be either a source or a sink of ammonia (NH3). Most NH3 exchange models developed so far do not account for the plants nitrogen (N) metabolism and use prescribed compensation points. We present here a leaf-scale simplified NH3 stomatal compensation point model related to the plants N and carbon (C) metabolisms, for C3 plants. Five compartments are considered: xylem, cytoplasm, apoplasm, vacuole and sub-stomatal cavity. The main processes accounted for are the transport of ammonium (NH4+), NH3 and nitrate (NO3) between the different compartments, NH4+ production through photorespiration and NO3 reduction, NH4+ assimilation, chemical and thermodynamic equilibriums in all the compartments, and stomatal transfer of NH3.The simulated compensation point is sensitive to paramaters related to the apoplastic compartment: pH, volume and active transport rate. Determining factors are leaf temperature, stomatal conductance and NH4+ flux to the leaf. Atmospheric NH3 concentration seem to have very little effect on the compensation point in conditions of high N fertilization. Comparison of model outputs to experimental results show that the model underestimates the NH3 compensation point for high N fertilization and that a better parametrisation of sensitive parameters especially active trasport rate of NH4+ may be required.  相似文献   
Agricultural soils may account for 10% of anthropogenic emissions of NO, a precursor of tropospheric ozone with potential impacts on air quality and global warming. However, the estimation of this biogenic source strength and its relationships to crop management is still challenging because of the spatial and temporal variability of the NO fluxes.Here, we present a combination of new laboratory- and field-scale methods to characterise NO emissions and single out the effects of environmental drivers.First, NO fluxes were continuously monitored over the growing season of a maize-cropped field located near Paris (France), using 6 automatic chambers. Mineral fertilizer nitrogen was applied from May to October 2005. An additional field experiment was carried out in October to test the effects of N fertilizer form on the NO emissions. The automatic chambers were designed to measure simultaneously the NO and N2O gases. Laboratory measurements were carried out in parallel using soil cores sampled at same site to test the response of NO fluxes to varying soil N–NH4 and water contents, and temperatures. The effects of soil core thickness were also analysed.The highest NO fluxes occurred during the first 5 weeks following fertilizer application. The cumulative loss of NO–N over the growing season was estimated at 1.5 kg N ha?1, i.e. 1.1% of the N fertilizer dose (140 kg N ha?1). All rainfall events induced NO peak fluxes, whose magnitude decreased over time in relation to the decline of soil inorganic N. In October, NO emissions were enhanced with ammonium forms of fertilizer N. Conversely, the application of nitrate-based fertilizers did not significantly increase NO emissions compared to an unfertilized control. The results of the subsequent laboratory experiments were in accordance with the field observations in magnitude and time variations. NO emissions were maximum with a water soil content of 15% (w w?1), and with a NH4–N content of 180 mg NH4–N kg soil?1. The response of NO fluxes to soil temperature was fitted with two exponential functions, involving a Q10 of 2.0 below 20 °C and a Q10 of 1.4 above. Field and laboratory experiments indicated that most of the NO fluxes originated from the top 10 cm of soil. The characterisation of this layer in terms of mean temperature, NH4 and water contents is thus paramount to explaining the variations of NO fluxes.  相似文献   
In order to study the effect of thevegetation structure on atmospheric ammonia(NH3) dispersion and deposition, anexperiment was set up near Paris, in July 1997.Between 12 and 162 m downwind of a 200 m line-source releasing 600 to 1200 g NH3hr-1placed at the top of a maize canopy, NH3concentration was measured, within and above thecanopy, with a set of 30 active, acid-coateddenuders over periods of 2 to 3 hr. Eight datasets were collected over a one-month period.NH3 concentration decreased sharply withdistance to the source, from up to800 g NH3 m-3 at 12 m, to lessthan 10 g NH3 m-3 at 162 m andshowed strong vertical gradients. Within thecanopy, the concentration scaled using thefriction velocity, the canopy height, and thesource strength, exhibited a universal power lawrelationship as a function of the normaliseddownwind distance from the source. A mass balancemethod and a resistance model approach were usedas independent estimates of the cumulateddeposition at 162 m downwind from the source,which range between 1 and 29% of the emittedNH3. Both methods agreed approximately inmagnitude. A sensitivity analysis showed that thecuticular uptake and the compensation point aremajor parameters that needs to be bettercharacterised under high NH3 concentrationif one wants to improve NH3 short-rangedeposition modelling.  相似文献   
The plant can be a source or a sink of ammonia (NH3) depending on its nitrogen (N) supply, metabolism and on the background atmospheric concentrations. Thus plants play a major role in regulating atmospheric NH3 concentrations. For a better understanding of the factors influencing the NH3 stomatal compensation point, it is important to analyse the dynamics of leaf NH3 fluxes. The relationship between the leaf NH3 fluxes and the leaf apoplast ammonium and nitrate concentrations, N nutrition and the light and dark periods was studied here.We designed an experiment to quantitatively assess leaf-atmosphere NH3 exchange and the stomatal compensation point and to identify the main factors affecting the variation of NH3 fluxes in oilseed rape. We tested day and night dynamics as well as the effect of five different N treatments. Two experimental methods were used: a dynamic open flux chamber and extraction of the apoplastic solution.Chamber measurements showed that there was a good correlation between plant NH3 fluxes and water fluxes. Compensation points were calculated by two different methods and ranged between 0.8 and 12.2 μg m−3 NH3 (at 20 °C) for the different N treatments. Apoplastic solution measurements showed that there was no significant differences in the apoplastic NH4+ concentrations ([NH4+]apo) extracted in dark and light periods for the same N treatment. Statistical analysis also showed that [NH4+]apo was correlated with [NH4+] in the nutrient solution and weakly correlated with [NO3]. Apoplast NH4+ concentrations ranged between 0.1 and 2.1 mM, bulk tissue NH4+ concentrations between 3.9 and 6.6 mM and xylem concentrations between 2.4 and 6.1 mM depending on the N supply.Calculated NH3 emission potential from the extraction measurements were over-estimated when compared with the value calculated from chamber measurements. Errors related to chamber measurements included separation of the cuticular and stomatal fluxes and the calculation of total resistance to NH3 exchange. Errors related to the extraction measurements included assessing the amount of cytoplasmic contamination. We do not have another method to assess the NH3 stomatal compensation point and the choice between these two measurement techniques should depend on the scales to which the measurements apply and the processes to be studied.  相似文献   
The ammonia stomatal compensation point of plants is determined by leaf temperature, ammonium concentration ([NH4+]apo) and pH of the apoplastic solution. The later two depend on the adjacent cells metabolism and on leaf inputs and outputs through the xylem and phloem. Until now only empirical models have been designed to model the ammonia stomatal compensation point, except the model of Riedo et al. (2002. Coupling soil-plant-atmosphere exchange of ammonia with ecosystem functioning in grasslands. Ecological Modelling 158, 83-110), which represents the exchanges between the plant's nitrogen pools. The first step to model the ammonia stomatal compensation point is to adequately model [NH4+]apo. This [NH4+]apo has been studied experimentally, but there are currently no process-based quantitative models describing its relation to plant metabolism and environmental conditions. This study summarizes the processes involved in determining the ammonia stomatal compensation point at the leaf scale and qualitatively evaluates the ability of existing whole plant N and C models to include a model for [NH4+]apo.  相似文献   
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