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添加炭基材料对蔬菜废物好氧堆肥进程和腐熟度的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以蔬菜废弃物辣椒秸秆和树叶为堆肥原料(CK),采用密闭式好氧堆肥工艺,研究了添加5%木本泥炭(T1)、5%活性炭(T2)和10%木本泥炭(T3)等炭基材料对堆肥pH、EC、CO2累积量、物料损失率、T值、C/N和发芽率指数的影响。结果显示,T2处理的pH在60 d后维持在8~9之间;EC值随着堆肥进行呈现先下降后升高再下降的趋势,最终CK、T1、T2和T3处理的EC值(mS/cm)分别降低了1.02、0.76、0.33和0.48;T2和T3处理的CO2累积量一直高于其他处理;所有处理的物料损失率均在20%以上;4个处理堆肥产品的T值分别为0.56、0.65、0.68和0.69;堆肥产品的发芽率指数分别为63.2%、69.3%、93.5%和86.1%。T值和发芽率指数显示T2和T3处理达到了腐熟阶段。结果表明,在蔬菜堆肥处理中添加炭基材料可改善堆肥产品的理化性质,加速堆肥物料的分解,有效地缩短堆肥周期和提高堆肥产品的腐熟度。  相似文献   
Gig workers have become an important component of the contemporary workforce and have generated extensive interest among researchers. The purpose of this article is to provide an integrative review of the literature on gig workers. Consistent with the more recent studies, we adopt a broad definition of gig work, which is characterized by the temporary nature of the work, project-based compensation, work flexibility, and non-membership in an organization. We first discuss the major themes in the literature based on an input–process–output framework. Specifically, we review what factors drive individuals to engage in gig work, how gig work impacts gig workers based on four theoretical approaches, and what outcomes individuals experience as a result of engaging in gig work. Based on the literature review, we highlight six future research agendas. We also discuss practical implications for gig workers, traditional organizations, digital labor platforms, and society.  相似文献   
研究了聚合氯化铝铁和壳聚糖改性对高岭土、海泡石和红壤去除水中铜绿微囊藻效果的影响。结果表明,壳聚糖改性的红壤对铜绿微囊藻的去除效果最好,其生成絮体密实度大,抗扰动能力强。当改性红壤的投加量为50 mg/L时,叶绿素a和铜绿微囊藻去除率分别达到98.0%、95.1%。该絮凝剂适应性好,在pH为3.0~6.0的范围内对铜绿微囊藻均可取得很好的去除效果,对叶绿素a和浊度的去除率可达90%以上。壳聚糖通过包裹红壤颗粒,借助壳聚糖的粘结架桥和电中和能力,大幅度提高了红壤的絮凝性能。该絮凝剂处理富藻水,具有絮凝效果明显、絮体密实度大、投加量少、绿色环保、经济等优点,在工程上具有较大的实用价值。  相似文献   
Foresight science is a systematic approach to generate future predictions for planning and management by drawing upon analytical and predictive tools to understand the past and present, while providing insights about the future. To illustrate the application of foresight science in conservation, we present three case studies: identification of emerging risks to conservation, conservation of at-risk species, and aid in the development of management strategies for multiple stressors. We highlight barriers to mainstreaming foresight science in conservation including knowledge accessibility/organization, communication across diverse stakeholders/decision makers, and organizational capacity. Finally, we investigate opportunities for mainstreaming foresight science including continued advocacy to showcase its application, incorporating emerging technologies (i.e., artificial intelligence) to increase capacity/decrease costs, and increasing education/training in foresight science via specialized courses and curricula for trainees and practicing professionals. We argue that failure to mainstream foresight science will hinder the ability to achieve future conservation objectives in the Anthropocene.Supplementary InformationThe online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13280-022-01786-0.  相似文献   

为探索生态安全格局下区域可持续发展模式,选取长株潭都市圈为研究对象,通过遥感数据识别2000—2020年建设用地变化情况,采用综合生态重要性评估模型和MCR(minimal cumulative resistance)模型构建都市圈生态安全格局,基于FLUS模型(future land use change scenario simulation model)设置自然发展(ND)、核心生态块保护(CEP)、生态安全格局约束(ESPR) 3种建设用地模拟情景,在模拟结果的基础上划定长株潭都市圈城镇开发边界。结果表明:2000—2020年长株潭都市圈建设用地扩张迅速,且由急速无序扩张转为缓速集中扩张;利用综合生态重要性评价得到极重要性生态用地共计2 649.54 km2,筛选得到生态源地共计1 204.38 km2,占研究区总面积的13.97%,并构建出长株潭都市圈综合生态安全格局;在ND、CEP、ESPR 3种情景模式下,2030年长株潭都市圈建设用地规模分别达到1 345.88、1 345.79和1 284.94 km2。基于ESPR情景划定城镇开发边界范围,可有效实现土地经济和生态效益的最大化,并为该地区的生态保护和土地利用规划提供参考。




为了切实改善区域大气环境质量,中国在北方地区大规模开展以煤改电、煤改气为主的农村清洁取暖改造工程,如何选择技术可行、经济上可接受的清洁取暖技术路径是清洁取暖改造可持续的关键问题。基于北京农村地区实地调研数据,从经济性和舒适性2个维度对4种农村清洁取暖技术进行适用性评价,总结出各种技术的适用条件,提出农村清洁取暖技术路径选择建议。结果表明:空气源热泵运行费用较低,舒适性较好,适合冬季温度不低于−20 ℃的各类区域;燃气壁挂炉运行费用略高于空气源热泵,舒适性较好,适合距离燃气管线或燃气站较近的平原、半山区地区,不同气候温度范围均适用;蓄能式电暖器运行费用较高,舒适性较差,适合冬季温度接近于城区的农村或城乡接合部、农宅面积较小的区域;地源热泵取暖最好结合政府资金支持项目实施,运行费用较低,舒适性较好,适合地质结构适宜建井,有足够空间进行地埋管的区域。建议农村清洁取暖工作立足长远,因地制宜地选择清洁取暖技术,着力降低农户清洁取暖运行成本,同时提高农村清洁取暖电力和天然气供应的可靠性。

The waterborne polyurethane (PU) prepolymer was prepared based on isophorone diisocyanate (IPDI), polyester polyol (N220), dimethylol propionic acid (DMPA) and hydroxyethyl methyl acrylate (HEMA). The modified waterborne polyurethane–acrylate (PUA) emulsions were obtained with different proportions of acrylate (butyl acrylate and methyl methacrylate) and initiating agent by in situ dispersion technique. The structures and thermal properties of prepared PU and PUA were analyzed and characterized with FT-IR, UV–Vis spectroscopy and DSC. The PUA hybrid samples had lower glass transition temperature of hard segment and higher decomposition temperatures than PU sample. Performances of the emulsion and film were studied by means of apparent viscidity, particle size and polydispersity, surface tension and mechanical properties. The results indicated that the particle sizes of the PUA dispersions were larger than those of the pure PU and the solvent resistance, mechanical properties of PUA films was improved compare with the unmodified polyurethane film. The film had the biggest hardness and the least water absorption when the BA/MMA mass ratio 5:5 modified PU. The obtained PUA have great potential application such as coatings, leather finishing, adhesives, sealants, plastic coatings and wood finishes.  相似文献   
Shredding is the common end-of-life treatment in Europe for dismantled car wrecks. It produces the so-called Automotive Shredded Residue (ASR), usually disposed of in landfill. This paper summarizes the outcome of a study carried out by Politecnico di Milano and LEAP with the support of Actelios SpA on the prospects of a technology based on sequential gasification and combustion of this specific waste stream. Its application to the treatment of ASR allows the recovery of large fractions of metals as non-oxidized, easily marketable secondary raw materials, the vitrification of most of the ash content and the production of power via a steam cycle. Results show that despite the unfavourable characteristics of ASR, the proposed technology can reach appealing energy performances. Three of four environmental impact indicators and the cumulative energy demand index are favourable, the main positive contributes being electricity production and metal recovery (mainly aluminium and copper). The only unfavourable indicator is the global warming index because, since most of the carbon in ASR comes from fossil sources, the carbon dioxide emissions at the stack of the thermal treatment plant are mainly non-renewable and, at the same time, the avoided biogas production from the alternative disposal route of landfilling is minor.  相似文献   
The caste conflict hypothesis states that there is potential conflict over the caste fate of totipotent immature females in social insects. In most species, an immature female has little control over her fate because workers control her nutrition. However, in Melipona bees, immature females should have considerable control over their own caste fate because they develop on a provision mass in a sealed cell, and because queens are not larger than workers. This may explain why, in Melipona, large numbers of queens are reared only to be executed. (Because Melipona colonies are founded by swarms very few reproductive opportunities for adult queens occur.) This study uses a one-locus genetic model to determine the optimum proportion of females that should develop into queens from the perspective of immature totipotent females who control their own caste fate. For a population in which all colonies are headed by a single, single-mated queen, which is the typical situation in Melipona, the optimum rises from 14-20% as male production by workers declines from 100% to zero. This agrees well with previous studies which, collectively, give an average of 22% of females developing into queens.  相似文献   
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