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This research used knowledge of the indigenous practice of timing nontimber forest product harvest with the full moon to demonstrate that chemicals controlling the decomposition rate of foliage fluctuate with the lunar cycle and may have developed as a result of plant-herbivore interactions. Indigenous knowledge suggests that leaves harvested during the full moon are more durable. Palm leaves harvested during the full moon had higher total C, hemicellulose, complex C and lower Ca concentrations. These chemical changes should make palm leaves less susceptible to herbivory and more durable when harvested during the full moon. This study proposes a mechanism by which plants in the tropics minimize foliage herbivory and influence the decomposition rates of senesced leaves and their durability, especially during the full moon. This research supports the need to use natural life cycles in managing forests and provides a scientific basis for an indigenous community's harvesting practice.  相似文献   
Concentrations and composition of butyltin (BT) and phenyltin (PT) compounds were compared in tissues of mussels Mytilus edulis and clams Mya arenaria collected from the Mersey Estuary. Tributyltin (TBT) concentrations were consistently highest in digestive gland and low in muscular tissues such as siphons (Mya) and adductor muscle (Mytilus). Lowest concentrations were found in the periostracum surrounding the siphons of Mya. Ratios of monobutyltin (MBT), dibutyltin (DBT) and TBT to total BT content of Mytilus tissues were in the ranges 25-34%, 21-28% and 44-51%, respectively. Much higher proportions of TBT:total BT were characteristic of Mya (>80% in the digestive gland, remaining tissue and gonad) implying that slow degradation rates account for the relatively high levels of TBT in this species. TPT was the only phenyltin compound detected (albeit at relatively low levels), and, like TBT, was present in highest concentrations in the digestive gland of clams--suggesting an important dietary component in the accumulation of OTs in these bivalves.  相似文献   
Introduced and cryptogenic species in Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, Australia   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Port Phillip Bay (PPB) is a large (1,930 km2), temperate embayment in southern Victoria, Australia. Extensive bay-wide surveys of PPB have occurred since 1840. In 1995/1996 the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) Centre for Research on Introduced Marine Pests (CRIMP) undertook an intensive evaluation of the region with the aims of developing a comprehensive species list of native and introduced biota and contrasting previous bay-wide assessments with a current field survey in order to detect new incursions and discern alterations to native communities. Two methods were used to meet these aims: a re-evaluation of regional museum collections and published research in PPB to identify and determine the timing of introductions; and field surveys for benthic (infauna, epifauna and encrusting) organisms between September 1995 to March 1996. One hundred and sixty introduced (99) and cryptogenic (61) species were identified representing over 13% of the recorded species of PPB. As expected, the majority of these are concentrated around the shipping ports of Geelong and Melbourne. Invasions within PPB appear to be increasing, possibly due to an increase in modern shipping traffic and an increase in aquaculture (historically associated with incidental introductions); however the records of extensive biological surveys suggest that this may, in part, be an artefact of sampling effort. In contrast to Northern Hemisphere studies, PPB (and Southern Hemisphere introductions in general) have significantly different suites of successfully invading taxa. PPB is presented as one of the most invaded marine ecosystems in the Southern Hemisphere.Communicated by M.S. Johnson, Crawley  相似文献   
本研究运用满月时收获非木材林产品的当地实践如识,来证明控制叶片分解速率的化学物质随月亮周期而波动,并且这种现象可能已发展为一种植物一食草动物之间的相互关系.当地知识认为,满月期收获的叶片更为耐用.满月期收获的棕榈叶片具有较高的总碳量、半纤维素和碳化合物、而钙的浓度则较低.这些化学上的变化使棕榈叶在满月收获时对食草动物不太敏感且更为耐用.本研究提出了热带植物减少食叶功物食用及影响衰老叶片的分解速度和耐用性(尤其在满月期)的作用机制.本研究认为森林经营中有必要利用天然的生命周期,并为当地人的收获实践提供了科学依据.  相似文献   
Bayesian methods incorporate prior knowledge into a statistical analysis. This prior knowledge is usually restricted to assumptions regarding the form of probability distributions of the parameters of interest, leaving their values to be determined mainly through the data. Here we show how a Bayesian approach can be applied to the problem of drawing inference regarding species abundance distributions and comparing diversity indices between sites. The classic log series and the lognormal models of relative- abundance distribution are apparently quite different in form. The first is a sampling distribution while the other is a model of abundance of the underlying population. Bayesian methods help unite these two models in a common framework. Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation can be used to fit both distributions as small hierarchical models with shared common assumptions. Sampling error can be assumed to follow a Poisson distribution. Species not found in a sample, but suspected to be present in the region or community of interest, can be given zero abundance. This not only simplifies the process of model fitting, but also provides a convenient way of calculating confidence intervals for diversity indices. The method is especially useful when a comparison of species diversity between sites with different sample sizes is the key motivation behind the research. We illustrate the potential of the approach using data on fruit-feeding butterflies in southern Mexico. We conclude that, once all assumptions have been made transparent, a single data set may provide support for the belief that diversity is negatively affected by anthropogenic forest disturbance. Bayesian methods help to apply theory regarding the distribution of abundance in ecological communities to applied conservation.  相似文献   
Since 1987, the Alaska Marine Mammal Tissue Archival Project (AMMTAP) has collected tissues from 18 marine mammal species. Specimens are archived in the National Institute of Standards and Technology's National Biomonitoring Specimen Bank (NIST-NBSB). AMMTAP has collected blubber, liver and/or kidney specimens from a number of ringed seals (Phoca hispida) from the areas near Nome and Barrow, Alaska and walruses (Odobenus rosmarus) from several locations in the Bering Sea. Thirty-three ringed seal and 15 walrus blubber samples from the NIST-NBSB were analyzed for persistent organic pollutants (POPs). The compounds determined included PCBs (28 congeners or congener groups), DDT and related compounds, hexachlorobenzene (HCB), hexachlorocyclohexane isomers (HCHs), chlordanes, dieldrin, and mirex. POP concentrations in ringed seal blubber were significantly higher in Barrow than in Nome when statistically accounting for the interaction of age and gender; HCB, however, was not statistically different between the two locations. Unlike males, POP concentrations and age were not significantly correlated in females probably as a result of lactational loss. POP concentrations in walrus blubber were lower than in ringed seal blubber for SigmaPCBs, chlordanes, and HCHs, but higher for dieldrin and mirex. POP concentrations in ringed seals and walrus from Alaska provide further evidence that the western Arctic tends to have lower or similar POP concentrations compared to the eastern Canadian Arctic.  相似文献   
Stable isotope values (13C, 15N) and concentrations of persistent organochlorine contaminants (OCs) were determined to evaluate the near-shore marine trophic status of biota and biomagnification of OCs from the southern Beaufort-Chukchi Seas (1999-2000) near Barrow, AK. The biota examined included zooplankton (Calanus spp.), fish species such as arctic cod (Boreogadus saida), arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus), pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha), and fourhorn sculpin (Myoxocephalus quadricornis), along with marine mammals, including bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus), beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas), ringed seals (Phoca hispida) and bearded seals (Erignathus barbatus). The isotopically derived trophic position of biota from the Beaufort-Chukchi Seas marine food web, avian fauna excluded, is similar to other coastal food webs in the Arctic. Concentrations of OCs in marine mammals were significantly greater than in fish and corresponded with determined trophic level. In general, OCs with the greatest food web magnification factors (FWMFs) were those either formed due to biotransformation (e.g. p,p'-DDE, oxychlordane) or considered recalcitrant (e.g. -HCH, 2,4,5-Cl substituted PCBs) in most biota, whereas concentrations of OCs that are considered to be readily eliminated (e.g. -HCH) did not correlate with trophic level. Differences in physical-chemical properties of OCs, feeding strategy and possible biotransformation were reflected in the variable biomagnification between fish and marine mammals. The FWMFs in the Beaufort-Chukchi Seas region were consistent with reported values in the Canadian Arctic and temperate food webs, but were statistically different than FWMFs from the Barents and White Seas, indicating that the spatial variability of OC contamination in top-level marine Arctic predators is attributed to differences in regional sources of contamination rather than trophic position.  相似文献   
Tools for estimating pollen dispersal and the resulting gene flow are necessary to assess the risk of gene flow from genetically modified (GM) to conventional fields, and to quantify the effectiveness of measures that may prevent such gene flow. A mechanistic simulation model is presented and used to simulate pollen dispersal by wind in different agricultural scenarios over realistic pollination periods. The relative importance of landscape-related variables such as isolation distance, topography, spatial configuration of the fields, GM field size and barrier, and environmental variation are examined in order to find ways to minimize gene flow and to detect possible risk factors. The simulations demonstrated a large variation in pollen dispersal and in the predicted amount of contamination between different pollination periods. This was largely due to variation in vertical wind. As this variation in wind conditions is difficult to control through management measures, it should be carefully considered when estimating the risk of gene flow from GM crops. On average, the predicted level of gene flow decreased with increasing isolation distance and with increasing depth of the conventional field, and increased with increasing GM field size. Therefore, at a national scale and over the long term these landscape properties should be accounted for when setting regulations for controlling gene flow. However, at the level of an individual field the level of gene flow may be dominated by uncontrollable variation. Due to the sensitivity of pollen dispersal to the wind, we conclude that gene flow cannot be summarized only by the mean contamination; information about the frequency of extreme events should also be considered. The modeling approach described in this paper offers a way to predict and compare pollen dispersal and gene flow in varying environmental conditions, and to assess the effectiveness of different management measures.  相似文献   
Faecal pellet formation within the gut of Stage V and adult females of the copepod Calanus helgolandicus Claus involves (1) cyclical processes of digestion and (2) the contribution of parts of the gut epithelium to the pellets. During an experimental regime in which dim lighting was restricted to day-time and feeding to night-time (17.00 to 09.00 hrs), the copepods responded with cyclical changes in both the quantity of pellets they produced and the fine structure of the contents. During the feeding period, the contents showed changes in the relative amounts of materials originating from disintegrated cells of the digestive epithelium and those derived directly from the ingested food. The vacuolar B-cells of the gut contribute to the content of the pellets and the distal, necrotic N-cells appear to be involved in forming the peritrophic membrane which encloses each pellet. Cells of the gut epithelium which are broken down during feeding are all replaced during the non-feeding period. Other individuals were taken directly from the sea and in these, also, the cells of the gut broke down during feeding and contributed to the faecal pellets. The supply of epithelial cells may limit the duration of the feeding period.  相似文献   
Accumulation of the bi-cyclic aromatic hydrocarbon 14C-1-naphthalene in adult female Calanus helgolandicus Claus and adult female Eurytemora affinis Poppe in sea water concentrations of hydrocarbon ranging from 0.2 to 992 g/l was studied during exposure periods of up to 15 days as part of an investigation of the possible effects on marine zooplankton of persistent exposure to low levels of petroleum hydrocarbons. With both species the body levels of radioactivity increased rapidly during the first few days of the exposure period, but after exposure for 7 to 8 days to sea water containing 50 g hydrocarbon/l an equilibrium condition was approached; in some experiments where E. affinis was exposed to 1.0 and 10 g hydrocarbon/l for 15 days there was no further increase in body levels of radioactivity after 7 to 8 days. Using a low concentration of hydrocarbon (1 g/l), the quantity of radioactivity accumulated after 10 days was found to be nearly fifty times greater in the smaller species, E. affinis, than in C. helgolandicus, when expressed in terms of body weight. After they had been exposed to the hydrocarbon for several days the copepods contained a considerable proportion of radioactivity that was no longer identifiable as naphthalene and was presumably present as metabolites. Radioactivity accumulated in the copepods after several days was rapidly lost after they were transferred to uncontaminated sea water: e.g. C. helgolandicus lost nearly 90% of its body level of radioactivity in 24 h. Thereafter the rate of loss was greatly reduced, and 5% of the original body level of radioactivity still remained in the copepods at the end of 11 days. Experiments on the breakdown of naphthalene added at low concentrations to sea water samples containing natural microbial populations indicated degradation rates of 0.1 to 0.2 g/l/24 h in oceanic water, and 2.6 g/l/24 h in inshore water samples. The results are discussed in terms of the possible transfer of hydrocarbon to a higher trophic level in areas subjected to constant low-level inputs of petroleum hydrocarbons.  相似文献   
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