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Fluoxetine is a widely used antidepressant, frequently found in aquatic ecosystems. We investigated its effects on two freshwater prosobranch gastropods: Valvata piscinalis (European valve snail) and Potamopyrgus antipodarum (New Zealand mudsnail), which have different reproductive modes. The fecundity of V. piscinalis (cumulate number of eggs at day 42) was not affected with an NOEC of 100 μg/L nominal concentration (69 μg/L measured concentration). The mudsnail P. antipodarum responded in a biphasic dose-effect curve at low concentrations. The cumulate number of neonates at day 42 had an LOEC of 100 μg/L (69 μg/L) and an NOEC of 33.3 μg/L (13 μg/L), whereas the embryos in the brood pouch at day 42 only showed an LOEC of 3.7 μg/L (1 μg/L). We also observed histological effects in P. antipodarum (gonadal thickness). Among the sexual steroids we measured only testosterone which varied, independent of reproduction. Moreover the use of two closely related species highlights the interspecific variability.  相似文献   
Managers can improve conservation of lotic systems over large geographies if they have tools to assess total watershed conditions for individual stream segments and can identify segments where conservation practices are most likely to be successful (i.e., primary management capacity). The goal of this research was to develop a suite of threat indices to help agriculture resource management agencies select and prioritize watersheds across Missouri River basin in which to implement agriculture conservation practices. We quantified watershed percentages or densities of 17 threat metrics that represent major sources of ecological stress to stream communities into five threat indices: agriculture, urban, point-source pollution, infrastructure, and all non-agriculture threats. We identified stream segments where agriculture management agencies had primary management capacity. Agriculture watershed condition differed by ecoregion and considerable local variation was observed among stream segments in ecoregions of high agriculture threats. Stream segments with high non-agriculture threats were most concentrated near urban areas, but showed high local variability. 60 % of stream segments in the basin were classified as under U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) primary management capacity and most segments were in regions of high agricultural threats. NRCS primary management capacity was locally variable which highlights the importance of assessing total watershed condition for multiple threats. Our threat indices can be used by agriculture resource management agencies to prioritize conservation actions and investments based on: (a) relative severity of all threats, (b) relative severity of agricultural threats, and (c) and degree of primary management capacity.  相似文献   
Given the unique biogeochemical, physical, and hydrologic services provided by floodplain wetlands, proper management of river systems should include an understanding of how floodplain modifications influence wetland ecosystems. The construction of levees can reduce river–floodplain connectivity, yet it is unclear how levees affect wetlands within floodplains, let alone the cumulative impacts within an entire watershed. This paper explores spatial relationships between levee and floodplain wetland systems in the Wabash Basin, United States. We used a hydrogeomorphic floodplain delineation technique to map floodplain extents and identify wetlands that may be hydrologically connected to river networks. We then spatially examined the relationship between levee presence, wetland area, and other river network attributes within discrete subbasins. Our results show that cumulative wetland area is relatively constant in subbasins that contain levees, regardless of maximum stream order within the subbasin. In subbasins that do not contain levees, cumulative wetland area increases with maximum stream order. However, we found that wetland distributions around levees can be complex, and further studies on the influence of levees on wetland habitat may need to consider finer resolution spatial scales.  相似文献   
Demographic plasticity in tropical reef fishes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
N. Gust  J. Choat  J. Ackerman 《Marine Biology》2002,140(5):1039-1051
We use age-based analyses to demonstrate consistent differences in growth, mortality, and longevity of coral reef fishes from similar habitats (exposed reef crests) 20 km apart. On outer-shelf reef crests of the northern Great Barrier Reef (GBR), size in four taxa of reef fishes (Chlorurus sordidus, Scarus frenatus, and S. niger and the acanthurid Acanthurus lineatus) was systematically and significantly smaller when compared with the same taxa on adjacent mid-shelf reef crests. Differences in size could be attributed to differences in growth between habitats (shelf positions). On outer reef crests the species examined had consistently lower size at age profiles and also reduced life spans compared with populations from mid-shelf reefs. To confirm this relationship, two of the most abundant species (C. sordidus and S. frenatus) were selected for more detailed spatial analysis of demographic patterns. Sampling adults of both taxa from reef crests on three mid- and three outer-shelf reefs revealed that most of the variation in growth was explained by shelf position, although C. sordidus also displayed differences in growth among mid-shelf reefs. We conclude that differences in body sizes across the continental shelf of the northern GBR are primarily determined by these trends in growth. Strong spatial patterns also existed in the mean ages of populations and longevity estimates for C. sordidus and S. frenatus between shelf positions. Both species on outer-shelf reefs displayed less variable cohort sizes, significantly reduced mean ages, and foreshortened longevity compared with populations on mid-shelf reefs. Furthermore, differences in these parameters were rare among replicate reefs within mid- and outer-continental-shelf positions. Age-based catch curves suggested that rates of S. frenatus natural mortality on the outer shelf were nearly twice as high as on the mid shelf. Visual surveys indicated that total scarid densities on outer-shelf reef crests are on average fourfold higher than for equivalent mid-shelf habitats. This fact, coupled with significantly reduced growth rates, reduced mean ages, and increased mortality rates, suggests that density-dependent processes may be responsible for observed differences among localities.  相似文献   
Moderation of stream temperatures by riparian shading and groundwater are known to promote growth and survival of salmonid fishes, but effects of riparian shade and groundwater on to be growth of warmwater stream fishes are poorly understood or assumed to be negligible. We used stream temperature models to relate shading from riparian vegetation and groundwater inflow to summer water temperatures in Missouri Ozark streams and evaluated effects of summer water temperatures on smallmouth bass, Micropterus dolomieu, growth using a bioenergetics model. Bioenergetics model simulations revealed that adult smallmouth bass in non-spring-fed streams have lower growth potential during summer than fish in spring-fed streams, are subject to mass loss when stream temperatures exceed 27 degrees C, and will likely exhibit greater interannual variation in growth during summer if all growth-influencing factors, other than temperature, are identical between the two stream types. Temperature models indicated that increased riparian shading will expand the longitudinal extent of thermal habitat capable of supporting adult smallmouth bass growth in spring-fed stream reaches when mean daily air temperatures exceed 27 degrees C. Optimum growth temperature (22 degrees C) will be present only in spring-fed streams under these conditions. Potential for increasing shade through riparian restoration is greatest for streams <5 m wide and along north-south reaches of larger streams. However, temperature models also indicated that restoring riparian shading to maximum levels throughout a watershed would increase the total stream mileage capable of supporting positive growth of adult smallmouth bass by only 1-6% when air temperatures are at or near average summer maxima; increases in suitable thermal habitat would be greatest in watersheds with higher spring densities. Riparian management for maintenance or restoration of the thermal habitat of adult smallmouth bass during summer should be focused in areas strongly influenced by groundwater. Restoring riparian shading along spring-fed warmwater streams will likely benefit adult smallmouth bass growth and may ultimately influence population sizes.  相似文献   
In a long-term study of contaminated soil around Jaslovské Bohunice nuclear power plant (NPP), 24 species of local flora were used to show impact of serious accidents from 1976 to 1977. The 19-km-long banks of the Jaslovské Bohunice NPP wastewater recipient have been identified as contaminated by (137)Cs. In total, more than 67,000m(2) of riverbanks have been found as being contaminated at levels exceeding 1Bq (137)Csg(-1) of soil. Used phytotoxic and cytogenetic "in situ" tests were extended by analyses of pollen grains. Although the dose of some samples of radioactive soil was relatively high (322kBqkg(-1)) no significant impact on the biological level of tested wild plant species was observed.  相似文献   
G. Gust 《Marine Biology》1977,42(1):47-53
Simultaneous flow measurements were performed by hot-wire anemometry inside and outside (a) a closed bag, and (b) a flow-through system designed for metabolic experiments of Fucus vesiculosus communities. Since water movement is considered an important parameter in such biological studies, the walls of the systems were flexible in order to establish flow conditions within the enclosed water body comparable to those in the natural environment. In situ experiments in the Baltic Sea at a water depth of 2 m showed that energy spectra inside the systems were comparable to those outside for a variety of flow and wave conditions. Thus, biological data from glexible wall systems, carefully designed to meet specific natural flow requirements, can be taken as reliable input data for natural ecosystem modeling.Contribution No. 147 of the Joint Research Programme 95 Interaction Sea-Sea Bottom, Kiel University, Kiel (FRG), and Hawaii Institute of Geophysics Contribution No. 803.  相似文献   
In the absence of direct measurement, costs of locomotion to small swimming Crustacea (<10 mm) have been derived exclusively through application of the fluid dynamic theory. Results indicate very low swimming costs, and contradict experimental data on larger Crustacea (15 to 100 mm) that suggest a three-fold increase in metabolic rate with increasing swimming speed. This paper introduces a swimming model that analyzes the hydrodynamic forces acting on a crustacean swimming at non-steady velocity. The model treats separately the hydrodynamic forces acting on the body and the swimming appendages, approximating the simultaneous solution of equations quantifying the drag and added-mass forces on each by stepwise integration. Input to the model is a time-series of instantaneous swimming-appendage velocities. The model output predicts a corresponding time-series of body velocities as well as the mechanical energy required to move the swimming appendages, dissipated kinetic energy, and metabolic cost of swimming. Swimming of the calanoid copepod Pleuromamma xiphias (Calanoida) was analyzed by extrapolating model parameters from data available in the literature. The model predictions agree well with empirical observations reported for larger crustaceans, in that swimming for copepods is relatively costly. The ratio of active to standard metabolism for P. xiphias was >3. Net cost of transport was intermediate to the values found experimentally for fish and larger crustaceans. This was a consequence of the predicted mechanical efficiency (34%) of the copepod's paddle propulsion, and of increased parasitic resistance resulting from non-steady velocity swimming.  相似文献   
The choice of wastewater compliance methods used in the United States has been largely prescribed; however, in some cases, this has led to data of unknown or poor quality. This problem is further compounded by the relatively slow regulatory approval process to incorporate discharge-specific method modifications or flexibility to using alternate, potentially better technologies. In this study, a framework is presented, using a performance-based-system approach, which a discharger could use to verify proper use of an alternate or modified method. An example, using two chemical oxygen demand methods (a currently approved method and an alternate method that does not generate hazardous waste) demonstrates that the protocol is simple to use, yet scientifically defensible and effective and that this approach should be readily understandable to both regulators and the regulated community. Our results also suggest that the reference method approach, without associated measurement quality objectives, may yield a false sense of competency with an alternate method.  相似文献   
Fluoxetine is a serotonin re-uptake inhibitor, generally used as an antidepressant. It is suspected to provoke substantial effects in the aquatic environment. This study reports the effects of fluoxetine on the life cycle of four invertebrate species, Daphnia magna, Hyalella azteca and the snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum exposed to fluoxetine spiked-water and the midge Chironomus riparius exposed to fluoxetine-spiked sediments. For D. magna, a multi-generational study was performed with exposition of newborns from exposed organisms. Effects of fluoxetine could be found at low measured concentrations (around 10mugl(-1)), especially for parthenogenetic reproduction of D. magna and P. antipodarum. For daphnids, newborns length was impacted by fluoxetine and the second generation of exposed individuals showed much more pronounced effects than the first one, with a NOEC of 8.9mugl(-1). For P. antipodarum, significant decrease of reproduction was found for concentrations around 10mugl(-1). In contrast, we found no effect on the reproduction of H. azteca but a significant effect on growth, which resulted in a NOEC of 33mugl(-1), expressed in nominal concentration. No effect on C. riparius could be found for measured concentrations up to 59.5mgkg(-1). General mechanistic energy-based models showed poor relevance for data analysis, which suggests that fluoxetine targets specific mechanisms of reproduction.  相似文献   
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