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针对传统教与学算法在解决复杂多峰函数优化问题时,具有局部最优且搜索开发能力较差的缺点,提出了一种改进的多学习教与学优化算法,新算法为学员的每一维加入不同的教学因子,设计了基于学员均值比较的教师选择策略和向教师及学员学习的多学习策略。基于多个单峰和多峰函数的仿真结果表明,新算法跟传统的、改进的教与学算法相比,在稳定性、寻优精度和收敛速度方面更具优势。  相似文献   
Otolith chemistry can be used to assess pelagic larval fish connectivity by comparing spatially variable otolith edge chemistry (corresponding to the site of collection) to otolith core chemistry (corresponding to the site of hatching). However, because the otolith’s edge and core represent different life stages, the deposition of elements may differ, thus complicating direct comparisons of edge and core chemistry to investigate connectivity. Here we present data from a field experiment in which otoliths from embryos (3 days post-fertilization) and juveniles of Stegastes partitus were collected at the same site and time, and chemically analyzed to assess whether elemental concentrations of otoliths vary ontogenetically. Separate multivariate analyses, each investigating the spatial/temporal variability in the chemistry of either embryo otoliths or the edges of juvenile otoliths, revealed significant differences, suggesting an environmental influence to the chemical signals of otoliths. A nested multivariate analysis assessing whether otolith chemistry varied with life history stage (i.e., ontogenetic variability) indicated that elemental concentrations of embryo otoliths were significantly greater than that of juvenile otolith edges. Specifically, embryo elemental concentrations of Mn, Zn, Sn, Ba, Ce, and Pb were between 2 and 163 times greater than those of the corresponding juvenile otoliths, and thus the environment was not the primary determinant of embryo otolith chemistry. Consequently, caution is warranted when interpreting environmental patterns of otolith cores, particularly when using them as a proxy for natal signatures.  相似文献   
Leaching of three pesticides (isoproturon, chlorotoluron and triasulfuron) and a tracer (bromide) were determined in four contrasting soils ranging in texture from sandy loam to clay. The compounds were applied to undisturbed columns of soil and four columns for each soil were randomly selected and leached with 24-mm equivalent of water at prescribed time intervals (3, 9, 24, 37 and 57 d after application). A rapid decline in leached loads of isoproturon and chlorotoluron as time from application to irrigation increased was observed in all soils. In contrast, triasulfuron and bromide loads only decreased rapidly in the clay soil. Bromide losses decreased with decreasing clay contents of the soil and therefore with a decrease in structural development. Magnitudes of pesticide losses varied from soil to soil, depending on structural development and the organic carbon content. Pesticide degradation experiments on disturbed and undisturbed soil samples showed that the rapid decline of leached loads with time was faster than could be explained by degradation alone. Five physico-chemical processes are put forward to explain the different patterns of pesticide leached loads observed in the soils: (1) relative extent of preferential flow, (2) sorption capacity of the compounds to the different soils, (3) extent of degradation of the compounds in the soil, (4) variation in sorption kinetics between compounds associated with pesticide diffusion into soil aggregates, and (5) protection of the compounds by a combination of intra-aggregate diffusion and the presence of preferential flow pathways.  相似文献   
Chorionic villi were sampled from 125 women who requested prenatal diagnosis, either for genetic disorders or because of advanced maternal age. Of these, 105 samples were obtained by the transcervical route and 20 were obtained by the transabdominal approach. The sampling success rate was 97 per cent (122/125). The mean maternal age of the patients was 31 years (range 17–44) and the mean gestational age at which the chorionic villus sampling was performed was 10 weeks (range 7–13 weeks). Seventy-four of these diagnoses involved the use of DNA markers. The minimal size of the sample used for DNA diagnosis was 5 mg. Maternal contamination was detected in two samples. A diagnosis was provided on all but two samples. The fetal loss rate was high initially but fell to 1·9 per cent in 1988.  相似文献   
An aluminium smelter discharged polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) into Loch Leven on the west of Scotland from 1907 until it closed in 2000, resulting in elevated PAH concentrations in the sediment. A temporal monitoring programme to investigate any recovery in sediment concentrations began in 2004, with sampling each year until 2008 and again in 2010. Cores were also collected to investigate temporal trends over a longer time scale and to estimate the sedimentation rate in the loch. The loch is divided into two basins, and PAH concentrations were significantly higher in the upper basin, closer to the smelter, than in the lower basin. The PAH distribution and concentration ratios were consistent with a pyrolytic source of PAHs, with a high proportion of heavier parent PAHs. There was no evidence of any recovery in PAH concentrations, perhaps due to the mixing and disturbances of the sediment, and the persistence of PAHs. Concentrations of all PAHs were above the Background Assessment Concentrations (BACs) in both basins. In the lower basin only the 5- and 6-ring PAHs were above the Effects Range Low (ERL) values, but in the upper basin all but naphthalene were above the ERLs. There is therefore still an unacceptable risk of chronic effects in marine species. Concentrations decreased down the cores, falling below BACs in the deepest sections. However, ERLs were exceeded as far down the core as 30 cm for some PAHs.  相似文献   
Laboratory studies were carried out to investigate solute leaching at different times from application in relation to temperature and initial soil moisture. Aggregates of a heavy clay soil were treated with a non-interactive solute (bromide) and the herbicides chlorotoluron, isoproturon and triasulfuron. The soil was incubated at 90% field capacity and either 5 or 15 degrees C. The influence of application to initially dry and initially wet aggregates on the behaviour of isoproturon was also investigated. At intervals, samples were either leached in small columns, centrifuged to characterise the fraction of chemical available in pore water under natural moisture conditions or extracted with organic solvents to assess total residues in soil. Bromide concentrations in leachate and in pore water extracted by centrifugation were constant with time. In contrast, availability for leaching and concentration in pore water of the herbicides decreased with increasing time from application in soil incubated at 15 degrees C. The effect of residence time was much smaller at 5 than at 15 degrees C. At the higher temperature, pesticide concentrations in leachate and pore water declined faster than would be expected from degradation alone, probably due to slow diffusion of the pesticides into soil aggregates where they are less available for leaching and/or slow sorption-desorption. The faster decline in availability for leaching at 15 than at 5 degrees C was attributed to faster degradation of the readily available fraction. There was no significant influence of initial soil moisture on either the leaching behaviour of isoproturon or its availability in soil water.  相似文献   
植物保护品在农作物上的使用会导致鸟类和哺乳动物接触有毒化学物质。在欧盟,关于此类暴露的风险评估均以当前(2009)欧洲食品安全局(EFSA)颁布的指导性文件为依据,与之前的版本相比,该文件在理论风险评估的可实现性方面有所提高(SANCO/4145/2000)。自从7年前实施2009 EFSA 指导性文件以来,基于此已经对众多植物保护品的毒性进行了成功地评估。然而,在今后的修订版本中仍然存在需要改进的重要方面。这篇焦点文章讨论了目前方案的风险评估经验,包括输入参数的保守水平和监管当局的解释以及如何在不远的将来对指导性文件进行修订提出建议。明确了推进指导文件的几方面建议,例如与生态相关的鸟类和哺乳动物生殖端点的推导和情境风险评估中建模方法的使用。在完善现有数据库方面,本文也有所强调,包括校对全欧洲相关焦点物种和扩大食物残留数据库。为了能够在将来形成一个真实可用的指导性文件,强烈建议在产业、监管和欧洲食品安全局等部门之间进行开放和建设性的沟通和交流。这样的合作也将鼓励会员国之间的融合,从而减轻产业和监管机构工作负荷。
精选自Amy C. Brooks, Mike Fryer, Alan Lawrence, Juan Pascual, Rachel Sharp. Reflections on bird and mammal risk assessment for plant protection products in the European Union: past, present and future. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: Volume 36, Issue 3, pages 565–575, July 2017. DOI: 10.1002/etc.3719
Sediments from twelve sea lochs on the west coast of Scotland were analysed for parent and branched 2- to 6-ring polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), n-alkanes and geochemical biomarkers (triterpanes). Where possible at least fourteen sediment samples were collected at random from each sea loch. All sea lochs were remote, most had limited industrial and urban inputs, although all had fish farms. Four lochs had moderate total PAH concentrations and eight lochs had high total PAH concentrations. Total PAH concentration was related to organic carbon content and particle size distribution, with sandier sediments having lower PAH concentrations. The highest total PAH concentrations, normalised for organic carbon, were in Loch Linnhe and Ballachulish Bay (Loch Leven), close to an aluminium smelter. PAH concentration ratios showed that pyrolysis was the main source of PAHs in most lochs. Only sediments from Loch Clash showed evidence of petrogenic input based on their geochemical biomarker (triterpane and sterane) and n-alkane profiles. PAH profiles were similar across lochs apart from Loch Linnhe and Ballachulish Bay, which had a greater proportion of heavy parent PAHs. West coast sediments had a smaller proportion of heavy PAHs than sediments collected from voes in Shetland and a smaller proportion of alkylated PAHs relative to sediments collected from coastal waters around Orkney.  相似文献   
A few days after the grounding of the oil tanker Braer on 5 January 1993, an Exclusion Zone was designated by Order under the Food and Environment Protection Act 1985, prohibiting the harvesting of farmed or wild shellfish within the Zone to prevent contaminated products reaching the market place. The order was progressively lifted for species that were found to be free of petrogenic taint and for which the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) levels were within the range for reference samples. This Order, however, still remains in place for mussels (Mytilus edulis) as the PAH levels are higher than in reference mussels. To investigate the possible source of PAHs found in these mussels, sediments were collected from three reference and three Zone sites and their hydrocarbon compositions studied using the n-alkane composition and concentration, PAH composition and concentration and the sterane and triterpane composition. The reference site at Olna Firth was found to have the highest levels of 2-6-ring parent and branched PAHs, the highest concentration in one of the pooled sediments being 4,530 ng g(-1) dry weight. Values in the other two reference sites (Vaila Sound and Mangaster Voe) ranged from 248.7 to 902.2 ng g(-1) dry weight. PAH concentrations at the Zone sites (Sandsound Voe, Stromness Voe and Punds Voe) ranged from 641.0 to 2,766 ng g(-1) dry weight. The PAH data were normalised to the percentage of organic carbon and log-transformed prior to being analysed using principal component analysis. The mean total PAH concentrations for Zone sites were found not to be significantly different from the reference sites. The PAH concentration ratios were consistent with the main source of PAHs being pyrolysis. However, there was a petrogenic contribution, suggested by the presence of alkylated PAHs, with Punds Voe having the largest petrogenic hydrocarbon content. This was supported by the triterpane profiles and the presence of a UCM in the aliphatic chromatograms from Punds Voe sediments.  相似文献   
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