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A fundamental issue of collective intelligence is whether the collective pattern or process is based on environmental information that explicitly codes for it or arises through self-organization of the individuals. Sometimes, these alternatives occur together. Adaptive systems may also be capable of utilizing different types of mechanism under different conditions. Sendova-Franks et al. (Anim Behav 68:1095–1106, 2004) demonstrated evidence for a self-organization mechanism of brood sorting in the ant Temnothorax albipennis, where the brood are sorted in a series of bands or concentric annuli that increase in size with distance from the colony centre. The work by Cox and Blanchard (J Theor Biol 204:223-238, 2000) suggests an alternative or complementary mechanism whereby the brood pattern is specified by the template of a CO2 gradient. Here, we test for a gaseous template as a necessary condition for brood sorting. Under the experimental condition, we pumped the air out of the nest continuously to prevent the accumulation of any gaseous substances. We compared the brood pattern between the experimental and control conditions according to four characteristics: mean distance from centre, mean nearest-neighbour distance, shape and area. Under the experimental condition, the order of brood types according to the first two characteristics was the same as in the control. The area of the brood pattern was smaller, and its shape elongated under the experimental condition. As expected on the basis of these differences, mean distance from centre was greater and mean nearest-neighbour distance was smaller under the experimental condition (although not statistically significantly) and by the expected amount. We found evidence that ants avoid placing brood in the strongest airflow stream. This could explain the reduced area and elongated shape of the brood pattern under the experimental condition. We conclude that a gaseous template is not a necessary condition for brood sorting. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   
Samples of coal pile runoff, Georges Creek water, and macrobenthos above and below two coal storage areas along Georges Creek, Allegany County, Maryland, were collected in July, August, and September 1982, and February and July 1983. Coal pile runoff was collected under high- and low-flow conditions. Water samples were analyzed for Hg, Zn, As, Fe, Mn, Al, SO4?2, pH, filterable and non-filterable residue, conductivity and acidity. Leachate from coal piles along Georges Creek contained high concentrations of heavy metals, particularly manganese, aluminum and zinc. Iron and sulfate were very high and the pH ranged from 1.4 to 3.1. Georges Creek water had much lower concentrations of metals, iron and sulfate and a pH of about 7.0. The distribution of macrobenthos in Georges Creek showed the effects of both runoff from coal storage piles and periodic drought. Brillouin's diversity index values were low even in areas which did not dry. Densities of tubificid worms and chironomid larvae were very high above the coal storage areas where organic inputs were high. At all the rest of the sampling stations, macroinvertebrate densities were very low. Where coal pile runoff enters Georges Creek, it compounds the effects of periodic drought and further stresses the aquatic community.  相似文献   
We investigated the variability of anthropogenic radionuclide content of the edible fractions of individual edible crabs (Cancer pagurus L.) and European lobsters (Homarus gammarus L.) caught commercially in the Sellafield offshore area. Sixteen female and 18 male crabs and 20 female and 17 male lobsters were selected from commercial catches made between 25 May and 5 June 1997. Each gender group was selected to be within the known weight range for commercially caught crustacea from the area. Four artificial radionuclides (60Co, 110mAg, 137Cs or 241Am) were detected by gamma-spectrometry. The edible fraction content of these radionuclides between males and females for either species were not statistically significantly different. 99Tc was analysed by chemical separation and beta-counting. 99Tc concentrations in female crabs tended to be higher (172 +/- 205 (16) Bq kg-1(wet); mean +/- standard deviation (n samples)) than those in males (85 +/- 58 (18) Bq kg-1 (wet)), although this was not a statistically significant difference. For both male and female crabs, 99Tc concentrations tended to decrease with increasing whole live weights. For 99Tc in lobsters the picture is less clear. Female lobsters contained more activity (14800 +/- 7400 (20) Bq kg-1 (wet)) than males (7100 +/- 3900 (17) Bq kg-1 (wet)). The results were used to discuss the implications for sampling and monitoring.  相似文献   
Species-specific rates of photosynthetic carbon uptake (P), chlorophyll a content and P versus irradiance (P-I), have been measured for cells of Pyrocystis noctiluca and P. fusiformis isolated from natural populations collected in the euphotic zone within and below the surface mixed layer in the Sargasso Sea. These same measurements and the assay for ribulose bis-phosphate carboxylase (RuBP-Case), have been made for cultures of P. noctiluca in a 12 h L: 12 h D photoperiod at 9 different constant or at changing light intensities. In nature chl a cell-1 was constant throughout the euphotic zone. The photosynthetic capacity (Pmax), of cells captured below the surface mixed layer was lower by a factor of 10 compared with cells collected from the surface mixed layer. The Pmax for P. noctiluca collected and incubated within the surface mixed layer was the same as for cell cultures grown under high light, non nutrient-limiting conditions, suggesting that photosynthesis in the natural system was not nutrient limited. In laboratory cultures under constant low light intensities, chl a cell-1 increased by a factor of 5 while both Pmax and RuBPCase activity decreased by a factor of ca 4 compared with high light intensities. In changing light intensities both Pmax and RuBPCase activities were decreased by factors of 4 during low light intervals while chl a cell-1 approached a constant intermediate value. The change in chl a cell-1 in response to prolonged exposure to constant low light intensities was first order with a rate constant of 0.33 d-1. For all irradiance conditions in culture, the P-I dependence could be described by the simple Michaelis-Menten formula. The ratio of Pmax to KI, (the light intensity where P=Pmax/2) was a constant with a Coefficient of Variation of 12%: The constancy of this ratio, the parallel changes in RuBPCase activity with Pmax and the constant chl a cell-1 in the Sargasso Sea imply that for P. noctiluca and presumably P. fusiformis in nature, a dark enzymatic step rather than changes in photosynthetic pigment concentrations may regulate the photosynthetic capacity in the changing photic environment.Contribution no. 1141 from McCollum-Pratt Institute and Department of Biology, The Johns Hopkins University. Supported by DOE contract no. EY 76S20 3278, NSF no. OCE 76-02571 and ONR no. N300014-81-C-0062  相似文献   
A field pilot test in which hydraulic fracturing was used to emplace granular remediation amendment (a mixture of zero‐valent iron [ZVI] and organic carbon) into fine‐grained sandstone to remediate dissolved trichloroethene (TCE)‐contaminated groundwater was performed at a former intercontinental ballistic missile site in Colorado. Hydraulic fracturing was used to enhance the permeability of the aquifer with concurrent emplacement of amendment that facilitates TCE degradation. Geophysical monitoring and inverse modeling show that the network of amendment‐filled fractures extends throughout the aquifer volume targeted in the pilot test zone. Two years of subsequent groundwater monitoring demonstrate that amendment addition resulted in development of geochemical conditions favorable to both abiotic and biological TCE degradation, that TCE concentrations were substantially reduced (i.e., greater than 90 percent reduction in TCE mass), and that the primary degradation processes are likely abiotic. The pilot‐test data aided in re‐evaluating the conceptual site model and in designing the full‐scale remedy to address a larger portion of the TCE‐contaminated groundwater plume. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
In this paper we present a simple hybrid gap-filling model (GFM) designed with a minimum number of parameters necessary to capture the ecological processes important for filling medium-to-large gaps in Flux data. As the model is process-based, the model has potential to be used in filling large gaps exhibiting a broad range of micro-meteorological and site conditions. The GFM performance was evaluated using “Punch hole” and extrapolation experiments based on data collected in west-central New Brunswick. These experiments indicated that the GFM is able to provide acceptable results (r2 > 0.80) when >500 data points are used in model parameterization. The GFM was shown to address daytime evolution of NEP reasonably well for a wide range of weather and site conditions. An analysis of residuals indicated that for the most part no obvious trends were evident; although a slight bias was detected in NEP with soil temperature. To explore the portability of the GFM across ecosystem types, a transcontinental validation was conducted using NEP and ancillary data from seven ecosystems along a north-south transect (i.e., temperature–moisture gradient) from northern Europe (Finland) to the Middle East (Israel). The GFM was shown to explain over 75% of the variability in NEP measured at most ecosystems, which strongly suggests that the GFM maybe successfully applied to forest ecosystems outside Canada.  相似文献   
This paper provides a methodology for generating forest management plans, which explicitly maximize carbon (C) sequestration at the forest-landscape level. This paper takes advantage of concepts first presented in a paper by Meng et al. (2003; Mitigation Adaptation Strategies Global Change 8:371–403) by integrating C-sequestration objective functions in existing wood supply models. Carbon-stock calculations performed in WoodstockTM (RemSoft Inc.) are based on C yields generated from volume table data obtained from local Forest Development Survey plots and a series of wood volume-to-C content conversion factors specified in von Mirbach (2000). The approach is used to investigate the impact of three demonstration forest-management scenarios on the C budget in a 110,000 ha forest in south-central New Brunswick, Canada. Explicit demonstration scenarios addressed include (1) maximizing timber extraction either by clearcut or selection harvesting for greatest revenue generation, (2) maximizing total C storage in the forest landscape and in wood products generated from harvesting, and (3) maximizing C storage together with revenue generation. The level of clearcut harvesting was greatest for scenario 1 (≥15 × 104 m3 of wood and ≥943 ha of land per harvesting period), and least for scenario 2 (=0 m3 per harvesting period) where selection harvesting dominated. Because softwood saw logs were worth more than pulpwood ($60 m−3 vs. $40 m−3) and were strategic to the long-term storage of C, the production of softwood saw logs exceeded the production of pulpwood in all scenarios. Selection harvesting was generally the preferred harvesting method across scenarios. Only in scenario 1 did levels of clearcut harvesting occasionally exceed those of selection harvesting, mainly in the removal of old, dilapidated stands early in the simulation (i.e., during periods 1 through 3). Scenario 2 provided the greatest total C-storage increase over 80 years (i.e., 14 × 106 Mg C, or roughly 264 Mg ha−1) at a cost of $111 per Mg C due to lost revenues. Scenarios 3 and 1 produced reduced storage rates of roughly 9 × 106 Mg C and 3 × 106 Mg C, respectively; about 64% and 22% of the total, 80-year C storage calculated in scenario 2. The bulk of the C in scenario 2 was stored in the forest, amounting to about 76% of the total C sequestered.  相似文献   
l-Aspartic acid was thermally polymerized in the presence of d-sorbitol with the goal of synthesizing new, higher molecular weight water soluble and absorbent copolymers. No reaction occurred when aspartic acid alone was heated at 170 or 200 °C. In contrast, heating sorbitol and aspartic acid neat or with ammonium hydroxide gave a mixture of water soluble and insoluble copolymers of polysuccinimide and sorbitol. In the presence of phosphoric acid, sorbitol aspartate ester copolymers having both water soluble and highly swollen gel components were formed. These results indicate that polysaccharides such as sorbitol can readily react to form copolymer ester/amides with aspartic acid and such copolymers may have utility as biodegradable water soluble and swellable polyampholytes.  相似文献   
Behavioral observations using a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) in the Gulf of California in March, 2003, provided insights into the vertical distribution, feeding and anatomy of the rare and delicate ctenophore Thalassocalyce inconstans. Additional archived ROV video records from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute of 288 sightings of T. inconstans and 2,437 individual observations of euphausiids in the Gulf of California and Monterey Canyon between 1989 and 2005 were examined to determine ctenophore and euphausiid prey depth distributions with respect to temperature and dissolved oxygen concentration [dO]. In the Gulf of California most ctenophores (96.9%) were above 350 m, the top of the oxygen minimum layer. In Monterey Canyon the ctenophores were more widely distributed throughout the water column, including the hypoxic zone, to depths as great as 3,500 m. Computer-aided behavioral analysis of two video records of the capture of euphausiids by T. inconstans showed that the ctenophore contracted its bell almost instantly (0.5 s), transforming its flattened, hemispherical resting shape into a closed bi-lobed globe in which seawater and prey were engulfed. Euphausiids entrapped within the globe displayed a previously undescribed escape response for krill (‘probing behavior’), in which they hovered and gently probed the inner surfaces of the globe with antennae without stimulating further contraction by the ctenophore. Such rapid bell contraction could be effected only by a peripheral sphincter muscle even though the presence of circumferential ring musculature was unknown for the Phylum Ctenophora. Thereafter, several live T. inconstans were collected by hand off Barbados and microscopic observations confirmed that assumption.  相似文献   
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