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Metalworking fluids (MWFs) are used widely in machining process to dissipate heat, lubricate moving surfaces, and clear chips. They have also been linked to a number of environmental and worker health problems. To reduce these impacts, minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) sprays of MWF delivered in air or CO2 have been proposed. MQL sprays can achieve performance comparable with conventional water-based or straight oil MWFs while only delivering a small fraction of the fluid. This performance advantage could be explained by the enhanced penetration into the cutting zone that results from delivering MWF in high pressure and precise sprays. To explore this hypothesis, an analytical model of MWF penetration into the flank face of the cutting zone is developed and validated using experimental data. The model is based on a derivation of the Navier–Stokes equation and the Reynolds equation for lubrication and applied to an orthogonal cutting geometry under steady-state conditions. A solution to the model is obtained using a numerical strategy of discretizing the analytical scheme with two-dimensional centered finite difference method. Penetration into the cutting zone is estimated for MQL sprays delivered in air, CO2 and N2 as well as two conventional MWFs, straight oil and semi-synthetic emulsion. The model suggests that conventional MWFs, do not penetrate the cutting zone fully and fail to provide direct cooling to the flank zone where wear is most likely to occur. MQL sprays do penetrate the cutting zone completely. Using convective heat transfer coefficients from a previous study, a finite element heat balance is carried out on the tool to understand how each fluid impacts temperature near the flank tip of the tool. The results of the modeling effort are consistent with experimental measurements of tool temperature during turning of titanium (6AL4V) using a K313 carbide tool. The prediction of temperature near the flank indicates that MQL sprays do suppress temperatures near the flank effectively. These results help explain the low levels of tool wear observed for some MQL sprays, particularly those based on high pressure CO2. This modeling framework provides valuable insight into how lubricant delivery characteristics such as speed, viscosity, and cutting zone geometry can impact lubricant penetration.  相似文献   
Chen  Yujun  Guan  Bin  Wu  Xingze  Guo  Jiangfeng  Ma  Zeren  Zhang  Jinhe  Jiang  Xing  Bao  Shibo  Cao  Yiyan  Yin  Chengdong  Ai  Di  Chen  Yuxuan  Lin  He  Huang  Zhen 《Environmental science and pollution research international》2023,30(5):11246-11271
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - In recent years, with global climate change, the utilization of carbon dioxide as a resource has become an important goal of human society to achieve...  相似文献   
为改善嘉兴南湖水体质量,恢复湖区生态系统,实现南湖水质、生态及景观的全面提升,在分析南湖水质问题和水体浑浊成因的基础上,采取外源污染控制、内源污染清除和原位生态修复的方法,构建了南湖水下生态系统,并对南湖的生态修复效果进行评价分析。结果表明:南湖主要水质指标(COD、NH3-N、TP)基本达到地表水Ⅲ类(湖泊标准),湖区大部分区域水体透明度达到80 cm以上,水体颜色由黄色变为浅绿色;超磁分离一体化设备可以显著去除水体中的TP(去除率为92.61%),对NH3-N(去除率为37.94%)也有一定的去除作用,但是对TN、COD等的去除不明显;以“沉水植物”为主体的水下森林生态系统对悬浮型颗粒物具有明显的去除作用,沉水植物种植区域悬浮物下降值为42.09%;环保绞吸疏浚与土工管袋干化相结合的技术,减少了疏浚过程中的底泥再悬浮,土工管袋干化后的尾水采用超磁分离一体化设备二次处理,悬浮物SS指标均不超过4 mg·L−1,实现了疏浚土尾水的达标排放。嘉兴南湖生态环境修复工程(一期)项目的成功实施,验证了超磁分离一体化工艺、环保绞吸疏浚与土工管袋干化、水上抛投沉水植物种植等技术的有效性。本研究成果可为平原河网水系、开放性水域、高浊度水体的城市湖泊生态修复提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   
基于2009年-2015年重庆市突发环境事件统计数据,研究了重庆市近7年突发环境事件的动态变化趋势、空间分布格局及污染影响特征,讨论了引发突发环境事件内外部因素之间的关系.结果表明:重庆市7年内共发生突发环境事件134起,且呈波动下降趋势,春季和夏季为交通事故和自然灾害高发期;突发环境事件空间上主要集中在主城九区及相邻的区县,渝西、渝东南及渝东北各区县发生次数较少.道路交通事故、设备故障和操作不当是导致突发环境事件的主要因素,主要发生形式为泄漏.污染类型主要为水污染和水气复合污染,污染物出现频率大小为:油类>酸碱类>液氨>苯及其化合物>减水剂>其他各种污染物.  相似文献   
对黄土高原坝系流域磷(P)的湿沉降过程进行动态监测,分析了降雨-径流过程中各形态磷的输出变化,探讨了黄土高原坝系流域磷湿输出分异特征及其对水体的影响.结果表明:2015年湿季(7、8月)共11场降雨,产生的磷湿沉降负荷为30.8 kg,磷湿沉降通量为0.16kg·hm~(-2),干季(9月)共3场降雨,产生的磷湿沉降负荷为20.51 kg,磷湿沉降通量为0.11 kg·hm~(-2),干湿季磷湿沉降负荷呈现出明显差异性;选取3场降雨过程(降雨量从小到大)进行动态分析发现,流域磷湿沉降负荷分别为3.33、7.51和6.35 kg,相应的本地区磷湿沉降通量依次为0.02、0.04、0.03 kg·hm~(-2),3场降雨总磷(TP)的输出负荷为1.5×10-3kg,溶解性总磷(DTP)的输出负荷为1.24×10~(-3)kg,PO_4~(3-)-P的输出负荷为7×10-4kg,表明该地区磷湿沉降以可溶性磷为主.根据单因子评价方法中的标准指数法,发现流域水质不能满足Ⅴ类水质标准,应对流域水体加强管理.  相似文献   
Photodegradation(PD) of methylmercury(MMHg) is a key process of mercury(Hg) cycling i water systems, maintaining MMHg at a low level in water systems. However, we posses little knowledge of this important process in the Jialing River of Chongqing, China. In sit incubation experiments were thus performed to measure temporal patterns and influencin factors of MMHg PD in this river. The results showed that MMHg underwent a ne demethylation process under solar radiation in the water column, which predominantl occurred in surface waters. For surface water, the highest PD rate constants were observed i spring(12 × 10-3± 1.5 × 10~(-3)m~2/E), followed by summer(9.0 × 10~(-3)± 1.2 × 10~(-3)m~2/E), autum(1.4 × 10~(-3)± 0.12 × 10~(-3)m~2/E), and winter(0.78 × 10~(-3)± 0.11 × 10~(-3)m~2/E). UV-A radiatio(320–400 nm), UV-B radiation(280–320 nm), and photosynthetically active radiation(PAR400–700 nm) accounted for 43%–64%, 14%–31%, and 16%–45% of MMHg PD, respectively. PD rat constants varied substantially with the treatments that filtered the river water and amended with chemicals(i.e., Cl-, NO_3~-, dissolved organic matter(DOM), Fe(III)), which reveals tha suspended particulate matter and water components are important factors in affecting the PD process. For the entire water column, the PD rate constant determined for each wavelengt range decreased rapidly with water depth. UV-A, UV-B, and PAR contributed 27%–46%, 6.2%12%, and 42%–65% to the PD process, respectively. PD flux was estimated to be 4.7 μg/(m~2·yea in the study site. Our results are very important to understand the cycling characteristics o MMHg in the Jialing River of Chongqing, China.  相似文献   
为研究潜流人工湿地对毒死蜱、BPA及4-NP的去除效果,选取宽叶香蒲、芦苇、花叶香蒲及小香蒲4种湿地植物,通过SPE-HPLC测定进出水中3种污染物的浓度,计算4种植物潜流人工湿地对3种污染物的去除效率。结果表明,水力停留时间3 d,4组植物对毒死蜱、BPA和4-NP去除率均高于60%,各植物组对毒死蜱和4-NP的去除效果之间无显著性差异,宽叶香蒲对BPA的去除率为82.66%,显著高于其余3种植物组62.96%~69.63%。在静态条件下,毒死蜱、BPA和4-NP在模拟系统内降解过程符合一级降解动力学方程,降解方程分别为:c=124.63exp(-t/25.393)+3.7618 ①,c=316.61exp(-t/34.955)+0.56475 ②,c=168.91exp(-t/17.061)+12.133 ③(c,剩余浓度,μg/L;t,停留时间,h),半衰期分别为18、21和11 h。  相似文献   
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - This study investigated the feature of phosphorus uptake by low-cost waste concrete. Adsorption isotherms, metal dissolution, influence of P...  相似文献   
以某减水剂泄漏事件为例,采用模拟治理的方法,从小试模拟费用、电费、人工费、设备租用费、药剂费、场地租用费和污泥处置费等方面核算了泄漏混合废水的虚拟治理成本,并利用ToxScreen-II毒性分析仪对混合废水模拟治理前后急性毒性变化情况进行研究,验证了模拟治理方法的有效性,再根据受污染区域的环境功能敏感程度和事件具体情况,采用虚拟治理成本乘以相应的倍数得出了事件的生态环境损害量化数额。  相似文献   
为研究民机撞地后燃油泄漏引发的火灾对客舱人员疏散的影响,采用PyroSim建立B737-800客舱火灾模型,综合分析客舱烟气蔓延、温度、CO浓度和能见度的变化,得到CO浓度直接影响各出口的可用安全疏散时间;用CabinEvacu仿真工具设置3种人员疏散方案,得到ASET约束下各出口的疏散人数;考虑客舱乘务在民机紧急事件下的引导作用,提出CabinEvacu的优化模型。研究结果表明:仿真结果有效提升客舱的疏散人数和出口逃生率,但依旧无法确保人员的全部撤离。该研究结果可为火灾场景下民机客舱人员疏散提供参考依据。  相似文献   
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