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Angradi, Ted R., David W. Bolgrien, Matt A. Starry, and Brian H. Hill, 2012. Modeled Summer Background Concentration of Nutrients and Suspended Sediment in the Mid‐Continent (USA) Great Rivers. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 48(5): 1054‐1070. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2012.00669.x Abstract: We used regression models to predict summer background concentration of total nitrogen (N), total phosphorus (P), and total suspended solids (TSS), in the mid‐continent great rivers: the Upper Mississippi, the Lower Missouri, and the Ohio. From multiple linear regressions of water quality indicators with land use and other stressor variables, we determined the concentration of the indicators when the predictor variables were all set to zero — the y‐intercept. Except for total P on the Upper Mississippi River, we could predict background concentration using regression models. Predicted background concentration of total N was about the same on the Upper Mississippi and Lower Missouri Rivers (430 μg l?1), which was lower than percentile‐based values, but was similar to concentrations derived from the response of sestonic chlorophyll a to great river total N concentration. Background concentration of total P on the Lower Missouri (65 μg l?1) was also lower than published and percentile‐based concentrations. Background TSS concentration was higher on the Lower Missouri (40 mg l?1) than the other rivers. Background TSS concentration on the Upper Mississippi (16 mg l?1) was below a threshold (30 mg l?1) designed to protect aquatic vegetation. Our model‐predicted concentrations for the great rivers are an attempt to estimate background concentrations for water quality indicators independent from thresholds based on percentiles or derived from stressor‐response relationships.  相似文献   
Brominated flame retardant concentrations and trends in abiotic media   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
BFR burdens in abiotic media have been less studied than in biota, despite their essential value as an aide to identifying sources, temporal and geographic trends and exposure routes. Many polymer products consist of several percent by weight of BFRs. Global trade in these can result in rapid and wholesale BFR movement. Loss from in-use products of nonreactive BFRs may be important, particularly in respect to indoor exposure. In the case of BDE-209, discharges from publicly owned treatment works may be substantial. BFR burdens in air, water and sewage sludge respond rapidly to changes in environmental BFR inputs. PBDEs have been the most widely studied. In many locales PBDE burdens in these media now surpass those of PCBs. Air and water near sources and urban areas are typically enriched relative to rural locales. The more volatile PBDEs dominate in the vapor phase, while BDE-209 typically predominates on particulates. Evidence exists for long-range transport of the more volatile PBDEs. A greater diversity of BFRs (mostly PBDEs, HBCD and TBBP-A) has been detected in sewage sludges. Land application of these sludges on agricultural fields is one conduit for soil contamination. In general, environmental concentrations of BDE-209 appear to be increasing, while penta-BDE burdens in Europe may have peaked. Sediments function as longer-term integrators of environmental burdens. Concentrations of common BFRs therein may be substantial near point sources. Evidence for debromination in the environment has been limited to date. However, some laboratory and field observations suggest it is possible to a limited extent.  相似文献   
Five tetra- to hexabrominated diphenyl ether (BDE) congeners (BDE-47, -99, -100, -153 and -154) are the most frequently reported in wildlife and humans. The commercial penta-BDE product, used predominantly to flame-retard polyurethane foam, consists primarily of these same congeners. In 1999, North American demand accounted for 98% of the total global penta-market of 8500 metric tons. Frogs, housed with flame retardant-treated polyurethane foam as a dry substrate, accumulated 10,100 microg/kg (wet weight) of the above BDEs. Crickets kept therein as food contained 14,400 microg/kg. The crickets are believed to have browsed directly on the foam and, in turn, were consumed by the frogs. BDE congener composition in all three matrices matched that of the penta-commercial product. Similar congeners were also observed in soil and stream sediments collected near a polyurethane foam manufacturing plant. Summed concentrations of BDE-47, -99 and -100, the dominant congeners observed in these samples, ranged from < 1 to 132 microg/kg (dry weight basis). Sunfish fillets obtained from a nearby, off-site pond contained a total of 624 microg/kg (lipid basis). Sewage treatment plant (STP) sludge exhibited these same congeners at 1370 microg/kg (dry weight). BDE-209, the fully brominated congener predominant in the commercial deca-BDE product, was also present at 1470 microg/kg. While no known polyurethane foam manufacturers discharged to this plant, the distribution pattern of the low brominated congeners in the sludge matched that of the penta-product. After four weeks of exposure to ambient outdoor conditions, the surface of flame-retarded polyurethane foam became brittle and began to disintegrate. Subsequent dispersal of these penta-containing foam fragments may be one mechanism by which these BDEs reach the environment.  相似文献   
Vehicular emitted air pollutant concentrations were studied near three types of roadways in Austin, Texas: (1) State Highway 71 (SH-71), a heavily traveled arterial highway dominated by passenger vehicles; (2) Interstate 35 (I-35), a limited access highway north of Austin in Georgetown; and (3) Farm to Market Road 973 (FM-973), a heavily traveled surface roadway dominated by truck traffic. Air pollutants examined include carbon monoxide (CO), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), and carbonyl species in the gas-phase. In the particle phase, ultrafine particle (UFP) concentrations (diameter < 100 nm), fine particulate matter (PM2.5, diameter < 2.5 μm) mass and carbon content and several particle-bound organics were examined. All roadways had an upwind stationary sampling location, one or two fixed downwind sample locations and a mobile monitoring platform that characterized pollutant concentrations fall-off with increased distance from the roadways. Data reported in this paper focus on UFP while other pollutants and near-roadway chemical processes are examined in a companion paper. Traffic volume, especially heavy-duty traffic, wind speed, and proximity to the road were found to be the most important factors determining UFP concentrations near the roadways. Since wind directions were not consistent during the sampling periods, distances along wind trajectories from the roadway to the sampling points were used to study the decay characteristics of UFPs. Under perpendicular wind conditions, for all studied roadway types, particle number concentrations increased dramatically moving from the upwind side to the downwind side. The elevated particle number concentrations decay exponentially with increasing distances from the roadway with sharp concentration gradients observed within 100–150 m, similar to previously reported studies. A single exponential decay curve was found to fit the data collected from all three roadways very well under perpendicular wind conditions. No consistent pattern was observed for UFPs under parallel wind conditions. However, regardless of wind conditions, particle concentrations returned to background levels within a few hundred meters of the roadway. Within measured UFP size ranges, smaller particles (6–25 nm) decayed faster than larger ones (100–300 nm). Similar decay rates were observed among UFP number, surface, and volume.  相似文献   
Emissions of malodors are considered to be the greatest threat to the compost industry. In work presented here, several simple odor mitigation alternatives were investigated for their effectiveness in preventing the release of common odorants, such as terpenes, ammonia, and reduced sulfur compounds. The mitigation methods studied included the use of a blanket of finished compost, compost amendment mixed within the feedstock, odor neutralizing agents (ONAs), and oxygen release compounds (ORCs). Among the mitigation alternatives investigated in this study, the use of finished compost as a blanket and finished compost as an amendment yielded the most conclusive and significant results. Both of these alternatives yielded a substantial emission reduction for terpenes, ammonia, and reduced sulfur compounds. The application of finished compost blanket resulted in up to 95% reduction of terpene and 25% reduction of ammonia emissions. Blending the feedstock with finished compost also provided substantial reduction of terpene emissions ranging from 73.6 to 93.1% at the 24% blending ratio, and up to 85% ammonia reduction a the 35% blending ratio. Use of finished compost also provided 75% lower reduced sulfur compound emissions at the 12% blending ratio. Misting and application of odor neutralizing agents did not result in any consistent reduction in emissions for any of the odorous compounds tested.

Implications The odor emissions from composting are often considered to be the biggest threat to composting facilities. Because most facilities cannot afford enclosures and contained composting vessels, there is a need to inexpensively and effectively control the odor emissions from composting facilities. The findings of this research can lead the way for efforts to control odor easily and cost effectively. In fact, the application of a compost blanket for odor control is already gaining acceptance by the composting industry.  相似文献   
The pink pigeon (Nesoenas mayeri) is an endemic species of Mauritius that has made a remarkable recovery after a severe population bottleneck in the 1970s to early 1990s. Prior to this bottleneck, an ex situ population was established from which captive-bred individuals were released into free-living subpopulations to increase population size and genetic variation. This conservation rescue led to rapid population recovery to 400–480 individuals, and the species was twice downlisted on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List. We analyzed the impacts of the bottleneck and genetic rescue on neutral genetic variation during and after population recovery (1993–2008) with restriction site-associated sequencing, microsatellite analyses, and quantitative genetic analysis of studbook data of 1112 birds from zoos in Europe and the United States. We used computer simulations to study the predicted changes in genetic variation and population viability from the past into the future. Genetic variation declined rapidly, despite the population rebound, and the effective population size was approximately an order of magnitude smaller than census size. The species carried a high genetic load of circa 15 lethal equivalents for longevity. Our computer simulations predicted continued inbreeding will likely result in increased expression of deleterious mutations (i.e., a high realized load) and severe inbreeding depression. Without continued conservation actions, it is likely that the pink pigeon will go extinct in the wild within 100 years. Conservation rescue of the pink pigeon has been instrumental in the recovery of the free-living population. However, further genetic rescue with captive-bred birds from zoos is required to recover lost variation, reduce expression of harmful deleterious variation, and prevent extinction. The use of genomics and modeling data can inform IUCN assessments of the viability and extinction risk of species, and it helps in assessments of the conservation dependency of populations.  相似文献   
The most common mutation in alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency, conversion of a G to an A at base 9989 (PI-Z), was detected with the chemical cleavage of mismatch method, demonstrating the power of the method for prenatal diagnosis. Exon V of the gene was amplified using the polymerase chain reaction and heteroduplexes were formed to test for the presence of the mutation. The predicted C mismatch was readily detectable with hydroxylamine, and by making the probe from the chorionic villus sample it was possible to determine that the fetus was heterozygous, not homozygous, for the mutation.  相似文献   
Suspended fine particles (seston) are an important component of energy and nutrient cycling in streams, but they can also be pollutants. We examined seston dynamics and filter-feeding macroinvertebrate communities in sites representing headwaters to large rivers in the Kansas River drainage, northeastern KS. Seston samples were collected at least seasonally during low to moderate flows for one year beginning in the summer of 1999, and quality was assessed by determining organic content and C to N ratio. A rapid bioassessment approach was used to examine filter-feeders. Relationships between stream size and seston concentrations were markedly influenced by anthropogenic activities. There was no relationship between total seston concentration and stream size across all sites (r = 0.14, p > 0.05), but a significant, positive relationship was evident when impounded and suburban sites were excluded (r = 0.73, p < 0.01); this same trend was evident for organic and inorganic components. Seasonal patterns of C to N ratio were evident, with generally lower values during winter and highest values in summer. However, seasonal patterns were dampened in suburban sites and virtually absent below impoundments. Filter-feeder richness was correlated with average organic seston concentrations (r = 0.8, p < 0.01), but this relationship was also obscured by impoundments and suburban development. In particular, impoundments had a dramatic, negative effect on richness. Abundance of most hydropsychid caddisfly taxa was positively correlated with organic seston concentration. Results indicate there are significant patterns regarding seston, filter-feeders, and stream size in this Great Plains river system, but patterns are strongly influenced by human activities. These relationships are relevant to management issues regarding suspended particles and the potential development of bioassessment techniques.  相似文献   
Relationships between riparian land cover, in-stream habitat, water chemistry, and macroinvertebrates were examined in headwater streams draining an agricultural region of Illinois. Macroinvertebrates and organic matter were collected monthly for one year from three intensively monitored streams with a gradient of riparian forest cover (6, 22, and 31% of riparian area). Bioassessments and physical habitat analyses were also performed in these three streams and 12 other nearby headwater streams. The intensively monitored site with the least riparian forest cover had significantly greater percent silt substrates than the sites with medium and high forest cover, and significantly higher very fine organics in substrates than the medium and high forested sites. Macroinvertebrates were abundant in all streams, but communities reflected degraded conditions; noninsect groups, mostly oligochaetes and copepods, dominated density and oligochaetes and mollusks, mostly Sphaerium and Physella, dominated biomass. Of insects, dipterans, mostly Chironomidae, dominated density and dipterans and coleopterans were important contributors to biomass. Collector-gatherers dominated functional structure in all three intensively monitored sites, indicating that functional structure metrics may not be appropriate for assessing these systems. The intensively monitored site with lowest riparian forest cover had significantly greater macroinvertebrate density and biomass, but lowest insect density and biomass. Density and biomass of active collector-filterers (mostly Sphaerium) decreased with increasing riparian forest. Hilsenhoff scores from all 15 sites were significantly correlated with in-stream habitat scores, percent riparian forest, and orthophosphate concentrations, and multiple regression indicated that in-stream habitat was the primary factor influencing biotic integrity. Our results show that these "drainage ditches" harbor abundant macroinvertebrates that are typical of degraded conditions, but that they can reflect gradients of conditions in and around these streams.  相似文献   
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