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There has been an increasing awareness of potential impacts of herbicide drift on to vegetation in nature reserves and field margin habitats adjacent to treated areas. Previous work using single species bioassays has suggested that the effects of a single drift event are confined close to the sprayer (< 10 m). In the present study eight native dicotyledonous species, with and without a perennial grass (Lolium perenne), were grown in standardized microcosms in order to study (1) the effects of herbicide drift where plants were exposed to competition, and (2) the effects of a second spray application. The microcosms were arranged downwind (0-8 m) of a standard agricultural sprayer applying mecoprop at recommended rates. The effects of the herbicide drift on foliar symptoms of plant damage and end-of-season yield were assessed in each of two years. The main conclusions were that (1) growth of Stachys sylvatica and Lolium perenne (where sown) was enhanced near the sprayer and, (2) six other species (Digitalis purpurea, Galium mollugo, Hypericum hirsutum, Lychnis flos-cuculi, Primula veris and Ranunculus acris) showed some evidence of reduction in either performance (assessed non-destructively after a single exposure) or yield after two exposures. Three species (Lychnis flos-cuculi, Primula veris and Ranunculus acris) showed a reduction in flowering performance. Thus, mecoprop drift affected the aesthetic appearance, possibly the fecundity of some species and the balance between species in these microcosm experiments. The implications of these results for the persistence of attractive plant communities in sensitive areas are discussed.  相似文献   
能源项目反向招标作为替代统一上网电价的市场自由化政策在全球范围内有效提高了各类能源的降本效率,但近年来项目投标运营主体却陷入了盈利瓶颈。针对这一现象,该研究修正关联价值模型,构建动态竞标决策框架,评估项目成本和产出不确定时能源投资企业附加动态预期的最优投标电价决策,并利用2006—2020年欧美和亚太地区3000余个大型电站电价招标及项目后期运营的样本数据进行检验。结果显示:①几乎全球能源投资企业都会陷入“过分乐观”预期导致的“赢者诅咒”怪圈,最终所持项目的实际运营收益远低于预期。投标主体往往更容易低估项目建设和运营的成本压力和风险,并高估项目的电力产出和收入稳定性,尤其在联合投标机制被取消和禁止以后,招标结果甚至变得更加激进。由于经历过超预期技术进步的持续修正,过度乐观的预期超越了行业内生性的技术进步,成为持续施压电价下降的重要动力。②当前的能源产业特别是风、光新能源未能有效发挥行业潜力,随着新能源行业技术革新,它较之火电项目表现出更加激进的竞标策略。在内卷化竞标压力下,内生性的成本优化阻碍了新能源项目的潜力发挥,当期成本是导致其陷入“赢者诅咒”的最重要原因。③在考虑学习曲线效应等诸多因素以后,除了企业的融资成本优势以外,样本数据并未发现包括经验、市场环境等内外部因素能使企业跳出这一怪圈。甚至在过去的5年左右时间里,“赢者诅咒”导致的项目投资利润下降超过市场技术进步因素,一度成为风电和太阳能项目电力价格下降的最主要因素。因此,健康可持续的能源产业政策需要立足于上游持续的技术革新,完善绿色金融为基础的资本市场体系,确保提供优质项目服务能源消费者,并为能源项目投资者提供来自资本市场的认可和支持。  相似文献   
绿色产业政策是指中央或地方政府制定的、以绿色政策工具为手段,以促进产业绿色转型升级为目标的各种策略组合。绿色产业政策鼓励企业绿色创新,强调以创新驱动的方式实现制造业高质量发展。然而,目前国内关于绿色产业政策实施效果的评价研究存在严重缺口。文章将2017年国务院批准设立的绿色金融改革创新试验区视为一次外生冲击,基于2011—2019年沪深A股上市公司面板数据,采用双重差分法实证检验了该政策对制造业绿色技术创新的影响及内在机制。研究发现,与非试验区企业相比,绿色金融改革创新试验区的设立通过缓解融资约束,整体上促进了制造业绿色技术创新。同时,绿色金融产生的信贷资源配置效应,有助于引导金融资源从重污染行业流向绿色清洁行业,这不仅缓解了试验区非污染企业的融资约束,也加重了污染企业的融资成本,从而倒逼污染企业绿色转型。在引入企业生命周期动态视角后,结果显示,试验区设立更易诱发制造业行业中成熟期企业绿色技术创新,对成长期和衰退期企业的影响并不显著。进一步地,从地区市场环境和企业所有制等角度对绿色金融的异质性作用进行了探究,发现绿色金融的创新激励效果在要素市场发育程度更高的分位区间以及国有企业中更为显著。基于上述政策效果的评价结果,目前中国政府制定的以绿色金融为主要手段的区域型绿色产业政策能够在内化环境外部性成本的条件下,实现制造业绿色转型升级。但是,在未来还需精准化推广绿色金融改革创新试验区,不断丰富和完善试验区内绿色金融产品和工具。该研究为绿色金融在环境污染治理标准和治理体系中争取“一席之地”提供了丰富的理论和经验证据,同时也为碳达峰、碳中和目标的实现提供了基于绿色产业政策视角的可行思路。  相似文献   
Consistent estimators of change and state becomes an issue when sample data come from a mix of permanent and temporary observation units. A joint maximum likelihood estimator of state and change creates estimates of state that depend on antecedent viz. posterior survey results and may differ from estimates of state derived from a single-date analysis of the sample data. A constrained estimator of change in relative categorical frequencies that eliminates this potential inconsistency is proposed and a model based estimator of their sampling variance is developed. The performance of the constrained estimator is quantified against six criteria and a joint maximum likelihood estimator in simulated sampling from 15 populations with three combinations of permanent and temporary samples, four to six categorical class attributes, and constant size between sampling dates. Bias of the constrained estimators was negligible but larger than for joint maximum likelihood estimators. Mean absolute deviations and variances of constrained estimators were generally at par with the joint estimators. Constrained estimators of root mean square errors and achieved coverage of nominal confidence intervals of constrained estimators were occasionally better. A generalized variance function for the constrained estimates of change is provided as a computational shortcut.  相似文献   
Particulate matter suspended in the air has adverse effects onhuman health. Its level of concentration is an important parameter in evaluating the degree of hazard it poses to the atmosphere. Conventional methods used in measuring particulatematter are often filter-based, which indicates some disadvantagesbecause such a base requires labor and time. In this study, to achieve real-time measurements, a new electrical method was developed for measuring PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations. The basicprinciple is to electrically charge particles passing through thePM inlet using a corona charger and measure the currents createdby charged particles to obtain the number concentration of particulate matter. A new type inlet based on the particle cupimpactor configuration was designed and its performance was evaluated. A unipolar diffusion charger was developed and thecharger's efficiency was determined experimentally in terms ofPn, which represents the penetration through the charger,P, times the average charge number acquired by a particle,n, for different particle sizes. The correlation was constructed between the PM10 (or the PM2.5) mass concentrationsand the electrical currents due to particles, which were chargedby the diffusion charger.  相似文献   
The environmental impact of using petroleum-contaminated sand (PCS) as a substitute in asphalt paving mixtures was examined. An appreciable component of PCS is oily sludge, which is found as the dregs in oil storage tanks and is also produced as a result of oil spills on clean sand. The current method for the disposal of oily sludge is land farming. However, this method has not been successful as an oil content of < 1% w/w is required, and difficulty was encountered in reaching this target. The reuse of the sludge in asphalt paving mixtures was therefore considered as an alternative. Standard tests and environmental studies were conducted to establish the integrity of the materials containing the recycled sludge. These included physical and chemical characterization of the sludge itself, and an assessment of the mechanical properties of materials containing 0%, 5%, 22% and 50% oily sludge. The blended mixtures were subjected to special tests, such as Marshall testing and the determination of stability and flow properties. The experimental results indicated that mixtures containing up to 22% oily sludge could meet the necessary criteria for a specific asphalt concrete wearing course or bituminous base course. To maximize the assay from the recycled material, the environmental assessment was restricted to the 50% oily sludge mixture. Leachates associated with this particular mixture were assayed for total organic residue and certain hazardous metal contaminants. The results revealed that the organics were negligible, and the concentrations of the metals were not significant. Thus, no adverse environmental impact should be anticipated from the use of the recycled product. Our research showed that the disposal of oily sludge in asphalt paving mixtures could possibly yield considerable savings per tonne of asphalt concrete, and concurrently minimize any direct impact on the environment.  相似文献   
由江苏省环保局、省监测站具体领导、并由省和各市监测站质量管理人员组成的“江苏省环境监测质量管理组”,于今年9月1日至13日分南北两片对全省十一个省辖市监测站实验室的监测分析质量进行了全面检查。  相似文献   
会议对全省网络建设基本情况、网站设置内容落实情况、监测质量保证及网站建设中存在的问题等作了全面总结,讨论和修订了《湖北省大气环境例行监测技术规定》.省中心站还表扬了多年来不间断监测、上报数据齐全、报表清晰和规矩的网站,同时对今后网站工作提出了要求.  相似文献   
Air pollution has emerged as an imminent issue in modernsociety. Prediction of pollutant levels is an importantresearch topic in atmospheric environment today. For fulfillingsuch prediction, the use of neural network (NN), and inparticular the multi-layer perceptrons, has presented to be acost-effective technique superior to traditional statisticalmethods. But their training, usually with back-propagation (BP)algorithm or other gradient algorithms, is often with certaindrawbacks, such as: 1) very slow convergence, and 2) easilygetting stuck in a local minimum. In this paper, a newlydeveloped method, particle swarm optimization (PSO) model, isadopted to train perceptrons, to predict pollutant levels, andas a result, a PSO-based neural network approach is presented. The approach is demonstrated to be feasible and effective bypredicting some real air-quality problems.  相似文献   
甲基橙分光光度法测定氯气[1 ] 的机理是利用氯气氧化溴化钾 ,生成的溴能破坏甲基橙分子结构 ,使在酸性溶液中的甲基橙红色褪去 ,氯气含量越高 ,减色越明显。在用分光光度法测定时 ,吸光值是递减的 ,不同于一般的显色反应。因此 ,在绘制校准曲线时 ,标准系列的吸光值 ,不是通常的A-A0 ,而应采用A0 -A ,由此进行回归方程计算。同理 ,在样品测定时 ,也应以吸收液的吸光值A吸-A所得到的样品吸光值查出相应的含量。绘制氯气校准曲线的方法@丁建刚$泰兴市环境监测站!江苏泰兴225400 @殷红兰$泰兴市环境监测站!江苏泰兴225400 @屈红梅…  相似文献   
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