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Al-Mohannadi HI  Hunt CO  Wood AP 《Ambio》2003,32(5):362-366
Qatar has serious water resource problems, following rapid socioeconomic development and massive population increase. Municipal water provision depends on costly and unsustainable desalination. There is little regulation. Native Qataris do not pay a water tariff and migrants pay a subsidized price--approximately one third of the cost of production--so there is little awareness of the true cost of water and use is profligate. This paper discusses trends in water use and identifies issues underlying sustainable water use in Qatar. A questionnaire of respondents chosen to represent Qatari social groups measured awareness and attitudes to water. The results show that previous efforts to control water demand in Qatar, using awareness campaigns, legal restrictions and tariffs, have been ineffectual. The questionnaire evaluated reactions to possible measures to limit uses by raising awareness, using legal restrictions and raising tariffs. From this, a number of policy changes can be suggested, to bring Qatar's water industry towards sustainability.  相似文献   
微囊藻毒素-LR多克隆抗体的制备   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
盛建武  何苗  施汉昌  钱易 《环境科学》2006,27(4):783-786
通过对新西兰大白兔免疫自制的微囊藻毒素-LR(Microcystin-LR,MC-LR)完全抗原BSA-MC-LR,获得了质量较好的抗MC-LR的多克隆抗体,间接ELISA表明抗体的效价能达到1.5×105;固定包被抗原OVA-MC-LR,采用间接竞争ELISA测定水体中的微囊藻毒素,标准曲线表明对水样中MC-LR的检测下限为10ng/L,线性区间为30ng/L·3μg/L,能满足对饮用水和地表水中MC-LR的检测要求.  相似文献   
卡塔尔由于社会经济高速发展,人口大量增加,水资源存在严重问题.市政给水依靠高成本和不可持续的海水淡化,而对用水几乎没有限制,卡塔尔本国居民不用付水费,外国移居者付补助性的水费--大约1/3的成本费用,因此人们很少意识到水的真正成本,用水极其浪费.这篇文章讨论的是卡塔尔的用水趋势及与可持续用水有关的问题.一个针对卡塔尔社会各阶层的问卷调查了人们对水的意识和态度,结果显示,原有为了控制用水量而做的努力,如提高意识宣传活动、法律上的限制及水费是无效的.问卷评价了对限制用水可采取的措施的反应,其中有提高公众意识、使用法律措施和提高水费,从中提出一系列改变政策的建议,促使卡塔尔给水工业进入可持续发展阶段.  相似文献   
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