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The boll weevil (Anthonomus grandis Boheman), generally considered to be native to Mexico or Central America, spread into the southern United States of America in the late 1800s and seriously threatened the cotton industry. As there were no effective alternatives, pest control specialists studied the insect's ecology and advocated cultural practices that would disrupt its environment and maximize the benefits of natural biological and environmental controls. An ecologically orientated pest management scheme founded on cultural practices emerged well before suitable chemical control technology became available and allowed farmers to live with the weevil problem.Despite the ingenuity of the early management scheme, it frequently did not provide satisfactory boll weevil control gauged by present standards. Control of the pest thus shifted largely from an ecological to a chemical approach as effective synthetic organic insecticides became available after World War II. The chemical approach was successful for a number of years, but problems of insecticide-resistant strains of pests, secondary pest outbreaks, environmental quality, and increased costs of the insecticides have forced pest control specialists to re-emphasize the nonchemical techniques used widely against the boll weevil before World War II and to revive the ecological approach to weevil management.This article examines boll weevil ecology as related to management of the insect and reviews the status and prospects of ecologically-based weevil management techniques in the United States.  相似文献   

Kingston Harbour has been experiencing increased levels of organic pollution since initial ecological assessments in 1971. to develop a new baseline of eutrophication in the Harbour 20 years later, and determine the most appropriate indices to be used in the continued monitoring the area, the water quality of Kingston Harbour was reassessed between December 1992 and 1993, by contemporaneous sampling of traditional water column parameters and planktonic communities at 28 stations within the Harbour. Indices used for water quality assessment were temperature, salinity, light penetration, dissolved oxygen, BOD and nutrients (nitrates-N, phosphate-P and ammonia-N). Results indicated that the planktonic community provided the most reliable index of increased eutrophication and changes in water quality. While physical variables indicated little change in Harbour waters and chemical variables indicated significant but erratic changes, the planktonic community displayed the classic characteristics of eutrophication. Phytoplankton biomass (a maximum of 148 mg m?3 chlorophyll a) was 5 to 10 times greater than in 1971 while zooplankton abundances (maximum of 80,000 animals m?3) were 4 times greater. in both cases the community composition had altered and there were fewer taxa than previously found.  相似文献   
Edge Effects on the Understory Bird Community in a Logged Forest in Uganda   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract: Understanding how the fauna of logged tropical rainforests responds to fragmentation and the creation of edges is vital to ensure conservation of biodiversity. We studied the composition of the understory bird community from the edge of a 15-ha clearing toward the interior of the forest in a part of Budongo Forest Reserve, Uganda, that was selectively logged about 45 years ago. Mist netting was conducted along five transects from the edge and 500 m into the interior. The total number of individuals captured did not change with distance from the edge, but there was a significant increase in the number of species. We sampled fewer, but more common species near the edge, whereas the interior of the forest had more, and less common species. Guild composition also changed with distance from the edge. Frugivore-insectivores and nectarivores were most common close to the edge. Among insectivores, ground foragers, bark-gleaners, and leaf-gleaners were most common in the interior of the forest, whereas sallying insectivores favored the edge. Graminivores were unaffected by the edge. Analysis of common species showed that Ispidina picta , Andropadus curvirostris , A. latirostris , Camaroptera brachyura , Terpsiphone rufiventer , and Nectarinia olivacea were associated with the edge, but no species showed significant avoidance of the edge. This finding may be explained by the generally low sample sizes of interior species. Our results show that even bird communities in logged forests respond to edges. Estimates of edge effects suggested that changes in bird densities may have occurred several hundred meters from the edge. In conclusion, logged forests provide habitat for bird species avoiding forest edges, and this should be considered in the management of such forests for conservation.  相似文献   
The machair sand dune systems of the Outer Hebrides of Scotland are a unique habitat, which is rare within both a global and European context. Unusually, the machair habitat also represents an agricultural resource that is very important to the Hebridean people, having been subject to both grazing and cultivation throughout the historical period. Following designation as an Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA) in 1988, the machairs of South Uist have been studied with the aim of understanding the links between agricultural practice and their plant community and ecosystem dynamics. This research focused primarily on the effects of cultivation practices and their role in maintaining plant species richness and community and ecosystem stability. Within two carefully selected areas, the successional plant communities of machair at different stages of recovery following ploughing and cultivation of cereals and potato patches or ‘lazy beds’ were identified at both a macro- and micro-level. Investigations of the vegetation recovery processes on turves taken from newly ploughed land indicated that the initial stages of recolonization are characterized primarily by rapid vegetative reproduction and growth, although re-vegetation by seeds is also an important factor. The implications of these findings for the long-term management of machair plant communities are discussed and in particular the need to maintain old cultivation practices such as shallow ploughing. The need for more detailed research into both seed banks and seed rain and into processes of vegetative reproduction is stressed. Nomenclature: Clapham et al. (1981) and Stace (1991, 1997) for vascular plants; Hubbard (1984) for grasses; Pankhurst & Mullin (1991) for the regional flora; Dobson (1992) for lichens; Watson (1981) for mosses and liverworts.  相似文献   
In sequentially polyandrous bird species, where females mate with different males in succession during a single breeding season, sperm stored by females can occasionally lead to extrapair fertilisations (EPFs) in clutches cared for by the second and subsequent males. Thus, we predicted that in red phalaropes (Phalaropus fulicarius) – a sex-role-reversed, sequentially polyandrous, arctic breeding shorebird – EPFs would occur more frequently in clutches laid later in the breeding season. We used multilocus DNA profiling to examine the frequency and timing of EPFs in a population of red phalaropes breeding in the Canadian high arctic. Using a technique to determine parentage without maternal DNA, we inferred that 6 of 70 chicks in 18 broods resulted from EPFs – one extrapair chick in each of 6 broods. These results were supported by a further analysis using microsatellite DNA. As predicted, broods containing EPFs hatched from clutches laid significantly later in the season than did broods containing no EPFs. The difference in median hatch dates between broods with and without EPFs was 9.0 days, or 38% of the entire egg-laying period in that season. For the whole breeding season, we estimated that 6.5% of chicks were sired by extrapair males, which is similar to extrapair paternity estimates for other sex-role-reversed birds, but relatively low compared to the majority of socially monogamous species studied so far. Received: 24 August 1998 / Received in revised form: 18 January 1999 / Accepted: 24 January 1999  相似文献   
According to life-history theory, there will often be a conflict between investment in current versus future reproduction. If a predator appears during breeding, parents must make a compromise between ensuring the growth and survival of offspring (nest defence, feeding and brooding of young), and reducing the risk of predation to ensure their own survival. We model three hypotheses for the outcome of this conflict which are particularly relevant for altricial birds. They are not mutually exclusive, but focus on different costs and benefits. (1) Parental investment is determined by the parents’ own risk of predation. This hypothesis predicts that a lone parent should take smaller risks than a parent that has a mate. (2) Parental investment is related to the reproductive value of the offspring: Parents are predicted to take greater risks for larger broods, larger-sized or older offspring. (3) Finally, we present the new hypothesis that parental investment is related to the harm that offspring would suffer during a period of no parental care (incubation, brooding, feeding). This hypothesis predicts that parents should take greater risks for younger offspring, or for offspring in poorer condition, because the marginal benefit of parental care is largest in such cases. Hence, one may also expect that lone parents should take greater risks than two parents because their offspring are more in need of care. We tested these hypotheses on the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) by presenting a stuffed predator of the parents (a sparrowhawk, Accipiter nisus) close to the nest when parents were feeding the young. Risk taking was measured as the time that elapsed until the first visit to the nest. Most support was found for the ‘‘harm to offspring’’ hypothesis. Previous studies have usually measured the intensity of nest defence against typical nest predators, and have found evidence for the ‘‘reproductive value of offspring’’ hypothesis. However, our model predicts that the importance of the reproductive value of the offspring should decrease relative to the harm that offspring would suffer if they were not cared for when the predator type changes from a nest predator to a predator of adults, and when conditions for breeding turn from good to bad. Received: 13 April 1995/Accepted after revision: 11 March 1996  相似文献   
Watershed simulation models can be used to assess agricultural nonpoint-source pollution and for environmental planning and improvement projects. However, before application of any process-based watershed model, the model performance and reliability must be tested with measured data. The Soil and Water Assessment Tool version 2005 (SWAT2005) was used to model sediment and nitrogen loads from the Thomas Brook Watershed, which drains a 7.84 km rural landscape in the Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia, Canada. The Thomas Brook SWAT model was comprised of 28 subbasins and 265 hydrologic response units, most of them containing agricultural land use, which is the main nonpoint nitrogen source in the watershed. Crop rotation schedules were incorporated into the model using field data collected within Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's Watershed Evaluation of Beneficial Management Practices program. Model calibration (2004-2006) and validation (2007-2008) were performed on a monthly basis using continuous stream flow, sediment, and nitrogen export measurements. Model performance was evaluated using the coefficient of determination, Nash-Sutcliff efficiency (NSE), and percent bias (PBIAS) statistics. Study results show that the model performance was satisfactory (NSE > 0.4; > 0.5) for stream flow, sediment, nitrate-nitrogen, and total nitrogen simulations. Annual corn, barley, and wheat yields were also simulated well, with PBIAS values ranging from 0.3 to 7.2%. This evaluation of SWAT demonstrated that the model has the potential to be used as a decision support tool for agricultural watershed management in Nova Scotia.  相似文献   
Field trials were established to compare alum-treated poultry litter (ATPL), normal poultry litter (NPL), and triple superphosphate (TSP) as fertilizer sources for corn (Zea mays L.) when applied at rates based on current litter management strategies in Virginia. Trials were established in the Costal Plain and Piedmont physiographic regions near Painter and Orange, VA, respectively. Nitrogen-based applications of ATPL or NPL applied at rates estimated to supply 173 kg of plant-available nitrogen (PAN) ha(-1) resulted in significantly lower grain yields than treatments receiving commercial fertilizer at the same rate in 2000 and 2001 at Painter. These decreases in grain yield at the N-based application rates were attributed to inadequate N availability, resulting from overestimates of PAN as demonstrated by tissue N concentrations. However, at Orange no treatment effects on grain yield were observed. Applications of ATPL did not affect Al concentrations in corn ear-leaves at either location. Exchangeable soil Al concentrations were most elevated in treatments receiving only NH4NO3 as an N source. At N-based application rates, the ATPL resulted in lower Mehlich 1-extractable P (M1-P) and water-extractable soil phosphorus (H2O-P) concentrations compared to the application of NPL. A portion of this reduction could be attributed to lower rates of P applied in the N-based ATPL treatments. Runoff collected from treatments which received ATPL 2 d before conducting rainfall simulations contained 61 to 71% less dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) than treatments receiving NPL. These results show that ATPL may be used as a nutrient source for corn production without significant management alterations. Alum-treated poultry litter can also reduce the environmental impact of litter applications, primarily through minimizing the P status of soils receiving long-term applications of litter and reductions in runoff DRP losses shortly after application.  相似文献   
From 1992–1996, 3204 artificial roosts of 9 types were placed in woodlots near Indianapolis International Airport in an effort to provide habitat for the federally-endangered Indiana myotis (Myotis sodalis) and to determine the feasibility of using these structures to manage bats in a rapidly developing suburban area. We surveyed these structures at least annually during 1992–1999 and found only northern myotis (Myotis septentrionalis) regularly using the structures. Four other species were occasionally found using structures including big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus, n = 14 individuals), little brown myotis (Myotis lucifugus, n = 2), Indiana myotis (Myotis sodalis, n = 2), and one silver-haired bat (Lasionycteris noctivagans). Single, triple, and Missouri-style batboxes were almost always used, rather than the six other types of experimental roosts that had been in place. However, after 10 years in place, it appears that Indiana bats are acclimated to boxes, as 6 of them were being used rather regularly by Indiana myotis. Bat boxes can provide roosting habitat for some species under conditions where few suitable roosts exist, but assuring an abundance of natural habitats is usually more desirable for conservation of tree-roosting bats.  相似文献   
Various approaches are used to subdivide large areas into regions containing streams that have similar reference or background water quality and that respond similarly to different factors. For many applications, such as establishing reference conditions, it is preferable to use physical characteristics that are not affected by human activities to delineate these regions. However, most approaches, such as ecoregion classifications, rely on land use to delineate regions or have difficulties compensating for the effects of land use. Land use not only directly affects water quality, but it is often correlated with the factors used to define the regions. In this article, we describe modifications to SPARTA (spatial regression-tree analysis), a relatively new approach applied to water-quality and environmental characteristic data to delineate zones with similar factors affecting water quality. In this modified approach, land-use-adjusted (residualized) water quality and environmental characteristics are computed for each site. Regression-tree analysis is applied to the residualized data to determine the most statistically important environmental characteristics describing the distribution of a specific water-quality constituent. Geographic information for small basins throughout the study area is then used to subdivide the area into relatively homogeneous environmental water-quality zones. For each zone, commonly used approaches are subsequently used to define its reference water quality and how its water quality responds to changes in land use. SPARTA is used to delineate zones of similar reference concentrations of total phosphorus and suspended sediment throughout the upper Midwestern part of the United States.  相似文献   
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